I'm so envious!

Chapter 184

As the host, Jingle Chunshui was very patient.

After Hiyori distributed all the equipment and waited patiently for 15 minutes, he continued to speak to everyone.

"If it's ready, the members of the [-]th squad and the ghosts have already set up a temporary teleportation circle in the four corners of the playground."

"These teleportation circles will be activated at the same time, randomly teleporting you to any corner of the inner court of the Seireitei."

"You may be teleported to the edge of the inner court, or you may be teleported to the same area, and you will encounter an encounter at the beginning."

"When the transmission is over, it means that the assessment will officially begin."

"Isn't it interesting?"

"If you understand it, don't just stand there in a daze, and act for me!"

As he said that, Jingraku Shunsui slapped his palms vigorously as if urging everyone.

Accompanied by the sound of dense "cracks", Mao's students acted quickly as if they heard the gunshot of the starting gun.

But when everyone was walking towards the favorite teleportation circle, Sarutobi Musashi beside him suddenly stopped him.


Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't help but stop, and turned to look around with some doubts.

I saw Sarutobi Musashi, who was the class teacher of the first class of first-time students and also the captain of Ogido Harunobu's team, said to him in a solemn voice.

"In the past three months, I have seen all your performance."

"At first, I simply thought that you were transferred to Mao to avoid the limelight. Even if you were a teacher, it was just a routine, and you didn't really love this profession."

"But I found out that I was wrong, so wrong!"

"Although I don't know why you are obsessed with being the champion of the year-end assessment, but while you are sharpening Ise and the others, you have not neglected the teaching of other students because of this."

"Every student in the class respects and loves you from the bottom of their hearts."

"Through these three months of observation, I apologize for my self-righteousness like you. You are an excellent Mao teacher, worthy of the word 'teacher'. I, Sarutobi Musashi, admire you from the bottom of my heart!"

As soon as Sarutobi Musashi finished speaking, the surrounding students showed expressions of approval, and even looked at Nagasawa Masaru with a light of admiration.

It's just that, feeling the adoring gazes around her and listening to Sarutobi Musashi's sudden expression of true feelings, Masa Nagasawa couldn't help but raise her brows, and even showed a strange look on her face.

To be honest, the relationship between him and Sarutobi Musashi is actually quite good. The other party suddenly said such nonsense to him, but he was stunned.

However, before he could say anything, Sarutobi Musashi suddenly pulled him aside, and after confirming that the students around him were not paying attention to him, he whispered to Nagasawa Masa.

"Although it's a bit shameless to say this, I beg you, Nagasawa-sensei, to win this year's championship!"

Listening to Sarutobi Musashi's request, the bewildered Nagasawa Masa suddenly became even more bewildered.

He looked suspiciously at Sarutobi Musashi aside.

He seemed to recall that during this month, Sarutobi Musashi, who was not very keen on the year-end assessment, suddenly started the special devil training for Ogido Harunobu and others.

He immediately asked softly in a somewhat uncertain tone.

"Is it for the glory of the class?"

Unexpectedly, after hearing his words, the old boy Sarutobi Musashi suddenly blushed, showing an extremely embarrassed look.

Seeing this, Masa Nagasawa was speechless.

Why are you so shy, old boy?

However, after pondering for a while, Sarutobi Musashi decided to tell the truth to Nagasawa Masa.

I saw him whispering with bitterness on his face.

"Omaeda's family opened a handicap for this year's year-end assessment. Although you lead only a team of freshmen, the odds of our first class winning the championship are as low as 1 to 1.08!"

"Originally, I thought about it, although mosquitoes are small, they are also meat, so I put all my savings on it, and I was going to lick the mouth of the subsistence allowance, and I also worked hard myself, and then helped you clear a little more obstacles in the assessment. "

"In the end, how could I have imagined that the leader of the band in Beijing would suddenly change the rules for this year!"

"You know, brother, I'm still a bachelor. If I lose all my wife's capital, I won't be able to live!"

Listening to Sarutobi Musashi's heartbroken cry, Nagasawa Masa's face was full of disgust.

At the same time, two thoughts immediately came to mind.

Hmph, betting on dogs is not worthy of sympathy!

Fuck, luckily I didn't buy it!

However, when Sarutobi Musashi was holding on to his arm with pleading eyes, Nagasawa Masa was a little soft-hearted.

Women may be able to help you a few times, but only brothers can help you at critical moments.

In the past three months, Sarutobi Musashi treated him well, and usually wiped his ass frequently.

Besides, anyway, his goal is to win the championship, and he really has no reason to refuse the favor of favors.

Seeing Masa Nagasawa showing "I can't do anything about you" in her eyes, Sarutobi Musashi was immediately overjoyed.

However, just when Masa Nagasawa thought that this was the case, and was about to take Nanao and others to the teleportation circle, she found that Sarutobi Musashi, who had just pulled his arm, was still holding on to his cuff tightly. let go.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help being even more puzzled.

I promised you, what else do you want?

However, meeting his puzzled eyes, Sarutobi Musashi pointed to the three teleportation circles in the west, south, and north, and motioned Nagasawa Masa to look in those three directions.

When Masa Nagasawa looked in the direction of Sarutobi Musashi's finger, she discovered that three "vacuum zones" suddenly appeared in the middle of the three magic circles.

In the melee of 560 people, there were only 4 teleportation circles, which was obviously quite crowded.

However, even in this crowded situation, there were only four teams of four in each of the three "vacuum zones".

The students around seemed to be avoiding some extremely terrifying monsters, and they couldn't avoid it.

Seeing this, the corners of Nagasawa Ya's eyes twitched involuntarily.

Because he discovered that he knew all the team leaders of the three four-person teams.

Dressed in a domineering outfit and with a wild look on his face, the third seat of the [-]th squad is Saraki Kenpachi.

Dressed as a criminal soldier, wearing a ninja outfit, covering all parts except the eyes and hands, full of mystery and death, the current eighth seat of the second division, Aya Hasao.

As well as the former head teacher of the fifth seat of the third division, the head teacher of the special class for fifth-generation students, the younger brother of the captain of the third division Kamikawa Rennosuke, Kamikawa Momanosuke, who has a dark face.

Well, it was Masa Nagasawa who showed hostility towards Mao on the first day she came to report to Mao, but in the past three months, she has never initiated any provocative behavior towards him at all.

When Nagasawa's eyes fell on the three of them, they seemed to feel something in their hearts, and the three of them gathered their gazes on Nagasawa in unison.

It was at this time that Sarutobi Musashi played the role of narrator very intimately.

"In addition to the team led by Mr. Nagasawa, those three teams are the other three favorites to win the championship this year."

...... cut......

PS.1. Although it was 11:[-] o'clock, I still insisted on the end of the time code in Yangjian, okay!

PS.2. Although experience cards are rarely used, Nagasawa will develop more of her own strength in the future, but if there are any experience cards that you find interesting, or experience cards that you want to see, you can bring them up. Will do it for reference.

After all, it’s been a long time since I’ve had any posts between the main texts to copy, and I’m running out of inspiration.

Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!


Chapter 185 Soul World PCL Championship, Start!

The appearance of Kenpachi Zaraki and Aya Hasao was indeed beyond Nagasawa Masaru's expectations.

And listening to Sarutobi Musashi's tone, the other party seems to have known about this for a long time?

Seeing this, he couldn't help but ask suspiciously.

"You've heard it before?"

Hearing this, Sarutobi Musashi explained quite empathetically.

"According to the rules, the Sixth Generation can invite someone other than Mao to be the team leader of their own team."

"As for who they hired as 'foreign aid', as long as they don't deliberately announce it, the big guys won't know until the day of the assessment."

It's just that when he said this, a look of embarrassment suddenly flashed across Sarutobi Musashi's face, and he scratched his head in embarrassment, before continuing.

"But this year is not a coincidence, because of your participation, the popularity of Mao's year-end assessment has even exceeded the sum of the past ten years."

"In order to be fair and just, the Omaeda family found out exactly who each participating team invited to be the team leader before the market opened."

"For this reason, I even went to buy the roster they made."

Listening to the words in his ears, Nagasawa Masa praised Omaeda Nozomi in his heart as a business genius who would never let go of any money, but at the same time looked at his colleague a little speechlessly.

"So since you already knew, why didn't you tell me?"

Unexpectedly, after hearing his words, Sarutobi Musashi was a little dazed, and immediately responded in a natural tone, "It's just an officer, you are the captain's reserve, they should be afraid of you Bar?"


Listening to Sarutobi Musashi's words, Nagasawa Masa was speechless.

What he said makes sense...

It was at this time that he seemed to have noticed the conversation between him and Sarutobi Musashi, and Jingle Shunsui, who was standing on the stage, couldn't help reminding him aloud.

"Teams that have not yet entered the teleportation circle should move faster. If they do not enter the teleportation circle within the specified time, they will automatically be judged as losers once the teleportation starts."

Hearing Jingle Shunsui's reminder, Nagasawa Masa and Sarutobi Musashi were shocked immediately.

Nima, is there such a setting that can't be said earlier?

Masa Nagasawa and Musashi Sarutobi didn't dare to scribble any more ink, and immediately led everyone, under the watchful eyes of Kenpachi Saraki, Aya Hachishou and Momanosuke Kamikawa, to the teleportation circle to the east.

It's just that different from the three of them, when Masa Nagasawa led the team into the circle, the students around did not show fear like they did when they faced Saraki Kenpachi and the others, but seemed to see it. Like Jay Chou, he moved to Nagasawa's side with an excited expression on his face.

"Mr. Nagasawa, thank you for your teaching in the past three months. I have attended every class of yours. Every time I recall your teaching, I feel that I have benefited a lot. Red bean paste Arigado!"

"Mr. Nagasawa, although we have always regarded you as a beacon in life and a beacon to guide our progress, if we meet your team during the assessment, we will not show mercy to our juniors."

"Let's have a wonderful competition, Mr. Nagasawa!"

At the beginning, those Mao students who surrounded Nagasawa Masa were still acting very normal, and they even walked like a hot-blooded male protagonist.

The sincere thanks and the youthful declaration even made Masa Nagasawa feel like "Ye Qinghui".

It's just that I don't know when it started, Nagasawa suddenly noticed that the surrounding voices seemed to have changed.

"Nagasawa-sensei, Nagasawa-sensei, they are lofty, they are amazing! We are different, I don't want to fall into a box, if you run into us, please be merciful, Nagasawa-sensei!"

"Mr. Nagasawa, I'm Shota Hinata from Class [-] of the sixth-generation students. I heard that after the year-end assessment, you will be transferred to the [-]th team as the captain. My slashing skills have always been very good. Please consider me!"

"Mr. Nagasawa, do you have a date? My sister is only 180 years old this year! She is very suitable for Gemini!"

Hearing the flattering voices all around, the corners of Nagasawa Ya's eyes twitched involuntarily.

Those who go through the back door go through the back door, those who beg for mercy, how can there be any fighting spirit of a young man!

Especially the 180-year-old sister over there.

Labor and management are only 18 this year!

With your face ah hello!

Fortunately, as the host, Jingle Chunshui did not let this farce continue for too long. Seeing that all the participating teams participating in the year-end assessment had stepped into the teleportation circle, he immediately opened his mouth to the ghost in charge of the circle. Taoists and the [-]th Division said.

"Start teleporting."

Accompanied by Jingle Chunshui's voice, the ghost Taoists and members of the twelfth division surrounding the four teleportation circles began to instill spiritual pressure into the circles.

Looking at the lights around them, the Mao students who were excited just now became nervous.

And at this moment, Jingle Chunshui standing on the stage seemed to suddenly remember something, and suddenly spoke.

"Oh, by the way, in order to increase the fun and unexpectedness of the assessment, as well as increase the actual combat effect, your seniors have prepared some interesting props for you in various places in the inner court of the Seiling Court."

"Then... I wish you all the best of luck."

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