Although everyone ended up happy in the end, they briefly retained Nagasawa, and Nagasawa did not lose her position as captain.

But Qi Xu always kept her recklessness in her heart.

After the year-end assessment this time, Nagasawa Masa will be transferred from Mao, and will go to the [-]th team as the captain.

The next time they meet, she can no longer call Masa Nagasawa teacher, but needs to be called "Captain Nagasawa".

Therefore, in the final year-end assessment that Nagazeya led them to participate in, she did not want to prove something or win something for herself.

She just wants to defeat all competitors head-on as the Nagasawa team and stand out from the year-end assessment.

Use the champion of the year-end assessment to see off the teacher who has been teaching them carefully.

Likewise, Rangiku and Kiba had the same idea.

However, the appearance of Zaraki Kenpachi somewhat disrupted their plans.

They had heard of Saragi Kenpachi.

After all, when it is confirmed that Nagasawa Ya will be transferred to the eleventh team as the captain, the three who are determined to follow Nagasawa naturally want to know the situation of the eleventh team in advance.

And Saragi Kenpachi is the one they care about the most.

The rampaging beast · Saragi Kenpachi.

This is what all the members of the [-]th Division privately call Kenpachi Zaraki.

During the three months when the captain and vice-captain of the [-]th Division were vacant, the four-person team headed by Saraki Kenpachi, Kusanagi Yachiryu, Madarame Kakaku, and Ayasegawa Yukino swept the entire team with absolute strength. The entire eleventh team.

As for Zaragi Kenpachi, he won the third seat in the eleventh team that relied on strength to win the seat early.

According to Nanao and the others, Saragi Kenpachi is the person most likely to threaten Nagasawa's position as captain, and also the person who is most likely to pose a threat to their team in this year-end assessment.

In the case of only scoring 50 points, he met the team led by Saraki Kenpachi so early.

There is no doubt that this directly disrupted their overall plan.

Fortunately, Saraki Kenpachi's behavior at the moment was obviously a foul, especially in the presence of the hidden mobile players who are the "referee team".

Sure enough, under Nanao's expression of "as expected", four secret mobile members hiding in the dark immediately appeared beside Saraki Kenpachi with a gloomy expression.

Well, although Qi Xu didn't see their expressions, she was sure that these secretive expressions would definitely not be good.

The leader of the secret mobile team was seen frowning and speaking in a deep voice to Zaraki Kenpachi.

"Saraki Sanshi, you should know the rules."

"Without signing the 'contract', if your attack just now was deliberately targeting Nagasawa Sanji, we have the right to disqualify you and your team from the competition."

However, just after his words fell, Nanao over there frowned subconsciously.

Although these secretive and mobile people spoke very hard when they warned Saraki Kenpachi, but judging from what they said, they were looking for a step down for Saraki Kenpachi.

It seems that even people with stealth and maneuvers are not very willing to offend the combat madman Kenpachi Saragi.

Nanao, who was thinking in her heart, immediately showed a dissatisfied expression.

However, just when she was about to speak and let Masa Nagasawa manually report Saragi Kenpachi, Saraki Kenpachi over there raised his eyebrows and asked slowly with a strange expression.


I don't know why, although Saragi Kenpachi only said two words, but when everyone present heard Saragi Kenpachi's words, they all had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Sure enough, in the next second, a surge of spiritual pressure suddenly rushed out of Saraki Kenpachi's body.

The golden coercion that soared into the sky not only violently lifted the sixth-generation students who followed Saraki Kenpachi away.

Even the members of the stealth mobile unit had expressions of horror in their eyes, and murmured to themselves in disbelief.

"Team...captain-level spiritual pressure!?"

Zaraki Kenpachi was seen looking at Nagasawa who was not far away with a look of enthusiasm on his face, roaring like a beast that chooses people to devour.

"Sign a 'contract'?"

"Destroy the computer?"

"Who cares about those bullshit rules!"

"If you don't want to sign a 'contract', I will fight until you are willing to make a move!"

"I came to take part in this boring assessment just to fight you again!"

Listening to Saraki Kenpachi's extremely willful words, the covert mobile team members who are the "referee team" were going crazy, and they hurriedly tried to persuade them.

"Zaraki-san, if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about the students in your team. If you take action, they will also be eliminated!"

However, Saraki Kenpachi seemed to scoff at their words, and he didn't even care about them. He just continued talking to Nagasawa Masa.

"On weekdays, I have to be bound by that old man, and I can't go to Mao to find you. Do you know how long I have been waiting for this day?"

"I've been waiting so long that I can't bear it, Nagasawa!"

...... cut......

PS. On the first day of the Yangjian update plan, it failed...

Chapter 198 Tool Man Zaraki Kenpachi

Listening to the deafening roar that came from beside her ears, let alone someone who was secretly maneuvering, Qi Xu was immediately stunned.

She has always followed the rules and calculated everything within the scope of the rules.

With a calm mind and careful consideration of every detail, her schemes have always been unfavorable.

However, the appearance of Zaraki Kenpachi directly broke her inherent cognition.

It can still be like this! ?

These five big characters seemed to have turned into thousands of muddy horses, galloping wildly in Qi Xu's heart, trampling on her self-confidence.

However, in the face of this unexpected situation, after the initial surprise, Nagasawa Masa appeared very calm.

He couldn't be more familiar with Zaraki Kenpachi's character.

Although the opponent said that if he doesn't make a move, he will fight until he makes a move, but judging from the original plot of Shinigami, Saragi Kenpachi, who pursues a hearty battle, will not make a move against someone who has no fighting intention.

This can be seen from the fact that after he and Kurosaki Ichigo fought, Kurosaki Ichigo walked around when he saw him, not giving him a chance to take action.

What this guy said to bluff people was actually forcing him to fight.

Pretend to be a battle madman, but in fact, his brain is very easy to use.

As for when Nagasawa rescued Masa thousands of miles away, Saraki Kenpachi just said hello, and then slashed straight at him.

Probably it was because he had just killed those rebels, and it was too late to restrain his killing intent.

Thinking of this, the corner of Nagasawa Ya's mouth couldn't help evoking a faint smile.

If Ye Yi was here at this time and saw his appearance, he would definitely recognize him.

At this time, Nagasawa Ya is holding back some bad ideas.

Sure enough, just when the man who was secretly maneuvering was staring at Zaraki Kenpachi as if facing a formidable enemy, not knowing what to do, Nagasawa Masaru put the shallow sword in his hand back into the sheath and walked slowly over. Less than five meters away from Zaraki Kenpachi.

Looking at Nagasawa Masa with the sword sheathed, Zaraki Kenpachi couldn't help but frowned slightly, and subconsciously stagnated for a moment with the high spiritual pressure.

Seeing this, the smile on Nagasawa's face became even wider.

Sure enough, Saragi Kenpachi would not attack someone who had no fighting intention.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa didn't write any ink, and asked directly.

"It's not impossible to fight with you again, but I have one condition."

From the moment Nagasawa Masa saw Saragi Kenpachi on Mao's playground, he knew that this fight probably couldn't be avoided.

Since he couldn't avoid it, he naturally wanted to make this fight more valuable.

Hearing this, Saraki Kenpachi, who was still looking fanatical just now, couldn't help but frown.

He is the person who hates trouble the most.

However, thinking that since Nagasawa had already agreed to fight him again, he, who was eager to fight, naturally had no reason to refuse.

Immediately withdrew the violent spiritual pressure, and asked in a low voice patiently, "What conditions?"

Seeing Kenpachi Zaragi take the bait, Masa Nagasawa did not rush to state her conditions, but instead asked, "How many points does your team have now?"

Hearing this, Zaraki Kenpachi's brows furrowed even deeper.

Although he didn't quite understand why Nagasawa asked this question, he still greeted the three sixth-return students in his team.

"Hey! How many points have you got now!?"

Obviously, Zaraki Kenpachi is extremely incompetent as the team leader.

It's just that as members of the Saraki team, the three sixth-generation students didn't complain at all.

Especially after seeing Zaraki Kenpachi withdrawing his spiritual pressure, a hint of ecstasy even appeared on the faces of the three Sixth Generation.

After all, as the final year-end assessment for the sixth-generation students, they don't want to be eliminated so soon.

Hearing Zeng Mujian's call at this time, he dared not be negligent, so he hurried over and said with a flattering expression.

"More...Saraki Sanji, under your wise and mighty leadership, we have never been discouraged since the start of the match, and we have been fighting non-stop, plus your two exciting 'combatants' ', the score in our hands has reached as high as 185 points!"

As he said that, the sixth-return student who opened his mouth to report couldn't help showing a look of pride on his face.

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but feel slightly shocked.

To be honest, the pride of the sixth-generation student in front of him is not without reason.

What you need to know is that his Nagasawa team and the ZaiHong team only have 85 points combined, which is a fraction of others.

Not to mention that when there were only 140 participating teams and a total score of only 2100 points, the Saraki team directly took advantage of the chaotic period at the beginning of the assessment and scored more than one-tenth of the points.

This is quite an achievement.

If you work harder, you can even lock in the championship directly.

However, the higher the points Saraki Kenpachi had, the happier Nagasawa Masa was.

I saw him whispering to Saraki Kenpachi in front of him.

"My condition is that our two teams go to attack the students in Noble Street together, and after finishing off the ambushing team in Noble Street, I promise to fight with you."

"Of course, within the rules."

"The judgment of victory or defeat is subject to the assessment rules."

Saying that, Masa Nagasawa raised her hand, and raised the wrist-worn computer on her arm towards Kenba Saragi.

To be honest, this time, he was not sure of winning Saraki Kenpachi.

After the battle with the broken bee, he could almost feel that the [Hungry Wolf Experience Card] he drew this time was not the god-level hungry wolf he had fought against Saitama for the third time.

Even if he is still a hungry wolf at the ordinary stage, it is okay to fight the vice-captain who is around the fourth level of spiritual power, but if he wants to fight against the leader-level Kenpachi Zaragi whose spiritual pressure level has "recovered" to at least the third level of spiritual power , but it is insufficient.

After all, although there is only one level difference between Lingwei Level [-] and Lingwei Level [-], there is a gap as big as clouds and mud.

That is a gap that cannot be made up by skills and moves.

However, even so, Nagasawa Masaru still agreed to Zaraki Kenpachi's invitation to fight.

The year-end assessment was originally a test for his students.

A strong Zaraki team is a hurdle they need to cross.

All he can do is provide some help as much as possible within the rules and get some task rewards along the way.

As for if he loses to Saragi Kenpachi...

It means that he is nothing more than that.

Mission rewards, don't worry about it.

But before that, you should be my tool man!

After all, relying only on his team, it is much more difficult to take down Noble Street, which is waiting for work.

Hearing Masa Nagasawa's words, Kenpachi Saragi raised his frown immediately.

Although Nagasawa Ya's proposal sounded a bit different from the hearty battle scene he had imagined, he, who was already hungry and thirsty, agreed without hesitation.

"make a deal!"

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