Of course, the power of time-stop is really too buggy, I will write it more cautiously.

Try not to see the collapse of the power system and the situation of killing people indiscriminately.

After all, this is not an invincible text.


Chapter 165 Unsurprisingly, I really played off

"Let... let me go, I only repay the favor, so when I helped Kuchimu Jin, I didn't want to be your enemy."

"Besides, I didn't hurt any of you, did I?"

"I promise, as long as you let me go, old man, I will leave Soul Soul Realm immediately!"

"If you're worried, I can take off Kuchiki Kintoki's head with my own hands and make a certificate of honor!"

A power system that has never been seen before, and an unknown time-based ability.

When Nagasawa Ya's palm fell on his head, Ikkyu really panicked.

He didn't dare to mobilize even the slightest bit of spiritual power easily, for fear that Chang Zeya would feel that he was about to revolt violently and kill him instantly with one move.

In order to save his life, he even offered to exchange the life of Kuanmu Jinshi in exchange for his own safety.

Listening to the words coming from his ears, a look of disgust flashed in Nagasawa's eyes.

There are two kinds of people he hates the most in his life, one is a villain who will repay his kindness, and the other is an idiot who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth.

And compared to the latter, he undoubtedly hates the former more.

He can understand why he took action against him because of repaying his kindness.

But in order to save his life, he used the benefactor's head as a bargaining chip for survival.

He despises this kind of person.

As long as the old monk in front of him is a bit tougher, maybe he will give him a good time.

It seemed that he had sensed the cold murderous intent emanating from Nagasawa Ya, and felt that something was wrong, and immediately prepared to make a final counterattack.

But the next second.

Just when he had just ignited the spiritual pressure in his body and was about to fight to the death with Masarai Nagasawa.

He suddenly felt lighter.

The back that used to feel sore due to old age suddenly stopped soreness, and the legs didn't hurt anymore, as if all the ailments all over the body disappeared in this instant.

And what's even weirder is that he feels...he can't feel his reiatsu anymore.

However, when Yixiu saw the things in front of him clearly, a horrifying scene made his cloudy eyes tear apart.

He saw his body falling weakly toward the ground.

On the other hand, Chang Zeya waved away the lightsaber in her hand with a normal face, as if she had done a trivial thing, her expression was indifferent.

I was beheaded! ?

when! ?

Yixiu, whose eyes were about to burst, relied on his tenacious vitality, even if his head was beheaded, he did not die immediately.

However, no matter how hard he racked his brains, he could not remember when his head was severed.

That weird feeling was like traveling through time and space. When he realized it, his head had already been chopped off.


An unwilling roar came from Yixiu's lonely head.

It's just that for him who only has one head left, it's nothing more than impotent rage.


However, before he could say anything more, a burst of spiritual pressure instantly smashed his head into powder.

From the beginning to the end, after beheading his head, Nagasawa didn't even look at the old monk Ikkyu.

The great ghost Taoist leader has just fallen.

After dealing with the old monk Ikkyu, Nagasawa Masaru did not continue to pretend.

However, he still remembered that his three students were still on the way.

Although when fighting Ikkyu, he would be distracted from time to time and look after the safety of the three of them.

But during the period when he just won "Time Stop", because of the urgency of the situation, he didn't pay attention to the situation of the three of them for a while.

The most important thing is that because of the information difference in time flow rate caused by "time stop", he doesn't even know how long he was "stopped".

This feeling that the situation was out of control made Nagasawa feel very uneasy. He immediately turned around and flew towards the gathering place.

Mudd, don't let it go!


On the other hand, as Masa Nagasawa expected, she did play off.

In the gathering place in the Hanagu area, the shivering residents of Rukongai looked at the center of the venue with fearful expressions in their eyes.

In the center of the field, countless wicker-like branches were tightly entwining the three of them.

Judging from the bruised and almost suffocated expressions of the three of them, it is obvious that their condition is not very good at this moment.

And the culprit who caused all this was Kuanmu Jinshi who had just Congxin chosen to temporarily let the three of them go.

At this time, the time of Kuchimu Jinshi has long lost its original elegant appearance.

With a look of rage on his face, he was staring at a pair of bloodthirsty eyes, staring at his open mouth, trying to inhale air into his body, but because his chest was tightly entangled with branches, he could not inhale air into his lungs. He took small sips. Nanao and the other three people were breathing quickly, with happy expressions on their faces.

And the joints of those wicker-like branches are the Zanpakuto in his hand.

Kuchiki Jinshi looked at the three of Nanxu with a mad look on his face, and hissed with red eyes.

"Since you don't give the old man a way to live, then the old man won't make you happy either!"

"The old man is indeed no match for Nagasawa Ya, but he is more than enough to deal with you..."

"The old man will kill you in the most painful way. I think, when Nagasawa saw your corpses, his face must be very exciting!"


When looking at the mad-looking Rotten Wood Jin, Luan Ju, whose face turned from red to green in surprise, murmured softly with a pained look on his face.


However, in her words, in addition to the painful accident, there was also a little self-blame.

If it wasn't for her, the three of them wouldn't be in such a desperate situation.

Who ever thought that Luanju was just subconsciously speaking, but Kuchimu Jinshi not far away listened to him.


"Yeah, this old man is indeed crazy!"

"For the sake of being the Patriarch of the clan, he did not hesitate to seek skin from a tiger. What is the result?"

"Not only will the family business that has been painstakingly managed for hundreds of years go to waste, but it will even sneak away to the present world like a lost dog fleeing from the wilderness!"

"Originally, I have resigned myself to my fate and just want to survive the rest of my life in this world, but you... you are not even willing to give me this opportunity!!!"

Kuchiki Kintoki's words were full of anger.

And when Luanju heard this, the color of self-blame in his eyes couldn't help but become more intense.

Speaking of which, if we want to talk about why Kuchiki Kintoki suddenly went crazy and attacked the three of them, we have to start from 10 minutes ago...

Just when Masa Nagasawa wiped out 95% of Kuchiki Kintoki's subordinates with a "cosmic magic ship of heroes", she was unwilling to be reconciled to being just a spectator throughout the whole process, so she turned her mind to Kuchiki who was busy On Jin Shi.

...... cut......

PS. Speaking of which, I heard that some restrictions on online writing may be appropriately relaxed recently.

Including, but not limited to, supernatural, Chinese-style horror, a small amount of colorful descriptions, fictional or foreign stories, etc.

I don't know if it's true or not, but I'm looking forward to it anyway.

However, I feel that everything else is okay, just allow a slight GHS...

It is simply a fatal blow to an author like me who is not good at GHS.

Chapter 166 Accept the Sanctions of the Seven Stars

The reason why the number of world-traveling gates is rare is that the thirteenth guarding team needs to control the entry and exit qualifications of the three worlds (the present world, the soul world, and the virtual circle) to avoid breaking the balance of the three worlds and causing unnecessary impact.

The two most important reasons, in addition to technical barriers, another reason is the high cost.

At the beginning, Masa Nagasawa didn't have a concept of these.

After all, for him now, money is not that important anymore, it's just a number.

It wasn't until Ye Yi gave him a science popularization that he understood why, except for the thirteenth team of the court, only the five nobles had the world-transmitting gate.

Building a boundary-crossing gate is really expensive.

The purchase of raw materials alone is equivalent to the net profit of Yatianju for half a year.

Of course, this refers to Yatianju at the beginning of its business.

But even that is an exaggeration.

Not to mention the energy supply needed to open the world-crossing gate.

If you want to open the world-transmitting gate, you need at least a leader-level Reiatsu to do it.

When I heard this, Nagasawa was directly envious of the real names of the Pomian.

After all, in the original plot, no matter whether it is Ulquiola or Grimmjow, any ten-blade-level broken face can open a "black cavity" from the virtual circle to the present world.

As for the soul world, the captains obviously don't have this kind of skill.

Of course, although it is said that if you want to open the world-transmitting gate, you need at least the leader-level spiritual pressure supply to do it, but you can't call a captain to come over to act as a generator every time you open the world-transmitting gate, right?

The captain of the Gotei [-] is not so cheap yet.

So, the battery...

Ah no, it was a spiritual energy charging device, and it was born.

In order to successfully open the world-traveling gate, the spirit charging device plays a vital role.

However, when Kuchiki Jinshi was concentrating on the final adjustment of the world-transmitting gate.

His spirit charging device suddenly exploded...

Yes, as Mao's students, Nanao and the others not only need to learn the four major battles of "Slaying the Fist and Walking Ghosts", but also the theoretical and cultural courses.

The job of a god of death is not only about fighting and killing, but also about being humane and worldly... Well, it also requires knowledge of books and etiquette.

Mao's philosophy is not just to be satisfied with training thugs, without any internal affairs skills, he can't be a high-ranking officer.

Naturally, Luan Ju thought of the vital part of the world-transmitting gate, the spirit seed charging device.

From Kuchiki Kintoki's point of view, it was the greatest kindness to the three of them that he did not cause trouble for Rangiku and the others. How could he have thought that three brats who were only born one day would be so bold as to come over and explode his spirit charge? device.

When he saw that the spirit particle charging device was emitting black smoke and could no longer be activated, he subconsciously wanted to yell at the guards in charge.

However, just as the words came to his lips, he suddenly recalled them.

All of his subordinates were wiped out by Nagasawa with one AOE move.

The reason for his group's destruction was precisely because of his own orders.

Thinking of this, the corners of Kuchiki Jinshi's eyes twitched involuntarily.

It can only be said that self-inflicted crimes cannot live.

The furious Kuchiki Kintoki released the Zanpakuto and vented all his anger on the three of them.

"Grow like crazy, Dianbai!"

So, the previous scene happened.

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