Chapter 216 Chapter 215, collecting all the pirate beauties

Ren and Lei Shi did not move their muscles in this weak world. The universe in this world was a little weaker. The standard universe should be able to accommodate seventh-level powerhouses, with the exception of some small universes and small worlds.

Like Thor's One Hundred Thousand Jokes world, like Thunder Lion's concave and convex world, these two universes are standard seventh-level universes, in which seventh-level strong men are born. Thor's world has several early-level seventh-level ones, and the world of Thunder Lion Only one Creator God has reached the seventh level.

If Lei Shi hadn't cheated in other worlds, he would have been at level six in the future and would not have exceeded the upper limit allowed by the Creator God of that world.The main reason is that the source of power of all contestants in the Concave and Concave Contest is the Creator God, and all power systems belong to others. What can be used to surpass that source?

All the gods and outer gods in Klein's world come from the same origin, and the ceiling of their combat power is the origin. There is no one.

Lei Shi went to various worlds, abandoned the previous system, found his own path, and created a new system. He successfully broke through to the seventh level and could form his own system and spread the level of his system to countless civilizations in the universe.

"I want to say goodbye to Bai Yuekui."

Renn went to Bai Yuokui's laboratory and saw Wuhan who was being experimented. Wuhan was really miserable. He knew that Bai Yuokui also wanted to become a flawless mythical creature and wanted to give her ideas on his own.

Become a flawless mythical creature with no gender, that is, it can have any gender and can transform into any form.

But Renn persuaded Bai Yuekui not to study too deeply.

The path to godhood through divinity.

He gave up long ago.

Becoming a mythical creature is nothing more than the path of not being a human being. There are limits to being a human being, so I stopped being a human being.

A mythical creature.

Adam, Amon, and the rest, Ren thought he could hold these two with one hand and beat them easily. His research was just to study the differences between the nature of mythical creatures and humans. He had never thought about it. Become a mythical creature.

"The essence of living things is evolution. Mythical creatures are life forms of a higher level than me. If the group leader is willing to study the body for me, I don't want to study this Wu Ke."

Bai Yuekui looked at Ren's body.

"It's not impossible for you to study it. We can study each other."

Bai Yuekui smiled evilly and realized that someone was teasing him. Just as he was about to tease him back, the door of the laboratory was kicked by Lei Shi.

"Are you okay? You're not picking up girls again, are you?"

Lei Shi said impatiently.

The door to my research room... The smile on Bai Yuokui's face shifted, reminding himself in his mind.

"The opponent is at level seven, don't be angry, don't be angry! You can't beat him!"

Ren and the depressed Bai Yuekui made an appointment to study each other's bodies and find a place to fight with Lei Shi.


Seeing that the two people surnamed Lei were gone, Bai Yuekui completely killed Wu Pei, thinking that next time he would study Ren, the little Wu Pei was so weak that even she could kill him easily.

Bai Yuekui decided to relax and recruit a few apprentices to supplement his human resources.Do something in this world to replenish resources for your original ruined world.

Ren once thought about doing this, but as his strength improved too quickly, he lost interest. The world became one, and he would occasionally go back to look for Hancock, Im, Bonnie, Ain...

The last time I went back, Ain tasted really good.

He is obviously such a arrogant guy, but the contrast is quite cute.

Peach Rabbit also accepted it.

Many years have passed since the world became one, and some things in the past were not small-minded and unimportant to Ren.

Yamato, Robin, Nami, Shirahoshi...

Ren is ready to take whatever he can.

The last time I went back, many years had passed since the world was reunited. Although the reason for the extraordinary prosperity and outstanding existence showed no signs of aging, what happened in the past was also history buried in the years.

After thinking about it, there is nothing pretentious or pretentious about it. I collect all the former pirate beauties and I accept them all.

In a world where the four seas are unified.

Renn has long been a myth among myths, and is called the only god, above all else.

After a fight with Lei Shi.

Ren returned to the world of Four Seas and One, planning to take a vacation, so he first came to his temple.

The maids Xiaozi, Im, Taotu, Tina, Ain and other beautiful navy officers were all there. Im expressed a warm welcome without any reluctance at the beginning.

This may be a long-term relationship.

"This place is really nice."

Ren enjoyed it. As the only god in the world, the people below held a selection earlier and said they would select the [-] most beautiful beauties in the world and give them to him.

Can he accept this?

I can't accept it. Those nameless beauties have no interest.

Later, I thought about it clearly and thought about it. In ancient times, the emperors had three palaces and six courtyards. Isn't a god like myself much more powerful than an emperor?Still limited by thoughts and past thoughts.

It’s not like he wasted his family or his country, wasting money and people, and the people below lived a very good life.

What kind of garbage really exists.

The whole world has established a network of thoughts, and no one can escape.He just enjoys it, isn't that okay?

All the famous beauties in the pirate world sent her a post.

I didn’t stay long last time.

Some beauties did not come.

But enjoy it too.

"Uncle Liu Huang is a role model for our generation. Boss Cao sees everything clearly."

At this moment, Renn felt that ordinary people achieve high positions not only for enjoyment, but who doesn't want to live a more relaxed life.

"How long do you plan to stay when you come back this time?"

Im asked.

She is the only being in this world who can hold on for a while. After all, Ren takes back the clone he created in Klein's world and plans to use his true body to act in the future.

His body is at the peak of the seventh level.

If you want to enjoy it, you also need to see if the other person can bear it. It requires delicate operation. If it is just a little bit heavy, the person will be dead.

It's more tiring than fighting a thunder lion.

Although the world of Four Seas Returning to One is developing rapidly, Tina, Ain and the others are only at the fifth level. This is the strength that Ren forcibly improved for them.

The strength is less than level five, which is too dangerous.

"I plan on staying a little longer."

Ye Fan hasn't gotten up yet. He can go to Zhetian to do things, but it's a bit too tiring. Ren wants to stop for a while. Spongebob's world is weird enough. Although it can't hurt him, it's easy to get lost in it.

This is a terrible thing.

"That's really nice."

Im waved his hand.

A picture appeared in front of Ren's eyes. There were many people on the picture. They were all the people who originally sent out the invitation in a fit of enthusiasm. Most of them were not present.

It's just that Ain's arrival surprised Ren at the time. Although Ain scolded him, it would be strange for Ain's character not to scold him.

"During your absence, they all agreed, and more than [-]% of the people in the sea agreed to send another [-] specially selected beauties to decorate the temple for the gods. They did not seek to be favored by the gods, but only to serve them. Be with the gods.”

Ren: "..."

"I think we must agree to their request, otherwise many people will not be able to sleep. It is not that there is no universal education, but that they are afraid of being powerful. They always think of you and take you as their leader. Every move you make will make them think that you are Is there something I did wrong?"

Im said: "To the extreme, because of this suicide, it is possible to even take the whole family to commit suicide."

Ren: "???"

He has been away from this world for many years and usually does not show up. I remember that there was a period of time when historians not only criticized him every day, but were even treated as a devil, and they gave in-depth explanations of that period of history.

what happened? !

What happened to the sea?

What happened to the world where the four seas are unified?

Could it be that civilization is developing in another extreme direction?

Im saw Ren's frown and explained: "They don't think we are humans, they don't think we are their kind. They are afraid of us."

Ren: "..."

Now I finally understand.

Although the people at the bottom of the world can live a very good life, do not need to do a hard and tiring life, can have a good salary, and can live a comfortable life, the class division... cannot be removed unless some special methods are used s method.

That is another extreme civilization's development direction.

Not necessarily good.


Wren was terrified of them.

"Let them send the 1 girls."

"Become a divine servant."

"But God doesn't need many people to serve him."

Ren's decision in one sentence would save him a lot of trouble in the future. He didn't want the world he managed to be too chaotic, nor did he want to manage everyone to the extreme.

1 girls were sent over.

They can be used as cleaning 'employees'.

Im doesn't need to use 'divine power' to purify the temple every time, those girls also have suitable arrangements.

Renn has no interest in 1 beautiful girls.

If he really wanted to find him, with his current strength, the so-called ancestors would be vulnerable. If he wanted to find them, it would be fine if they couldn't fit in several universes, but there was no point in that.

If he hadn't listened to Im's words, he would have become an alien long ago.

Renn was not interested.

There are too many numbers to be meaningful.

He has a collecting habit and doesn't collect everything.

Chi Huang accepted it and is currently working in the underworld.

Ya Xiao accepted it, and now his soul is gone.


Uta gave her the opportunity to correct herself like the Red Emperor. It would be better to say that Uta is now helping the Red Emperor who can correct himself correct himself.

Im announcing to the world.

Wren returns.

and convey the will of God.

Let some people stop causing trouble.

Shortly after.

Guina and Dasqi arrived. Guina was a little scared, but Dasqi was ready.

Double the joy.

"Has Sauron ever challenged you since he knew you were alive?" After enjoying it, Ren asked curiously.


Kuina sighed: "Zoron has really become a lot stronger. I am no longer his opponent at the same level. It is said that he has gone to a place far away in the starry sky. He must be very powerful."

Through the layers of space, Ren saw Hawkeye and Sauron, who were being hunted by powerful people in the starry sky. Both of them were already at the peak of the fifth level, and Hawkeye was on the verge of breaking through to the sixth level.

The people chasing the two men were one of the forbidden races in the universe, and there were sixth-order overlords among them.

"I think his life must be very exciting and exciting."

"I think so too." Guina nodded.

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