Because they were surprised to find that their line of sight, let alone see the movement of the broken bee, their sight could not catch up with the speed of the broken bee at all.

When their sights "catch up" to the broken bee, what remains in the air is only the afterimage left by the excessive speed.

However, looking at the approaching Broken Bee, Nagasawa's figure was like a clay sculpture, standing motionless on the treetop.

However, if someone thinks that Masa Nagasawa is overwhelmed by Suifeng's astonishing speed at this moment, they are very wrong.

I saw Nagasawa, who had been standing on the canopy of the tree, suddenly turned sideways very abruptly.

In the next second, the broken bee with a sharp blade in his hand and a stunned expression appeared behind him in vain, and "passed through" where he was originally standing.

Have you been seen through? ?

To be honest, the failure of the attack did not cause the broken bee's mood to fluctuate too much.

After all, long before she challenged Nagasawa, she was already prepared to face a strong enemy.

What really shocked her was Nagasawa's actions.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Nagasawa just "dodged" her attack, causing her attack to fall into the empty space.

But in the eyes of Suifeng, Nagasawa is like a prophet, knowing in advance when, how, where, and what kind of attack she will launch.

The difference between the two is like the difference between clouds and mud.

The broken bee, who understood the power of it, narrowed her pupils in an instant.

However, since he has already challenged Nagasawa Ya, there is no reason to give up halfway.

After the blow missed, Suifeng only hesitated for less than 0.1 second, and with the strength of his waist and abdomen, he forcibly turned around in mid-air, and with a beautiful roundabout kick, he headed towards Nagasawa Ya!


A powerful whip kick directly blasted a circle of white air waves in the air.

However, not surprisingly, Broken Bee's kick hit the empty space again.

It seems that this situation has been expected, this time, there is no surprise on the face of the broken bee, and at the moment when the whip leg failed, it launched a stormy attack on Nagasawa Ya with both fists and kicks. !




However, in the face of the broken bee attacking like a storm, Nagasawa did not simply "see" with his eyes, or use Reiatsu to perceive the opponent's location.

Instead, by observing Shatter's posture, viewpoint, movements, center of gravity, and breathing, he can predict her methods in advance and master her next move.

right here!

right here!

right here!

Nagasawa Masaru, who was constantly pre-reading the next move of Zai Bee, was like a catkin blowing in the wind.

No matter how hard the broken bee hits and speeds up its attack speed, it will always pass by its side and cannot cause any damage to Nagasawa.

Masa Nagasawa's move is very similar to Sasaki Kojiro's "Wan Shou Wushuang".

The only difference is that Sasaki Kojiro relied on years of beating experience to simulate the opponent's action trajectory in his mind, so as to predict the opponent's attack.

And Hungry Wolf's [pre-reading] is more in the way of a martial artist, through careful observation and excellent on-the-spot reactions, so as to predict the opponent's next move in advance.

It is impossible to say which is higher or lower between the two, but it is certain.

Whether it's Sasaki Kojiro's [Wan Shou Wushuang], or Hungry Wolf's [Pre-reading], it's not something that the broken bee can handle at this moment.

I saw Nagasawa once again pre-read the attack point of the broken bee in advance, and lightly dodged the attack of the broken bee.

His palm, as if passing through a dance of death woven by fists, kicks and swords, touched the wrist-worn computer tied to Supper's arm.

Although Nagasawa is not the kind of person who will pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, it is still a good choice to end the battle without hurting the opponent.

After all, to a certain extent, Broken Bee can be regarded as his half friend.

However, just when Nagasawa Ya's palm was about to touch the computer on Suifeng's arm, it only needed to spit out the Reiatsu from the palm to shatter it.

The mutation happened in vain.

"To kill all the enemies! Sparrow bees!"

Accompanied by a burst of powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations soaring into the sky, the movements of Broken Bee's hands were actually more than five times faster on the basis of the original.

It was as if he had already expected Nagasawa Masa's goal, which was the computer on his arm.

The sharp blade that waited for a rabbit passed through Nagasawa Ya's arm in an instant.

In the next second, a canopy of blood bloomed in the air.

...... cut......

PS. Finally finished writing, it made my liver hurt...

Run to sleep, the dog's life is at stake!

Chapter 193: Flowing Water Rock Breaking Fist

The bright red blood is like a bright red flower bud blooming in the air.

Looking at the cuffs that were slashed open with a slender slit about ten centimeters long, Nagasawa's brows could not help but frown slightly.

Because in the next second, a "bee pattern flower" like a black butterfly suddenly appeared on his forearm.

Broken Bee, who succeeded in one blow, did not choose to continue the strong attack, but quickly dodged a few times, and after distanced himself from Nagasawa, he whispered with a sly look on his face.

"I knew your goal was to sabotage the computer in my hand, so I deliberately showed my flaws to lure you into the bait."

"Nagasawa, fighting is fighting. If you just treat it as a friendly exchange, you will suffer."

At this time, Suifeng, the Zanpakuto in his hand has already changed its appearance.

After she unraveled it, her Zanpakuto, which was originally no different from Kodachi, directly turned into a pair of metal finger cots, which were put on her right middle finger.

The so-called one inch short, one inch risky.

Suifeng's Zanpakuto was originally relatively short, very suitable for close combat.

At this time, the fingertips with a shorter attack range and more dangerous are replaced, which is tantamount to minimizing the tolerance between the enemy and the enemy.

However, looking at the broken bee wearing the fingertips, a strange look flashed in Nagasawa's eyes.

As early as in his previous life, he had been thinking about a problem.

The battle of other gods of death, the action is to run wild and fight wildly.

Broken Bee, on the other hand, was wearing a little finger cot, and used his middle finger as a support to complete the confrontation and killing.

Is her middle finger so firm? ? ?

Looking at those slender fingers like green onions, Nagasawa fell into deep thought.

However, Broken Bee on the opposite side clearly misunderstood his gaze.

When Suifeng saw Nagasawa Ya's eyes and stared at her Zanpakutao, which was the Quefeng that was worn on her finger after Hajime unwrapped it, there was a smug look on her face.

She first raised her hand, pointed to the "bee pattern flower" that appeared on Nagasawa Ya's arm, and then spoke.

"Fengwenhua, this is the name I gave it."

"Relying on the death mark left on the target's body, as long as the same place is attacked twice, an extremely strong spiritual pressure will erupt and severely damage the target in one fell swoop."

"Two hits kill, that's my ability."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, Nagasawa."

"The ability of my finch bee is quite dangerous. Even now, I can't fully grasp it."

"If you want to admit defeat, it's best to take advantage of it now."

"If you accidentally hurt you, don't blame me then."

Listening to Suifeng's explanation, Nagasawa Ya's eyes could not help but narrowed into thin lines, and a dignified expression flashed across her face.

To be honest, the blow from Broken Bee just now didn't cause too much damage to him, and the slender wound only scratched a layer of skin, leaving the mark of the bee pattern flower.

But as the other party said, the ability of "two hits kill" is indeed a bit tricky.

If there is no Reiatsu that is far better than the broken bee, "Two hits kill" may really capsize him in the gutter.

After all, what he is using now is not the "Peak Death Experience Card" with Aizen's peak spiritual pressure.

Fortunately, at this time, Broken Bee also didn't completely perfect her "two-strike kill".

Besides, as long as you don't get hit in the same place twice, isn't this ability equivalent to being useless?

Thinking of this, Nagasawa couldn't help raising her brows, and asked in feigned surprise.

"Members of the Criminal Army, don't they pursue a one-hit kill?"

Hearing this, Sui Feng, who was still full of complacency just now, suddenly froze.

Although she was quite satisfied with her initial solution, for Xing Jun who pursued a one-hit kill, the second-best kill was a sign of immaturity.

No matter how unwilling she was to admit it, she couldn't find a point that could refute Nagasawa Ya.

In just a short moment, she was actually distracted for a moment during the battle.

But in this short moment, Sui Feng was surprised to find that Nagasawa Ya in front of her had disappeared in front of her eyes in an instant.

When she came back to her senses, Nagasawa, who was still some distance away from her just now, came to her in an instant!

"But you're right about one thing. A fight is a fight. Too much personal emotion shouldn't be involved."

"So, if you want to apologize, let me wait until after the battle."

"Flowing water... Rock Breaking Fist!"

The speed that seemed to be teleporting suddenly made the pupils of Suifeng, who was always good at speed, suddenly shrank.

And with a soft drink from Nagasawa Masaru, Broken Bee suddenly felt that the whole world had changed.

That feeling, as if the sea, which was originally calm and calm, turned into a storm with mountains and tsunami in the blink of an eye.

The iron fist, whose movements are unpredictable like flowing water, is like a gust of wind and rain, and it rushes towards her without stopping!

At first, Broken Bee could barely rely on its extraordinary speed and dynamic vision, barely dodging when the iron fist was approaching.

But with the passage of time, in the face of Nagasawa Ya's endless bombardment like flowing water, Suifeng's evasion has become more and more difficult.

She wanted to get out of Nagasawa Ya's attack range and reorganize the offensive.

But Nagasawa Ya's "Liu Shui Yan Sha Fist" was like a huge wave after wave, blocking all her escape routes.

Can only struggle to survive in a very small range.

"Thirty of the Way of Binding · Mouth Thrust Three..."

She wanted to use the binding path to forcefully break through Nagazeya's continuous offensive and win some breathing space for herself.

But the spiritual power condensed in the palm had just been condensed, and it was blasted by Nagasawa Masa's iron fist into fragments of spirit seeds.

After dodging Nagasawa Ya's iron fist with difficulty once again, Suifeng's face had long since lost the slightest bit of leisurely look.

She knew that there was a certain gap in strength between her and Nagasawa, but she never thought that the gap was so big.

After really fighting with Nagasawa Ya.

Compared to the first time we met, this time, her feelings were more intuitive!

Finally, after a long defense, he was bound to lose. Nagasawa spotted a flaw in Zaihou who had no time to dodge.

A seemingly gentle palm passed through her heavy defenses, and landed "lightly" on her lower abdomen.


Realizing that something is wrong with Broken Bee, Dang even wanted to get away and leave.

However, it was accompanied by a soft drink.

In just the blink of an eye, a strong sense of restraint instantly restrained all her hands and feet towards her back.

"The Ninth Way of Binding: Collapsing Wheels: Change!"

...... cut......

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