To be honest, Star Platinum's time stop is very powerful. At least in the world view of "JoJo", most time-related abilities are powerful enough to affect the entire universe.

But in the world of "BLEACH", Masa Nagasawa is not sure whether the spirit king who knows everything in the three worlds and is almost omniscient and omnipotent can fight against his time stop.

Once it is used frequently, don't say it arouses its attention.

Maybe the current him has been "guided" into the "inevitable future" foreseen by King Ling.

The life of Destiny Child...

It's not easy to do.

Fortunately, just when the three of them stared wide-eyed, they were a little unclear about this strange opening, so they didn't know how the next step of the plot would unfold.

Aizen, who has always been superior in emotional intelligence, immediately pretended not to hear anything, and joked with a smile on his face.

"Won't Nagasawa Sanxi invite us in for a sit down? This is not the way to treat guests."

It's all said and done, if you freeze here, you will lose face.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Nagasawa Ya's face.

In terms of acting skills, I and someone may not lose to you.

Nagasawa also pretended that she hadn't said anything, and replied softly rather warmly.

"Yeah~~~ Where is it, I just didn't expect that the vice-captain Aizen would pay a visit, I was a little panicked, please come in quickly."

However, the moment Nagasawa Ya turned his body sideways and Aizen and Aizen stepped into his small courtyard.

As if he suddenly remembered something, a dazed look suddenly appeared on his face, and he exclaimed in a low voice to Gin Ichimaru, who was half a step behind Aizen.

"It turns out that the lord you mentioned last time is the vice-captain Aizen?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

"Although I haven't known Deputy Captain Aizen for a long time, I still regard him as a confidant. If you had told me earlier, I wouldn't have been completely unprepared last time."

Hearing Masa Nagasawa's words, Aizen paused for a moment, then turned around and asked Ichimaru Gin softly beside him with a gentle face.

"So Yin also knows Nagasawa Sanxi?"

"It's a coincidence."

Aizen's words were very soft, but in Ichimaru Gin's ears, they had a different flavor.

Ichimaru Gin wasn't sure whether what Nagasawa Masa said just now was intentional or unintentional, but for him who had just lurked around Aizen at this moment, he had to be careful.

After thinking for less than 0.1 seconds, Ichimaru Gin smiled and responded softly with a calm face.

"Well, yes, I have been on a mission with Nagasawa Sanshi before, and it may be a bit exaggerated for me to say that they are life and death friends, but the grace of saving lives is not an exaggeration."

"If it wasn't for Nagasawa's third seat, I'm afraid I wouldn't have the chance to stand here."

"The last time I wanted to repay his kindness, I told him in advance that he was about to be elected as the captain of the [-]th team."

"I didn't think about it, but he didn't appreciate it. I was also very distressed."

Ichimaru Gin's answer was very ingenious. It not only responded to the relationship between him and Masa Nagasawa, but also exposed the wit in Masa Nagasawa's words by avoiding the most serious.

Hearing this, Aizen responded softly without comment.

"Oh, really."

It's not a question, but more like an affirmation of Ichimaru Gin.

Seeing this, a look of interest suddenly appeared in Nagasawa's eyes.

It seems that the tone of mutual use between Aizen and Ichimaru Gin has been set from the very beginning.

Aizen has taken a fancy to Ichimaru Gin's ability, and while he needs a right-hand man, he is also very curious about when Ichimaru Gin will choose to attack him.

In order to regain the part of Rangiku's soul that was taken away, Ichimaru Gin lurked beside Aizen, looking for the most suitable opportunity to take action.

The two of them, like a hunter and a prey, constantly change their identities.

Even Masa Nagasawa, who is also good at "acting skills", heard the taste of "enjoying it" from Aizen's mouth.

Thinking of this, Masa Nagasawa suddenly remembered what Kurosaki Ichigo said after defeating Aizen in the original plot.

It seems that Aizen is really a lonely person.

Thinking of this, a bold idea slowly emerged in his mind.

...... cut......

PS. I don’t have to be free on weekends. After a busy day, I just got home after 8 o’clock. Hurry up and post a chapter first, and the next chapter will be later.

Chapter 178 Aizen's character design is broken!

Human character is not static.

With the growth of age and rich experience, personality will continue to change.

Although Masa Nagasawa doesn't know Aizen's age very well, but she is about a hundred years old.

It is not so easy to change the blue dye that has formed the inherent three views.

Since the fact that Aizen has become the BOSS cannot be changed, based on Nagasawa Ya's current status, reputation and apparent strength, once the official plot starts, he will be involved [-]% of the time.

If he is destined to be tricked by Aizen, then he might as well push the boat along and turn passive into active.

Since you, Aizen, are lonely and long to be like an ordinary god of death, looking for someone who can stand on the same level as you.

Then, I will try my best to be the person who matches you.

Nagasawa is not a person who likes to meddle in other people's affairs, let alone a bad person who likes to take jobs from her.

He is just used to making the choice he thinks is the most appropriate when facing difficulties.

This is the case when it is bad.

This is the case when you are desperate.

Now, the same is true.

Undoubtedly, this is a choice with both risks and opportunities.

After all, before Aizen was defeated by Kurosaki Ichigo, the so-called "main plot" in the world of "BLEACH" was basically all promoted by the "villain" Aizen.

The protagonist Kurosaki Ichigo, on the contrary, seemed to passively accept the fate "arranged" by Aizen, and kept moving forward.

Even if it weren't for the word "protagonist", Masa Nagasawa didn't think Aizen would lose to Kurosaki Ichigo.

However, that is 100 years later.

During these 100 years, he had enough opportunities to accumulate enough capital to compete against Aizen and to enjoy his life.

Thinking of this, the smile on Nagasawa's face became even bigger.

He hurriedly raised his voice and shouted at Xiu Bing who was still busy in the room.

"Xiu Bing, stop cleaning up now. Go to the kitchen and get the jar of tea from the cabinet."

"A distinguished guest came to the door today. As a teacher, I want to use the tea leaves that I have treasured for many years to treat the distinguished guest well."

I don't know if it's Aizen's illusion.

Although the interval was only a few breaths, he felt that the aura on Nagasawa Ya seemed to have changed.

Even Ichimaru Yin, who was on the side, looked at the somewhat overly attentive Nagasawa Masa with a suspicious look. For a while, he was a little uncertain about Nagasawa Masa's mind.

Seeing Aizen and Ichimaru Gin all stop in place, Nagasawa Masaru couldn't help but feign dissatisfaction.

"Could it be that vice-captain Lan Ran thinks the humble house is so shabby that he doesn't even want to drink rough tea?"

Hearing this, Aizen immediately smiled.

"Then it's up to you to listen."

Before he defected to the soul world, Aizen was a perfect image of a good old man.

Not to mention disputes, even in interpersonal communication, he rarely refuses other people's requests.

Not to mention the current situation where he is deliberately trying to get close to Nagasawa Ya.

Enter the reception room in the small courtyard, after the host and guest are seated.

Looking at Xiu Bing, who was busy with his life and boiling water, Aizen opened the conversation first.

"I heard that you made a lot of noise in Liuhun Street. You must have brought this child back from Liuhun Street."

It seems that because he heard something about himself, Xiu Bing, who had a somewhat restrained personality, subconsciously froze.

However, in the next second, a broad palm landed on his back and patted him lightly.

Although it was only a very slight movement, it seemed to bring great strength to Xiu Bing, and he returned to normal in an instant.

It's just that unlike Xiu Bing, Nagasawa Ya at this time has to deal with Aizen carefully.

I saw him whisper in surprise.

"Vice-captain Lanran has good ears. I just came back from the first team not long ago. You have already got the news?"

Counting the time it took to go through the auditor procedures for Xiu Bing in the first team building, it would only take four or five hours for Nagasawa to return to Seilingting.

Maybe Yoruichi, who got Yamamoto's order, has just arrived in the Hanako area.

Unexpectedly, Aizen not only successfully blocked him who had just returned home, but also got the relevant information first.

It's hard not to make Nagasawa suspect that Aizen's attention to him has reached a very high priority.

Hearing this, Aizen couldn't help explaining softly.

"This is Nagasawa's third seat. Thanks to my captain, I have a little understanding of the affairs of the thirteenth team. If you need any help in the future, I can do my best." Little power."

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but feel more doubts in her heart.

Feeling the "goodwill" released by Aizen...

Is this to win him over?

For a while, Nagasawa Ya, who was a little confused about Aizen's thoughts, had no choice but to follow suit.

"It's nothing to worry about, vice-captain Lan Ran. My captain also takes good care of me. No, just gave me a salary increase."

"I heard that in terms of salary, it is higher than the sum of all the deputy captains of the Goutei [-]th team. I am really looking forward to the day when the salary will be paid next month."

Speaking of this, I don't know if it's Nagasawa Masa's illusion, but he always feels that the expression on Aizen's face opposite him is extremely subtle and stiff.

This couldn't help but give rise to a strange idea in Nagasawa Ya's mind.

Aizen, shouldn't he be envious of himself?

In the next second, Masa Nagasawa denied the thought in her heart.

Hmm, probably an illusion.

With Aizen's aggressive style, how could he show envy because of mere money?

Thinking of this, Nagasawa immediately put aside the absurd thoughts in her mind and prepared to start making tea.

It's just that what Nagasawa didn't know was that what he felt just now was not wrong...

Aizen does have great strength, and in terms of scientific research level, he is not weaker than Urahara Kisuke.

But ah...

Doing scientific research is quite expensive.

Unlike in the second team, there is Sifengyuan's family as support.

After serving as the captain of the [-]th Division, Kisuke Urahara, who controls the financial power of the entire [-]th Division.

Aizen was not born into a noble family, he was just a commoner in Rukongai like Ichimaru Gin and Nagasawa Masaru.

Starting from scratch, the most lacking thing is money.

Although he can take advantage of the illusion and "completely hypnotize" to get some funds for activities without much action.

But in the early days of primitive accumulation, in order not to attract the attention of the Gotei [-], he was extremely careful every time he made money.

Even now, his monthly salary is all subsidized into the research project of "Bengyu", and he cannot make ends meet every month.

Do you think Aizen really likes tofu?

He really can't afford meat!

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