It's just that at this moment, looking at the gentle beauty who is close at hand, and the slightly provocative words, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's dangerous for you to do this, ma'am."

Masa Nagasawa is not a little Chulan like Byakuya Kuchiki, and he will never be cowardly in such a situation.

However, after hearing his words, Senshoumaru not only didn't show any restraint, but moved her glamorous face closer to Nagasawa Masa.

"so what?"

"Now you just seem to be strong, and your weak body can't support you to fight for a long time."

"Can you do it, little~brother~brother~"

It has to be said that Senshoumaru's provocation was very successful, and it was no less than the future Ms. Cheng.

Nagasawa Masaru, who was the most slandered by others, was ready to go straight up and tell the other party that he was not ○○. At the same time, he also tested the sound insulation effect of the [-]th division team building.

However, just when he was about to stretch out his evil claws, Shutara Senjumaru, who was still close at hand, smiled sweetly, and immediately turned his feet, pulling away from Nagasawa Masa calmly. distance.


PS. Tonight World Cup three or four finals, I hope Croatia can win, oh oh magic flute, my magic flute oh oh ......

Chapter No.17 I'm sorry, I accidentally got lost at the crossroads of my life.

Seeing the way Nagasawa came forward without hesitation, Shutara Senjumaru, who had originally just planned to tease him, couldn't help but laugh angrily.

"This is the first time I have seen a guy as bold as you."

Hearing this, Chang Zeya was not to be outdone, and immediately responded angrily.

"Please, obviously you teased me first."

Senjumaru raised his eyebrows noncommittally, and immediately stopped dwelling on this topic, and walked up to Nagasawa Masaru again.

Only this time, there was no provocative expression on her face, and she no longer used the six-arm prosthetic bone behind her, but stretched out her hands hidden in the cloak, like a virtuous wife, helping Nagasawa straightened the tie in front of her neck, and said softly.

"Your physique is very special. It is a miracle that the knot and soul sleep can be cured once. If it is damaged again, even the guy from Qilin Temple can't save you."

Hearing the voice in her ears, Nagasawa couldn't help being a little dazed, she just stared blankly at Senjumaru's hands wearing a tie for her, and she didn't know whether it was because she was amazed at the hands with creamy skin or something else. what reason.

When Senshoumaru tied the tie for Nagasawa Ya, took two steps back, and confirmed that his well-tailored Shiba outfit fit perfectly, she looked at Nagasawa Ya with a blank stare on her hands all the time, she First, she brushed the hair that was scattered in front of her forehead to the back of her head with the white, jade-like catkin, and immediately there was another teasing smile on her face.

"Does it look good?"

Seeing Senjumaru repeating his old tricks, Nagasawa could not help but sneer in her heart.

Hmph, just do some contemptuous things, I'm not such a superficial man!

Immediately, he ignored Senshoumaru's teasing, and just pointed to the six-arm prosthetic bone floating behind the opponent, pretending to be puzzled.

"I'm just curious why you keep using that set of prosthetic bones."

This is indeed the first time that Nagasawa Ya saw Senjumaru's hands. Whether it was through manga in his previous life, or the friendly "communication" just now, he can say responsibly that the feeling of skin is creamy than his previous life. All the women I see will be silky.

Faced with Nagasawa Masa's question, Senjumaru seemed a little unconcerned, and after hiding those perfect arms again, he responded softly.

"Just for the convenience of work, I transformed Zanpakuto into this look. It's much easier than doing it yourself, isn't it?"

Nagasawa shrugged noncommittally.

Seeing that everything he had to do had been done, Senjumaru had no intention of staying any longer, so he immediately spoke.

"Okay, the concubine is ready to go back. If there are no accidents, we may not have many chances to meet."

Hearing this, Nagasawa was stunned for a moment, and then asked as if he remembered something: "Are you leaving? Team Zero?"

Senjumaru: "Yeah, I've been staying in Seireitei for too long, and this time Hikifune's promotion to Team Zero is already my deadline."

As the 'royal agents' who protect the Soul King, Team Zero will never leave the Soul King Palace and return to Soul Society without special circumstances.

He didn't open his mouth to ask why Senjumaru was able to stay in Seireitei after receiving the invitation from Team Zero, nor did he ask why he left so soon.

But the next time the two of them meet, it may be the Battle of Yhwach a hundred years later.

I don't know if it was to ease the atmosphere of parting, Senjumaru looked at Nagasawa Masa, and said with a face full of teasing.

"Oh? Does this show a reluctance? Is it reluctance to be a concubine?"

Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

"That's not the case, it's just that I suddenly felt as if you threw two tissues at me and then asked me to wipe them myself. It felt a little weird."

"Usually, shouldn't this kind of line be spoken by me?"


After hearing Masa Nagasawa's words, Senjumaru was taken aback for a moment, and then that cold face was like the warm sun in winter, and a bright smile burst out in an instant.

"You really are an interesting man."

After all, Senjumaru disappeared into Nagasawa Ya's room quite simply as if she had come.

Looking at the empty bedroom where nothing had happened, Masa Nagasawa first confirmed that Senjumaru had indeed left before sitting cross-legged and turning on his system.

Just now, he received a system prompt that his destiny value had changed.

[After meeting you, Shutara Senjumaru developed a small amount of affection for you, and at the same time, the requirements for treating the opposite sex have also increased. 】

[When tailoring clothes for others, she no longer asks them to take off their clothes, and even her habit of opening and closing her mouth to kill others has improved. 】

[After coming to Team Zero, although she didn’t say anything, Senshoumaru always cared about you in her heart. She was afraid that you would die because of too fast absorption of spiritual power. In [-], you entrusted the members of the [-]th squad to check your body, and personally sewed your own deadly costume for you. 】

[Slightly change Shutara Senjumaru's fate, fate value +1]

Seeing the system prompts, Nagasawa Masato was a little confused.

What is this Cowherd and Weaver Girl?

He shook his head in surprise, and then stood up without taking it seriously.

He is not the kind of man who is entangled. He just wants to be a salary thief in peace and stability. There is no benefit and it is not worth wasting his energy.

After tidying up the deadly costume on her body slowly, Nagasawa Masa's thinking stopped.

Then, standing in his courtyard, he seemed to finally remember that he still had a job, and decided to take a look at the Sixth Division team building.

After all, he doesn't have any reason to take leave now. It's not good to be absent from work on the first day he joins the team, so he might as well be late instead.

Immediately, Nagasawa also disappeared into her small courtyard.


"What time do you think it is?"

"I've had a busy day, bastard!"

Well, Kuchiki Byakuya, seeing Masa Nagasawa finally coming to the team to report, couldn't control his anger at all, not only turned on the roaring mode uncharacteristically, even the writing brush in his hand was broken by him, which immediately attracted The players who were still working in the team building of the Sixth Division turned their heads frequently.

At this moment, Byakuya Kuchiki is no longer the graduate wearing Mao's school uniform.

The tailor-made dead bully outfit, coupled with the hair accessory "star-leading pliers" that only the nobles are entitled to wear, and the neck scarf named "silver wind flower yarn", suddenly raised his fashion sense to the level of only Second to the level of Masa Nagasawa.

However, listening to Kuchiki Byakuya's merciless roar, Nagasawa looked unconcerned.

He just scratched his nose and said softly with a smile on his face.

"Ahem...Sorry for being late, on the way here, I accidentally got lost at the crossroads of my life."

...... cut......

PS.1. So what... I suddenly remembered that the new book period is for PK within the group. If it is convenient, can you help me vote for recommendation and monthly tickets?

Thank you brothers and sisters!

PS.2. After waking up in the morning, I found that chapter 67 and [-] seemed to be written too sloppily, so I decided to modify and rewrite it. The adjustment has been completed, and the new version can be seen after refreshing.

Chapter 18 tasks

There was once a social animal light who said a word, which has always been regarded as the most reasonable saying by Nagasawa Ya.

Work is shit.

When Masa Nagasawa was pushed on the seat by Byakuya Kuchiki and worked from noon to evening, he vowed that he must find a way to get out of this "difficulty".

It is impossible to work part-time, and it is impossible in this life.

However, just when Nagasawa Masaru propped up his chin, turned the brush in his hand, and under the cannibalistic gaze of Kuchiki Byakuya, flicked the little bits of ink stained on the brush everywhere, his expression suddenly changed slightly. He was so startled that he didn't even realize that the brush in his hand flew away into Byakuya Kuchiki's brush wash.


The writing brush that flew into the brush washer splashed a huge splash of water, not only dousing the face of Kuchiki Byakuya who was working seriously, but even the documents that had been reviewed on his desk were not spared.

"Chang!!! Ze!!! Ya!!!"

The throbbing veins appeared on Kuchiki Byakuya's smooth forehead, and he was so irritable that he almost crushed his back molars.

"Sorry Kuchiki, I suddenly remembered that I have something urgent to do, and I will come back later to apologize to you."

However, just when Byakuya Kuchiki pulled out the Zanpakuto from his waist, and was about to show Masa Nagasawa why the flowers were so red, Masa Nagasawa who came back to his senses just dropped a light sentence, and then Without looking back, he disappeared into the team building of the Sixth Division.

Looking at the empty office, only his own office was left, Kuchiki Byakuya's handsome face was distorted.


Leaving the No. [-] team building, Nagasawa Masa didn't go far, but found a deserted corner, and turned on her own system.

Just now, he was bored and refreshing the system interface over and over again, trying to find some new things.

Maybe the system was also annoying by him, so he threw two new interfaces for him backhandedly.


↓【Fate Shop】.

Similar to some mobile web games in the real world, the [Task] and [Mall] interfaces have their own refresh times.

The refresh time of [Task] and [Destiny Shop] is one month.

The consumption currency of [Fate Store] is of course destiny value.

Pull down the interface of [Fate Store], there are six products on the shelf alone, and the countdown of 29 days, 23 hours, 58 minutes and 20 seconds.

【Ikebana skill proficiency】, 【One to NO.30 broken way chant abandonment】, 【Beetip Lingbai fight template】, 【Three-day injury immunity card】, 【Permanent use right to flow blade if fire (can be superimposed)】, 【The King's Treasure】.

Although there are only six products on the shelf, it is obvious that, except for the [Three-day Injury and Injury Immunity Card] worth 30 destiny points, there is no product that he can afford in the short term.

Nagasawa Masaru, who only had 1 destiny point, couldn't help but shed tears of poverty.

"Hey, wait a minute, there seems to be something strange mixed in here."

However, just when he was about to open the [Task] panel and see what tasks could earn some destiny points, a familiar but extremely inconsistent word jumped into his eyes.

【The King's Treasure】?

If he remembered correctly, this should be the signature stunt of a certain street lamp king in "FATE", right?

"Could it be that this system also has the ability to sell works other than "BLEACH"?"

A suspicious expression immediately appeared on Nagasawa Ya's face.

But very quickly, Nagasawa threw away the doubts in her heart.

Without him, I can't afford it.

As for the [Task] panel, it is relatively complicated.

There are only three tasks in the [Task] panel. You can only receive one task at a time. There is no time limit for completion after receiving it, but if you want to replace it, you need a one-month cooldown CD.

After one task is received, the other two tasks will not disappear. A new task will not appear until the received task is completed or replaced.

【Mission [-]: Change the fate of Ichimaru Gin, make him give up the revenge plan lurking beside Aizen Soyousuke, and prevent him from falling into the hands of Aizen Soyousuke. 】

Good guy!

When seeing this mission, Nagasawa Masa was a little confused.

Ichimaru Gin is the super genius who graduated from Mao in just one year at the same time as Kuchiki Byakuya, and the future captain of the third team.

How should I put it, the difficulty factor of this task can be high or low in his opinion.

Ichimaru Gin went undercover by Aizen Soyousuke's side in order to regain some "thing" that was taken away by his childhood friend Matsumoto Rangiku, seeking opportunities for revenge.

To be honest, Nagasawa Masa doesn't know whether Ichimaru Gin's motivation for doing all this is out of friendship or love.

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