Seeing Kuchiki Sojun's crumbling appearance, an anxious cry suddenly sounded from the side. Byakuya Kuchiki, who had been guarding Kuchiki Sojun's back, hurriedly helped his father who was about to fall.

Looking at the blood continuously flowing from Kuchiki Cangchun's belly, Kuchiki Byakuya, who was supporting him, was about to burst into tears.

However, when Kuchiki Cangchun looked at his son, the stern look on his face was replaced by a touch of fatherly tenderness.

"You should go with Team Bee, Byakuya..."

There was a hint of love and regret in his voice, he didn't want his son to die here with him.

But after hearing his words, Kuchiki Byakuya glared at Omaeda Nozomi who was beside him, and said in a deep voice almost biting his back molars.

"If it weren't for the traitors appearing in the secret mobile force, there should have been more reinforcements coming to support!"

At this time, Kuchiki Byakuya's gaze was like a hungry tiger that chooses someone to eat. Even Nozosumu Ohmaeda, the vice-captain of the second squad, couldn't help but feel agitated when he saw it, not to mention that he was wronged in the first place. .

As Kuchiki Byakuya said, this time the rebels' full set is not only aimed at Kuchiki Sojun, but also against him Kuchiki Byakuya.

Not long after Masa Nagasawa left the sixth division, Byakuya Kuchiki, who was cleaning up the mess left by Masa Nagasawa, suddenly received a call for help from the secret mobile unit, informing him that Kuchiki Sosumi and Nozomi Omaeda were attacked In the middle of the ambush, please help quickly.

Kuchiki Byakuya, who received the request for help, did not doubt that he was there, but ordered the secretly maneuvering Xing Jun to report the situation to Captain Yamamoto immediately, and then pulled the team members who were not on duty in the sixth division team building, and took the first step Go to support.

What I don't know is that when he rushed to the battlefield in Caolu District, let alone support, he had been struggling for a long time, and he didn't even see a god of death from Seilingting. Some of them just kept coming from all over the place the rebels!

Kuchiki Byakuya immediately understood that he had been tricked.

The Xing Jun who came to inform him was also a member of the rebel army!

The purpose is to catch both Sojun Kuchiki, the heir to the Kuchiki family, and Byakuya Kuchiki, the next heir.

The next thing is very simple. Omaeda Nozomi, who also realized that something was wrong, immediately selected one of the most trustworthy players from his direct troops to help him break through, and asked for help from the Gotei [-]th Team .

Looking at Kuchiki Byakuya's terrifying eyes, Nozomi Ohmaeda, who felt that he was in the wrong, could only respond quickly.

"Don't worry, the Feng family has respected the family of Sifeng Academy for generations. There is absolutely no possibility of betrayal by the bee members. If you persevere, reinforcements will definitely come!"

However, when Kuchiki Sojun, who was supported by Kuchiki Byakuya, heard his words, he couldn't help but smile bitterly in return.

"It's useless...cough cough cough..."

"Chiba Kaizuru, the fourth member of the second division, Hinatai Satoru, the fifth member of the third division, Toruya Ikeda, the third member of the seventh division, Otsutsuki Kuren, the fifth member of the ninth division, and even the first division... "

"These rebels are high-ranking officers of various teams. They will not let us persist until reinforcements arrive..."

Listening to Kuchiki Sosumi's words, how could Omaeda Nozomi not know the current situation.

Now they are like wild beasts that have fallen into a trap. They have no other choice but to look forward to the reinforcements from the Thirteenth Guarding Team.

...... cut......

PS. Sorry for the late update.

I was very lucky yesterday. I didn’t expect to break into the top ten click list after opening a treasure chest. Brothers are awesome!

There is also good news and bad news to tell.

The good news is that my body is still healthy and I can continue to fight.

The bad news is that my wife had a close contact on Friday and then lurked for two days. Today she has a fever, which reached 39°C. I just took care of her to sleep. Although I wore a mask the whole time, I don’t know if it will happen. will become infected.

At present, I have already asked the company for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I can only say that I will try to write as much as possible in the free time tomorrow, so as to avoid interruption after the sun is over. If there is a situation of changing every day, it means that I have also fallen down. .

In addition, brothers, don’t worry that I’m using the sun as an excuse to cut the book. How can anyone still cut the book after spending 1600 yuan on the treasure chest yesterday? ==

that's all!

Chapter 21 The hero who saves the field always arrives in time

Kuchiki Cangjun's words were quickly confirmed.

Not long after his words fell, a god of death who looked over sixty years old, with white hair tied behind his head with a cloth belt, walked slowly out of the crowd, facing Kuimu Cangchun, who was waiting in formation, waiting for him. the man said softly.

"Give up struggling. The reason why we chose Caolu in Area 79 is precisely because we are sure that even Xing Jun, who is good at moving speed, would need at least two hours to go back and forth."

"And not only are we here at this moment, but more than 50 elite troops headed by Hiroki Muto, the deputy captain of the [-]th division, are coming here."

"As Deputy Captain Kuchiki said, at this time, you have no hope of surviving."

His name is Onoue Takuma, the fourth member of Gotei's [-]th team.

It is a veteran who has followed Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto since the establishment of the Gotei [-]th Team.

Although he is only the fourth chief officer, in terms of combat effectiveness, he is not weaker than the vice-captains of other teams, a truly powerful faction.

"Even vice-captain Muto has joined the rebels..."

Hearing this, Kuchiki Cangchun couldn't help but smile wryly.

He didn't expect that even among the gods of death at the vice-captain level, there were rebels who had defected to the great nobles.

What made him even more troublesome was that Takuma Onoue dared to report the name of Hiroki Muto so blatantly, obviously determined to end their lives here.

Thinking of this, Kuchiki Sojun couldn't bear to glance at the residents of the Kusuka district who were hiding in the house and looking at them furtively.

Come to think of it, even these residents could not survive the disaster.

"Although Fengshao Ling didn't see our appearance, we have wasted enough time, and there is still a lot of finishing work to be done in the future. Get rid of them as soon as possible!"

At this moment, Chiba Beizhu, who is the fourth member of the second division and also a secret mobile unit with Omaeda Nozomi, is obviously impatient.

The appearance of traitors in the covert mobile unit, after the broken bee broke through, the exposure was almost a certainty.

Even if they were the high-ranking officers before Broken Bee broke through, he was still the one who was most likely to expose his identity.

Thinking of Xing Jun's method of dealing with the rebels, Chiba Beizhu suddenly felt a burst of cold air rushing from his tailbone to his brain. Unwilling to delay too much, he immediately asked his companions around him to take action immediately.

Hearing this, Takuma Onoue, the leader, just glanced at Chiba Beizhu whose face was full of anxiety, and immediately prepared to give the order for the general attack.

Kuchiki Aojun and Kuchiki Byakuya are both here, there is no need to delay any longer.

However, at this moment, Takuma Onoue felt that three gods of death were approaching him.

The Reiatsu of the person who came was not very strong, obviously not a strong person at the captain and deputy captain level, but if it was Muto Hiroki, or the reinforcements of the Gotei [-]th Squad, three people would be too few.

A confused look suddenly appeared in Takuma Onoe's eyes.


But just as he hesitated for a moment, the three Death Gods quickly came to him.

Seeing the appearance of those three people, a joyful smile appeared on Qianba Beizhu's face.

He recognized these three people as the confidantes of Muto Hiroki, the vice-captain of the [-]th squad, who was rushing here.

Originally, he was worried that he would not be able to take down Kuchiki Aojun and others with two vice-captains and a high-ranking officer headed by them in a short period of time, but Muto Hiroki's support came just in time.

He couldn't help saying overjoyed.

"It's just in time, I've been waiting for you for a long time, your deputy Muto..."

However, before he could finish his words, the three gods of death who had just arrived in front of them flickered, and collapsed on the ground as if they had exhausted all their strength.

Seeing this, Qianye Beizhu couldn't help being shocked, he hurriedly helped one of them up and asked quickly.

"Hey!? What's going on!?"

After hearing his words, the god of death who was lifted up by him spoke intermittently as if he was holding his breath.

"Report...Report to the Four Seats of Chiba, the reinforcements except us...all have been knocked down..."

"A monster... a strong ghost-like monster, approaching here... Deputy Captain Muto, he..."

However, before he could finish his words, a sudden sense of crisis was like a cold steel needle piercing Chiba Beizhu's tailbone.

In an instant, Chiba Beizhu, who felt the strong sense of fear, was like a cat whose fur had exploded.

Right now, he has only one thought in his mind, and that is to leave here.

Run away from here desperately!


"Flowing blade like fire Song Ming."

The blazing flames seemed to have turned into a giant dragon that swallowed everything at this moment, and the flame tornado mixed with endless power took less than half a second to wipe out more than a dozen rebels including Chiba Beizhu. All devoured.




"Shan... Captain Yamamoto!?"

The sudden change surprised both parties present.

Especially Takuma Ogami, who was the fourth seat of the first team, when he saw the familiar flame, Dou Da's sweat immediately slid down the corner of his forehead.

He has followed Yamamoto Genryu Saishigekuni for nearly a thousand years, and no one understands the power of Yamamoto Genryu Saishigekuni better than him.

That is a terrifying existence that has occupied the position of the strongest Death God for more than a thousand years.

The corners of his eyes twitched, his eyes fixed on the street where Chiba Kaizhu was standing just now, but now it has been reduced to ashes, Takuma Ogami even began to fantasize that he could leave a few corpses for his family.

However, just as he was immersed in infinite terror, a careless, even somewhat frivolous voice came from above everyone's heads in vain.

"The Muto vice-captain you are talking about, is this guy?"

Following the prestige, I saw that Chang Zeya had been standing on the roof of a wooden house with a knife in her hand since no one knew when.

And in his other hand, which fell by his side, he was holding a young Reaper whose identity could only be judged by the logo of the vice-captain of the [-]th Division worn on his arm.

Masa Nagasawa's eyes swept across the audience, and finally landed on Kuchiki Sojun and Kuchiki Byakuya, and immediately, a smile could not help but float on his face.

"Yo Byakuya, I'm here to save you."

...... cut......

PS. It’s so good that I finished writing. I kept drinking hot water at night. I was afraid that I would not be able to take care of my daughter-in-law. I took a walk with the dog and went to sleep. Good night!

Chapter 22 Rainy Night×Suit×Zanpakuto




Thick black clouds squeezed the sky, covering the high hanging full moon, as if covering the scarlet all over the ground.

The fine raindrops fell down, and it turned into a downpour in just a moment.

Rainy night, suit, Zanpakutō.

"If only there were another Maybach..."

As if caught in some kind of memory, Masa Nagasawa couldn't help murmuring.

His gaze scanned the audience, and when he passed Nozomi Omaeda and saw that Kuchiki Sojun and Kuchiki Byakuya were safe, he couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although the rotten wood is pure and crippled, as long as the treatment is timely, life should be safe.

Immediately, Masa Nagasawa threw the vice-captain named Muto in front of Takuma Ogami like a piece of tatters.

On the way here just now, he encountered a rebel team headed by Muto Hiroki, the vice-captain of the [-]th Division.

At first he thought it was the reinforcements going to support Kuchiki Byakuya and his party, but when he enthusiastically went up to say hello, he was met with a knife.

Without being angry, he immediately released Liu Renruohuo, and wiped out most of the rebels with a thunderous force.

If he hadn't needed someone to lead the way to ensure he reached the battlefield as quickly as possible, not to mention the three rebels he deliberately let go, even the deputy captain of the [-]th Division he had just thrown away wouldn't have been able to hold him. A round of outbreaks.

It's just that someone doesn't seem to appreciate him very much.

When Kuchiki Byakuya saw Nagasawa Masa, his face was overjoyed at first, and then his heart fell to the bottom of the valley again.

Through the spiritual pressure, he could clearly feel that there was no other person around except Nagasawa Ya, and he couldn't help asking loudly with an anxious face.

"Nagasawa? Where are the reinforcements? Why are you alone?"

Seeing this, Nagasawa could not help scratching her nose.

He's obviously here to save the situation, why are you so loud...

He couldn't help saying, "I'm really sorry to disappoint you, young master, I rushed here alone..."

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