Kuchiki Kintoki's Zanpakutō looks very similar to Ayasekawa Yumichika's glazed peacock.

The sharp blade turned into dozens of catkin-like branches, extending from the blade, wrapping around the target like a devil's claw, and restricting the target's movement by constantly entwining the target.

Controlling the Zanpakuto in his hand, Kuchiki Kintoki was not in a hurry to kill the three of them immediately.

To be honest, although his strength is far from that of his elder brother Kuchiki Yinling, it is not something that Ranju and the three of them can compete with in their first life.

The reason why he didn't kill them immediately was to crush every bone in the three people's bodies in the most painful way.

While letting the three of them die in pain, Nagasawa Masa also had a taste of regret.

Of course, the premise is that Nagasawa can appear in front of him alive.

On the other hand, the three of Luanju at this time.

The long-term lack of oxygen has made their eyes bloodshot, and even their consciousness has been a little blurred.

To be honest, Rangiku didn't regret her action of blowing up the spirit charging device, and she was even slightly proud of it.

Because she felt that she was no longer a cub who could only hide behind Nagasawa and under her protection.

She can also help Chang Zeya and share his worries.

The only thing that made her feel guilty was that she shouldn't have brought Nanao with the shooting range.

Obviously, blowing up the charging device is enough for me alone. Why can't I refuse to be more straightforward when Xiao Nanao and the shooting field say they want to follow?

"It's over...is it over...Nagasawa, teacher..."

Luanju's consciousness has been completely blurred.

Even the branches that are close at hand can't be seen clearly.

However, what made her feel weird was that with blurred vision, she seemed to clearly see Nagasawa standing at the junction of reality and Huangquan, as if waving goodbye to her.

Ahh...it must be because I have been thinking about Mr. Nagasawa, otherwise, with his strength, how could he go to hell with me?

At this time, Mr. Nagasawa must have already dealt with that bald donkey...

As the branches on his body tightened more and more, Luanju and the others couldn't even feel the pain on their bodies.

The eyes are no longer able to see things, and the revolving door begins.

However, I don't know if it's the delusions of the three of them, just when they were revolving around in their minds, when they came to the scene of grandma in the country and the fireworks in summer, a familiar voice came into their hearts very abruptly. in the cochlea.

"Accept Seven Star's sanctions..."

"Cosmic Magic Seven Star Sword!"

Although he was very surprised as to why Nagasawa would appear at his grandma's house in the countryside to watch fireworks with him in the summer.

But as far as memories before death were concerned, the three didn't think it was a bad experience.

Apparently, the three of them, who were too hypoxic, had already started to think wildly.

However, Luan Ju was right about one thing.

Nagasawa at this time has indeed dealt with Yixiu, the old bald donkey.

When he rushed back to the gathering place, he saw the scene where Kuchiki Kintoki was torturing his students.

Masa Nagasawa, who shot with hatred, directly cast the ultimate mystery!

In an instant, the dark sky seemed to turn into a cosmic starry sky.

Seven huge shining stars bloomed under the night sky, that is a huge star sword composed of the Big Dipper.

In the next second, seven magic beams of light sprinkled from the air.

In just the blink of an eye, that terrifying power, like a meteorite destroying the world, instantly swallowed up Kuchiki Kintoki, who was still enjoying the pleasure of killing!

...... cut......

PS. Keep your word, today is still a day for adding more.

It's just that I originally wanted to come to the fourth watch, but it turned out to be dawdling, and it's now...

I'm going to bed first, and I have to go to work tomorrow. It's really hard to be a part-time writer.

Chapter 167 Nagasawa Yaxin's Business Map

"I...have I already reached hell?"

"It doesn't look any different from the world of souls..."

Luan Ju, who woke up faintly, turned her neck with some difficulty, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar scenery around her.

Thinking back to the previous battle with Kuchiki Kintoki...

No, maybe that can't be called a battle at all, it might be more accurate to call it a massacre.

Thinking of this, a bitter smile appeared on Rangiku's face.

She subconsciously wanted to prop up her body, but the bones all over her body seemed to be falling apart, but it hurt so much that she gasped several times.

"Hiss...it hurts, it hurts!"

As if startled by the movement here, a somewhat surprised voice suddenly sounded not far from her.

"Yo, are you awake?"

Hearing this, Luan Ju's expression was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then tears welled up in the corners of her eyes unconsciously.

At this time, Rangiku didn't care about the pain in her body and asked urgently.

"Mr. Nagasawa? You... have you come to hell too?"

Rangiku's question really confused Nagasawa Masawan, and even the movement of adding firewood to the fire couldn't help but stop.

Seeing Rangiku's serious look that didn't seem to be fake, Nagasawa finally couldn't help laughing.


"What do you think?"

"Teacher, I am very strong. I won't die so easily."

The bewildered Luanju suddenly became even more bewildered, as if realizing that she had made a big oolong, Luanju subconsciously said, "So, here is..."

"Of course it's still in the soul world."

"However, speaking of it, the three of you are really brave enough. The head of the Kuchiki family branch at the vice-captain level dares to provoke you. If I come back a few seconds later, you may really have to report to hell."

Listening to Nagasawa's ridicule, I don't know if it's because I was ashamed of my recklessness, or because I recalled Nagasawa's face at the last moment before "dying".

Luanju, who was always happy, turned slightly red, and it was rare that she didn't refute Nagasawa's teasing.

Seeing that Luan Ju didn't take over, Chang Zeya didn't take it seriously, but just added firewood to the fire on her own.

While waiting for Nanao and the shooting field to wake up, he looked around at the residents of the Huaku District who were hiding behind the houses, and kept looking at them with complex gazes mixed with fear, longing, hope, etc. .

Just now, when he killed Kuchimu Jin in seconds, after confirming that the three of them were just broken bones and nothing serious, he had already fired a signal flare and summoned the nearby hidden mobile troops to come and clean up the mess.

What I have to say is that the signal flare of the second team is really inconvenient.

Although it brought him a certain degree of convenience, it could also provide him with some help in critical moments.

But I can’t help but think that this thing is too conspicuous.

Using it when lurking is equivalent to telling others clearly that I am going to start shaking people.

Use it in front of the enemy...

If it is in this world, maybe there is still a chance to release it.

But in the world of God of Reaper, I am afraid that the signal bomb has been intercepted before it exploded.

Nagasawa felt that it was necessary for him to help the second squad and improve their communication system.

For such a convenient thing as a mobile phone, it's time to put it on Kisuke Urahara's research agenda.

At that time, two more mobile games will be developed to expand Ohmaeda Nozomi's business territory.

One is made into a real-time battle mode, and the game characters are based on the captains and vice-captains of the thirteenth team of the court, so that players can experience the thrill of manipulating and even defeating the captains.

Then add some skins, such as Sichuan opera face-changing, Japanese kimono, swimsuit limited edition, Christmas limited edition, all are added to him.

The other model is made into a real-time strategy model, which is also based on the captains and vice-captains of the thirteenth team of the court.

Only this time, these captains are no longer called captains, they are all called "heroes".

Based on how good the captains are in "killing fists and walking away ghosts", they are divided into the slashing ADC responsible for output, the white top laner who punches to the flesh, the agile and roaming shunpo jungler, the ghost mid laner who is responsible for magic, and The nurse responsible for treatment and recovery.

Then give Uno Hanauri, who is a nanny hero, a hidden "high-sensitivity" growth attribute. If the output equipment is used, the nanny can be converted to DPS in the later stage.

He has already thought of the names, one is called "Hot Blood Seireitei" and the other is called "Glory of Death".

Be sure to fire!

What is a mobile phone without mobile games?

He didn't believe it was impossible to promote mobile phones to the entire Soul Society in a short period of time.

And when he packed up everything, raised a fire, and waited quietly for Rangiku and others to wake up, the residents of the flower-withered area looked at him from afar with fearful eyes.

To be honest, maybe I have never experienced this kind of scene in my previous life.

Masa Nagasawa understood the scene in front of her, but at the same time she couldn't understand it.

Obviously he accepted the commission and came to help these residents of Liuhun Street defeat the "villains" who oppressed them.

As a result, after the "villains" were dealt with, the other party looked at him not with gratitude, but with deeper fear.

What I understand is that for these residents of Liuhun Street, the god of death is no different from those villains pretending to be refugees.

Before Nagasawa left here, they might not let go of their vigilance.

However, just when Nagasawa was about to act as if he hadn't seen it and leave before the reinforcements from the secret mobile unit arrived, a timid voice suddenly sounded from not far away from him.

"Is... is it Sister Luanju?"

It seemed that someone was calling their student's name, Nagasawa Masa and Ranju subconsciously looked in the direction of the voice.

But they found that at some point, a boy with a crying voice appeared in the sight of the two of them.

It was a somewhat ordinary-looking boy with black shattered hair. Judging by his age, he was about ten years old.

However, when Nagasawa saw the boy's face, she felt more or less familiar.

Seems like I've seen it somewhere, but can't remember.

It wasn't until Luanju Luanju exclaimed that he realized where he had seen the boy in front of him.

Hear Rangiku's mouth exclaim softly with joy.

"Xiu Bing!?"


"It's great that you're still alive!"

"I was still worried about you when I just found out that these people were Death Gods disguised as refugees."

"It's great that you're okay!"

...... cut......

PS. Last night when I was tired of typing, I clicked on a Ligue [-] game and found that there was a Japanese player in Reims, so I took a look.

Fuck, scored a goal in 4 minutes, sent an assist in 7 minutes, and blasted the opponent's right side, it's too outrageous.

You probably don’t remember the name Ito Junya. You probably remember the neon yellow-haired spirited guy who was called Namikaze Minato during the World Cup, right?

Ma De, the real name is envious, when will the national football team produce a few players like this...

Chapter 168 Hisagi Shuhei

Three "great" in a row perfectly interpreted the worries in Luan Ju's heart.

Excited, Luan Ju even forgot about her injuries and wanted to prop up her body again.

The result is predictable.

A burst of grinning pain directly made Luanju who had just stood up lose her strength.

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