"Speaking of which, what's going on with you? Are you sure you won't turn into an ancient model?"

Gu Yue Fang Yuan: "..."

He had already heard about his story from Ren, and had read his own story, but that story was incomplete and only stayed at the plot of the attack on Heaven.

"I'm not him, I'm just a branch, like a huge river, with a main trunk and branches. I am that branch." Gu Yue Fang Yuan replied.

"With your potential, it shouldn't be too difficult to recycle the timeline in the future. The world line shouldn't be too difficult." Renn didn't understand.

"Not that one."

Gu Yue Fang Yuan explained, "Those who have recycled all their own timelines and world lines to become the only being can create another self after becoming the only one, or because of some rare factors, in After those beings became unique, similar flowers were born.”

"You are the similar flower." Ren confirmed.

"How can you be sure that I am not another Gu Yue Fang Yuan created by that Gu Yue Fang Yuan?" Gu Yue Fang Yuan asked in confusion.

"I don't think that Gu Yue Fang Yuan is that boring. He gave up so many things for eternal life. If after becoming the only one, he creates a self, or countless selves to remember himself... that would be really boring."

Renn didn't think that Gu Yue Fang Yuan would do this.

The person who would do this... the person he could imagine was Lu Mingfei from the dragon world.

With Lu Mingfei's character, if he becomes the only one and becomes a tenth-level existence, he will definitely create countless different tributaries for himself, watch countless possibilities, select some among them, and even go out and experience them himself. possibility.

"You guessed it right, I am a similar flower. When I was first born, Gu Yue Fang Yuan noticed me and was surprised to find a world similar to the years he spent when he was weak."

"He has been paying attention to me from the beginning. Fortunately, he does not dare to provoke you."

Ren yawned, "It's not that you don't dare to provoke me. There will definitely be someone in our chat group who can't lose to him in the future. Gu Yue Fang Yuan pursued immortality and reached that state. His only pursuit is to become stronger. But on the road to becoming stronger, the stronger will have its own hand."

Gu Yue Fang Yuan smiled, "I'm glad that I took another path and retained a lot of humanity."

"Actually, Gu Yue Fang Yuan... he once had passion, humanity, and feelings... and it was possible for him to create something of himself out of boredom and remember the past." He then added.

Ren nodded.

This was indeed the case for Gu Yue Fang Yuan before his rebirth, but after his rebirth, it is very possible for Gu Yue Fang Yuan to take back all timelines and world lines, achieve the tenth level, or even transcend everything and reach the end of the road. Who knows who he is? What will be on your mind.

"You are different."

"I'm definitely different."

Chapter 221 Chapter 220, Renne goes home to meet netizens

Ever since Renn packed up Gensokyo, the monsters in Gensokyo have naturally become citizens of his territory. In ancient times, the Yellow Emperor's royal daughter ascended three thousand times. Renn has no interest in making an ascension. He prefers to engage in construction and has a collecting habit. .

In his own underworld world, with the underworld as the center, he constructed several realms. Gensokyo is one realm, and Gu Yue Fangyuan's Gu world is another realm. There are three realms in total.

Ren's creation of these things and the three realms is purely symmetrical and interesting. With his current strength, it does not take much effort to create such a thing. He has accomplished all three realms, so he might as well create a temple.

He has his own temple in the other two worlds. It is not an exaggeration to have a temple in his own world. After building his own temple, he did not make a mess or collect any so-called divine attendants. He directly put the temple in Gensokyo. A group of goblins were taken in.

Renn picked out a few of the fairies he liked in Gensokyo and stayed in this place for a while, looking for the fairies if he had nothing to do and Gu Yue Fang Yuan if he had anything to do.

Gu Yue Fang Yuan, who has taken a different path, still has some abilities and a pretty good personality. Everyone knows each other's temperament.

"The fairies in Gensokyo really eat people!"

At first, Ren was half-coerced as the boss, but later he was forced. A group of goblins who had lived for who knows how long, all of whom had never seen a man before. I don't know if there was something wrong with him or with the goblins.

That male human being’s life level is so high, we can let him help us practice!

The last time Ren heard the words 'help me practice', he heard it from Fahai. The monk Fahai came to Qing She and wanted Qing She to help him practice.

The key is that the green snake was originally a man, but he couldn't defeat the white snake, so he became sisters with the white snake.

Renn doubted what Fahai said about helping him practice. If his practice really failed, he would blame the monster. Maybe Fahai himself was interested in that practice.

A few more days passed.

Ren was so powerful that he was a powerful dragon several times, but he was not afraid of the goblins at all. A group of goblins hugged him and sucked on him, saying that his life level was high, and his strength would be greatly increased after one sip, which could match their cultivation for a long time.

Although this is indeed the case, how could an ordinary strong person encounter such a thing?He would have shocked all these little novices to death with a shock of breath, or wiped them all out with a wave of his sleeves like a master.

The main reason is that Ren upgrades too fast. Like those strong people, this may happen when they are weak at the beginning. But when you reach a certain level of cultivation, how can you see the existence of the lower level? Even if you want to find a suitable one or a group, They will only find those that are useful to their current level.

The level of fairies like Gensokyo is quite different from Ren's. The strongest fairies are just like that and can't even reach the level of a single universe. Currently, Yakumo Murasaki, who is approaching the seventh level through the chat group, is the strongest fairy in Gensokyo.

A whole level lower than Renn.

If it wasn't for the purpose of completing some unfinished achievements, he wouldn't have collected so many weak fairies. If he really only wanted to collect beauties and beautiful fairies, there are so many worlds in the chat group right now. If he tries hard to collect them, I'm afraid the number will be too large. horrible.

Gensokyo fairies have a blessing effect.

"Sisters, don't be afraid! He won't kill us! One breath can overcome our hundreds of years of practice!"

"Come on!"


Ren is quite happy about this situation. The fairies are happy as they like, and he is also quite happy. The fairies in Gensokyo are all good-looking and have different personalities, but if there are too many fairies, it will not be good.

Enjoyed another very corrupt time.

Renn couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm leaving, I'll leave this place to you." When leaving, Ren hurriedly explained to his number one wage earner, "I won't notify anyone else this time."

"Leave this to me." Gu Yue Fang Yuan smiled, "I have never seen someone who has no pursuits but has such pursuits like Brother Ren En."

Renn: "I thought you were complimenting me."

Gu Yue Fang Yuan: "This is just a compliment."

Renn: "That's not true."

In addition to becoming stronger, he only has a few small hobbies. Since he passed through the period of weakness and ended his painful experience in the pirate world, he no longer needs to worry about survival or goals.

As for going home, Renn has already returned to his hometown to make up for his past regrets.

"In fact, I still have something to pursue, and that is to become stronger. Although it may reach a certain level and becoming stronger will become meaningless, for now, becoming stronger is meaningful. I also want to hit a plateau." Renn smiled.

Gu Yue Fang Yuan, who was in a state of retirement, nodded and stayed in the underworld to handle internal affairs. Unless there was a big crisis, he would be a civilian official, and the military attaché would handle the fighting.

Ren took Tom, Jerry, and Xiao Jiu away from the underworld. Unknowingly, he had no intention of pursuing a breakthrough, at least not yet. He had not yet thought about directly breaking through to the eighth level and preparing to travel in various worlds first. Complete the things you have never done before, complete the things you once wanted to do but couldn't do.



"This is my hometown, and it's also the world I lived in before I traveled through time. Tom, Jerry, you take Xiaojiu for a stroll, and don't do anything too exaggerated that affects the order of this world," Ren said.

Tom and Jerry nodded very seriously. Xiaojiu didn't quite understand, but when they saw Tom and Jerry, they nodded very seriously. She nodded along with them, and the three little guys started wandering around in this world.

This is a world ruled by aliens. The working hours of human beings reach a "horrible" thirteen hours a week, and they only provide food, shelter and a wife.

Before Ren's time travel, aliens had not yet invaded, and he did not enjoy the privilege of leading aliens to defeat capitalists.

The blessings of this planet have little to do with Ren.

If he had such a wonderful life, he wouldn't be able to travel through time. The most terrifying thing is... some newly born humans think this kind of life is a hellish life.

Only the older generation of humans know... what a happy life this is. Although aliens do not allow human life to be extended, they allow humans to die of old age naturally, and also provide another world for humans who die of old age to live in the form of data. in the virtual world.

Renn entered this virtual world with his strong strength.

"Virtual games... Why do these things only come into existence after I travel through time... If this kind of thing had existed earlier, I could have lived a life of 'horror' oppression provided by aliens, and I could also come to this world after death and enjoy Another kind of eternal life..."

Ren kept complaining.

Explore a little bit of information about the virtual world and eavesdrop on the voices of the people around you.

The space of this virtual world is infinite.

From time to time, someone discovers an unknown virtual space, which is equivalent to a new world. People living in this virtual world either provide for old age or open up wasteland.

Some people really don't want to live, so they can log off their data and completely disappear into the virtual world.

As for whether there will be other worlds and spaces after disappearing into the virtual world, no one knows this question. Renn also has no answer to this question, and he has not tried to log out his own data.

In the virtual world, Renn found the place where humans lived in the old era.

This kind of people who are called "old-era humans" are actually the people who lived in the world before aliens ruled the world...the hard-working workers, they don't look like the new-age humans who were born in the world ruled by aliens.

They experienced life back then.

Therefore, there are fundamental differences between humans in the new era. For example, humans in the new era have pursuits, hope to be independent, and do not want aliens to interfere in their lives. Why do humans have to work thirteen hours a week?Why are humans not allowed to extend their lifespan?

Of course, these are all ideas that can only be produced by humans in the new era. Human beings in the old era did not have such pursuits and thoughts. They prefer today's messy life.

Basically, this type of new era human beings will be wiped out in advance by aliens, and their data will be wiped out. The old era humans have no big ideas and do not want to help the new era humans resist.

The most important thing is that those new era humans did too many things and provoked the aliens' bottom line, so they ended up like that.

In the eyes of humans in the old days.

That's what it deserves.

When the aliens got angry, they really lost their temper and began to destroy them. The humans in the new era became more and more frightened, kneeling on the ground with snot and tears, just not wanting to die.

The aliens also noticed this and held a democratic vote.

Because life has completely changed for the better, humans in the old era are unwilling to have children, and humans in the new era are far fewer than humans in the old era. The final result will naturally be dealt with fairly according to the law.

All the leaders were killed.

Those who want to restore themselves, want to become capitalists themselves, create hierarchies, make the aliens value themselves more, give them greater power, and they come to help the aliens exploit their compatriots.

They exploit their own compatriots the most.

No one bullies their own compatriots more than they do!

But the condition is that the aliens allow them to extend their lifespan and give them the same powers as the aliens.

Of course the aliens won't do it once they hear it.

All humans must be the same, no one is allowed to be special!

Humans in the old days clapped their hands and applauded.

Videos of the executions of those leading humans in the new era are still circulating in the virtual world for them to kill time and tease each other. This is the fate of capitalists. Do you see it?

That's what it deserves!

I still think about squeezing and cheating my own people, but unfortunately the aliens don't pay attention to this and don't want your opinions at all.

Given the absolute disparity in strength, there is no conflict between humans and aliens.

Therefore, the new humanity has sincerely transferred the contradiction.

They transferred their conflicts to the old humans. Although they could not exploit their compatriots and could not become capitalists, they could duel in the virtual world and chat with each other.

The contradiction between the new and the old humanity has become the main contradiction.

"Under the absolute rule of another race, the hierarchy and oppression of lower races do not exist..."

Wren felt ironic.

Regardless of whether it is ironic or not, his purpose here is not to reconcile the contradiction between the new humanity and the old humanity. To tell the truth, he himself is also a member of the old humanity.

If alien rule and captivity were like this, he would rather be kept in captivity by aliens.

The source of alien power to maintain the essence of their world is the power of the soul. They need humans to work for them in the virtual world. For this reason, they will squeeze humans during their lifetimes and evolve the human mind to the appropriate level.

In this way, they can better provide adequate protection for their alien society.

Ren himself hugged Gensokyo fairies on both sides, and uploaded non-explicit pictures. Those beings that many people called wives were all in his arms.

Just this day.

The old human settlement faces a major challenge, no, a provocation!Someone is provoking some of their old humans. How dare that human being do this? ! !

"Aren't those my wives from long ago?"

"Damn it, don't let me know who that man is. I admit your good looks, and I always avoided them when I was young, but you dare to hug my wife? Pull out the knife!"


Some old humans were suddenly awakened by memories from many years ago. Under the initiative of a group of people, they united the front and recalled some memories of the past together.

“Someone dares to touch my wife?!”

A man who was dying of illness sat up in shock and pushed away his wife, who had a sweet look on her face when she heard this sentence. She awakened the typing memory from many years ago and quickly communicated with various netizens about the past.

"are you crazy?!"

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