PS. I have been working hard to update the time in the sun and insist on finishing typing and going to bed early, but I have not been able to do it due to various reasons.

Recently, a brother in the author group went for a physical examination, and his liver really broke down, so he was directly admitted to the hospital.

Live in Bengbu...

I really dare not endure it any longer.

Chapter 194 Beep

Masa Nagasawa, who stopped her movements, looked at her "work" with a satisfied look on her face.

It's just that some people may not have the same idea as him.


"You bastard!!!"

A shameful shout suddenly came out of Broken Bee's mouth. If it wasn't for the face towel covering her face, water might drip from that blushing face.

But even so, those exposed eyes still couldn't hide the shame and anger in his heart.

I saw a spiritual light thread bypassing Broken Bee's collarbone, human heart, armpit, sternum and pubic bone in sequence, and finally folded his arms and legs, and cut it back behind him.

Afterwards, the spiritual light cord drew diamond shapes one after another around Broken Bee's body, and then tightly connected its hands and feet cut back together, forming a thicker spiritual light cord.

Finally, it was hung upside down on a strong tree trunk.

At first, Broken Bee wanted to struggle.

After all, it's just No. [-] who binds Dao, how can she still restrain the eighth seat of the second team?

However, to her surprise, as she struggled more and more, not only did the thick Lingzi light cord on her body show no sign of breaking, on the contrary, it tightened even more.

Even because the previous struggle was too violent, the tightened Lingzi light cord was actually strangled by the broken bee, who was a little out of breath, and subconsciously uttered a cry.


Just as soon as he uttered this exhortation, Broken Bee regretted it.

How could I make such a weak voice! ?

Broken Bee, who was roaring wildly in his heart, was going crazy.

Feeling ashamed and angry, she immediately stared at the instigator of all this with a pair of almond eyes.

However, in line with her posture at this moment, as well as the flowing eyes, there were even some tears in her eyes.

The whole scene looked as if Masa Nagasawa was bullying her.

No matter how you look at the atmosphere, something is wrong.

Seemingly aware of this, Nagasawa scratched her nose embarrassingly.

He who didn't dare to look into Suifeng's eyes hastily pouted at the three of them who were not far away.

Ranju, who received Nagasawa Ya's instructions, first glanced at Nagasawa Ya with a complicated look, and then his eyes fell on Suifeng who was hung on the tree trunk in a fancy way.

As if recalling the scene when she met Nagasawa Ya for the first time, Luan Ju subconsciously straightened her plump chest.

Hmph, no matter how crowded a pair of A's is, it's nothing more than that!

Luanju, who was secretly refreshed in her heart, did not hesitate immediately, and also used a collapse wheel, instantly binding the broken bee team members who had already lost all fighting spirit.

Along with Luan Ju smashing the wrist-worn computer of the last member of the Smashing Bee team, Nagasawa Ya also spit out the palm of his hand and smashed the computer on the Smashing Bee's arm.

So far, all members of the Broken Bee Team have been "killed".

The Nagasawa team scored 15 "kill points" and 35 "plunder points" for a total of 50 points.

Looking at Sui Feng with shame and indignation, and not daring to look at his own Sui Feng, Chang Zeya was also a little embarrassed, and he hurriedly said to Sui Feng.

"Sorry, I'll let you loose..."

However, before the word "tied" came out of Nagasawaya's mouth, the broken bee that was hung on the tree trunk interrupted his next words sharply.

"Winner and loser, I am willing to bet and admit defeat, I am not weak enough to need the sympathy of my opponent!"

"The props our team collected are all in the hands of that boy."

"After you take it, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't know whether he didn't want Nagasawa to see his embarrassment, or he didn't want to talk to Nagasawa anymore, Suifeng quickly turned his face away, and stopped looking in his direction.

Seeing this, Nagasawa Ya, who just raised her hand to wave away the Lingzi Guangsuo, couldn't help but put down her arm hanging in mid-air.

He really wanted to tell Broken Bee that although his "Crash Wheel" was only number nine bound.

But after countless magic modifications by him, and using the experience card to enhance the spiritual power level, and then casting it again, it has a binding effect that is no less than that of the No. 63 Binding Road "Lock Binding", and is comparable to the high-level The battery life of super ghosts.

If you want to wait until its power weakens before breaking free, it will take at least a day...

Just looking at Suifeng's stubborn appearance, it is really difficult for him to say these words.

Helpless, Nagasawa could only sigh in her heart for a long time, then turned around decisively and walked towards his students.

At this time, the shooting range seemed to have completed the collection of spoils.

Not many loot, just two.

They are a meat tonic and a trigger paralyzing mine.

Flesh tonic, a medicine developed by a deviant metamorphosis in the soul world, can instantly regenerate the destroyed flesh.

The trigger-type paralyzing landmine can be set to two modes: timing and triggering. According to different triggering conditions, it will cause a certain paralysis effect on the target.

Although there are only two loot items, they are very practical.

Especially the meat supplement, as a frequent visitor of the fourth team, Nagasawa Masaki has experienced the convenience of this thing more than once.

Seeing that the loot has been collected, Nagasawa Ya and his party are not going to waste any more time in the dormitory of the second team.

First, the Smashing Bee Squad, who had taken over the dormitory of the second team, had already collected the props scattered in the dormitory for them.

Even if there are still some lost, compared to the time it takes to search, the return is too low, and it seems a bit outweighed.


Although lying in ambush, being a hunter who waits and waits, is still an option.

But they, who are determined to win the championship, cannot make such a choice of relying on the sky.

After all, judging from the scoring situation of the Broken Bee team, they did not completely wipe out the team that came to check the dormitory of the second team.

In addition, after the initial exploration, generally few teams will explore towards the edge before "shrinking the circle".

After a brief discussion, Nanao immediately made a decision and set her target on Noble Street, the core area of ​​the inner court of Seireitei.

As the most central area of ​​the Seireitei, and even the entire East End of the Soul Realm.

Noble Street may not be the core, but it is enough to be named "the richest".

This is like P City in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

If you talk about the preciousness of hidden props.

Logically speaking, there may not be many props hidden in Noble Street, but they must be the most precious.

The only problem is that almost everyone should think so.

However, some people may give up the fight for Noble Street because the refresh location is far away, or because of the idea of ​​avoiding the edge temporarily and recharging their energy.

But there is no doubt that the noble street at this time will definitely be the center of the storm where the strong gather and the masters gather.

If you want to accumulate "kill points" as soon as possible, Noble Street is undoubtedly the best choice.

...... cut......

PS. I wrote a little more, it’s really a long life......

Chapter 195 Nagasawa Masaru: Aizen, you idiot actually plotted against me!

Looking at the backs of Nagasawa Ya and others leaving, Sui Feng, who was somewhat uncomfortable by Ling Ziguang, twisted her body awkwardly, trying to make herself as comfortable as possible.

But what made her feel a little helpless was that the Lingzi light cord clinging to her body was like a tarsal maggot, no matter how she adjusted her posture, she couldn't squeeze out the slightest gap.

Helpless, she had no choice but to give up struggling, and while waiting for Lingzi Guangsuo's spiritual power to naturally weaken, she prayed that no one would see her embarrassment before she broke free from the shackles.

It's just that Broken Bee doesn't know.

In various places in the Seireitei inner court, the same thing is happening constantly.

In the deep attic, a pitiful-looking girl wearing a Mao school uniform had her hands and feet bound by spirit threads, forming an "X" shape, and was half-suspended on the attic.

He showed a helpless look.

By the huge lake, two teenagers whose hands were cut behind their backs, whose legs were bound, and who were hung upside down under a covered bridge by a silk thread connecting their legs, were trying their best to Keeping your abs in check, get your upper body out of the water as much as possible.

Because if they don't do this, their heads will plunge into the icy lake and they will not be able to breathe.

And in the quiet dense forest, there are countless Mao students who are hung upside down on the tree trunks like Sapphire.

After the melee that was teleported, the first-round knockout was born.

What's strange is that more than half of this batch of eliminated people were bound into various shapes by spiritual silk threads.

It's just that although the binding postures are different, there is one thing in common...

All tied very firmly.

Looking at a group of Mao students who were tied up in a fancy way, and the secret mobile member who was in charge of supporting the eliminated students to leave the field, they immediately looked at each other in dismay.

Especially when in this assessment, Ye Yi, who was in charge of the work of the referee team, led the secretly maneuvering members, appeared in front of Suifeng and learned that it was Masa Nagasawa's masterpiece.

Looking at the Zombie hanging upside down on the tree, Yoruichi immediately laughed heartlessly and rolled on the ground.

Seeing Ye Yi who had no image, tears streaming from his laughter, and Su Feng who was tied up in mid-air, he was so ashamed and indignant that he wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in there.

The world of corpses and souls at this time is not the future era of "surveillance" everywhere after being transformed by Nirvana Mayori.

The "battle report" can only be delivered by the most primitive method of "flying pigeons", with the Liting Team in the secret mobile force responsible for delivering it.

When the "battle reports" were sent to the "event team" one after another by the secret mobile unit with great loyalty, that is, in the lounge of Mao Spiritual Arts Academy where the captains of the Gotei [-] team were located.

As the person in charge of this assessment, Jingle Chunshui, looked at the "battle report" in his hand, and immediately "thumped" in his heart.

Unlike Yamamoto, who hasn't paid attention to Mao for a while.

Because of Nanao, Kyōraku Shunsui has been paying attention to Mao, but he knows very clearly what Nagazawa Masaru is teaching at Mao.

Seemingly aware of the abnormality of Jingle Chunshui, Yamamoto, who was holding the tea soup handed by Aizen, couldn't help asking in a slow voice.

"What's the matter, Jingle, what happened?"

Listening to the inquiry from behind, Jingle Chunshui felt a chill down his back for no reason.

He quietly stuffed the "battle report" into his sleeve, and then turned around, pretending to be calm.

"Nothing, it's just the first wave of battle reports sent back."

"I have to say, these little guys are really capable. They have just been teleported for a while, and before they even started shrinking in the first circle, they have already eliminated nearly 30 teams."

Listening to Kyōraku Shunsui's report, Yamamoto nodded lightly at first, and then picked up the teacup in his hand.

Seeing that Yamamoto didn't get to the bottom of it, Jingle Shunsui couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Junior brother, senior brother treats you well, if you don't buy senior brother a drink, I'm really sorry for senior brother.

On the other side, looking at Yamamoto who was holding the teacup in his hand, he couldn't help but think of Aizen's words just now.

According to Aizen, this is a skill called "ordering tea" that he learned from Nagasawa Ya.

The picture-like "green pine" on the tea soup, coupled with the slight tea fragrance, immediately aroused the interest of Yamamoto, who has always been very interested in tea art.

Gently sip a cup of medium-sized tea, and the fragrance of the mouth will be lingering immediately.

Feeling the aftertaste between the teeth, Yamamoto couldn't help giving Aizen a look of approval.

It's just that at the same time, I felt a little bit of dissatisfaction with Masa Nagasawa in my heart.

This brat, with such skills, doesn't know how to respect my teacher?

Yamamoto, who was out of breath, suddenly remembered his "incompetent little disciple", who was leading the team to participate in Mao's assessment at this time.

Thinking of this, he immediately said to Jingle Chunshui.

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