However, just as Nagasawa was happily waiting for Yamamoto's praise, what greeted him was a period of silence from Yamamoto.


After a long silence, as if he didn't want to dampen the enthusiasm of his disciples, Yamamoto changed the topic as if he suddenly thought of something.

"You want to give him an identification card?"

"Mao's enrollment for this year has ended. As the principal, I can't take the lead to break the rules and let him enter Mao. Don't think about it."

Having said that, the old man pondered for a moment, then continued.

"How about this, you go to Chongya and ask him to help you arrange an auditor status for this disciple, and he will study with the next student, and then take Mao's entrance examination next year."

"However, don't blame the old man for being unreasonable. If your disciple fails the entrance examination next year, the status of this auditor can only be changed to your servant."

Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't understand the meaning of the old man's words.

The old man is really blind, he really didn't see it, hum!

...... cut......

PS. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth. Although I can’t get into the recommendation position of Level [-] “Long Books”, I got into Level [-]!

This location is really good for me as a fluttering street.

Take a shower and continue to code.

Chapter 176 Nagasawa, lost in thought

Nagasawa was satisfied when she left the first team building.

This trip not only solved the tail, but also solved the identity problem for his newly recruited disciple.

Speaking of which, he was a little surprised that Genshiro Okiba, the third seat of the first team, still had the title of Mao's teaching director.

It's not too convenient to do things with your own people around, after all, even in the world of corpses and souls, it's still about the world.

Anyway, they are all auditors, and there is a difference between auditing Class [-] and auditing Class [-], which is a special class.

Nagasawa Masa, who has been promoted to a shameful and privileged class, exercised her power unceremoniously.

I have to say, it does feel good to be privileged.

The cumbersome procedures were naturally done by someone, and when he left the first team, it was almost evening.

At this time, Mao had obviously finished his schoolwork for the day, and Nagasawa Masa was planning to arrange Xiubing's schoolwork tomorrow.

It's just that when Nagasawa brought Xiu Bing back to his small courtyard, two familiar figures appeared outside his small courtyard.

"Bai Zai, Xiao Cang, why are you here?"

Looking at the two figures in front of him, one tall and one short, Nagasawa had a puzzled look on his face at first.

It's been a while since he was transferred to Mao, and they haven't seen each other for a while.

However, although we haven't seen each other for a long time, Kuchiki Byakuya's temperament has become a lot calmer.

When he heard Nagasawa call his father "Xiao Cang" in an extremely unreasonable manner, he just gave Nagasawa a hard look, rarely getting angry.

Looking at Kuchiki Byakuya's calm performance, Masa Nagasawa, as an uncle, immediately showed a gratified smile.

He stepped forward, patted Kuchiki Byakuya on the shoulder, and said softly with emotion on his face.

"It's been a while since I saw Bai Zai. Bai Zai has grown up and calmed down. Uncle, I'm very pleased."

(╬ ̄Dish ̄)

After listening to the words that came to his ears, Kuchiki Byakuya didn't hold back after all. He slapped Nagazawa's hand away, bit his back molars, and said in a deep voice with a murderous look on his face.

"You bastard! Don't think I dare not beat you because I can't beat you!"

With the most ruthless expression and the most embarrassing words, that's probably the case.

Seeing that Kuchiki Byakuya got angry, Nagasawa Masa just took half a step back in disapproval, shrugged, and then spread her hands with an innocent expression on her face.

Seeing this, Kuchiki Byakuya became even more angry, and immediately held down the Zanpakuto at his waist, wanting to show Masa Nagasawa his Senbon Sakura.

However, at this time, Kuchiki Aojun, who kept smiling and watched the two of them the whole time, stopped Kuchiki Byakuya's "self-inflicted humiliation" and said with a gentle face.

"Well, Bai Zai, you are not Ya's opponent. If you really want to defeat him, you have to practice hard for a few more years."

Should it be said that he was born in a famous family?

Don't look at Kuchiki Byakuya bluffing all day long, looking like he would explode at the slightest touch, but when facing Kuchiki Aojun, he is extraordinarily obedient.

After hearing Kuchiki Sojun's words, Kuchiki Byakuya, who was provoked by Nagasawa Masa just now, seemed to be a different person in an instant, and replied with a calm face.

"Yes, my father."

With that appearance, it seems that the embryonic form of the ice cube face in the future has already been formed.

Nagasawa looked amazed.

Seeing that his son finally calmed down, Kuchiki Canojun turned his head, looked at Nagasawa Masa and smiled softly.

"I heard from the team member that you're back, so Bai Zai and I came here on purpose, so we didn't disturb your rest, did we?"

Hearing this, Chang Zeya immediately covered her mouth and yawned.

This is not his faking.

Speaking of which, last night because of Luan Ju's night attack plan, he didn't sleep much.

In addition, after a big battle, he rushed to take Rangju and others back to Seireitei for treatment, and he worked non-stop without stopping along the way.

After a lot of tossing, he didn't rest for almost two days.

For a spiritual body with spiritual power, it is actually no different from ordinary people in terms of sleep and food needs.

They are already friends of life and death, Nagasawa Masa was not polite with Kuchiki Canojun, and responded softly with a tired expression on his face.

"When you say that, you are really sleepy."

Seeing this, Kuchiki Cangchun showed such an appearance as expected, and at the same time, a touch of distress flashed in his eyes.

He knew why Nagasawa Ya left Seireitei.

At the same time, I once again felt deeply remorseful for my negligence.

If he cared more about Nagasawa on weekdays, he wouldn't be unaware of Nagasawa's "embarrassment".

The gentle Kuchiki Aojun immediately blamed himself even more.

He immediately put his hand into his bosom, took out a token with the toon logo on it, and under Nagasawa Ya's suspicious eyes, he stuffed it into Nagasawa Ya's hand very forcefully.

Seeing Kuchiki Aojun's uncharacteristic performance, and looking at the token with the pattern of the Sixth Squad in his hand, Masa Nagasawa immediately frowned and asked suspiciously.

"This is......?"

However, before he finished speaking, Kuchiki Canojun said seriously.

"The salary system of the Sixth Division has a big problem!"

Listening to Kuchiki Sojun's words and recalling what was previously displayed on the fate value panel, Nagasawa Masaru had a strange look on his face.

He subconsciously cast his eyes on Kuchiki Byakuya at the side, but he found that Kuchiki Byakuya, who was still calm just now, now had an expression of a dog.

Before he could say anything, Kuchiki Sojun in front of him continued.

"The Sixth Division is the one that spends the most money and generates the most income among the Thirteenth Division of the Court. Its members and chief executives receive the same salary as the other divisions. This is very unreasonable."

"I have thought for a long time and decided to reform the salary system of the Sixth Division!"

"Father has already agreed with my plan, and you, as the highest-ranking officer in the sixth team besides my father and me, should naturally enjoy the highest salary level."

"From now on, the team will put your salary into this token every month. If you have any dissatisfaction with the salary, please let me know anyway."


Looking at Kuchiki Canojun's sincere eyes, as if he was afraid that he would reject him.

Although he had roughly guessed what was going to happen, Nagasawa still felt very confused.

Especially the last sentence, which already has a hint of pleading "OK?"...

The words have already been said for this sake, there is no way for him to refuse!

Now that things have come to this, Masa Nagasawa can only reluctantly accept the "salary card" from Kuchiki Aojun.

Seeing that Masa Nagasawa did not refuse, Kuchiki Aojun was immediately overjoyed.

Immediately, knowing Nagasawa's hard work, he even politely refused to enter the house for a cup of hot water.

After saying goodbye and telling Masa Nagasawa to take a good rest, she pulled Byakuya Kuchiki and walked towards the team building of the Sixth Division.

Looking at the backs of Kuchiki Canojun and Kuchiki Byakuya going away, Nagasawa Masa looked at the "salary card" in her hand, a little dazed.

So, he is in a different world and got a promotion and salary increase?

The next step is to marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life from then on? ? ?

Nagasawa fell into deep thought.

...... cut......

PS. The author really wants to get promoted and raise his salary. When will I meet a life-and-death friend like Xiao Cang...

Chapter 177 Nagasawa is full of guts

Leading Xiu Bing, Nagasawa walked into her small courtyard with a strange expression on her face.

Looking at the "salary card" in his hand, he really doubted that after Kuchiki Canojun became the captain, he would really hand over the financial power of the entire Sixth Division to him.

However, just after he sent Xiu Bing to find an empty room as his bedroom, there was an extremely sudden and crisp knock on the door of the small courtyard behind him.

Hearing the knock on the door, the weird expression on Nagasawa's face became even more serious.

Speaking of which, other than Nozomi Ohmaeda, Kuchiki Sosumi and his son would be so polite to enter his house.

Combined with Kuchiki Sojun's father and son just left, Kuchiki Byakuya's expression of "my dad must be crazy", Nagasawa Masa couldn't help guessing.

Could it be that Byakuya Kuchiki took advantage of his father's departure and sneaked back to ask for his "salary card"?

Just like that, Masa Nagasawa, rubbing her chin, questioned Byakuya Kuchiki's character while opening the door, and before Byakuya Kuchiki opened her mouth, blocked all opportunities for the other party to speak.

"What is sent out is the water that was thrown out, but there is no reason to want it back."

However, after he opened the door, it was Aizen and Ichimaru Gin who greeted them with astonished eyes.


Looking at the two unexpected visitors, Nagasawa fell into deep thought again.

Do you want to close the door?

Wouldn't it be impolite to close the door at this time?

If he behaved too distantly, would Aizen try to bully me again?

so embarrassing...

How to do?

Waiting online, very anxious.

Thinking back to the big white man in the joint simulation training, and looking at Aizen's hypocritical smile, Nagasawa really wanted to give him a seven-star sanction.

But in the end, Nagasawa gave up the idea.

For one thing, although he has mastered the ability to stop time, the 0.5-second time stop does not guarantee that he will kill Aizen 100%.

Once you miss...

Not to mention the miss, he will face Aizen's counterattack.

Those gentlemen who have been staring at his central room 46 will not miss this good opportunity to attack him.

Secondly, he doesn't want to expose the fact that he has the ability to stop time in front of Aizen just yet.

The more hole cards, the better.

Before accumulating enough hole cards, the more hole cards are hidden, the better for him.

As for the third point...

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