Without support, Luan Ju immediately lost her balance, and her body could not help but fall backwards.


Realizing that something was wrong with Luanju, she immediately closed her eyes tightly, screaming in her heart.

If this was normal, Luanju wouldn't care about these pains at all, and even a light turn over could avoid the current situation.

But now it's different.

At this moment, she only felt that her whole body was weak, and she couldn't lift any strength at all.

Not to mention the bones on his body, he didn't know how many bones were broken by Kuchiki Kintoki's Zanpakuto.

Even judging from the faint pain in the ribs, the broken ribs may have squeezed the internal organs.

All in all, her current condition is extremely bad. If she receives another shock, even a very, very small shock, it may greatly aggravate his injury.

However, the expected pain did not come.

On the contrary, there was a warm force coming from her back.

Seeming to have thought of something, she closed her eyes tightly, and Luan Ju, who was already ready to face the impact, suddenly opened her eyes.

"With such a serious injury, you should lie down obediently."

There was no soft voice, but when Luanju opened her eyes and saw Nagasawa gently supporting her back with her hands, she looked at her helplessly.

She actually felt her heart jump up and down several times very quickly.


Luan Ju, who had always been fearless, did not dare to look into Nagasawa Ya's eyes again, just hummed twice like a mosquito, and after expressing her approval, she glanced away her own eyes.

After supporting Luanju's body and making him lie down as smoothly as possible, Nagasawa turned around and waved to the timid young man not far away, with a friendly smile on his face.

Probably thanks to Masa Nagasawa's good skin that makes people unconsciously want to get close.

Although the atrocities committed by Kuchiki Kintoki and others made Xiubing feel great fear of death in his heart, he still hesitated for a few seconds before timidly walking in front of Nagasawa Masa.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure in front of her, Nagasawa smiled and pretended not to know.

"What's your name?"

Probably because the friendliness shown by Masa Nagasawa is quite different from Kuchiki Kintoki and others.

It may also be because of the existence of chaotic chrysanthemums.

Xiu Bing glanced at Luan Ju lying on the ground first, and after seeing the other party gave him an encouraging look, he mustered up the courage in his heart, and replied in a low voice, a little timidly and stuttering.

"Hinoki... Hisagi Shuhei..."

The voice like a mosquito and fly sounded softer than Luanju's humming just now, but Nagasawa Masa did not show any abnormality, but said with a gentle face.

"It's a great-sounding name."

Hearing this, Xiu Bing couldn't help but froze on the spot, his face full of disbelief.

It wasn't the first time he heard someone praise his name, but a powerful guy like Nagasawa Ya unexpectedly praised him so much.

Somewhat at a loss, he threw away most of the fear in his heart, straightened his waist, and said excitedly.

"Yes Yes!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help showing a knowing smile on her face.

It was at this time that several sounds of piercing the sky came from a distance in a way from far to near.

Ten nimble figures stepped into Nagasawa's sensing range.

Realizing that it was a member of the secret mobile force stationed around the Huaku area, they had rushed to Nagasawa nearby, and immediately rubbed Xiubing's frizzy head and smiled warmly.

"Since you and Matsumoto are old acquaintances, can I trouble you to take care of them?"

"I'm going over there to take care of some things, and I'll be back soon."

Saying that, Nagasawa stretched out her finger and pointed to the ten members of the secret mobile unit who had come to the front not far away and were standing by and watching.

Following the direction of Nagasawa Ya's finger, Xiu Bing discovered that, at some point in time, there were already ten more people in night clothes on the open space not far away, and their bodies were tightly wrapped up and down. A "monster" with only his eyes and hands exposed.

Perhaps it was because of the killing spirit of the stealth mobile unit. After seeing those guys, the young Xiu Bing subconsciously shrank his head when he had just mustered up his courage.

However, perhaps it was because Nagasawa Masa's encouragement just now had an effect.

Or maybe he didn't want to insult his "powerful" name.

Although he was a little scared in his heart, Xiu Bing still nodded slightly to Nagasawa Ya.

Seeing this, a satisfied smile appeared on Nagasawa Ya's face, and immediately she walked in front of the ten members of the secret mobile unit.

Looking at Nagasawa Ya who suddenly appeared in front of him, the pupils in the eyes of the members of the secret mobile unit who were called by the signal flare and rushed to the Huaku area first, shrank suddenly.

It has been two days since Masa Nagasawa left Seireitei. As the intelligence department of the Gotei [-]th Team, especially under the premise that Masa Nagasawa fired a flare, they have already used their unique communication channel to I learned that Nagasawa Ya is going to the Huaku area.

As for the name of Masa Nagasawa, naturally there is no need for too much introduction.

Although it can't be described as thunderous, it can also be said that he has admired his name for a long time.

However, although the covert mobile unit is not a department that specializes in combat, they also have their own pride.

The head of his own army gave Nagasawa Ya the flare that could drive them at will.

To be honest, it would be a lie to say that they have no dissatisfaction in their hearts.

Not to mention that there are vague rumors in the second division that the commander of his own regiment and Nagasawa Masaru have some kind of extremely close relationship.

For these members of the second team, the head of their own army is a god!

If you want to tarnish the true God in their hearts, you have to ask them if they agree!


When they followed the signal flares and rushed to the gathering place in Huaku District, their jaws dropped in shock from the sight in front of them.

What kind of Asura hell is this?

Corpses were strewn all over the place, devastated everywhere.

As far as the eye can see, no corpse is complete!

Then feel the residual spiritual pressure around him.

Just the remnants of the spiritual pressure left in the air, which had not had time to dissipate in the future, made them feel terrified.

But it's not over yet.

When Nagasawa came to them at a speed beyond their comprehension, what he said made the brains of several of them go down.

"The head of the branch of the Kuchiki family, Kuchiki Kintoki, faked his death and escaped, pretending to be a refugee from Ruhun Street, occupying the Huaku area, intending to privately build a world-crossing gate to escape to the present world."

"Monk Yixiu, the head of the ghost, is a tiger's assistant. He not only provides help to him, but also intends to kill me who discovered his conspiracy."

"Fortunately, compared to the two of them, my strength is slightly stronger."

"Except for the ghost Taoist over there who is in charge of debugging the world-transmitting gate, everyone else will be punished."

...... cut......

PS. I want to make a recommendation for a "good long book" this week.

This recommendation position is basically one of the best recommendation positions for hedgehog cats, and it is roughly divided into four levels of 1234.

There is a high probability that I will not be able to get the two best grades of the third and fourth grades, but I still have a chance to give it a go for the second grade.

Generally speaking, the editors' recommended positions are ranked according to daily sales.

If it's convenient, for the sake of my efforts to update this month, can you give me a little bit of cat coins to help me get rid of the daily sales?

If it is inconvenient, keeping the subscription until Friday is the greatest help to me.

The humble author is here to thank all the readers for their support, woo woo woo!

Chapter 169 Second, never miss a single detail

Masa Nagasawa's voice was very soft, but it sounded like thunder to the ears of the ten members of the stealth mobile unit.

Kuchiki Kintoki faked his death to escape?

The Daoist Daoist of the Great Ghost is a minion for a tiger?

Then you killed Ikkyu, the chief ghost, who was at the level of the captain, and Kuchiki Kintoki, the head of the branch of the Kuchiki family, who was at the level of the vice-captain.

Most importantly, you, who are almost equivalent to killing an elite team, are not injured at all?

The members of the second team felt that they were no longer listening to stories, but simply listening to myths and legends.

However, the scene in front of him cannot be faked.

At least judging from the remnants of spiritual power dissipating in the air, not long ago, there were indeed captain-level powerhouses fighting here.


Nagasawa Ya's words sounded too weird.

Even if they all knew that Nagasawa had once killed the captain of the former [-]th team, they couldn't believe that the other party could single-handedly kill the Daoist Daoist without injury.

Looking at the half-believing eyes of everyone in front of him, Chang Zeya didn't say anything more.

He just told the other party the truth. As for whether the other party believes it or not, and the subsequent investigation and verification, that's their job.

After explaining this, Nagasawa made a "please go" gesture to everyone, and then returned to the side of the three of them again.

Coincidentally, Nanao and Shechang also woke up at this time.


"Ms. Nagasawa..."

Two faint voices resounded from their mouths.

Obviously, the injuries of the two were not much less severe than that of Luan Ju.

However, since he was able to wake up, it proved that the injury was not considered "serious".

Regarding the reckless actions of the three people, under the uneasy gazes of the three, Nagasawa Masaru did not blame the three. Instead, he turned around and asked the members of the second division for some medicine that could relieve pain and speed up the injury. Special bandages for recovery.

Looking at Nagasawa's busy figure and the three of them lying on the ground unable to move, they couldn't help feeling even more guilty.

And Xiu Bing at the side seemed to want to help Chang Zeya with something, but because he didn't understand anything, he could only stand at the side at a loss, looking at Chang Zeya who was taking care of the three of them with curious eyes. Zeya.

After Nagasawa fed the three people with the medicine in their hands one by one, and briefly bandaged the bodies of the three, winding them into three "mummy", the pain on the body was relieved, and then Open your mouth and say.

"Teacher, don't you...don't blame us?"

If you want to say who is the most nervous among the three, it must be Chaoju who proposed the plan to destroy the spirit particle charging device.

Unexpectedly, after hearing her words, Chang Zeya did not answer her question directly, but responded softly in a rhetorical tone.

"Remember what I said earlier?"

Hearing this, not only Rangiku, but also Nanao and Sheba, who had just woken up, were slightly startled subconsciously.

Seeing that the eyes of the three seemed to recall something, Nagasawa continued.

"I unconditionally agree with all your decisions and will only take action when you encounter situations that can endanger lives."

"That's what I said at the time, right?"

Listening to Masa Nagasawa's words, the three wrapped up as "mummy" nodded subconsciously.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Nagasawa Ya's face.

"You're doing a great job, why should I blame you?"

Hearing this, the three of Luanju were really moved.

To be honest, when Chang Zeya said such "irresponsible" words, they actually held back their energy in their hearts.

They want to prove to Nagasawa that they are not cubs who can only survive under Nagasawa's protection, they can also help Nagasawa and share their worries.

But... the reality is that although they did help a little, they almost cost their own lives.

If Nagasawa Ya hadn't arrived in time, they would not have dared to imagine their end at this moment.

Even so, Nagasawa did not scold or blame them, and even affirmed their actions.

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