"Bring the battle report to the old man."

Hearing this, Jingle Chunshui, who just thought he helped Nagasawa escape, couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

Sorry, junior brother, senior brother can only help you so far.

Although Jing Lechun was very skinny when he was at the level, but in formal occasions, he still knows the importance.

As the old man's disciple, he naturally needs to maintain Yamamoto's authority.

Seeing that Yamamoto opened his mouth, he could only hand over the battle report hidden in his cuff to Yamamoto again.

Putting down the tea cup in his hand, Yamamoto took the battle report from Kyoraku Shunsui.

At first, the old man with a smile in his eyes looked at it with gusto.

While flipping through the battle report, he nodded, feeling that the year-end assessment should return to its original intention and focus on students.

Especially when he saw that the first-generation team led by Nagasawa Ya defeated a sixth-generation team, he couldn't help showing a gratified smile.

Just looking at it, the old man's complexion became more and more gloomy.

Especially at the end, when the "elimination screens" were presented to him in front of him with superb skills and lifelike painting methods by the secretly maneuvered members...


"What are these...?"

Looking at the "unsightly" pictures, Yamamoto slammed those battle reports to the ground.

When did Mao’s education over the years become like this! ?

He suddenly felt that his blood pressure was a little high.

But at this moment, Aizen, who handed him a cup of tea soup again, happened to see the "patterns" scattered on the ground.

As if recalling something, the corner of Aizen's mouth first evoked a faint smile.

Immediately, as if he didn't notice the anger in Yamamoto's eyes at all, he softly praised in an admiring tone.

"What an exquisite Tao-binding structure, it really deserves to be a student taught by Nagasawa Sanshi."

"If it were changed to when I was still studying at Mao, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to break free easily."

...... cut......

PS. I don’t know what’s wrong today, it feels like I turned on Wangyiyun 12 hours earlier, and EMO all day.

I'm not sick, I'm not feeling well, I'm just depressed, and I didn't start writing until 10 o'clock. Sorry, the update is late...

Chapter 196 Aizen, I'm here for emergency avoidance, it's none of my business

Listening to the words in his ears, Yamamoto, who was still full of anger just now, suddenly froze slightly.

He suddenly felt that his fist was a little hard.

And in the waiting room, which was originally happy, all the captains also subconsciously shut their mouths.

Even vaguely, they felt that the temperature in the lounge had risen several degrees out of thin air.

Quiet, extremely quiet.

Kyōraku Shunsui, who handed Yamamoto the battle report, looked at the blue veins popping up on Yamamoto's forehead and subconsciously took half a step back.

Ukitake and Shiha Yuma, who were holding teacups, looked embarrassed.

Unokanaretsu was still as usual, showing a smile like Yamato Nadeko, looking like he was watching a good show.

And Mako Hirako glanced at Aizen standing beside the mountain itself with somewhat surprised eyes.

Familiar with Aizen's character, and even attracted Aizen to be of the same kind, he smelled a different smell.

Soyousuke, you're so obviously vindictive?

Although Aizen used a praising tone, his face was full of admiration.

But he couldn't hide it from Mako Hirako who always regarded him as a dangerous person.


As a colleague who has worked with Aizen for many years, this is the first time he has seen Aizen express his feelings so "obviously".


Leaving aside for the time being the captains of the Goutei Thirteenth Team, who are now replacing Masa Nagasawa, what kind of scorching hell they are going through.

The Nagasawa team over there has already reached the edge of Noble Street, which is the dormitory area for high-ranking officials where the Nagasawa Yayuan is located.

At the beginning, Nagasawa thought that in order to defend the Noble Street, the [-]th Guarding Team arranged the residences of the officers of the [-]th Guarding Team at the edge of the Noble Street.

It wasn't until he lived there for a long time that he realized that not all chief officials were qualified to live in Noble Street.

The only ones who can live in this area are the vice-captains of the other teams besides the high-ranking officers of the sixth team.

Naturally, as the residences of the dignitaries of the Thirteenth Team of the Guarding Court, these small courtyards, including Nagasawa Ya's home, are "grey areas" that students are prohibited from entering during the assessment period.

At the same time, Nagasawa also experienced the feeling of "passing through the house without entering".

Looking at the warning eyes shown by the secret maneuver hidden in the dark, Nagasawa Masa naturally would not do something that violated the regulations.

But what I have to say is that this time Mao’s year-end assessment is indeed a big deal.

Not only was most of the inner court emptied for the students to use as an examination room, but even the aristocratic gentlemen who lived in Noble Street all stayed at home under Yamamoto's request.

Looking at the somewhat deserted residential area of ​​the chief officer, Nanao, who was squatting cautiously in the corner, scanned the surroundings vigilantly, and after confirming that there was no ambush, she discussed with Luanju and Shechang softly.

"This is the edge of Noble Street, and it is also the residential area of ​​the chief executives and vice-captains. The search value of the large-scale forbidden area is too low. I suggest that you go directly to the Noble Street."

"According to the map, except for the family residences of the major nobles, the shops and storefronts in Noble Street are all open to the public. If there are any precious props or ambushes, Noble Street is the best choice."

Hearing this, Ranju and Shechang couldn't help but nodded slightly, affirming Nanao's words.

After two months of training by Nagasawa Ya, they are already used to fighting independently without Nagasawa Ya.

Even after Nanxu's voice fell, Luan Ju could draw inferences from one instance and make supplements.

"The seniors I met in the second division team building were really insignificant."

"Not only did I set up an ambush, but I also kept squatting in the same place and waiting for someone to take the bait. I think the situation on Noble Street will only be worse than that."

"As latecomers, when we are seized of the opportunity, it is best to find a way to let the seniors who have been lying in wait for a long time fight first."

"Only if they cause chaos first will we have a chance..."

However, just when Rangiku was describing her plan with confidence, the strong sense of crisis caused Nagasawa Masaru on the side to suddenly withdraw the light blow from her waist.

I saw a huge sword pressure, just like Kurosaki Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho, which penetrated a small courtyard of the official, and suddenly attacked Nagasawa Masaru.

The sudden change not only shocked Nanao and the other three, but also the secret mobile members hiding in the small courtyard.

"Not alone!"

However, in the face of this attack, Nagasawa flicked her wrist calmly.

In the next second, a hurricane spinning like a top formed under his sword, and slammed into it against the fierce sword pressure.


The moment the high-speed hurricane collided with the sword pressure, it aroused a strong air wave, and the small stones lifted by the air wave were even more painful.

The violent impact didn't last too long.

Nagasawa Masaru learned the "Fujing Dokaku" from Kyōraku Shunsui. Although it is also a sword pressure move, it is a move that can be used both offensively and defensively.

Facing the pressure of the sword that was cut by someone, and the hurricane that was spinning like a top, he just stalemate with it for less than a few seconds, and then led it aside.


Although the power of the fierce sword pressure was partially reduced by Nagasawa Ya's "Not Jing Du Le", its remaining power still shattered most of a small courtyard by the street.

However, looking at the small courtyard that had been cut into half, Nagasawa suddenly felt a toothache for no reason.


Because he recognized the small courtyard, and he repaired it last time.

It is the home of Aizen Soyousuke, the vice-captain of the Fifth Division.

It's none of my business, I'm running out of emergency...

Looking at the hidden mobile members who were forced out of the small courtyard because of the sword pressure, Nagasawa chanted a sentence in his heart, and immediately stopped thinking about it, and aimed his eyes at the direction the sword pressure was coming from.

To be honest, when he was suddenly attacked, he was in a daze.

Oil cake, right? !

This is a game!

It's the assessment of Mao's students!

The sword pressure just now was obviously aimed at him!

Which Shenjingbing is targeting me, someone! ?

It was just very fast, although because of the smoke and dust raised by the pressure of the sword, Nagasawa could not see the blurry figure hidden in the smoke for a while.

But from the domineering spiritual pressure that leaked from the side, he instantly recognized the identity of the person who came.

Nagasawa looked at a tall figure twitching slightly from the corner of her eyes, leading three sixth-generation students with bitter faces and unspeakable words, walked out of the smoke and dust in large strides, and shouted at him.

"I've been looking for you for a long time!"


...... cut......

PS. Take a shower and go to sleep, the dog's life is at stake.

Chapter 197 The Willful Saragi Kenpachi

The unruly hair is flying in the wind, and the Zanpakuto is like a jagged sword, indicating that it has been honed on the battlefield.

Looking at Saragi Kenpachi who was full of fighting spirit, the corners of Nagasawa Masa couldn't help but twitch.

However, before he could say anything, Saraki Kenpachi over there roared like a wild animal with an excited expression on his face.

"Sure enough!"

"For a guy as powerful as you, he will definitely choose Noble Street, a place where the strong gather, without hesitation."

"Because only in this way can you prove that you are the strongest!!"

"Even if the contestants are just your students!!"

"Sure enough, we are the same kind, Nagasawa!!!"

Listening to the excited roar in his ears, Nagasawa couldn't help but complain.

When he listened to the discussion between Nanao and the others before, he simply felt that there was nothing wrong with the thinking of Nanao and the others.

After all, when he was eating chicken in his previous life, his favorite place to dance was P City.

In addition, the three of them had been promised to give them the right to make decisions during the year-end assessment, so they came to this Noble Street.

But what he never expected was that Zaragi Kenpachi would hold such an idea and squat him here!

The same kind of hell, do we know each other well! ?

It's just that, after hearing what Saragi Kenpachi said, the pupils in Nanao's eyes couldn't help but froze slightly.

Has it been seen through?

Unexpectedly, this Zaraki Sanxi looks rough and unruly, but his mind is so delicate.

If Masa Nagasawa could hear Nanao's inner voice at this moment, she would definitely be surprised.

Yes, the reason why Nanao chose Noble Street where the powerful gather as the first choice is for this purpose.

It's just that her starting point is different from Saragi Kenpachi.

Although nearly two months have passed, Nagasawa never mentioned it during this period.

But as the instigator of the incident, Nanao always remembers the scene where she led Mao's students to make a big fuss in the team building.

In order to save them from punishment, Nagasawa even willingly gave up her position as the captain of the thirteenth team of Goutei.

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