An expression of disbelief appeared in the eyes of everyone present.

Some people who held the roster of entries made by the Omaeda family quickly rummaged through the roster in their hands.

When they clearly saw the words "Masa Nagasawa" written on the positions of the team leaders led by Ise Nanao, Matsumoto Rangiku, and Keba Tetsuzaemon.

For a moment, they seemed to be able to understand why the three Nanao were so powerful as first-time reincarnations, and they also understood the meaning of what Omaeda Nozomi said just now.

Three months of dormancy did not make these nobles forget the existence of Nagasawa. On the contrary, a deeper understanding made them more aware of the terrifying aspects of Nagasawa.

And Zhiming Ono, who had just sneered at Nozomi Ohmaeda, had a gloomy expression on his face, which was so gloomy that it was about to drip water.

As a subsidiary family of the Tsunayashiro family, one of the five nobles, he naturally knows more inside information.

The life-and-death acquaintance of Kuchiki Aojun, the next head of the Kuchiki family.

The Shiba family, including the main family and branch families, is the savior of Shiba Yuma, the highest-ranking member of the only surviving members.

Even according to rumors, Sifengyuan Yeyi, the current head of the Sifengyuan family, has an extremely close relationship with him.

In front of the three nobles, the relationship between Omaeda Kinojin, a "life and death friend", seemed somewhat insignificant.

Recalling what he just said, Ono Zhiming felt that although the people around him didn't say anything, they looked at him as if they were looking at a clown.

At this time, he really wanted to find a crack in the ground and get in there.

As the focus of the field at the moment, Masa Nagasawa, walking side by side with Saraki Kenpachi, nodded with satisfaction while scanning the Mao students who were defeated by Nanao and others.

Along the way, according to a rough calculation, the joint team of him and Saraki Kenpachi defeated at least five to seven teams.

This is a pretty impressive score.

But at the same time, with the reduction of participating teams in Noble Street, it also means that the battle between him and Saraki Kenpachi is finally about to start.

Chapter 2 What a beautiful girl with braids

"Teacher, almost all the teams ambushing on Noble Street have been cleared up."

"We scored 70 points, and the seniors scored 85 points. That's Senior Dovetail..."

Nagasawa Masa and Saragi Kenpachi, who had been hanging not too far behind Nanao and the others to prevent accidents from happening, did not wait too long, and Nanao and the others returned to them.

The only difference is that there are only five people who came back.

A sixth-generation student of the Saraki team broke away from the support of his teammates because of his greed and aggressiveness, and his computer was smashed. At this time, he was taken away from the assessment area by the "referee team".

It's just obvious that neither Masa Nagasawa nor Kenpachi Saraki care much about it.

After all, in Kenpachi Saragi's view, the members of Saragi's team are just tools to facilitate his battle with Masa Nagasawa. As long as there is one left, it is enough for him to initiate a "contract challenge" to Masa Nagasawa.

And for Nagasawa Ya, it is even more insignificant, and it is not the students in his team who are eliminated.

As for the results of the joint team, he is undoubtedly quite satisfied, even if his own team scored fewer points than the Saraki team.

It's a pity that during the advance of the joint team, no team leader jumped out to challenge him or Saraki Kenpachi, and lost a lot of points for no reason.

Seeing that all the participating teams in Noble Street were almost cleaned up, Kenpachi Saraki, who had obvious impatience on his face, immediately said in a deep voice.

"Is that all right?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa Ya, who had a relaxed expression just now, suddenly focused her eyes.

To be honest, he had no intention of defaulting on his debt.

Although doing so may be a bit secondary, or an extremely unwise choice, Nagasawa Ya does not intend to "escape" anything anymore.

Yes, that's right, the world of "BLEACH" is different from "Naruto" and "One Piece", both of which are the three major migrant manga.

There are not so many "civilian bureaus" to gain experience here. It is a world where high-end bureaus are the main ones, and the vice-captains are all ants.

In this world, unless he got an invincible script at the beginning, otherwise, no matter how fast he improved, he would not be able to get into the high-end game in a short time.

In this case, the safest way is to rely on the power of the experience card to get through one difficulty after another before he grows up.

Except for Kenpachi's night attack at Kiugashiro, it was because of the suddenness of the incident and the ineffective extraction of the experience card. It was because he risked his life that his mental strength was greatly improved and inspired the Platinum Star. It is beyond the potential that can be safely spent.

Every crisis he encountered, he dealt with it very well.

However, Nagasawa at this time is a little tired of this kind of security.

Why do you dare to fight only when you have drawn a powerful experience card and can securely dominate your opponent?

Facing Zaraki Kenpachi, he recalled the scene when the two first met.

Although due to the accumulation of medical treatment, at that time, he almost lost the strength to swing a sword.

But the hot blood in his chest can't fool anyone.

That was the first time he experienced the feeling of blood-boiling battle.

He wanted to get back that blood-boiling feeling.

Therefore, he agreed to Zaraki Kenpachi's challenge.

Even if he is completely unsure of defeating Saragi Kenpachi at this moment.

Even if it's because of his little waywardness, his three months of hard work will be in vain.

Because Nagasawa Miyabi knows.

The experience card is only a temporary means to temporarily improve his strength. He can rely on it to tide over difficulties when his own strength is weak, but he cannot rely on it even a little bit.

To have the courage to face the strong, even if there is a difference in strength, without fear in his heart, is what he needs most at this moment.

If he doesn't improve his xinxing here, even if his spiritual power breaks through to the captain level, he won't be able to fight tough battles at all!

After all, in the world of Shinigami, apart from the protagonist Kurosaki Ichigo, there are not many who have poor psychological quality. (dog head)

Of course, the courage to face the strong here refers to a spirit of daring to challenge.

A challenge with a large gap is not called a challenge, but a death.

This is like your Monkey King can challenge Frieza, and there is still room for an explosive comeback.

But if you, Yamcha, go to challenge the universe emperor, it will be for nothing.

This point, Nagasawa is still clear.

Immediately, he nodded slightly, then pointed to a direction away from Noble Street, and said slowly to Saraki Kenpachi.

"Go there and fight. You don't want to be watched like a monkey show by these guys, right?"

Saying that, Nagasawa gave a thumbs up, and pointed to the nobles behind them who were sitting in high-end cooking booths, taverns, and their own mansions, watching the two of them with interest.

Seeing this, Zaraki Kenpachi couldn't help but frown, and a look of disgust flashed across his face instinctively.

He smelled a decaying breath from the group of nobles.

He did not reject Nagazeya's proposal, he just nodded slightly and took the lead in running towards the place designated by Nagazeya.

Seeing that Saraki Kenpachi left first, Nagasawa Masa also whispered to Nanao and the others.

"Don't stay too far away from me. If you encounter a surprise attack from other teams, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you while fighting Zaraki."

"Of course, don't get too close, that guy is crazy when he fights, and it's not good if he is accidentally injured."

As he said that, he didn't know if Zaraki Kenpachi, who was striding toward the distance, heard Nagazawa Masaru's comments about him, but he stumbled for no reason on the spacious and clean street.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes, and an old groove got stuck in his throat.

Do you think you are some cute girl with twist braids?

Can a powerful captain-level man still be thrown to the ground?

Thinking of this, it seemed that he recalled a certain spliced ​​photo of Kenpachi Zaraki, and Nagasawa couldn't help but feel excited.

Shaking her head slightly, after dispelling the terrifying thoughts in her mind, Masa Nagasawa did not procrastinate, and even followed the pace of Kenpachi Saragi, and walked towards the distance.

Looking at the retreating figures of Nagasawa Masaru and Zaraki Kenpachi, the group of aristocratic gentlemen on Noble Street who were watching the excitement suddenly let out a sad sigh.

They also wanted to see if the legendary Nagasawa Ya was really as fierce as the rumors said.

It's a pity that they, who promised Yamamoto not to step out of the "restricted area", could only stretch their necks, watching Masa Nagasawa, Kenpachi Saraki and others quickly disappear from their field of vision.

Chapter 2 Zaraki Kenpachi·Three rounds of battle

"Nagasawa-sensei... he should be fine, right?"

Outside Noble Street, there is a huge canyon.

This canyon is the place where the members of the Sixth Division usually use it for training and competition.

Because it is far away from Noble Street, no matter how much you fight, it will not cause any trouble to the nobles in Noble Street, so this place has always been favored by the members of the Sixth Division.

This can be seen from the fact that there is no "grey area" that prohibits entry.

When Nagasawa and his group arrived at the canyon, Nanao and others who stood on the edge of the canyon and watched the battle had a look of worry on their faces.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

The legend of Saragi Kenpachi's invincibility and the terrifying Reiatsu unleashed not long ago are still vivid in his mind.

Recalling the feeling of trembling as if standing naked in a blizzard when facing Saragi Kenpachi, Matsumoto Rangiku couldn't help asking softly with some concern.

Only this time, even Nanao, who had always had a blind confidence in Nagasawa, was a little afraid to answer Luanju's question.

Then look at Masa Nagasawa and Kenpachi Saragi standing in the middle of the canyon.

The two who had just landed had not had time to make a few opening remarks, and Kenpachi Saraki, who couldn't wait, had already launched a "contract challenge" to Masa Nagasawa first.

"Do you want to sign a contract and accept the challenge from Saraki Kenpachi?"


"The contract is established!"

Only this time, when the information prompt popped up on the computer, Nagasawa did not hesitate and chose to accept it directly.

Following the faithful feedback from the system prompts back to the wrist-worn computer on Saraki Kenpachi's arm, a powerful golden Reiatsu shot up into the sky.

Kenpachi Zaraki, with a look of fanaticism on his face, immediately roared at Nagasawa Masaru.

"Finally let me wait until this day!"

"Draw your sword, Nagasawa!"

The terrifying Reiatsu was like the rage of a Speedy Saiyan. Even Nanao and the others, who were far enough away, took a few steps back uncontrollably, let alone Nagao who was closest to Saragi Kenpachi. Zeya.

And as the person who most intuitively felt the Reiatsu released by Saraki Kenpachi, Nagasawa Masa's body couldn't help but tremble.

Don't get me wrong, the emotion that caused Nagasawa to tremble at this time was not fear, but excitement.

Different from when he activated the "Peak Death Experience Card" and "Gojo Satoru Experience Card", at this moment, Nagasawa Masaru truly felt the power of Zaraki Kenpachi.

Afterwards, he raised his fists and replied in a deep voice with determination on his face.

"No need, these fists are my weapons!"

As he spoke, he was seen lunging forward, with his left hand making a false move, and the posture of Liushuiyan Shattering Fist suddenly unfolded.

Seeing Masa Nagasawa's reluctance to draw his sword, Kenpachi Saragi frowned first, and then relaxed it immediately.

This is the third time he has fought against Nagasawa Masaru.

For the first time, Nagasawa directly cut him to the ground during the passionate exchange with him.

The second time, it was an instant kill without any suspense with bare hands.

As if recalling the weird move Nagasawa used when the two fought for the second time, Saraki Kenpachi immediately put aside the meaningless thoughts in his mind.

Afterwards, Saraki Kenpachi squatted down abruptly, and the strong force poured into the ground with his legs, and the ground under his feet immediately cracked layer by layer like a spider web.

The next second, Kenpachi Zaraki, who was already ready to go, kicked his foot violently, and a white air wave suddenly exploded, and then it exploded towards Nagasawa Masaru as if it turned into an arrow from the string.

"It's up to you, die, don't blame me!"

Looking at Saraki Kenpachi who was attacking quickly, the pupils in Nagasawa Masa's eyes suddenly shrank.

So fast!

If the speed of the broken bee is a small displacement Kawasaki ninja.

Then Zaraki Kenpachi is the Dodge Tomahawk like a steel beast!

In just the blink of an eye, Zaraki Kenpachi deceived himself and arrived in front of Nagasawa Masa. The saw-like Zanpakutō struck Nagasawa Masa on the head without any hesitation.

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