Hearing this, Nagasawa immediately showed a smile on her face.

It's just that, looking at the two people who were on the verge of swords just now, but in the next second, they reached an alliance agreement, as the "referee team" secretly maneuvered, just like Nanao, the whole linen was stunned.

It can still be like this! ?

Even fell into deep self-doubt.

Should I report them for violation?

...... cut......

PS. I'm so sleepy, I must go to bed early tomorrow!

Chapter 199 Whose General Is This?

"Hey! Nagasawa-sensei and Zaraki-san's team actually joined forces. Isn't this too foul!?"

"We can't fight on our own, we also unite..."


"No, it's too late, what kind of monsters are these!?"

"Retreat! Retreat first!"

The three sixth-returned members of the Saraki team are all top kitchen knives who aspire to join the [-]th team.

Their Ghost Dao and Shunpo may not be very good, but when it comes to white hitting and cutting skills, they are very good at it.

Let's put it this way, the combat system of Death can be simply regarded as the warriors and mages in online games.

In the later stage, the difference between the warrior and the Master may not be much different, and the Master may even be slightly more powerful.

But in the early stage, that is, in the novice village of Mao, the Faye who has not yet grown up is definitely not an opponent for a fighter who can quickly improve his combat power.

The Nagasawa team originally focused on a classic combination of shooting range top MT, chakra top DPS, and Nanao top Faye.

At this time, three top reckless men were added, which was like adding wings to a tiger.

The six people went all the way from the east of Noble Street to the west of Noble Street, where people and ghosts avoided.

Even the nobles watching the battle in their own mansions, taverns, and high-end cuisine booths were amazed and amazed by that strong performance.

Yes, these nobles in Noble Street were not cleared because of the year-end assessment.

Although Yamamoto is the captain of the Gotei [-]th Team, but he was able to make these nobles stay in their residences and "grey areas" obediently.

If they are temporarily expelled from Noble Street for the sake of the assessment of the Mao students, or for three days, if they are not kept together, someone will make use of the problem.

This is not a good thing for Yamamoto, who has been committed to maintaining "stable peace" in Soul Society.

So in this matter, both sides made a compromise.

The nobles of Noble Street are not allowed to step out of the "grey area" during the year-end assessment, but at the same time, the year-end assessment cannot affect their enjoyment life.

Taverns, high-end cuisine kiosks, and shops must be open, but travel is relatively restricted.

However, with the beginning of the year-end assessment, these nobles who were still dissatisfied suddenly found that agreeing to Yamamoto's conditions seemed to be a good choice.

When they saw the Mao students wearing Mao uniforms fighting with each other, an indescribable feeling was evoked in their hearts.

Yes, although the battles of these Mao students, in the eyes of noble men like them, are completely incomparable to those of the disciples of the family, it even feels like playing house.

But when they saw these young Mao students fighting with all their might, the feeling, which was very different from a life-and-death fight and full of youth and passion, brought them a different kind of enjoyment.

Even some nobles who were interested in watching it heard that Nozomi Ohmaeda had opened a handicap for the year-end assessment, so they summoned the servants of the Ohmaeda family and asked for an additional temporary handicap.

Nozomi Ohmaeda cut another wave of leeks with tears in his eyes.

It made him a little embarrassed.

And after the joint team of Masa Nagasawa and Kenpachi Saraki broke into Noble Street, this kind of emotion directly reached its climax.

Especially when I saw Luan Ju, who was charging forward, heroic, and Qi Xu who was berating Fang Qiu, not chaotic, and constantly releasing ghosts to defeat the opponent.

The eyes of these powerful and meritorious people suddenly shined.

"Wuhu! I originally thought that Bo Feng Huo Sect, who was born in the sixth return, was the strongest in the year-end assessment. I didn't expect someone to be braver than him. Whose generals are these two?"

"Ise Nanao? Matsumoto Rangiku? They're all first-timers!?"

"Ise? Is it a child of the priest Ise's family?"

"Hiss...is it that Ise family? Their family's curse...ahem!"

"It's that Matsumoto Ranju, who seems to be from Ruukon Street. Although he is not suitable to be a wife, it is enough to be a concubine for my second son."

The voices of discussion resounded one after another in the high-end restaurants and taverns in Noble Street.

Among them, Yatianju, which is the new overlord of the Soul Society's catering industry and has become the most eye-catching presence in Noble Street, is particularly lively.

Almost all the meritorious deeds of the nobles showed great interest in the outstanding Nagasawa and Saraki teams.

Think about it too.

This thing was placed in the ancient times of Nagasawaya's previous life, and it was no different from catching a son-in-law under the list.

It is not the first time that the major nobles have been looking for potential students in Mao, either as disciples, or into the family, as son-in-law and wife.

Like Kuchiki Canojun's brother-in-law, Kuchiki Hibiki, who was born in Rukon Street, is the super genius Kuchiki Yinling recruited from Mao.

Compared to the Ise family who have been cursed with "Keff" for generations.

Rangiku, who has a good face, outstanding talent, and was born in Rukongai without any faction marks on her body, has gradually become the focus of discussion.

It's just that, just as the discussions among the people became more and more intense, a voice that was full of air and sounded quite heroic interrupted the discussions of the people.

"I don't object to you recruiting that kid named Matsumoto Rangiku, but I advise you better not to have any crooked thoughts."

Hearing this, everyone's voices of discussion couldn't help but stagnate.

They subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.

Behind a table of hot butter pots, I saw a rather arrogant-looking man wearing mink and gold, with a golden haircut, watching the battle downstairs. Enjoy hot pot with great gulps.

But the place where he was sitting was the one with the best view in the whole Yatian residence.

That was an exclusive seat reserved only for the proprietor of Masada House and the current head of the Ohmaeda family, Nozomi Ohmaeda.

Seeing that Omaeda Nozomi opened his mouth, most of the people in Yatian House fell silent.

Without him, the status gap between them would be too big!

The already wealthy and powerful Ohmaeda family, after building a business empire dominated by Masadaju, has a faint tendency to become the first family among the five nobles.

A few high-ranking nobles who were familiar with him, or whose status was slightly insufficient, but who could barely speak, immediately asked tentatively with a look of familiarity on their faces.

"Does the head of Omaeda know the girl named Matsumoto? Or..."


Unexpectedly, they just asked aloud, but Nozomi Ohmaeda, who was cooking hot pot, suddenly slapped the chopsticks in his hand on the table!

...... cut......

PS. Today in the author group, I saw a brother using tarot cards to predict whether he will flutter in the next book.

Tsk... Gradually metaphysical.

I'm going to give it a try when I finish writing this!

Chapter 200 Everyone here

Omaeda Nozomi's sudden move immediately shocked everyone, they didn't even know where they offended each other.

For a while, some people who couldn't figure out Nozomi Ohmaeda's mind guessed the origin of Matsumoto Rangiku in their hearts.

Even some people with dirty minds secretly wondered whether Omaeda Nozomi fell in love with Matsumoto Rangiku, so he deliberately issued a warning.

However, Nozomi Ohmaeda didn't let everyone's doubts last too long and spoke directly.

"Don't test me, that girl named Matsumoto Rangiku, the children from the Ise family, and even the kid from the Sheba family are all disciples of my life-and-death acquaintance, Omaeda Nozomi."

"If you dare to have any evil thoughts, not only my Omaeda family, but also the Shifouin family, the Kuchiki family, and the Shiba family will become your enemies!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

It would be understandable if we say that what Nozomi Ohmaeda said at this time was said as the head of the Ohmaeda family.

After all, as the current head of the Omaeda family, what he said represented the will of the Omaeda family.

However, as a subsidiary family of the Shifouin family, Nozomi Ohmaeda not only directly "represented" the Shifouin family, but also directly "represented" both the Kuchiki family and the Shiba family.

Although the Shiba family has gradually declined, and has even been excluded from the ranks of the five nobles by some people.

But after all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

You Omaeda Nozomi directly spoke for three of the five great nobles.

This is too big, right?

A small number of well-informed smart people have vaguely guessed the identity of the "friend of life and death" mentioned by Nozuki Ohmaeda.

But there are always some people who are not very smart, or who rely on their status, want to show their status.

I saw a middle-aged man who was similar in age to Ohmaeda Nozomi, but had a sinister look on his face, speaking slowly with a sarcastic look on his face.

"Hey, Patriarch Omaeda is so honorable."

"Does this mean that you have already placed your Omaeda family above the five nobles and don't take it seriously at all?"

"Don't forget, your Omaeda family is just a loyal dog of the Sifengyuan family. Don't think that if you make some money, you will forget your surname."

"In the final analysis, the world of corpses and souls is not only about human sophistication, but also a place that relies on strength to speak."

The name of the middle-aged man is Zhiming Ono.

Like the Omaeda family of Nozomi Omaeda, they are both upper-class nobles.

The difference is that the object of attachment of the Ono family is the Tsunayashiro family, who is also one of the five great nobles.

Seeing Nozomi Omaeda, who used to be similar to himself in status, but relied on the gourmet empire to become the No. [-] noble under the five nobles, he was naturally not very happy, so he spoke provocatively.

However, after hearing his sarcasm, Nozomi Ohmaeda didn't show any angry look on his face.

There was even a little pity in the eyes of Zhiming Ono.

Yes, the world of corpses and souls is indeed a place that pays attention to connections and strength.

But ah...

Brother Nagasawa is no worse than anyone present here in these two aspects.

To put it bluntly, these people here, including him Nozomi Ohmaeda, can even kindly call them "garbage" as long as Masa Nagasawa is willing.

Want to play checks and balances?

Then at least one of the five noble ranks is eligible for this!

Nozomi Omaeda, who didn't bother to refute, didn't even bother to say a word to Shiming Ono, so he raised his hand and pointed to the east side of Noble Street.

That was the starting point for Nanao and the others to launch their offensive.

I saw two figures, one tall and one short, slowly stepping into Noble Street along the direction that Nanao and the others were advancing.

The walking speed of the two is not fast, and it can even be said to be a little leisurely.

It looked a bit out of place with Mao's students who were defeated by Nanao and others on the ground and fell to the ground, forming a sharp contrast.

At the beginning, the nobles who were watching the excitement thought that there were new Mao students preparing to join the melee, and did not take it seriously.

However, when they slowly saw the face of the person who came, a look of astonishment slowly climbed into everyone's eyes.

"Yes...it's Masa Nagasawa!? Those Mao students just now are his students!?"

Although these nobles don't care much about Mao on weekdays, they will only be moved when they hear about some talented students.

But Nagasawa Masa's name, three months ago, seemed to be born out of nowhere, making their ears callused.

Nagasawa Masa's information was naturally placed on their desk.

The moment someone recognized Nagasawa Ya, there was an uproar in Ya Tian Residence.


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