Seeing that the three students were settled, Nagasawa finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that when Nagasawa Masa was about to find a place to rest, or find Shiba Yuma who had just slipped away with an excuse to catch up on the old days.

But he suddenly discovered that Yong Yin, who had been recruiting medical soldiers for him just now, was actually standing behind him, with his head slightly lowered, looking at him timidly.

Seeing this, Nagaze Ya subconsciously scratched his nose and said something sarcastic.

"Uh...Xiao Yongyin, why are you staring at me like this?"

For a moment, Nagazeya didn't know where she had said the wrong thing. Yongyin held her mouth and whispered a little aggrievedly.

" forgot to come for a follow-up visit again..."

"I went to your house to find you, but you were not at home..."

Hearing this, Chang Zeya was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that his Achilles tendon was still broken.

In order to remind him to come back for a follow-up visit every day, Yong Yin specially tied a bow tie on the bandage on his wound to attract his attention.


Probably have already gotten used to the injury.

Or maybe the spiritual body is far stronger than the physical body, and he didn't feel that the rupture of the Achilles tendon would have any major impact. He took the students out for three days in a daze, and it wasn't until Yong Yin reminded him that he remembered .

It was obvious that I was the one who was injured, and it was others who were in trouble. As a result, as a patient, I didn't have the consciousness of being a patient.

Thinking of this, Chang Zeya felt a little embarrassed, and he hurriedly explained.

"I just happened to have an urgent mission and went to Rukongai."

"But don't tell me, luckily I went this trip, who do you think I met?"

Seemingly aroused by Nagasawa Masa's topic, the simple-minded Yong Yin subconsciously followed Nagasawa Masa's train of thought and asked softly.


Seeing that the topic was successfully changed, Nagasawa breathed a sigh of relief and continued.

"It's the head of the branch of the Kuchiki family, Kuchiki Kintoki, who has been declared dead."

"He tried to build a world-traversing gate in the Huaku area to escape to the present world, but I happened to bump into him, and I also had a fight with an old monk named Yixiu along the way."

"I estimate that there should be news from the secret maneuvering side soon."

As he said that, Nagasawa simply described the whole story of the matter in a concise and concise manner.

Who knew that it would be better if he didn't speak, as soon as he finished speaking, Yong Yin in front of him immediately exclaimed with some eagerness.

"A break?"

"It's the great ghost priest of the ghosts!?"

Although I have never seen Yixiu make a move, in Yongyin's view, Yixiu is at the same level as his captain.

Masa Nagasawa's serious injury after fighting Kiyanjo Kenpachi last time seemed like just yesterday.

Immediately, she pulled Chang Zeya anxiously, and while checking Chang Zeya's whole body, she hurriedly said.

"Ya, are you hurt?"

"Has the injury worsened?"

"Let me see!"

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help screaming inwardly.

Secretly scolding himself for talking too much, he shouldn't describe too many thrilling plots in front of Yongyin.

However, although it may be inappropriate to say this, the feeling of being cared about is quite good.

Seeing Yongyin's eager look, Nagasawa's heart couldn't help but warm up, he subconsciously grabbed Yongyin's wrist, met the anxious and puzzled eyes of the other party, and said softly.

"No injuries."

"The injury has not worsened."

"Thanks to Yongyin's treatment, I feel surprisingly good now."

Although Nagasawa Masa was not injured because of the injury immunity card, isn't there a little credit for Yongyin?

So when he looked at Yongyin seriously and said the above words, he didn't feel that he was lying at all.

Even because of the long-term blessing of Marlon Brando's peak acting skills.

When he said these words, the focused and gentle eyes were not only not greasy at all, they were simply the most affectionate in the world.


Seeing this, Yong Yin blushed immediately.

Because of her tall stature and boyishness since she was a child, few people would speak to her in such a gentle tone except for her captain Uanohana Retsu.

It's as if everyone agrees that she is a boy.

As a result, I didn't expect that not long after I joined the fourth team, I met a player of the rank of Masa Nagasawa, and Yu Yin, who was a little at a loss, panicked on the spot.

In the end, Yong Yin, with a red face and a heart pounding like a deer, first looked around with a guilty conscience to make sure that no one around saw her little daughter's posture, He hurriedly pushed Nagasawa Ya into his consulting room.

Although Masa Nagasawa kept saying that she was not injured, as a doctor, she was relieved only after confirming it with her own eyes.

...... cut......

PS. My wife is a little uncomfortable today. I will post a chapter first. After taking care of her and going to bed later, if I have time, I will continue to code.

If it's too late, I'll add it later.

Thank you for your support!

Chapter 175 The old man has eyes but no eyes!

Seling Court, a team house.

After arranging for the three of Luan Ju to be hospitalized for observation, Nagasawa and Xiu Bing didn't choose to go back to their small courtyard, but went straight to the team.

First, Xiu Bing's identity needs to be resolved.

Although he successfully brought Xiu Bing into Seireitei, but after all, his name was not right, once Xiu Bing left his line of sight, there would inevitably be some disputes.


Killing Kintoki Kuchiki was not a big deal. After all, leaving aside the fact that he used Shadow Dancer to escape, he himself was a criminal who had been tried by Central Room 46.

When the charges have already been established, the gentlemen in Room 46 of the Central Committee will not slap themselves in the face.

The key is to rest.

Killing a big ghost Taoist priest is a big or small matter.

After all, it was just empty talk, who could prove that Ikkyu was assisting Kuchiki Kintoki in escaping?

Even in order to prove that Ikkyu and Kuchiki Kintoki hooked up to the greatest extent, he deliberately left Kuchiki Kintoki's whole body.

The gentlemen in Room 46 of the Central Committee who are good at turning black and white may not be able to make a fuss about this matter.

Therefore, he needs to communicate with the old man before he secretly maneuvers to send the investigation results back to Seiling Court.

Sure enough, after listening to Chang Zeya's report, the old man just pondered for a moment, and then responded slowly.

"This time, you did a good job."

Yamamoto's words were very soft, but Sparrow, who was familiar with his character, could hear something different.

The old man is very satisfied with Nagasawa's handling method this time.

This is where Yamamoto is satisfied with Masa Nagasawa and Shunsui Kyoraku.

Although the two of them usually do nothing, but once they encounter serious matters...

Be decisive, never procrastinate, and leave no room for criticism.

Similarly, he didn't think Nagasawa would deceive him about this matter.

Because there is no benefit, on the contrary, it is easy to cause a fishy body.

I saw Yamamoto continued.

"The remains of the world-penetrating gate and the spiritual pressure charging device in the Huaku area are enough to prove the intervention of the ghosts, plus you deliberately left a dead body for Kuanmu Jinshi, and the testimony of the residents of the Huaku area."

"As long as the investigation is careful enough, they can't fake it."

Saying that, Yamamoto turned his head to the side and explained slowly to Sparrow behind him.

"Quabu, inform the Liting team to order Sifengyuan Yeyi, the head of the secret mobile army general army, to personally supervise this matter. Don't let anyone who is interested take advantage of it."

Hearing this, Quebu, who had been standing behind Shanben, immediately lowered his head and responded, then disappeared into the butler's room with a "swish" sound.

Seeing that Sparrow had left, Yamamoto seemed to be talking to Nagasawa Masa, and continued slowly as if talking to himself.

"Hmph, the Thirteenth Team of the Guarding Court will pick and choose the assigned tasks and subcontract them layer by layer. This old man has heard about it for a long time."

"I didn't expect that the unspoken rules of mutual acquiescence would be formed, and it would almost lead to a big mistake."

"This time, if you hadn't happened to meet him, the old man would have run away."

"It seems that it's time to rectify this unhealthy trend."

Speaking of this, in Yamamoto's old eyes, as if he had returned to a thousand years ago, a sharp killing intent flashed across.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but secretly stunned.

He just wanted to open a book and give his students experience points.

I didn't expect to uncover a case of absconding, and by the way, I also rectified the discipline of the Guarding Thirteenth Team...

I hope the old man won't mention his name when he gets mad.

Otherwise, no matter how good the relationship between him and the captains is, there will be no bleeding at that time, and it will be difficult for the common people to be angry...

After solving this problem, Yamamoto's eyes fell on Xiu Bing, who was sitting upright and kneeling beside him, not even daring to breathe.

Unlike Nagasawa, who sat cross-legged casually, Xiu Bing, who followed him into the first team's executive room, was called a correct kneeling one.

Although the young Xiubing didn't know who Yamamoto was, but just relying on the aura of the old man and the white feathers on his Shiba outfit, recalling Ranju's teachings, he instantly drew Yamamoto and the captain. equal sign.

This is not over yet.

What made Xiu Bing even more surprised, and even terrified, was that he actually saw the grandfather in front of him, suspected to be the captain, driving another captain as if he was driving his own servants.

Not only did the captain with the moustache not have any dissatisfaction, he even accepted the task with a low eyebrow and pleasing to the eye.

For a moment, Xiubing, who was a little confused, instantly erased the equal sign in his mind and drew a greater than sign between Yamamoto and the captain!

Realizing that what he was facing was a god of death who was more respected than the captain, the young Xiubing almost forgot to breathe because of excessive tension.

If it weren't for the master Nagasawa who was still around, he might have to hold his breath.

However, if Nagasawa knew what Xiu Bing was thinking, he would probably have to die.

Well, laughing.

Although the strength of Brother Quebu is indeed enough to be a captain, it is purely a personal hobby for him to wear a white haori under the Shiba outfit.

It was the white haori that he made himself because he saw the clothes worn by British gentlemen when he was performing missions in this world, and he was envious. It is completely different from the captain's haori.

However, Xiu Bing was right about one thing.

Between Yamamoto and the captain, it is indeed necessary to draw a greater than sign.

I saw that Yamamoto first looked up and down the nervous Xiubing, and then turned his gaze back to Nagasawa Ya, and asked slowly.

"Is this your new disciple?"

Seeing that the old man asked about Xiu Bing, Nagasawa suddenly regained his spirits.

"Yes, old man, can you give me a review?"

Although Masa Nagasawa has never been very interested in being a teacher, but...

He is a man of good words.

Isn't praising his disciple the same as praising him for his insightful eyes and sharp eyesight?

In terms of talent, Hisagi Shuhei, although not as good as Kyoraku Shusui and Ukitake Shishiro, but no matter what, he is still a vice captain.

With the eyes of the old man, he will definitely not fail to see it.

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