Although "Benglun" is only No. [-] Binding Dao, as the first demon-changing ghost Dao that Nanao learned from Nagasawa Ya, she put the most effort into it.

Once you get entangled in Nanao's "Beng Lun", it's not that easy to escape.

Accompanied by two crisp sounds of objects breaking, the two sixth-reincarnation students who were tied up by Lingzi Guangsuo Wuhuada were all chopped into pieces by the shooting field and the wrist-worn computers on their arms by Luanju.

In an instant, the situation reversed.

The Broken Bee Squad, which had been launching a fierce attack, suddenly had only one person left.

Looking at his companions who were restrained in an extremely shameful posture and fell to the ground unable to move, the only remaining sixth-generation member of the Broken Bee Team twitched his eyes with an ugly look on his face.

He subconsciously took half a step back, thinking that he would not worry about running out of firewood to keep the green hills, and wanted to choose a tactical transfer for the time being.

But the next second, I recalled that my team leader, Broken Bee, was watching the battle from a high place, and then I thought about the attitude of the covert mobile unit towards deserters...

The cold sweat on his forehead could not stop oozing from under the skin, and the oily stains secreted from the palm of his hand made him subconsciously tighten the fist in his hand.

However, just when he made sure that even if he was eliminated, he would never lower his impression points in Broken Bee's heart, and was about to step forward to make a final fight...

"call out!"

Accompanied by a piercing sound sounded.

A handful of pitch-black kunai, but in an instant, precisely pierced in front of the sole of his foot that was about to step forward.

...... cut......

PS. The update was barely completed at 12 o'clock, tomorrow weekend, try to add more updates!

Chapter 191 Broken Bee, Knows Everything


Looking at the pitch-black Kunai who was only an inch away from his big toe, the only remaining student of the Broken Bee Squad not only swallowed his saliva uncontrollably, he almost didn't even hold the shallow punch in his hand.

What made him somewhat puzzled was that the kunai nailed to the ground was obviously shot by his captain, Broken Bee.

But why was he shot? ? ?

It's just that he hasn't waited for him to ask the confusion in his heart.

Broken Bee, who was still standing on the canopy of the tree just now, suddenly turned around with a kite.

Not only did the petite figure nimbly roll down from the tree crown and land in front of him, but the moment it landed, it tiptoed and took the kunai nailed to the ground back into its hand.

I saw the broken bee holding the kunai, first waved the kunai in Nagasawa Masa who was still standing on the canopy, and signaled to the opponent that what he just attacked was his own team member.

Then he said, "70 points."

Hearing this, Nagasawa's expression was slightly startled at first, and then he understood the meaning of Suifeng's words.

Sure enough, Sui Feng, who was staring at Nagasawa Ya, continued to speak.

"Didn't you just ask me how many 'kill points' I have obtained?"

"The team that came to the Second Division to investigate was all wiped out by my students, and a total of 60 'kill points' were obtained."

"Sign a 'contract' with me."

"Beat me, half of the score and the items collected by our team will be yours."

As he said that, he didn't know how Zhanfeng fiddled with the computer on his arm. The computer on Nagasawa's arm looked like an arena in an online game. A "Would you like to sign a contract and accept the challenge?" pops up. Yes/No" option.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help showing a strange look on her face.

A score of 70 means that the Broken Bee team defeated at least 4 participating teams within a short period of time after the assessment began.

This is not counting the students who escaped from their hands by chance.

Compared to Nagasawa, which has only scored 10 points so far.

It has to be said that this is a quite excellent result when there are only 140 participating teams.

What makes Nagasawa a little confused is why Zaihou challenged him?

It's not that he doesn't understand what humility is.

An attack on Rukongai, a subjugation mission in this world.

After seeing him make two shots, as a member of the stealth maneuver, there is no reason for the broken bee not to recognize the difference in strength between each other.

Thinking of this, Masa Nagasawa subconsciously clicked the "Yes" option on the screen of the wrist-worn computer.

Seeing that the computer uploaded back the "contract established" reminder, Suifeng's face finally showed a sly look of "the scheme has succeeded".

To be honest, as a covert mobile member whose main mission is to collect intelligence, execute executions, and assassinate, judging the strength gap between the target and the target is the most basic quality of covert mobile.

No matter how unwilling she is, she has to admit that Nagasawa's strength is above hers.

However, here, there is an exception.

I saw Zhifeng put away the kunai in his hand, looking at Nagasawa standing on the canopy of the tree with a somewhat playful look, and said softly.

"You should know that Captain Yamamoto once issued an order to prohibit the use of swastikas under the soul mask, right?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help showing a strange expression on her face.

Swallow solution?

To be honest, he did remember that the old man made this rule.

It’s just that Zhanfeng’s mention of this regulation at this time means...

Before his thoughts reached here, the broken bee below continued to speak.

"I know that you have strength comparable to that of a captain-level Shinigami, but at this moment when you can only rely on Shikai to fight, if I just ask to destroy your computer instead of defeating you, I boast that it is not impossible to do it."

Saying that, Broken Bee's face suddenly showed a proud look.

That is the confidence of a genius.


Looking at Suifeng's expression of "everything is under control", she fell into the same dead end as those old silver coins in the central room 46.

Nagasawa really couldn't bear to tell her the truth.

Indeed, the reason why a captain-level Shinigami is so powerful, in addition to having a spiritual power level of up to third level or above, is that his greatest advantage is that he can further increase his spiritual pressure through swastika to form a crushing level of combat power.

The incomprehensible God of Death, even the captain, is like a tiger without teeth, his strength has been greatly reduced.

This can be seen in the Thousand-Year Blood War Chapter, where the tragic battles took place after the captains were taken away.


What does it matter to him?

Swallow solution?

Don't say it's a swastika, he doesn't even know how to do it...

Although his current spiritual power level has been upgraded to the fourteenth level of spiritual power, he usually does not dare to practice "Sword Zen" at all!

The so-called sword Zen is a way for the god of death to enter his own spiritual world and have a spiritual dialogue with his own shallow blows to obtain his name and control his power.

However, although what Dao Zen needs to do is more "communication" and "communication" with Qian Da, this does not mean that there is no need to use Reiatsu, even if it is only a little bit.

His freaking abnormal state is still there.

The domineering abnormal state doesn't matter whether he is at full strength or at a trickle.

As long as the spiritual pressure is used, the outrageous injury value will rise like a chronograph.

As for practicing sword Zen?

He had asked Kuchiki Byakuya once before.

Even for a genius such as Kuchiki Byakuya, it took nearly an hour to slowly enter the state when he first practiced Sword Zen.

After that, every day, at least one hour of sword meditation should be maintained, and then according to the difference in personal talent, how long it will take to learn the name of Zanpakuto.

Knife Zen for more than an hour a day...

I don't know whether to practice Zanpakuto or to "train" himself.

He has no Saiyan blood and can become stronger after dying.

I'm afraid that by then, before I even have time to ask the Zanpakuto's name, he will have become a regular visitor to the Fourth Division.

At that time, Captain Unokana, who hates "people who don't take care of their bodies", will definitely not let him go easily......

It's scary just thinking about it!

Masawan Nagasawa would not commit such a death until the abnormal state was resolved.


System, draw a card!

As the eighth member of the second team, Broken Bee's strength is by no means comparable to that of the [-]th Lingwei.

Under the premise of not wanting to stop the exposure time, Masa Nagasawa chose to draw the experience card without hesitation.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a three-day experience card for the "Human Monster" Hungry Wolf in 2009 VS Saitama. 】

[It is detected that the energy system stimulated by the experience card is inconsistent with the current world view, and it is automatically synchronized...]

[Ding, the experience card has been successfully activated, please enjoy the host. 】

...... cut......

PS.1. Sorry, I have some personal matters at home today. I have been busy all day, so the update is a little late.

There will be another chapter in a while, and I will continue writing after taking a shower.

PS.2. Thank you to the boss "A certain purple-haired old woman" for sending me fat times. Thank you very much, thank you boss!

Chapter 192 Broken Bee, Bird Bee

hungry wolf?

Hearing the familiar system prompt sound in his mind, Nagasawa Masa's expression froze slightly.

This is a character from the manga One Punch Man.

Although Hungry Wolf is not the main character, and like Wujo Wujo, Kujo Jotaro, Keke Halder and others who were previously drawn, they are "human" bodies.

But to a certain extent, he cannot simply be described with the word "human".

Just like his title, this is a "human weirdo" wearing a "human" coat.

What made Nagasawa a little hesitant was that he was not sure which period of the hungry wolf this hungry wolf experience card was from.

Because in the original plot of "One Punch Man", Hungry Wolf fought against Saitama three times in total.

The first two times are fine, but if it's the third time...

At the moment when Zaraki Kenpachi is still in self-sealing, he feels that this wave is probably stable.

It's a pity that the broken bee over there doesn't seem to be ready to give him too much time to think. She pulled out the Zanpakuto from her waist, and immediately turned into a nimble female leopard, walking towards him with ghostly steps. Come.

Without hesitation, Nagasawa directly activated the [Three-Day Injury Immunity Card].

This is not a simple battle with the Broken Bee.

Although the frequency of "fighting generals" will never be too high, the most important thing is to maintain a relatively healthy physical condition when you need to go through a protracted battle for three days and three nights.

Unless it was a last resort, he didn't want to use [Chaos Pretending to Be a Sky Puppet].

Should it be said that he is a genius of stealth maneuvering?

The battle of the Broken Bee is different from the usual opening and closing of the gods of death, which set off waves of air at every turn.

At this time, she was only the chief officer, and she did not comprehend the exaggerated swastika, faithfully fulfilling the tradition of the secret mobile unit.

Keep a low profile, be patient, and kill!

During the process of marching, the Broken Bees constantly used ghostly steps to rapidly change directions, seeming to form afterimages in the air, confusing the visual senses.

The "silent step" that made almost no sound made it even more difficult to distinguish its location audibly.

Looking at the broken bee is low-key, but it symbolizes another kind of "gorgeous" battle.

Not to mention that the three members of the Smashing Bee Team were resurrected, even the three of Nanxu showed a look of amazement.

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