It's a pity that Nanao's performance was beyond their expectations, so they didn't succeed.

Seeing the dejected look of his students, Mr. Sakagi couldn't help but show a fatherly smile and comforted him.

"However, you don't have to be dejected. I know that as long as Mr. Nagasawa has a class during this time, you will have to attend even if you skip the class. I will also see your progress."

"Perhaps Mr. Nagasawa who taught these children is the real monster."

"If you have the opportunity to be assigned to his team in the future, you must learn a lot from him."

Although Mao's teacher was strict, he really didn't say anything to his students. Even his own students skipped several of their own classes in order to attend Nagazawa Masaru's "open classes."

As long as it is helpful to the students' studies, there is no complaint at all.

Listening to Mr. Onizuka's comfort, the three sixth-generation students said with tears in their eyes.



On the other hand, unlike the filial master and apprentice of the sixth-generation students, Masa Nagasawa was satisfied with and dissatisfied with the performance of the three of Nanao.

Seeing Nanao complete the transition from defense to offense in a very short period of time when facing a sneak attack, Nagasawa immediately showed a gratified smile like an old father.

The only fly in the ointment is that the cooperative combat capability of the shooting range and the chaos is insufficient.

I am a certain person who is restricted by the competition group, and can stand by and watch openly. As contestants, are you ashamed to watch Nanao fight alone?

In this regard, Nagasawa, who stands on the moral high ground, started a crazy mode of pointing and pointing at the two.

Forced by Nagasawa Ya's coercion, Shechang and Luanju immediately nodded in agreement, and said they would never dare again next time.


The actual situation is that when Nagasawa saw Nanao fighting alone, he immediately showed a heartbroken expression, and he first praised Nanao softly.

"Ise's performance is very good, with strong vigilance, quick response, and almost the most perfect response. If it is a ten-point scale, the teacher can give you nine points for your performance just now."

After hearing Nagasawa's compliment, Nanao's expression was happy at first, but then dimmed again, and she even slightly pursed her lips in embarrassment.

Only nine points...

Ever since she learned about Nagasawa's silent efforts, Nanao's biggest wish was not to disappoint Nagasawa.

Although nine points is already an extremely high score, for Nanao, not being able to fully satisfy Nagasawa was cited as the biggest dereliction of duty by her.

It's just that Nagasawa obviously didn't notice Nanao's slight expression, he turned his head, and said in a low voice to Luanju and Shechang who were standing aside and "watching".

"Matsumoto, Shooting Field, although the attack happened suddenly just now, and the target was only Ise, but as teammates, are you just standing by and watching?"

"If you shot at the first time, Chi Yandun and Qu Guang would not be enough to make the opponent retreat so safely."

Hearing this, Shooting Field, who has always boasted of being a tough guy, couldn't help lowering his head in shame.

Only Luanju tried to quibble.

"Old...teacher, we're just protecting him, we didn't think..."

However, it seemed that certain words hit the "pain point" hidden deep in Nagasawa's memory. Nagasawa suddenly felt a pain in her heart for no reason, and immediately interrupted her next words.

"Student Matsumoto, don't let me hear the words 'protective response' again, the teacher is about to commit PTSD..."

Hearing this, Luan Ju was shocked immediately.


Although Rangiku didn't understand what PTSD meant, she hadn't heard Nagasawa call her "Matsumoto-san" for a long time.

For some reason, when she heard this title, she panicked for no reason.

She, who hadn't taken it seriously just now, immediately acted out of character, like a frightened deer, lowered her head and whispered timidly.

"Yes... sorry, I... I know I was wrong..."

...... cut......

PS. The seasons have changed recently, and the temperature difference has changed a lot. Be careful not to catch a cold.

I often have headaches when the seasons change, or when the temperature changes greatly, and I feel like dying...

Chapter 188 Teacher, we are also very strong.

"In short, you must remember that you are a team, comrades who can trust each other's back. I don't want to see the same thing happen a second time."

Hearing Luanju's timid words, Nagasawa was also a little soft-hearted.

Seeing that Luanju was no longer making trouble, Shechang accepted his criticism humbly, and he didn't delve too deeply into the topic just now.

After a simple explanation, it was revealed.

It just made him feel somewhat speechless.

Although the student who had just sneaked in used the combination of ghosts to hide the three of Nanao and the others, they couldn't escape his eyes.

Nima, before sending it, I begged someone from Ya to show mercy, and wanted to introduce my 180-year-old sister to me.

Just refresh the starting point and take the lead in a sneak attack.

Shota Hinata from Class [-] of the sixth generation, I, someone, remembers you!

Still want to join the [-]th Division?

Don't let me catch you, hum!

Obviously, the vengeful Nagasawa pined all the charges on the only name he could remember.

On the other hand, it seemed that she was stimulated by Masa Nagasawa's "nine points" and tried to achieve a better Nanao. Even if she made up her mind, she must get a full score of [-] on Masa Nagasawa's side.

Because long before the assessment started, the team had discussed that the assessment would be conducted with the "brain tank" Nanao as the core.

Including Nagasawa Ya, the team leader, will respect Nanao's suggestion to the greatest extent.

After sorting out the language a bit, Nanao spoke out her thoughts and plans one by one like beans poured from a bamboo tube.

"Mr. Nagasawa, Ranju, Shooting Field, although the rules of the year-end assessment have changed this time, they remain the same. The stronger the team, the greater the chance of winning the championship."

Hearing Nanao's words, Nagasawa and the other three nodded in agreement.

Seeing that her words were answered in the affirmative, Nanao continued to speak with great confidence.

"Aside from the fact that the seniors of the Sixth Generation are looking for their families through their personal connections, or that the Shinigami who is active in the Guarding Thirteenth Team is the team leader, after six years of study, they have all It is unmatched by the junior team."

"Although I'm sorry to say this, but in the case of the same 'head' of 5 points, in terms of cost performance, I suggest giving priority to 'killing' the student team of the lower grades, preserving the physical and spiritual power as much as possible, and preparing for the final battle. preparing for the finals."

As a first-year student in the lower grade, Nanao did not place the second- and third-year students in the same grade, or even slightly higher, in the "weak" position.

Nor did he have the heart to attack these weaker students out of sympathy.

Hearing Nanao's well-organized plan, Nagasawa couldn't help but secretly nodded in her heart.

He did not cultivate a "brain tank" filled with the heart of the Holy Mother.

While Nanao possesses sensibility, she also possesses a rational side, which he is happy to see.

And after sorting out her emotions a little bit, Luanju also recovered from the panic just now.

As if to make up for something, she has always been a bit of a fool on weekdays, but after hearing Nanao's words, she uncharacteristically used a very serious look, and after thinking for a moment, she added.

"I agree with Xiao Nanao's plan, but... the last words of the Beijing band leader are also very interesting."

Hearing this, Nanao's face immediately showed the look of "the hero sees the same thing". After she gave Luan Ju a positive look, she continued to speak.

"Well, yes, the 'predecessors' mentioned by the leader of the Beijing band must be the active Shinigami who graduated from Mao and then joined the Gotei [-]th team."

"What I have to say is that the interesting props prepared for us by the current Death God may very well affect the outcome."

"It does not exclude spiritual power items, recovery items, trigger traps, etc. If conditions permit, I suggest collecting as many items as possible while obtaining 'kill points'."

"Perhaps... there may be some surprises in it."

Although Nanao has never played PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, her plan coincides with Nagasawa Masa's usual "tactics".

The only difference from Nagasawa, who often delivers couriers, is that this team is really strong.

After a brief discussion, several people quickly determined the plan and guaranteed 100% firm implementation.

As for the shooting range...

He does not claim to be a "brain-minded person" and is already ready to become a tool man.

Seeing that the three of them were ready to go, although Nagasawa Masa's shots were restricted, as a half "landlord", he still gave the three of them the greatest help.

He raised the wrist-worn computer on his hand and pointed in one of the directions.

"This is the execution platform and training ground of the Second Division. According to the habits of the covert mobile unit, if they prepare props for the contestants, they will never hide those props in a place that is too conspicuous or too empty. local.”

"So these two places can basically be ruled out."

Speaking, Nagasawa pointed to the area marked as "grey" on the map, and continued.

"And here is the prison used by the second squad to detain potentially dangerous elements. Not to mention it is included in the scope of the assessment, it is estimated that there are heavy guards."

"So I guess, if there are special props, the dormitory of the second division team members may be a good hiding place."

"Of course, a dormitory with a complex environment and numerous buildings is also a suitable location for an ambush."

"If someone arrives one step ahead of us, or the teleportation point is there, we are very likely to encounter a siege by one or even several teams."

"How are you going?"

Saying that, Nagasawa turned his gaze to Nanao and the others.

Just like when he was training the three before, he gave all the decision-making power to his students.

Fortunately, due to previous training, the three of them have already become accustomed to Nagasawa Masa's teaching method.

Even compared to following the arrangements step by step, they prefer this kind of action with a high degree of openness and sufficient freedom.

A firm look flashed across Nanao's eyes, and then she nodded.

"go with!"

"140 teams are scattered in the inner court of Seireitei, the randomness is too strong."

"Instead of looking forward and backward here and letting people seize the opportunity, it is better to give it a go, quickly seize the powerful terrain, and search for supplies."


Speaking of this, whether it's Nanao or Luanju, even Shechang, who has never expressed any opinions, can't help showing a proud look on his face.

In the next second, Nanao seemed to have thought of something, and smiled with a playful look on her face.

"After these three months of special training from you, teacher, our strength is no longer what it used to be."

"In a sentence you once said."

"We are also very strong."

...... cut......

PS. It will be pushed down tomorrow, and the seven days of a long and good book feel like a dream.

It's a pity that Pujie will be beaten back to his original form after all...

Chapter 189 Broken Bee: Nagasawa Ya, you are shameless!

“Front yard safe!”

"The atrium is safe!"

"Very good, go ahead!"

With the shooting field with the strongest comprehensive ability as the vanguard, Rangiku, who is good at hitting and slashing, as the flank, and Nanao, who is good at Kamikido, as the assistant, the Nagasawa team moved towards the second division dormitory quite tacitly.

As for Masa Nagasawa as the team leader...

The stand-in messenger is a waste of time, of course he finds a place to sit on the sidelines, trying not to affect his students' performance as much as possible.

Looking at the three people who were moving in an orderly manner, and constantly paying attention to whether there were ambushes around, Nagasawa Ya, who was hiding in the canopy of the tree, immediately showed a gratified smile like an old father.

However, just when Nagasawa was looking at it vigorously, his brow subconsciously frowned slightly.

In the next second, accompanied by the rustling sound of leaves, a petite figure landed very lightly on the tree trunk beside him.

Looking at the familiar figure that suddenly appeared, Nagasawa showed a look of surprise on her face.

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