She was taken away by Ren En when she was very young. She learned a lot of swordsmanship and trained alone on the empty island for many years. Her life remained unchanged. The moment she received Ren En's message, she felt panic and nervousness in her heart. .

Over the years, apart from Sauron coming to challenge him and defeating him, he has no choice but to go to the stars to challenge a more powerful opponent. He still goes to the stars with Hawkeye, who was once the greatest swordsman in the world.

Now Hawkeye has once again won the title of the world's third swordsman from the Golden Lion and the Red Earl.

Compared to the Golden Lion and the Red Earl, Hawkeye only focuses on the sword.

The reason why he is the third swordsman.

Because the number one swordsman is Renn.

The second swordsman is Im.

No matter which one it is, there is no opponent that Hawkeye can defeat with swordsmanship.

Ren enjoyed double happiness. Not long after, Bai Xing came over. He was at a loss as he hugged Huaidibei. He looked up at Bai Xing, whose eyes were full of innocence. It was too big to be so big...

Soon, Robin and Nami arrived in swimsuits.

"Since you posted that post, I still can't find a boyfriend!" Nami said angrily.

She is almost a hundred years old!

Robin is over a hundred years old! ! !

Now don’t say it’s a man, it’s fine if you’re a man!

"I thought you would hate me forever." Ren said teasingly.

"Why do I hate you all my life?" Nami rolled her eyes, "We have all seen the changes over the years. Pirates should not have existed in the first place. After so many years, there is no hatred left."

"You say makes it seem like you were wrong. It was clearly my fault at the beginning and I shouldn't have become a pirate. Now becoming one of your harems doesn't count as retribution."

She quite enjoyed it.

Robin smiled and said, "Just think that being a pirate was just a dream at that time."

Renn was filled with satisfaction.

The collecting habit is satisfied.

baby5, Monet, Violet, Charlotte Garrett, Perona, Lucky, Cornish, Nokkigao, Keya, Vinsmoke Reiju, Princess Vivi...

"Perona, what are you doing here?"

"Didn't you ask me to come?" Perona said angrily.

Ren considered that among the seniors who traveled through time and came to the world of pirates, no one could collect all the named beauties who appeared, so he decided to try to collect as much as possible.

Perona... is really good!

"Weiwei, shouldn't you like the Straw Hats very much?"

"It's been 100 years. I've been single for 100 years. I don't have much interest in becoming stronger in practice. I already have everything I should have. I've seen a lot of changes that I should see in 100 years."

Back then, Weiwei was unhappy with the post at first and rejected it directly.

At that time, I was filled with regret, panic, feeling sorry for my father, and worry about the future fate of Alabasta.

But I didn’t expect it would take so many years.

He has never troubled me once, and as time goes by, everything can be let go.

Until 100 years later.

They meet for the first time.

Chapter 217 Chapter 216, Pirates change!Demon annihilation is over!

"I remember that the Straw Hats saved your country. They were kind to you. I killed Straw Hat Luffy. You didn't come here to assassinate me?"

Ren reached out his hand and put his arm around Weiwei's slender waist.

"not at all."

Weiwei said: "After all these years, there is no need for me to avenge Straw Hat. His death symbolizes the end of the pirate era. If I take revenge, I will be infamy for thousands of years."

"No one else in the Straw Hats ever helped the captain in his revenge."

"Over the years, I have also wanted to understand one thing. Why was Crocodile so close to occupying Alabasta? Why were all the people I waited to save were pirates?"

Weiwei talked about what happened to her back then, and she not only relied on the power of the Straw Hats.

But only the Straw Hats succeeded.

This is a very ridiculous thing, and it is impossible for that kind of thing to happen now.

The original world was essentially the wrong world.

Weiwei, it's not as simple as imagined... At that time, Ren didn't think much about One Piece, but gradually he got deeper and felt that Weiwei was a bit of a scheming bitch.

In the end, he changed his mind. Weiwei wanted to use the Straw Hats to save the country, and she also felt grateful that the country was saved.

"Do you think my idea of ​​taking advantage of them is bad?" Weiwei asked with a smile.

"It's okay, it's a pretty normal thought."

"To this day... I still think back to that time from time to time, but time is really ruthless, and 100 years have passed so quickly."

More than 100 years later, Weiwei still feels grateful, even though saving Alabasta... was most likely the result of arrangements by various forces.

But she could see Straw Hat Luffy's original sincerity.

"Tell me about the changes in the sea."

"Im didn't tell you?"

"I want to understand it from all aspects and angles, and listen to more people's opinions."

Wren was interested in the changes in the sea.

Weiwei told him how great the changes have been over the years. There are no pirates at all, and even if there were, it would be impossible to survive on this planet. Now even space pirates are being hunted everywhere by them.

Worlds form a cosmic alliance.

With Ren as his god.

Together they maintain the order and balance of the universe.

The standard of living in all aspects is far from what it once was. No one will die of hunger. All inappropriate systems such as slavery have long been abolished.

There is only one God left.

The whole sea only recognizes one god who is above all of them, like Im... these are just existences attached to that god.

Wren is that god.

"What a difference."

"They say you are an omnipotent god."

"It's relatively powerful, but I can't do anything." Renn was modest.

Problems that can usually be solved by force are not too big a problem for him.

Weiwei raised her head and looked at Ren, "I want to ask, is there a place in this world that can accommodate dead people?"

"Of course there is, that's my territory, but Straw Hat Luffy's will has long since disappeared. He has been Joeyboy's replacement from the beginning, with divinity replacing his humanity. He is not human."

Renn clicked Weiwei's forehead, letting her see scenes one after another.

There is no point in hiding such a thing.

"like you?"

Weiwei became curious.

"Do you think I look like a god? Are there any gods like me?"

Renn doesn't want to be a god.

"Not quite like it."

If all gods were like this... Weiwei couldn't help laughing.

The two exchanged happily.

During the communication process, Renn pushed Weiwei logically and successfully collected another important beauty in the pirate world.

After things are over.

Ren arranged Weiwei's residence near Robin and Nami.

The relationship between these three women is quite special.

Vivi and Nami have a good relationship, but Robin had a misunderstanding back then. The three of them must not have seen each other for so many years, so they will have a lot to talk about.

"Robin, this is Nami's first time, and Vivi's first time too."

Before Ren's time travel, Robin and Nami... were considered by many people to have been together many times, especially Robin, who had wandered around, worked with so many bosses, and witnessed so many sinister things, and had long since passed away. Clean.

But practice brings true knowledge.

During the time he lived in the temple, Ren saw with his own eyes one after another beauties with different names from the pirate world coming here, which greatly satisfied his collecting habit.

Although it was an accidental time travel to the pirate world, and it happened to replace Locks' parallel world, many of the time travellers must be interested in the beauties of the pirate world.

Before Ren traveled through time, Robin and Nami were basically not accepted by anyone, maybe because they were not very popular.

But I really accepted it, and it feels pretty good. After all, I just watched Robin and Nami fall into the trap. Otherwise, the weird painting style of One Piece World would be a bit difficult to accept.

Weiwei is better than expected.

Before Perona, Ren thought Loli was not good. She was so petite, so what would happen when she became an adult?

It's like the chat group of little birds Yu Rikka is doing things in various worlds, and has stayed in some worlds with different speeds of time for a long time. No matter in terms of physical age, psychology, and experience, he is an adult and has far more richness than normal people.

But even as an adult, he had no interest in Loli at all. He thought it would continue like this, until Perona changed Ren's view of Loli this time.

Loli may not be worse than Yu Jie.

He was too superficial back then.

Im gave Perona, Robin, Nami... each of them arranged a place to live, Hancock, Huidibe... They lived in the temple early in the morning, and then they were centralized and managed by Im.

"Keya, why did you agree to come?"

Ren was shocked to see Usopp's former childhood sweetheart, a girl who appeared in the early plot of One Piece and left a deep impression on many people.

It's hard for Keya, a fair and beautiful person, not to leave a deep impression on others.

She is fair-skinned and beautiful, has a superior family background, is seriously ill, and has a soft and frail temperament that is pitiable.

Renn remembered that Keya was very ill and had not recovered for many years. She was in a state where she could die at any time. This was similar to Usopp's mother who was not yet dead.

Usopp's mother is also in poor health.

"Lord God, the moment you posted your post, Im personally came to cure my illness. Without being seriously ill, I went to many places on the sea and saw many scenery that I had never seen before."

Keya explained: "I have been really happy in the past 100 years. I heard that you, Lord God, are back. I don't have any big regrets, so I came over."

The timeline of the world of Four Seas Unified is in the hands of Ren.

Time goes too fast.

At that time, Ren returned to his original world, accompanied his parents, and unified the timeline of the world with the timeline of his original world.

This results in the timeline of both worlds being more than 100 years in the past.

There are too many things that are different.

"I can see you are in good health."

Not that sickly.

"Lord God, my strength is relatively weak. In the past 100 years, I have not focused on improving my strength. I have mainly focused on traveling."

With more than 100 years of experience, Keya is not the kind of woman who doesn't understand anything. Although she has not experienced it personally, she has heard others talk about it.


I have the best say in this. I also like to travel.

But what changes have taken place in the world of Four Seas as One in recent years?It feels like a big change, even a character like Keya who doesn’t play a large part in the plot of the original One Piece has such a wonderful experience.

What Ren is more curious about is...where is Usopp?

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