"That powerful aura just now... was it really released by that guy who looked like a human?" Youmu couldn't help but wonder in her heart, was there something wrong with her perception?

"But Yuyuko-sama, please don't eat randomly!"

"How is your business at Baiyulou lately?" Ren asked.

Youmu: "..."

Don’t you know whether business is good or not?

If it weren't for Yakumo Murasaki-sama, I would be growing vegetables, hunting... and eating public food!

Besides, Master Youyouzi is really difficult to raise.

"I'll provide you with a nice place. Do you, Bai Yulou, want to come with me?" Renn said his purpose.

Chapter 220 Chapter 219, Gu Yue Fang Yuan’s changes

"You don't exist in this world!"

Youmu said in shock.

The moment Ren just revealed his purpose, Youmu guessed who the other party was and blurted out: "You are the heartless and immoral person Yakumo Murasaki-sama said... (omitting a thousand words here) All the gods A strange group leader that is rare in all worlds?!"

Is this what Yakumo Purple said about me?I really thank her... After listening to Youmeng's list of prefixes, Ren took a deep breath and said, "Will you Baiyulou follow me?"

"Not with!"

Youmu stopped in front of Yuyuko. During that time, she didn't know how many times she had been brainwashed by Yakumo Murasaki. Her impression of Ren was... just... not a positive image at all.

"Package and eat!"

Yuyuko, who was behind Youmu, had an eager expression on her face. She was eager to agree and yelled without any image: "Food and shelter are included! Youmu, food and shelter are included!"

"Master Yuyuko! Don't believe this man! Master Yakumo Murasaki has reminded us many times, don't be fooled. Once taken away by this man, our Baitama Tower will never be able to return to what it once was... "Youmeng stopped.


Ren was helpless by this scene and there was no need to continue, "You gave up on your own, and I don't insist on you following me. The main thing is to come here to see the scenery and features of Gensokyo. Since you don't agree, Serve us food.”

Youmu: "..."

It was the first time that Ren had eaten Bai Yulou's food. It was a bit strange. It didn't look like it was for humans... Fortunately, he was strong enough and could eat anything that was protein or energy.

"How dare you, a human, eat something made by Shiratamaru?" Youmu's eyes were solemn, "You are indeed very powerful. Lord Yakumo Murasaki has always said that you are very powerful, and recently even said that you surpass her. I don't believe this. Then But Yakumo Murasaki-sama, you are definitely not someone I can deal with."

While eating, Ren listened to Youmu's mutterings. After finishing the food nearby, he reached for the food elsewhere. When he found that there wasn't much, he immediately shouted, "Hurry up and serve! Don't you see that these are all gone?!"

"You guys ate too fast!"

Youmu's mentality collapsed. Originally, Yuyuko-sama had enough to eat, so she brought these few... There was only one fairy who liked frozen frogs, she knew it, and the other two felt like very strange existences, cats and mice?

They were all edible, and because their food was edible, Yuyuko-sama had a huge appetite. Youmu was so busy that he wanted to tear himself into several halves. That day, after experiencing a very brutal fight.

Youmu successfully fell down and knelt on the ground, begging Ren and the others not to continue eating. It was not a question of whether to pay or not, but whether she could bear it.

Renn touched Youmu's head.

"Don't eat."

Hearing these three words, Youmeng felt inexplicably moved in his heart, and stretched out his hands without paying for the meal.

Ren took out some interesting little things he collected from various worlds and sent Youmu away. He didn't know if it was useful or not. Anyway, Youmu looked very happy, so he must be very satisfied with the reward.

"Is there tea?" Ren asked.


Youmu shouted.

How could there be no tea in Baiyulou? !Seeing that she was a big customer and spent a lot of money, she showed even more attentive service than a professional waiter.

What kind of reminders or bad words Yakumo Zi said were vulnerable to the real benefits.

Ren was holding tea, and together with Tom, Jerry, and Xiaojiu who were also holding tea, they were in the courtyard of Baiyu Tower, looking at the vast white sky and earth, sipping warm tea.

"The scenery of Baiyu Tower is good."

Although he has not played the game of Gensokyo, he has checked out the various characters, world view, and characteristic scenery of Gensokyo.

"It's a pity not to see the cherry blossoms."

Cherry blossoms are not unique to island countries. Renn’s hometown has a large number of cherry blossom trees. I don’t know if the cherry blossom trees in his hometown are in full bloom.

“It’s winter, how can there be cherry blossoms?!”

Youmu took good care of Yuyuko and took a break from the busy schedule to see if Ren and the others had done anything special, such as demolishing the White Jade Building and making a big fuss alive.

"I love the cherry blossoms."

"So what if you like cherry blossoms in bloom?" Youmu shook his head.

The moment she shook her head, the courtyard of Shiratama Tower was filled with cherry blossoms. Youmu looked at this scene and was very surprised that cherry blossoms were really blooming. Isn't this group leader really stronger than Lord Yakumo Murasaki... His ability is a bit weird. Similar to Yakumo Murasaki-sama.

But Youmu was more angry because it was not the season yet and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom.

If the Gensokyo members knew that the cherry blossoms could bloom at any time, wouldn't it mean that they would have no chance to rest all year round?


Cooking for Yuyuko-sama is already a tiring job, why do you still torture me like this?Baiyulou is already running a financial deficit, do you understand?

If it weren't for the aura you released, I wouldn't be able to defeat you. I...

"It must be interesting to match the cherry blossoms with the snowy scenery."

Ren said calmly.

It started to snow again in the courtyard.

It was snowing.

Cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

Tom, Jerry, and Xiaojiu showed the same expressions as they tasted their own tea. Even Youmu was also impressed, holding the tea in his hands and tasting it with them.

“This view is perfect for drinking tea.”

Youmu sighed and put down the tea cup.

Stop changing the weather at will. Can you do whatever you want if you are powerful?The maintenance of Gensokyo requires... all kinds of complaints in her mind.

"Now that we've seen the scenery and tasted the food and tea at Baiyulou, it's time for us to go to our next destination."

Ren put down the tea cup.

Well, there is another place in Gensokyo that is going to be harmed. I wonder if the climate will be changed casually. The ability to make the exit come true... is really powerful. I am afraid that not many people in Gensokyo can beat it.Youmu recognized the opponent's strength.

"You're quite cute."

Youmu was stunned.

Renn took out another small gift, "This little gift pays for your cuteness."

Youmu: "..."

She really wanted to kneel down again. If she knelt down, would there be a small gift?If I kneel down now, is it too late?

Youmu had mixed feelings in her heart.

Compared to Lord Yakumo Murasaki...this Lord is really...he is really radiating dazzling light from every part of his body.

"Youyouzi, this is yours."

Ren took out another thing, and Yuyouzi quickly floated over, picked up the small gift and started chewing it, with an expression of enjoyment.

Yuyouzi is a soul body. The gift that Ren gave to Yuyouzi is suitable for raising the soul body. It can make Yuyouzi stronger. It can consolidate the soul body and evolve the impurities in the soul body.

After Yuyouzi finished eating, she stared at Ren with her mouth watering, "I want more."


Youyouzi's face changed drastically, her eyes and expression were particularly pitiful, making people look like they were trying to help her.

"Small gifts are given between friends." Ren explained, "If you still want those things, you must follow me to my world and work for me."

"But I still want it."

"I can only give you small gifts."

Ren and Yuyuko looked at each other to see who couldn't stand the look in the other's eyes. Youmu felt bad when she saw this, but she still had the small gift she received in her hand, so it wasn't a good idea to take action at this time.

After hesitating for a while, Youmu made no move to stop him.

Ren successfully abducted Yuyuko, Youmu, and packed up the entire Hakutama Tower, leaving not even a hair for Yakumo Murasaki.

In the future, Bai Yulou will work for him.

I wonder if Yakumo Murasaki will go berserk when she returns to Gensokyo and finds out that Hakutama Tower is missing, Yuyuko, Youmu...are all gone?

Renn took them to his own underworld, established relationships with Baiyulou, introduced Niu Tou, Ma Mian, Meng Po and other important figures, and introduced Gu Yue Fang Yuan in depth.

Although this Gu Yue Fang Yuan is not the original body, it is also one of the future ancient demon's clones, and one of the independent clones.

Baiyulou successfully settled in this world.

Ren continued to travel around Fantasyland. While traveling, he moved all the places he liked and moved them away. Waiting for him, Tom, Jerry, and Xiao Jiu to tour the entire Fantasyland.

Gensokyo is gone.

Xiao Jiu: "..."

What about Gensokyo?

Where's Gensokyo when I'm so big?

My pond, my frog...

in the void.

Ren comforted Xiaojiu and took Xiaojiu back to the underworld.

"It's really good."

After integrating into Gensokyo, the nature of the underworld has increased a bit, and the area has also expanded a bit. Although Yakumo Murasaki's hometown has been stolen, Gensokyo is already on the verge of gradually disappearing mysteriously, so it is better to be brought to this place by him, Anyway, Yakumo Murasaki hasn’t found a suitable place yet.

A world view as huge as that of Zhetian, Yakumo Purple believed that it could definitely accommodate Gensokyo, but she did not dare to take Gensokyo there. She was worried that as soon as she passed, she would be discovered by a master, and Gensokyo would be reduced to a pawn, or be turned into a pawn by an absolutely powerful person. The existence of attention is not a good thing.

Especially since she had no idea whether that powerful being was good or bad, even if she learned about the plot of the world of Zhetian from Ren and the story of the Zhetian trilogy.

Yakumo Purple is very fond of that world... The most important thing is that recently, the level was announced, which gave her a big blow.If you really go to that world, you will become a noob.

She is so beautiful and outstanding.

You will be targeted by many powerful 'bad guys'.

When Yakumo Purple was still happily playing in other worlds outside.

Wren stole the house.

It's not that the monsters in Gensokyo... betrayed her, but that he gave too much.

Youmu was the first to rebel.

Youyouzi will follow anyone who has something to eat.

They must be very interested in a world that is wider, where the mystery has not dissipated, and where there is safety and security, and they cannot bear the temptation.



In the underworld.

Jerry looked around this extremely special world curiously. Since it came out of his own world, this is the third world and very different. He wanted to ask Tom, but found that Tom had also come to this world for the first time.


How can it be? !There is something about the master that I don’t know about? ! !Tom's eyes seemed to say that.

"Cat and mouse?" Gu Yue Fang Yuan asked hesitantly.

"That's right." Ren replied, "The two of us will collect them together."

Gu Yue Fang Yuan: "..."

As expected of a time traveler from the same place as me, collecting things, farming... these hobbies are all in common.

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