What Jingle Chunshui said was very casual, but it surprised all the participating students.

Fun little props?

These are not mentioned in the competition rules!

What kind of props are they?

Even Nagasawa had a strange look on her face.

This year-end assessment is really getting more and more like PCL of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds......

Eating chicken... Ah no, after winning the championship, will Jingle Chunshui still award him a "good luck, eat chicken tonight" trophy?

However, confusion had just arisen in everyone's hearts, and they didn't even have time to ask.

As the light rising around the teleportation circle became more and more dazzling, a sense of trance suddenly hit everyone.

Just in the blink of an eye, the scene before everyone's eyes was no longer the playground of Maou Academy of Spiritual Art.

The students who were still crowded a second ago also disappeared in an instant.

I don't know how long it took, when the sense of trance in my mind dissipated and my sight was restored, Nagasawa first confirmed that Nanao and the three were by his side, and then looked around and compared A topographic map on a wrist-worn computer.

It has been less than half a year since he approached the world of corpses and souls, and with just a few glances, Nagasawa determined the position of his team at the moment.

"Did you get teleported near the second division team building?"

"It's really biased..."

...... cut......

PS. Migraine happened again, nausea, vomiting, unable to eat.

Send out a chapter first, go to sleep for a while, wake up at 4 o'clock and code Chapter 2, and try to send Chapter 6 before the full attendance deadline at 2 o'clock.


Chapter 186 Fall into a box?

Nagasawa is no stranger to the second team building, this is probably the team building he is most familiar with besides the sixth team.

And because of the particularity of the secret mobile unit, even if the team building was set up in the inner court of Seireitei, it was placed in a relatively remote periphery.

In other words, the starting position of Masa Nagasawa and others is at the extreme edge of the "drug circle".

As a former "chicken eating" enthusiast, senior Voldemort, touching circles along the edge is almost a tactic engraved in his DNA.

However, because there were no ranking points in the year-end assessment, Voldemort's style of play obviously lost its greatest advantage.

It is the last word to use a "hard gun" head on, get "kill points" as quickly as possible, and find a team leader who is willing to "fight" with you as much as possible.

However, although considering that there may be a situation that requires him to appear as a "fighter", Masa Nagasawa did not choose to draw the experience card at the first time.

Thanks to the terrifying talent of [super speed absorption], although his body has extremely strong glass man attributes, his strength is improving rapidly at a rate of one small step a day and one big step every three days.

According to the system, his Lingwei level has reached Lingwei [-]th, let's see how the system evaluates it.

Level: Lingwei [-]th and so on. (Congratulations, your strength has barely reached the threshold of the low-level seat officer of the Guarding Thirteen Team, and you have become a qualified player. Even without the experience card, you still have a certain amount of self-protection power.)

Although he still hasn't got rid of the evaluation of the dragon set, but the [-]th level of Lingwei has already given him the combat power of a low-level officer. Even without the blessing of the experience card, he still has the power to fight.


In the work "BLEACH", it's okay for the sub-team to be all players.

There's nothing to be ashamed about playing tricks, they're all high-end rounds!

And the most important point is that the "fighting general" thing can be rejected.

In the early stage, when everyone didn't have many "kill points", it was not wise to "fight generals".

In addition, the assessment will only be narrowed down to the final "final circle" when it reaches the 72nd hour.

72 hours is exactly the limit time of his experience card.

Activate the experience card now, in case the "final round" just expires and his expectation value is not refilled, then the fun will be great.

Fall short is not enough to describe.

It seemed that she and Nagasawa had thought of something together. After confirming the surrounding terrain, Nanao, who was acting as a "consultant", was ready to inform everyone of her planned route so that Nagasawa, the captain, could make up her mind.

However, just as she was about to speak, a sudden change happened.

"Broken Road 31: Red Cannon!"

"Bound Tao 21: Red Smoke Escape!"

"Tao Binding 26 Curved Light!"

The three whispers sounded almost simultaneously.

In the next second, a group of crimson explosive flames suddenly blasted towards Qi Xu who was about to speak from the blind spot of everyone's sight.

Enemy attack!

The moment she realized the enemy attack, Masa Nagasawa subconsciously prepared to cut off the crimson explosion.

However, after only 0.00001 seconds, he gave up this plan.

Because this year-end assessment specifically weakens the existence of the team leader, the team leader can only take action in two situations.

One is when fighting with the enemy team leader.

The other is when it is judged that the members of the own team are powerless to resist, or when their lives are in danger.

The former must sign a "contract" with the enemy team leader, otherwise, if the "contract" is not signed, the opponent will be able to eliminate him with a report.

The latter means "abstain".

Obviously, no matter what the situation is, the situation at this time does not allow Nagasawa to help.

On the contrary, at the moment he discovered the enemy attack, he, the teacher, even "abandoned" the students who were about to be attacked, and hid alone outside the attack range.

However, at the moment when she left, Nagasawa Ya didn't show the slightest worry on her face, instead there was a faint taste called anticipation.

In the past more than a month, although Yamamoto has rectified the discipline of Gotei [-], he has been unable to accept tasks that other teams do not want to sharpen Nanao and others.

However, at night when classes were over, he would give the three of them one-on-three extracurricular tutoring that was not limited to ghosts.

He even imitated the exercise method of a strange loli in a certain professional hunter in order to exercise the vigilance of the three of them.

Let three people tie a big stone with a rope, throw it over the trunk, hang it on their heads, and sleep while holding the rope in their hands.

If they fall asleep completely, the rope they subconsciously loosen will cause stones to fall on their heads.

Even if she is used to sleeping while holding the rope, Masa Nagasawa will shoot the short knife in her hand from time to time, cutting the rope in the hands of the three of them.

Once they lose their vigilance, the falling stones will still land on the heads of the three of them.

There is no doubt that the training methods of Hot Blood Man are basically the same.

In just one month, even Rangiku, the sleepiest of the three, had developed a strong sense of vigilance.

Faced with this sudden sneak attack, Qi Xu didn't show any panic on her face.

She just raised her hand, and softly shouted at the red explosion that was about to hit her.

"Bound Dao 39: Round Gate Fan!"

It is the No. 39 Bindao that has abandoned the chant!

Nanao, who completely gave up the slashing technique and devoted herself to the cultivation of the ghost way, faced the red cannon, and directly used the No. 39 bound way that gave up the chant!

As the spiritual power condensed in the palm of his hand, a round shield like an opening and closing fan spread out in front of him in an instant.


Although the defensive strength of the round gate fan has declined due to the abandonment of the chants, it is more than enough to face the red artillery.

The two ghosts that canceled each other instantly turned into spirits all over the sky.

It's just that, just after completing the teleportation, he was attacked by someone, and everyone would feel unhappy.

Even the good-tempered Nanao is no exception.

"The Ninth Way of Binding: Collapsing Wheels: Change!"

After neutralizing the Red Cannon, the most familiar Bindao came out almost instantly, and attacked in the direction where the Red Cannon exploded.

However, what made Nanao a little depressed was that when she controlled the Lingzi Guangsuo like a steel wire rope and shot away following the trajectory fired by the red cannon, a huge smoke screen burst suddenly. It hindered her sight and exploration of Reiatsu.

As a partial student who spends most of his skill points on the ghost path, Nanao naturally recognized the "Chiyan Dun" in front of him.

Although this is only the No. 21 binding path, it is quite practical to obstruct the line of sight and confuse perception.

Even when the opponent missed a single hit and fled immediately, he also used the No. 26 "curved light" that can cover objects and make them invisible.

The degree of obscenity directly exceeded her imagination.

Knowing that the pursuit was hopeless, Qi Xu, who almost fell into a box, could only break the Lingzi light cord in her hand in displeasure, frowning slightly, and said softly in a dissatisfied tone.

"Tsk... was run away."

...... cut......

PS. The headache is really terrible, I can't vomit, I can't sleep well when I want to sleep, and I keep waking up.

I originally wanted to get up at 4 o'clock to write, but I got up three times at 10 o'clock, 12 o'clock, and 1 o'clock, and I couldn't fall asleep anymore, so I simply got up to type.

What you need to know is that I am usually the kind of person who falls asleep as soon as I touch the pillow. I am so irritable...

Chapter 187 Find a way to fuck the fuck!

"Hey, are you kidding me?"

"A person who was reincarnated and used No. 39 Binding Dao without chanting!?"

"Could it be Mr. Nagasawa who made the move secretly just now?"

In the dense forest of the second team's training ground, four figures, one old, three young, were shuttling through the dense forest at an extremely fast speed.

One of them, who had a rough appearance and looked more like a teacher than a student, complained to the companion beside him with an incredulous expression on his face.

It seemed that his complaints resonated, and his other two companions also echoed.

"Yeah, and her reaction speed is a little too fast. If Onitsuka-sensei hadn't advised us to run away as soon as we missed a hit, we would have been entangled in her bound way just now."

"Damn it, we obviously picked the weakest striker, and we deliberately lowered the voice of the chant. We didn't expect it to be resolved so easily. Are all the first graders now monsters?"

Hearing the complaints from his own students, the teacher named Onizuka chuckled, looked at the three of them with doting eyes, and then spoke immediately.

"You children, you have to challenge Mr. Nagasawa's students. Now you know that there are people beyond others, and there is a sky beyond the sky, right?"

"Fortunately, our actions were fairly concealed, and we didn't leave any tails behind. Otherwise, we would have encountered such a powerful enemy at the very beginning of the assessment. You don't want six years of hard work to go to waste, do you?"

Hearing this, the three sixth-generation students couldn't help but blushed, and lowered their heads in embarrassment.

After the teleportation started, their refresh location happened to be on a tall building 200 meters away from the four of Nagasawa and Ya.

Occupying the advantage of the terrain, they naturally discovered the traces of Nagaze Masa's team at the first time.

To be honest, for Nagasawa Masa, the feelings of these sixth-generation students are extremely complicated.

Although they are not formal students of Nagasawa Masaki, they have already regarded Nagasawa Masaki as their teacher after they have been listening for nearly three months.

Because of respect, so fear.

When they learned that Masa Nagasawa would lead the rebirth team to the battle, they were a little afraid in their hearts.

They prayed in their hearts that they would not meet Nagasawa Ya's team too early in the assessment.

However, human emotions are sometimes very complicated.

When they really faced the three of Nanxu, for some reason, the idea of ​​rivalry naturally arose in their hearts.

In addition, this year's end-of-year assessment is based on the students and supplemented by the team leader.

The three of them just made up their minds with their leading teacher, and then they made up their minds.

Anyway, first find a way to fuck the fuck up!

With such a simple and clear idea, they planned the exquisite cooperation just now in a very short period of time.

From attacking to covering, to hiding and retreating, they faithfully implemented Nagazawa Masaru's teaching philosophy in the Kidō class, and while ensuring safety, they maximized their strengths and caused damage to the enemy.

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