But a goal that can make a man work hard for more than a hundred years is not something he can change with a few words.

Unless he has Naruto's other mouth.

But to say that this task is simple, it does not mean that there is no possibility of finding another way.

For example, attack Matsumoto Rangiku?

If Matsumoto Rangiku disappoints Ichimaru Gin, can he stop his revenge in disguise?

Nagasawa felt that he might not be suitable for this task. After all, the feasibility was really low, and he didn't want to waste a precious month waiting for the task CD.

[Mission [-]: Change the fate of the Masked Army and prevent it from becoming hollow and forced to escape from the Soul Society. 】


Nagasawa felt that this task was also very difficult.

The current Ichimaru Gin has just graduated and has not even attracted Aizen's attention. This shows that it will be some time before Aizen conducts experiments on captain-level Shinigami in order to study Arrancar.

Leaving aside that meeting, he has already lost the blessing effect of the peak death experience card, unless he can quickly accumulate enough destiny points to buy the [permanent use right of Flowing Blade Ruohuo (can be superimposed)], otherwise he will not be able to fight with blue Ran is not qualified to confront directly.

【Mission [-]: Rescue Kuchiki Cangchun, change his fate of falling, and successfully inherit the position of the head of the Kuchiki family. 】

Seeing this, Nagasawa became silent.

There is one thing to say, compared to the above two tasks that are related to Aizen, this task is undoubtedly simpler, but it is even more confusing for him.

In the work "BLEACH", as the father of Byakuya Kuchiki, Sojun Kuchiki has only a handful of appearances, even less than his father Ginrui Kuchiki.

It was precisely because of this situation that he completely lost the advantage of foresight, and he didn't even know how Kuchiki Sosumi died.

But in the end, he still chose to take up this task.

There weren't many other reasons, nor was it because he didn't want to get into trouble with Aizen prematurely.

Just because Kuchiki Byakuya could trust him and stand up to say a word for him despite knowing him for only one day.

He just wanted to simply repay that guy.

...... cut......

PS. After I woke up in the morning and saw everyone’s comments, I felt that Chapter 67 was indeed written too hastily, so I decided to revise and rewrite it. The adjustments have been completed and the new version can be seen after refreshing.

Friends who are interested can look back. New friends who join will see the latest version.

Chapter 19 It's obviously just a third seat, but it's very arrogant to speak?

Without too much hesitation, Masa Nagasawa directly took over the task of saving Kuchiki Canojun.

However, the moment he accepted the task, he received a system prompt again.

[Host receives mission [-]: Save Kuchiki Sojun, the abnormal status increases. 】

Seeing this, Nagasawa Masaru was confused.

He hasn't experienced the damage that [deficit] DEBUFF will bring him, so another one?

Is it because he didn't die fast enough?

Abnormal state: Kuchiki Sojun's close friends and relatives (since I saw your demeanor at the graduation ceremony of Maou Lingshu Academy, and he treated Nozomi Ohmaeda together, Kuchiki Sojun felt like old friends at first sight, plus his son Kuchiki Shiro Zai's evaluation of you, he is happy to accept you as his friend. This status will disappear after changing the fate of Kuchiki Aojun, and the system will re-determine the relationship between you and Kuchiki Aojun according to the degree of intimacy between you and Kuchiki Aojun.)

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He admitted that he was impulsive when he took on this task, and soon after taking it, he was worried about how to get close to Kuchiki Sojun.

After all, as the heir to the Kuchiki family, one of the five great nobles, there were many people who wanted to get close to Kuchiki Sojun.

In addition, when he joined the Gotei [-], he named him to join the [-]th division. If he deliberately approaches Kuchiki Sojun, the next head of the Kuchiki family, he doubts that Yoruichi will not be the next time he comes to see him. people, but brought the entire Xing army with them.

It's good now, with system support, he can do it freely.

After thinking about it, he began to walk slowly towards the team building of the Sixth Division.

It's not that he wants to go back to work, he just wants to go back and strengthen his relationship with Kuchiki Canojun, and take the opportunity to get some information to see who is trying to kill the other party.

However, just as he wandered into the No. [-] team building unhurriedly, he suddenly found that the No. [-] team room, which was busy just before he left, suddenly became empty. Kuchiki Byakuya's messy desktop was only half cleaned up.

Seeing this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said to himself with some hesitation.

"Is this...off work?"

But soon, he overturned his idea.

Because in his field of vision, he saw a petite figure wearing night clothes, covering his face, and dressed as Xing Jun, running quickly in the direction of the first team.

He didn't know if it was his intuition, but he always felt that the appearance of this Xing Jun must be related to the departure of Kuchiki Byakuya and others.

Immediately, without any hesitation, he walked behind this Xing Jun, grabbed him by the collar and asked softly.

"Hey, I'm Naga Zeya, the third seat of the Sixth Division, have you seen my colleagues?"

"Miss Xing Jun?"

Xing Jun's figure was extremely petite, and after being grabbed by the collar by Nagazeya, he was lifted up in the air like a kitten.

Obviously, Xing Jun, who was stopped by Nagazeya, was also full of question marks.

In the Lingling Court, is there anyone who dares to stop Xing Jun?

In the next second, she quickly pulled out the Zanpakuto hanging from her waist, and slashed at Nagasawa Ya who was pulling her collar behind her.

That lightning-fast attack seemed as if the target of her attack was not the third seat of the sixth division at all, but her enemy.

However, at the moment when her attack was about to hit Nagasawa Ya, she was horrified to find that her arm was cut back by the person behind her in an instant, which not only prevented her from making any attacks, but even made her move Can't do it all at once.

So fast!

In just a moment, she judged that the other party was definitely not an easy person. In shock, she quickly turned around and spoke quickly with an anxious look on her face.

"Secret Maneuver and Lord Cangchun fell into the trap of the rebels. Except for Lord Yinling and the team members who are on duty, the Sixth Division went to support them. I don't have time to entangle you now. Let me go, bastard!"

Seeing this, Nagasawa Ya couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Broken bee?

He recognized the girl in front of him.

Yeyi's little follower, the future captain of the second team.

Just the next second, he showed a puzzled look again.


Is there such a thing in Death?

But very quickly, he recalled the historical background of Soul Society in this era.

In the soul world of this era, although the central room 46 has great power and can even be called the core confidentiality of the soul world, its composition is a collective council composed of nobles and veterans of the soul world, which is very similar to It was the upper council before the corrupt country.

In order to expand their own interests and family power, the nobles continued to intrigue, and death was in their hands, just like the samurai in ancient Japan, but a tool for power struggle.

Especially after the Shiba family was likely to be eliminated from the ranks of the five great nobles, those upper-level nobles were extremely active, and they all wanted to take the place of the Shiba family and become the new generation of the five great nobles.

Wealth is in danger.

In this case, the rebel army hidden in the Thirteenth Team of the Court was born.

Normally, those rebels are no different from the members of the [-]th Goutei Team, but once they receive orders from the nobles, they will instantly turn into a meat grinder and aim their blades at their companions.

In order to eliminate the rebels hidden in the 46th Guarding Team, and even the mastermind behind the central room [-], the five nobles and the [-]th Guarding Team have worked hard.

And in order to preserve their wealth and lives, the nobles hiding in Room 46 naturally would not sit still.

Thinking of this, Masa Nagasawa seemed to suddenly understand how Kuchiki Sojun died.

Immediately, his palms couldn't help but relax slightly.

Feeling that the restraint had been lifted, Zaihou had no intention of continuing to entangle with Nagasawa Masaru, and was ready to rush to the first team building to apply for rescue from Yamamoto Genryanagi Sai Shigekuni.

However, just as she sheathed her Zanpakutō and prepared to move, a soft sound penetrated her ears.

"I understand, tell Captain Yamamoto, just say I've passed."

After all, he didn't wait for the broken bee in front of him to say anything else, so he dodged and ran towards the direction where the broken bee came.

Hearing the words in his ears, Broken Bee instinctively frowned.

Obviously it's just a three-seat seat, but is it very arrogant to speak?

What you need to know is that those who are in a tough battle are the elite troops led by Nozomi Ohmaeda, the deputy captain of the second division, and Sojun Kuchiki, the deputy captain of the sixth division.

Even these two people are locked in a bitter battle. How much effect can he have with just three seats?

"Forget it, at least it's a third seat, at least it can come in handy."

Shaking his head lightly, Broken Bee immediately didn't plan to take care of that rude guy any more.

However, just as Zhifeng was about to leave, she subconsciously looked back at the direction where Nagazeya disappeared.

But she was surprised to find that in the blink of an eye, the annoying guy who stopped her for no reason just now ran out of her sight and disappeared.

...... cut......

PS. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, but i can only struggle with a treasure chest.

During the new book period, all readers of Qiuqiu insisted on voting, thank you so much!

Chapter 20 Trapped Beast

Area 79, Liuhun Street, Caolu.

The residents of Caolu District shivered and hid in the dilapidated wooden houses. They were short and terrified, peeping through the windows and looking at the situation outside the house.

The long and narrow street was dotted with shinigami dressed in death tyrant costumes and holding Zanpakutō.

At this time, the gods of death on the street were clearly divided into two camps.

No, it is not so much two camps as it is a one-sided massacre.

The large number of Death Gods were constantly harvesting the life of the lesser number of Death Gods, and as one Death God fell down, there were only a dozen or so people left to fight against the enemy.

For the residents of Caolu District, the Grim Reaper is undoubtedly a superior existence, not to mention seeing so many Grim Reapers gathering in groups on weekdays, the noble Grim Reapers would never appear in their backcountry.

Faced with this situation, they didn't think about escaping. The residents who didn't want to be affected by the aftermath of the Death God's battle immediately chose to escape through the door.

However, not long after they ran out of the house, the one with the numerical superiority, the God of Death, started a merciless massacre against them.

Breaking the Way No. [-]: Bai Lei!

Breaking the Road No. [-]: Thunder and Lightning!

Breaking the Way 31. Red Cannon!

If these low-level ghosts are summoned to Shinigami or Xu, they will at most cause minor injuries to the opponent, but once they fall on these residents of Ruhun Street who have no spiritual power, it is tantamount to beating them with Barrett. watermelon.

It is directly a shattering death.

However, they didn't know whether they should say they were lucky. They found that as long as they stayed in their own room obediently, those gods of death would not care about them.

The residents of Caolu District who were killed were terrified. They did not dare to leave their houses for fear that the terrible attack would fall on their heads.

They expect those gods of death who are surrounded to be killed quickly, so that those murderous gods of death will leave here and let them live.



"Kuchiki, are you okay?"

Heavy panting sounds kept coming out of his mouth, and Nozomi Ohmaeda, who had already released Zanpakuto, scanned the surrounding rebels with full concentration, and asked in a deep voice to his comrades behind him without turning his head.

"For the time being... still can't die... ahem..."

Listening to the question coming from his ear, Kuchiki Cangchun, who had changed his usual gentle appearance, replied in a deep voice with a chilling expression on his face.

But it was obvious that Kuchiki Sojun was not as calm as he appeared at this moment.

Blood continued to flow through the fingers and from the huge wound in the abdomen. The already fair face became pale due to excessive blood loss.

He wanted to force himself to do nothing. After all, among the gods of death who are still alive, except for Nozomi Ohmaeda, he is the one with the highest rank. If even he and Nozomi Ohmaeda are down, then this team It's all over.

However, the abdominal trauma really exceeded his expectations. Just a few simple words had already exhausted most of his strength, not only involved the wound, but also kept gushing blood from his mouth.


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