Either do not draw, or activate the experience card immediately after drawing, and if you want to change the ability during the use of the experience card, you can only draw the experience card again to replace it by accumulating 100 expected points again.

It’s not a big or small limitation.

As for the destiny value, this thing is a bit mysterious...

...... cut......

PS. I feel that many friends do not understand the abnormal state after clearing the negative state. Here is a little explanation.

This abnormal state is not a negative state. Of course, I will not say anything like "Chinese is broad and profound". In short, this state has advantages and disadvantages. You will know after reading it. It is not about eating books!

I won’t explain too much in the follow-up, above!

Chapter 15 Sweet-mouthed children usually have good luck

The reason why Masa Nagasawa talked about the metaphysics of the attribute of destiny is that it contains too many "ifs".

According to the notes of the system, the acquisition of fate points mainly consists of two methods.

[-]. Complete the tasks issued by the system.

Second, after taking the initiative to change someone's fate, the number of fate points to be obtained is determined according to the strength of the opponent's impact on the world.

To put it simply, Nagasawa knows everything with his feet. If he straightens Aizen and Yuhabach and makes them and Ling Wang a loving family, he will definitely get a lot of destiny points.

However, it is obvious that changing one's destiny is obviously not so easy to do.

It is easy to change the fate of an ordinary soul. Just go to areas outside the [-]th district of Rukongai and distribute some drinking water, and you can change the fate of many souls who die from famine.

But this kind of change can hardly bring him destiny points, unless he is lucky, and among the souls he helped, there appears a son of destiny who can change the entire soul world.

And those big figures with the ability to change the world, such as the captains of the Goutei [-]th Team, will not change the trajectory of their lives just because of his simple words.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa decided that this kind of matter should be considered in the long term. After all, after surviving, his original purpose was just to be a salary thief waiting to die, right?

And now that the official version of his system has just been activated, the expected value has already started to pay off.

[The Mao graduates who joined the Gotei 1th team in the same class as you are angry at you for stealing their limelight, but also expect you to become the youngest captain in the history of the soul world, to fight for their breath in this class, Expected value +[-]]

[Your reputation is gradually spreading throughout Seireitei, the thirteenth team of Gotei is looking forward to your active performance in the future, expectation value +2]

[The team members of the sixth team are quite dissatisfied with you who have been airborne to the third seat. They are looking forward to your appearance when you are embarrassed, and the expectation value is +4]

Nagasawa: "..."

Seeing the zero and total expected value come in, Nagasawa couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Nima, it means that the entire Seireitei’s expectations for me can’t match the expectations of the Sixth Division when I am embarrassed, right?

Sure enough, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. No matter where they are placed, airborne leaders are annoying.

However, when Nagasawa was flipping through the expected value acquisition records, one of the records caught his attention all of a sudden.

[Aizen Sosuke has developed a strong interest in you and is looking forward to your more surprising performance. Expectation value +9]


Good guy!

Masa Nagasawa direct a good guy!

Has this already been missed by the big boss?

Nagasawa Yadeng took a deep breath.

It's not a good thing to be missed by Aizen.

He remembered that at this time, in order to better carry out the experiment of Bengyu virtualization, Aizen was no longer satisfied with the experiment on ordinary souls, and even extended his hand to the guardian ten in order to obtain more accurate virtualization data. The official death of the three teams.

This can't help but strengthen his belief that he will never leave Seireitei, and will not give Aizen any opportunity to take advantage of.

"You don't seem to be in a good mood."

However, just as he was thinking about how to avoid Aizen's sight, a somewhat familiar voice appeared in his ear very abruptly.

Looking in the direction where the sound came from, he found that Shutara Senjumaru, who was wearing a white shirt, had already taken off his wooden clogs and stood in his room at some point.

Looking at the dignified classical beauty in front of her eyes, Masa Nagasawa laughed softly as if she had forgotten about Aizen in an instant.

"Although beauty will always be forgiven, it is not polite to appear in someone else's house so suddenly. Remember to remind me next time."

Hearing this, Senjumaru's face couldn't help but burst into a bright smile, and the prosthetic bone behind him even covered his mouth and chuckled like an arm.

"Haha, you are really good at talking. I am here to give you a domineering disguise."

It wasn't until this time that the chairman Zeya realized that on the two prosthetic bones behind Senshoumaru, he was holding a piece of black clothes, but it was completely different from the kimono Shiba outfit worn by a normal Shinigami.

He stepped forward to take the Shiba costume from Senshoumaru, and after Nagasawa saw the clothes in his hand clearly, surprise eyes appeared in his eyes again.

A long black coat with a three-piece suit is very similar to the style of Osamu Dazai in Bungo Stray Dogs.

But before he could speak, Senjumaru, who noticed the surprise in Nagasawa Masa's eyes, continued.

"This is a common dressing style at the Xishao Bureau. I don't know why, but compared to the ordinary dead bully outfit, this concubine feels that it is more in line with your temperament."

The so-called Xishao Bureau can be simply understood as the Seireitei of the West, which is Li London.

Although it is really strange to wear a suit in the Seireitei where death is everywhere, and even seems a bit out of place, you have to admit it.

This is really handsome.

Compared with the dead-end costumes of the bad streets, he is already superior in terms of painting style.

Just put it on your body.

It has to be said that this suit is more to his liking than Death's overalls.

However, although he seemed satisfied at the moment, the doubts in his mind did not dissipate, but became more. He couldn't help but ask Senju Maru in front of him.

"It's fine to arrange a team member to do this kind of trivial matter, isn't it? There's no need for you to go there yourself."

From the previous conversation, it can be seen that Senjumaru had received an invitation from the Zero Division early on, but for some reason, he still stayed in Seireitei until Hikifune Kiryu also received an invitation from the Zero Division. After that, they went to the Lingwang Palace together.

Obviously, Senshoumaru's visit this time in person was not as simple as just giving him a suit of clothes.

Hearing this, Senjumaru's eyes first flashed a touch of approval, and immediately nodded in response.

"If it's that brat from Kuchiki's family, it's really good to send someone casually to deal with it."

"But you are different."

Seeing that it was as expected, Nagasawa Yadang even put on an appearance of listening attentively.

Seeing that Nagasawa Masa didn't mean to interrupt, Senjumaru was not polite, and spoke directly.

"Yesterday, when I was tailoring clothes for you, I discovered that your physique is very special."

"Although your lock knot and soul sleep have healed, they remain at a critical point where they will break anytime and anywhere."

"The concubine thought about it all night, and found that this may have something to do with your special physique."

Saying that, a prosthetic bone behind Senshoumaru took out something like a combat power detector in Dragon Ball from nowhere and put it in front of her eyes, and did not continue until a while later.

"Sure enough, your speed of absorbing spiritual particles is far faster than that of a normal god of death. Even a captain-level powerhouse is slightly inferior to you."

"It's just that your body is too weak, like putting a fragile earthen jar under a waterfall. Long-term lack of food makes your body unable to bear this extraordinary absorption speed, so it caused your Knot and soul sleep have been on the verge of collapse for a long time."

"The concubine is here this time to help you solve this problem."

Chapter No.16 Can you do it, ○○

Shutara Senjumaru's words surprised Masa Nagasawa.

He had just activated the official version of the system on his front foot, and he was still worried that the abnormal state would cause some trouble when he was fighting.

Senshoumaru sent a solution on the back foot.

This is really just about to doze off, and someone will give you a pillow. It's not very lucky.

He quickly asked curiously.

"In what way?"

I don’t know if it’s because it’s interesting to see Masa Nagasawa’s anxious look. When facing Byakuya Kuchiki, she looks decisive, and Senjumaru who said to kill people ○○ cut people ○○ pointed at him with a prosthetic bone. Nagasawa wore the deadly costume on her body, covering her mouth and laughing.

"Isn't this already worn by you?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help being stunned, and immediately lowered her head to look at the British-style deadly outfit on her body.

Senjumaru continued to explain without waiting for Nagasawa Ya to ask.

"When the concubine created the Death Overlord outfit, she also endowed it with functions such as defense, spiritual power detection, auxiliary absorption of spiritual particles, self-cleaning and repairing."

"Although each function is not very powerful, it is comprehensive and can meet the various needs of the soldiers of the [-]th Guarding Team and adapt to most environments."

After hearing Senjumaru's words, Nagasawa couldn't help but feel speechless.

To be honest, the role of the death costume in BLEACH is not obvious. Even when he was reading the manga, he once thought that Senjumaru was promoted to the zero team because he unified the costumes of Seireitei.

It wasn't until Senjumaru explained to him that he showed a surprised expression.

"Is it true that the Death Overlord costume is such a great thing?"

Listening to Masa Nagasawa's complaints, Senjumaru couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Otherwise, why do you think this concubine can receive an invitation from Team Zero?"

"Although this level of auxiliary function can be said to be better than nothing for the captain-level, or even the officer-level god of death, after all, the opponents who can fight them or even injure them are not mere death-tyrant outfits that can defend of."

"But for the ordinary soldiers of the Guarding Thirteenth Team, the deadly costume created by the concubine is no less than the second life given to them, okay?"

I have to admit that after listening to Senjumaru's explanation, Masa Nagasawa also quickly realized the greatness of creating a deadly costume.

No wonder Kuchiki Byakuya called the Shiba outfit and Captain Haori "cheap goods", and Zaraki Kenpachi even called them "obscure things".

Compared with the powerful captains and chief officers, the ordinary Reaper is the main force of the Guarding Thirteen Team, and the creation of the Reaper's costume is not aimed at these monsters at all.

But soon, a blank expression climbed onto his face again.

"But what does that have to do with my physique?"

But this time, Senshoumaru didn't answer his question in a hurry, but paced forward until he got in front of Nagasawa Ya, then stretched out the prosthetic bone on his back, and lightly tapped him On his chest, he continued just now.

"Your lock knot and soul sleep are because your body can't bear the fast spiritual absorption speed, so you are always on the verge of breaking."

"Then just reverse the spell that assists in absorbing spirit particles, and according to your physical strength, properly block the speed at which spirit particles enter your body..."

"Although relying solely on the deadly outfit can play a very limited role, it can at least reduce the pressure on your body to a certain extent."

Listening to the words in her ear, Masa Nagasawa lowered her head, staring blankly at the position pointed by Senjumaru's prosthetic bone.

That's where the knots and soul sleep are.

If the death tyrant outfit he is wearing now can really have the effect Senshoumaru said, then judging from the system's description of his [deficiency] abnormal state, it is really possible to reduce his chance of injury.

What he didn't understand was why Senjumaru, who was a reserve member of the Zero Division, wanted to help him?

He couldn't help asking with a puzzled face, "But why did you help me? We met for the first time yesterday, didn't we?"

The ancestors said that there is no love without a reason.

Masa Nagasawa would not think that Senjumaru chose to help because she was so handsome.

Of course, he is indeed handsome.

Hearing this, Senjumaru didn't answer his question, but answered as if he remembered something.

"Although Captain Yamamoto's original intention of asking you to find me is to let me secretly investigate you, but ah...those two guys said a lot of good things for you yesterday."

"The final judgment for you is that you agree to join the thirteenth team of the Gotei, and continue to observe for the time being."

Having said this, Senjumaru couldn't help but pause for a moment, and then the prosthetic bone that was originally placed on Nagasawa's chest moved up slightly, and he continued to speak only after lifting Nagasawa's chin.

"And ah, it's been a long time since I saw such an interesting little..."

At this point, as if he remembered something, Senjumaru's words paused slightly, and then he pretended to cough twice and continued.

"Ahem... It's been a long time since I've seen someone as interesting as you, and I'm also looking forward to your amazing performance after joining the Guarding Thirteenth Team."

Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't help feeling warm in her heart.

Of course he could tell who "those two guys" Senjumaru was talking about.

Although Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni placed Yoruichi and Kuchiki Byakuya by his side in the sense of monitoring him, but it is not easy to be willing to offer help after only knowing each other for a day.

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