"our home."

Chapter 28 First Meeting Atsushi Nakajima

He said he was going home, but actually Tokisaki Kurumi had no home in this world.

After all, this is only the second day she came to this world. Last night, thanks to her super-high stealth ability, she was able to sneak into the hotel for a night, otherwise she would definitely have to sleep Main street.

Quan Jinghua has a home in this world.

No, it should be said that there was a family.

It's just that after her parents died, she never went back. Even if she wanted to go back now, there was probably no way.

Her parents were secret assassins of the government and had no contact with the government for a long time, which would inevitably lead to the investigation by government investigators.

I'm afraid that Quan Jinghua's house has been sealed up by the government and is under surveillance.

Both are homeless.

But Tokisaki Kurumi was not worried at all.


Because she is rich.

I just got a full [-] cash from Mori Ogai. Although the yen is worthless, it is impossible to buy a decent house for [-] in an area where the land is very expensive in downtown Yokohama, but it is more than enough to rent for ten or eight years. up.


This is what Tokisaki Kurumi will do next.

But she was not very familiar with Yokohama, and she didn't know where the real estate agency was, so she was troubled for a while.

However, Quan Jinghua quickly solved her problem. As a former assassin of the port mafia, she knew every corner of the city like the back of her hand.

Soon, the two came to the housing agency.

Surprisingly, this real estate agency belongs to the property of the port mafia. After the staff knew the identity of Tokisaki Kurumi and confirmed it to the headquarters, Tokisaki Kurumo bought a set at a very low price. Nearby detached villas.

As the largest evil organization rooted in Yokohama, the employee benefits of the Port Mafia are still very good.

So Tokisaki Kurumi's plan to rent a house turned into a plan to buy a house by a mistake, and the money spent was even lower than the budget.

After that, the two bought some daily necessities and settled in their new home.

Soon, night falls.


"It's time to make up for the time."

night, noon.

After Izumi Kyoka fell asleep, Tokisaki Kurumi sneaked into the shadows and moved to the roof of the villa.

Looking around, there were independent villas with similar styles all around. With a thought from Tokisaki Kuangsan, the huge Castle of Time expanded to its limit, covering most of the surrounding buildings.

The barrier shrouded all residents in the community in red. The awake residents were forced to fall into a deep sleep, while the sleeping ones were forced to absorb time.

Nearly a hundred black shadows continuously merged into Tokisaki Kurumi's shadow, feeding back the main body. The clock in her left eye turned rapidly, storing the time looted from others in it.

"After the battle with Akutagawa Ryunosuke, my time has almost bottomed out, and I must absorb a little more tonight."

Looking at the forest made of reinforced concrete sleeping under the night, Kurumi Tokisaki thought to himself: "Fortunately, Yokohama has a large enough population, and little things add up. Even if you only absorb a little time from one person, you can still accumulate it." a lot of."

The time-eating city is an enchantment used by Tokisaki Kurumi to absorb time, and every ordinary person in it will be forcibly absorbed by time.

It's just that the speed and intensity of the absorption are determined by Tokisaki Kurumi. As long as she doesn't want to, it won't cause people to die accidentally due to time running out.

More than 20 people who were in the factory died because time ran out. That was her intention. After all, they were just a bunch of scum, and there was no need to show mercy to them.

When faced with evildoers, Tokisaki Kuangsan never shows mercy.

But if the opponent is an ordinary person, there is no need to be so vicious.

This is not wool, which can grow again after being plucked.

Time is a resource that cannot be regenerated. A person's time is limited, and once it is exhausted, it will die.

People with long lifespans should absorb more, and those with short lifespans should absorb less, so as not to affect their lives as much as possible.

After a while, Tokisaki Kurumi left the apartment and went to the next one.

Walking through neighborhoods and apartments, under the nourishment of tens of thousands of people, Tokisaki Kurumi soon became rich in time.

Time storage is even dozens of times richer than before.

"In this way, no matter what enemy you encounter, you can deal with it calmly."

The time absorption of the last apartment is over, and tonight's work is considered over.

As time went by, Tokisaki Kurumi's confidence also grew.

Although there are not many truly powerful people among Bungou Stray Dogs, if you encounter them, it will take a lot of time.

With these time reserves, when you encounter a strong enemy, you don't have to rack your brains and try to win the victory.

Jumping between buildings, Tokisaki Kumzo found that she was far away from home at this time.

Just when she wanted to go back the same way, her eyes were attracted by something on the road.

"That is?"

Tokisaki Kurumi stopped in his tracks, took a closer look, and raised his eyebrows in surprise: "It's really a coincidence that we can meet him here."

In the alleys of the street, three or five hooligans surrounded a young man.

The young man looked very thin, and when he was surrounded by many tall and strong gangsters, he looked even more humble, with panic and fear written all over his face.

Atsushi Nakajima.

The target of the port mafia, Tokisaki Kurumi's mission target, is also the protagonist of this world.

Tokisaki Kurumi controlled the spiritual power, slowly descended from the roof, and stood silently on the wall above their heads, wanting to find out.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. You look richer, isn't this suit cheap?"

The hooligan who seemed to be the leader patted Atsushi Nakajima on the shoulder with a half-smile: "The last time I saw you, weren't you still rummaging through the trash can to eat? Did you pick up a lot of money?"

"Really do not have."

Atsushi Nakajima's face was pale, and he said weakly: "The seniors at the workplace chipped in to buy the clothes for me. I really don't have any money."

"Haha, how can a tramp like you who needs strength, strength, and culture have no place to want you?" The hooligan leader laughed, "I don't even think about who you are when you lie, you think I'm fine. Lie?"

"I did not lie......"

"Whether you lied or not, just search your wallet to find out!"

The hooligan leader winked, and the others rushed forward, cornering Atsushi Nakajima.

Restraining his thin arms and legs like bamboo sticks, under Atsushi Nakajima's useless struggle, a rogue boy took out a wallet and mobile phone from his pocket.

"Hey, there is really a lot of money." The gangster opened the wallet and said with some surprise, "More than [-] brand-new cash, where did you get so much money?"

"That's not my money, give it back to me, give me back my wallet!"

Seeing that his wallet was taken away, Atsushi Nakajima broke free from other people's shackles in desperation.

"That's the money my seniors asked me to buy things, you can't take it away!"

Chapter 29 The Heart Has a Tiger

The hooligans who restrained Atsushi Nakajima showed a look of surprise on their faces.

When I bumped into him on the side of the road not long ago, this guy was still a softie who couldn't fight back, no different from a sandbag who could scream.

But within a few days, this homeless man not only has no dirty clothes, but also has money in his pocket, and even dared to resist them.

Even the gangster boss didn't expect that Atsushi Nakajima would break free and rush towards him, but the surprise was only for a moment, and the next moment, anger appeared on his face.

The strong and powerful fist hit Atsushi Nakajima on the head, directly hammering the thin young man to the ground.

"Hmph, don't use your brain before you do it."

The hooligan boss stepped on Atsushi Nakajima's face, and said with a gloomy face: "Dare to grab something from my hand, I think you have forgotten who you are with a little money in your pocket, right?"

"That was obviously given to me by the seniors of the detective agency..." Atsushi Nakajima said unwillingly, but this time he couldn't break free.

"Detective agency?"

The hooligan leader's expression changed. Although he was only the lowest level of hooligans in Yokohama, he still had a bit of vision and dexterity to continue to roam free in this city where the port mafia was unified.

"What detective agency? Could it be the armed detective agency?"

"That's right, it's the Armed Detective Agency!"

Hearing that the rogue leader also knew the name of the Armed Detective Agency, Atsushi Nakajima quickly said: "I joined the Armed Detective Agency a few days ago, and the money was given to me by my seniors to buy things!"

"Oh? Are you a new member of the Armed Detective Agency?" The rogue leader said thoughtfully, letting go of his foot on his face, "I heard that people in that organization have special abilities, and you have them too?"

"Yes!" Nakajima Atsushi wiped the shoe prints on his face, and used the name of the Armed Detective Agency to frighten these hooligans, which made him a little relieved.

"Show me your hands?"


Atsushi Nakajima's expression froze, and he said with some confidence: "I still can't control my abilities well, and I can't actively use them..."

"Oh." The rogue leader nodded, "So, tell me, you, a wild dog who died on the side of the road and no one would care about you, was accepted as a new member by the famous armed detective agency. You have abilities but can't use them? "


The hooligan leader was silent for a moment.

Then, without warning, a leg whip hit Atsushi Nakajima heavily.

Atsushi Nakajima was kicked to the wall of the alley, and there were bursts of pain in his internal organs, which made him retch continuously.

"Do I look deceptive?"

The gangster leader grabbed Atsushi Nakajima's hair and asked angrily: "You can't even make up excuses. You really think we are fools, don't you?"

Before Atsushi Nakajima could explain, the leader of the gangster punched him in the face again and threw him at the feet of the other gangsters.

"Just keep your breath." The hooligan leader patted the dust off his hands, gave Atsushi Nakajima a cold look, and put his wallet into his pocket.

After receiving the boss's order, the hooligans, who were not good at all, showed their happy smiles.

They mercilessly left bruises and bloodstains on Atsushi Nakajima's body with their fists and feet, venting the emotions accumulated in their hearts.

The powerless Atsushi Nakajima could only skillfully protect his head with his hands, curled up his body, and tried his best to protect the vulnerable parts.

At this moment, Kurumi Tokisaki, who used his spiritual power to adsorb on the glass of the building, saw everything that happened.

"Should I help him?" Tokisaki Kuang thought, "If this goes on like this, maybe someone will die."

She wasn't worried that Atsushi Nakajima would be killed.

[Tiger under the Moon], Atsushi Nakajima's ability is a quick recovery combat ability, as long as there is still a breath, he can recover almost unlimitedly.

Even the regeneration of broken limbs can be done.

Even if Atsushi Nakajima can no longer master his powers, even in this state where he can't even use them, his ability to withstand strikes and recover is far beyond that of ordinary people.

A few hooligans beat him up together, even if he was beaten to a broken bone, if he slept tonight, he would be fine the next day when he woke up.

What Tokisaki Kurumi was worried about was that Atsushi Nakajima would kill all these hooligans after he went berserk.

Atsushi Nakajima can't kill people, but it doesn't mean Tiger Moon can't kill people.

The ability user is born to control his own ability, and the nature of the ability is somewhat related to the personality of the person with the ability.

But Nakajima Atsushi is an exception.

Obviously possessing the power of the tiger known as the king of beasts, Atsushi Nakajima's character should be aloof and conceited, just like a tiger occupying the mountain as king.

However, because of his experience of being brutally abused while living in an orphanage, this young man became timid and cowardly.

The supernatural person and the supernatural power gradually went to two extremes, which made him not only unable to control his supernatural power, but even before he joined the Armed Detective Agency, he didn't even know the supernatural power existed.

Thus, Moon Tiger gave birth to his own consciousness.

The ability of human and tiger should have become one, but due to Atsushi Nakajima's unconscious resistance, human and tiger were separated.

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