This is not some juvenile manga, as long as two people have a fight, they can open their hearts.

Akutagawa Ryunosuke is even less likely to be a character in a boy manga. Friendship comes first and matches come second. Even if they lose, everyone can continue to play house in a friendly manner.

Here is the port mafia even crueler than reality.

If you fail, you can only become a stepping stone for others to rise.

And he is not interested in making friends with an opponent who stepped on him.

"I lost this time. The command of Quan Jinghua is yours, and I will not hinder you again."

Akutagawa Ryunosuke glanced at Izumi Kyoka in the audience, and left his last sentence: "But don't get too complacent, next time I will win."

Without being sloppy, without too much entanglement, he turned around and walked into the exit passage, leaving aside the harsh words of fighting again tomorrow.

"Have you given up on Izumi Jinghua, but are you targeting me? It seems that you are ready for a long-term struggle."

Tokisaki Kurumi stared at his leaving back, and secretly made a decision: "In this case, we must collect time."

Tokisaki Kurumi's fighting style is far less crazy.

The most obvious point is that the real Tokisaki Kurumi would never use himself as bait in a fight.

She always hides in the dark, letting the clone consume the strength of the opponent, and finally emerges to get a blood.

Or let the avatar pretend to be the main body, trick the opponent into a trap, and then appear when the opponent spends a lot of effort and finally kills the avatar's slack.

It's just that these tactics are based on sufficient time.

The current Tokisaki Kurumi doesn't have that much time reserve to allow him to easily play his opponents in the palm of his hand.

Tokisaki Kurumi who has no time is really useless. If she hadn't kept four clones, Akutagawa Ryunosuke might have won today's battle.

But this does not mean that Akutagawa Ryunosuke is very troublesome. Although in the eyes of other superpowers, Akutagawa Ryunosuke is an out-and-out strong man, in front of the elves, a mere human is still a bit unsatisfactory.

As long as there is enough time, Tokisaki Kurumi can easily play with him between applause.

If you want to fight against him in the future, or even a person with supernatural abilities stronger than him, you must collect enough time.

No, you must collect enough time.

"I don't want to try this way of fighting again in my life."

Tokisaki Kurumi tightly held the flintlock gun in his hand. Although the injury caused by Rashomon had completely healed, his body still seemed to be suffering from phantom pain.

She was far from as relaxed as she had shown just now.

After all, she is not the real Tokisaki Kurumi, she has not suffered many injuries before, and her pain tolerance is almost zero.

Some things can be faked, but some things, no matter how you play them, can't become real.

But it doesn't matter, in the final analysis she is just acting, and the most important point of acting is to confuse the real with the fake.

It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not.

The important thing is to convince others.

Thanks to her acting skills, Akutagawa Ryunosuke was obviously deceived by her acting skills and believed her performance.

That's enough for a teenage girl.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the phantom pain in his body, and advancing the plan to replenish time in his mind, Tokisaki Kurumi also walked out of the martial arts arena and came to Izumi Kyoka's side.

"Your former boss won't come to harass you again... for a short time." She said casually, "But no matter how many times he comes again, I won't let him take you away, no need Worry."

"I'm not worried about Akutagawa, I'm worried about your injury, sister." Izumi Kyoka Furui's face showed a shaken expression, "Are you really all right?"

Izumi Jinghua, who witnessed the whole battle, felt like riding a roller coaster.

Several times she wanted to rush to help Tokisaki Kurumi, but when she thought about Tokisaki Kurumi telling her to believe in her, she could only watch with suppressed eagerness.

Fortunately, Akutagawa Ryunosuke lost, and Tokisaki Kuang won three.

It's just that the process of fighting was really frightening.

After receiving two mortal attacks, but standing here as if nothing happened, Quan Jinghua didn't understand what happened.

"I said before, I have twelve abilities, right?"


"You have already seen the ability of the Ten Bullets. It is able to read the memory of the object or person that was hit. The ability I used to recover before was the Four Bullets, which has the ability to turn back time." Tokisaki Kuang San explained, "The Four Bullets allowed me to rewind my physical state to a state where I was uninjured, so as long as it is not an immediate death attack, the Four Bullets can offset it with one shot, without any side effects or leaving any hidden dangers."

After receiving the explanation, Quan Jinghua was obviously relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

She gained a better understanding of Tokisaki Kurumi's abilities, and she gradually realized that this sister is not just a beautiful vase.

Tokisaki Kurumi was able to become the second guerrilla team leader after Akutagawa Ryunosuke because of her hard power.

Izumi Kyoka didn't know how strong she really was, but from the perspective of her watching the battle, the two sides should be at about the same level.

Although Kurumi Tokisaki won, he almost died twice during the battle. If Ryunosuke Akutagawa had been more ruthless, he might have been the winner.

The process of the battle was too thrilling, even if it was a victory this time, it was only a miserable victory.

Quan Jinghua really doesn't know who will win next time.

Although it was the first time they met today, this big sister who saved her from despair and cared for her already had a high status in her heart.

She didn't want her savior to die for her.

"I'm very grateful that my sister fought for me, but please take good care of your body." She straightened her face, "I've got enough things, I don't want my sister to even sacrifice her life for me."

"Are you worried about me? What a cute kid."

"I was serious."

"Don't put on such a serious expression, I know, I know, I will pay attention."

Chapter 27 Home

After defeating Ryunosuke Akutagawa and obtaining the right to own Izumi Kyoka, there are no more obstacles.

It is one of the few advantages of this man to keep his word. Keeping promises made him a very trusted subordinate of Mori Ogai, so Tokisaki Kurumi does not need to worry that one day he will fight her again and want to Take back the ownership of Quan Jinghua.

No, it should be said that duels will definitely be duels. It is an unacceptable fact for him to be defeated by a newcomer to an organization. After he thinks that he has become stronger enough to defeat Tokisaki Kurumi, he will definitely propose Fight to redeem your honor.

But these are the aftermath.

Without Akutagawa Ryunosuke's obstruction, Tokisaki Kurumi and Izumi Kyoka can officially leave.

After walking out of the dull and depressing Port Mafia headquarters and standing under the sunshine, Izumi Kyoka's expression seemed to soften a little.

"So, I don't have to kill any more."

Her expression was a little dazed, she looked back at the dark building standing in the center of the city behind her, and muttered to herself with complicated eyes: "I used to never think that one day I would be able to escape from such a life."

"Don't make it sound like you're not a member of the Port Mafia anymore."

Seeing Izumi Kyoka's hesitant look, Kurumi Tokisaki reminded: "Although I don't need you to kill people, the fact that we are members of the organization has not changed."

"If the boss asks me to kill someone, will I still do it?"

"No." Tokisaki Kurumi said calmly, "I won't let him do that."

Although the tone is indifferent, it contains confidence that anyone can hear.

Izumi Kyouka looked at Tokisaki Kurumi and was silent for a moment.

If she remembers correctly, Tokisaki Kurumi, like Akutagawa Ryunosuke, is the leader of the guerrilla team of the organization, directly under Mori Ogai's subordinates.

Although the leader of the guerrilla team had a high status in the organization, he still did not ignore the power of cadres, let alone the power of bosses.

Even Ryunosuke Akutagawa didn't dare to disobey in the slightest when performing tasks.

As long as you don't stand at the top of the port mafia, and don't become one of the five cadres who hold real power, no matter how high your status and strength are, you are only a powerful thug after all.

Even supernatural beings are just tools that can be discarded at any time.

She opened her mouth and said hesitantly, "If Boss wants me to kill someone, I will."

"You are my subordinate, he has no right to order you."

"But...isn't sister Boss's subordinate?" Quan Jinghua asked in confusion.

"About this, yes and no." Tokisaki Kurumi organized his words and said, "I have a special relationship with Mr. Mori, not a normal relationship between a boss and a subordinate."

Quan Jinghua was stunned.

As if thinking of something, she slightly widened her eyes, filled with disbelief: "An abnormal relationship between a boss and a subordinate?"

"What's going on in your head at such a young age?"

Guessing that Izumi Kyoka had a misunderstanding, Kurumi Tokisaki flicked her forehead hard: "I don't have any impure relationship with that's a dirty transactional relationship at best. That’s all.”

Quan Jinghua's eyes widened.

This...isn't this even worse?

After a while, she said in a whisper: " have to...take care of your body."

"Huh? Have you said this sentence before?" Tokisaki Kurumi tilted his head, "And the meaning is different."

"Boss, he is not a good person." Quan Jinghua said anxiously, "It's better not to continue this kind of thing. You will definitely regret it in the future."

"Puff haha---"

Tokisaki Kurumi couldn't help laughing, and messed up Izumi Kyoka's hair: "Just kidding, kidding, Kyoka is really naive, I don't have that kind of relationship with him."

"Eh?" Quan Jinghua was a little dazed, "Then why doesn't my sister listen to Boss' orders?"

"Because I know Ogai Mori's handle and many secrets of the Port Mafia." Kurumi Tokisaki replied easily, "If Mr. Mori makes me unhappy, I have ways to make him unhappy, but in this world 's happiness is conserved, so the government must be happy."

"I see." Quan Jinghua nodded thoughtfully.

During her six months in the Port Mafia, she not only acquired the skills of an assassin, but also came into contact with a lot of the dark side.

As smart as she is, she has naturally deduced the real relationship between Tokisaki Kurumi and Mori Ogai through Tokisaki Kurumi's few words.

It is not so much a relationship between superiors and subordinates as it is an equal relationship.

Although Tokisaki Kurumi is Mori Ogai's subordinate on the surface, but unlike other subordinates, she has the right to refuse unreasonable requests and tasks.

Because she holds secrets that the organization doesn't want others to know.

Generally speaking, when the organization encounters this kind of person, it will kill them directly to prevent the news from leaking.

However, Tokisaki Kurumi's ability is too weird and mysterious, even Mori Ogai is not 100% sure that he can kill her.

Hard ones won't work, just come soft ones.

Therefore, Mori Ogai could only find a way to bring Tokisaki Kurumi into the organization.

This is why Tokisaki Kurumi was able to become the leader of the guerrilla squad overnight.

You know, before this, the only guerrilla squad leader was Akutagawa Ryunosuke. This alone shows how difficult it is to become a guerrilla squad leader.

When seeing Tokisaki Kurumi for the first time, Izumi Kyouka was still a little confused, when did the organization have an extra person with the same status as Akutagawa Ryunosuke.

As an assassin, Quan Jinghua not only needs to deal with the enemies of the organization, but is also required to kill her own people at certain times.

Therefore, she has intimate information about all members of the organization.

But she had never heard of Tokisaki Kurumi's name.

Now, her doubts have finally been answered.

Tokisaki Kumzo knows the important secrets of the port mafia, and Mori Ogai throws out high-priced bargaining chips to prevent her from telling others about the information, and to lure Tokisaki Kakuzo to join the organization with the position of guerrilla squad leader. Take control in your own hands.

But Tokisaki Kurumi is not good at it. She knows how to use her own advantages. Although she has become Mori Ogai's subordinate, the initiative is still in her hands, so she is not afraid of Mori Ogai's influence in the port mafia. authority.

Rather, to some extent, Mori Ogai still depends on her face.

"Now, don't worry, right?" Tokisaki Kurumi asked.


"Then let's go."


Quan Jinghua had just taken two steps, but she seemed to have remembered something and asked hesitantly: "Where to go?"

"go home."

"My sister's house?"

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