
"Hey! What a joke!"

Listening to the words in his ear, looking at the dejected Luanju and the others, Nagasawa showed a look of disdain on his face.

That teacher Ozawa made it clear that he couldn't afford to lose, and wanted to use his status as a teacher to destroy the three people's aspirations.

How could Masa Nagasawa fail to see through such a simple trick.


I am someone's student and need you to teach me?

Nagasawa replied in a deep voice.

"Which rule stipulates that the team leader must follow the team and must accept the enemy team's request for 'fighting general'?"

"If you want to teach me how to do something, he is 1 years too early."

...... cut......

PS. Although I can’t write as fast during the day as at night, I still have plenty of time.

The condition is not bad today, and there is nothing to do at home. I will try to continue to add more.

Chapter 2 Kamikawa Team

Thanks to Ranju, the three wiped out the three participating teams while Nagasawa was recuperating.

Although one of the teams encountered three players, only two were left, but it still allowed the Nagasawa team to score a valuable 40 points, bringing the team's total score to 295 points.

In the total score of 2100 points, nearly 300 points were obtained, accounting for one-seventh of the proportion. It has to be said that this is a very good result.

Don't underestimate the 295 points. If there are many contestants and the points are scattered, especially if there is a possibility of "fighting generals" and not having time to "kill" the enemy members and get points, luck is better If not, it is not necessarily impossible to directly win the championship.

However, the upcoming schedule will only become more and more difficult, and the remaining teams will only become stronger and stronger.

At the same time, with the shrinking of the circle again and again in this day and a half, although the three of Nanxu defeated the three teams, they were waiting for the rabbit after all, and there must be a gap compared with the teams that have been looking for opportunities and fighting for points.

Even if there was a lead before, I am afraid that the gap is not too big now.

Fortunately, we are about to face a new round of shrinking circles.

After shrinking the circle again, the scope of activities will inevitably become smaller,

As long as you plan the course of action for the next round and prepare an ambush in advance where someone may pass by, it is still easy to get points.

Just do what you want, after waiting for about half an hour, the assessment area shrinks again.

After almost simply discussing the route, Nanao set the ambush location at the relative center, or in other words, it is relatively likely to become the third team's team building at the center after the next round or even a few rounds of shrinking circles.

Because Yeyi's secret base is not very far from the third team's building, Nagasawa and his party did not encounter too many enemies on the way to the third team's team building.

Only after annihilating the two teams, they arrived at the team building of the third team.

It is worth mentioning that although two participating teams were annihilated on the way, neither of these two teams was fully staffed.

There are two people in one team, and only one student in the other team is still struggling to support.

This could not help but make everyone aware of the cruelty and intensity of this assessment.

The third squad.

Although they had obtained 310 "kill points" and maintained a full-stack state, the three of Nanao still didn't dare to have any carelessness, and proceeded carefully.

Following behind Nanao and the others, Masa Nagasawa looked at the team building of the third team with some curiosity.

Although he has only been a member of the Gotei [-] for a short period of time, he is extremely popular and frequently visits other teams.

Of course, the fourth team was passively carried in most of the time. (cross out)

The only two teams he has not been to are the seventh team of Aikawa Luowu and the third team of Kamikawa Rennosuke.

The former is because the captain and deputy captain of the team are two tough guys, so tough that even Nagasawa Masaru can't find a common topic of conversation.

The latter was because Kamikawa Rennosuke made him feel a little uncomfortable.

In addition, because of the matter of Kuanmu Jinshi, the opponent had almost flipped his card, so he avoided it even more, not wanting to involve too much with the opponent.

Walking in the team building of the third team at this time gave him a refreshing feeling.

Finally, after encountering two encounters and a small-scale melee, the Nagasawa team, which scored another 65 points, finally came to the atrium of the Sanfan team building.

It's just a pity that in the three battles, no matter which team's team leader participated in the competition, he never applied to Nagasawa Ya for "fighting general".

Nagasawa felt quite sorry.

After all, not every participating team can invite an active seat officer to be the team leader.

There are only a few people as brave as Suihou and Zaraki Kenpachi.

Unlike the Second Division team building, which occupies a very large area, the size of the Third Division team building is not much different from that of the Sixth Division team.

Passing through the atrium is the dormitory and training ground for the third division team members to rest and train.

Thinking about the thinking of the members of the third team, it should be similar to that of the second team. They will probably hide the prepared props in the dormitory or in the training ground.

However, the three of Nanao were not very interested in the so-called hidden props.

Without him, he is just too wealthy.

Will a team with a full-body third-level first-level three-level armor and 98K with an 8x mirror still be interested in airdrops?

The answer is obvious.

The Nagasawa team, which wiped out more than ten teams, can be said to be surprisingly rich.

There were at least six triggered psychic traps captured.

Not to mention the scattered supply props.

After a brief discussion, Nanao and the others, holding 375 points, decided to set up an ambush in the courtyard of the third team, waiting for the end of this round of shrinking, while waiting for the rabbit.

However, just as the three of them were setting up a psionic trap, an accident happened again, not surprisingly.

"Hey, you little guys, what are you doing in other people's teams?"

The sudden sound made the three of Nanxu who were setting up the trap stunned, and the three immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a shinigami wearing a blue kimono over his Death King uniform with a playful smile on his face, appearing on the eaves of the atrium with three students dressed as Mao students.

Looking at the team that suddenly appeared, Nanao and the others immediately showed surprise on their faces, and could not help exclaiming softly.

"Mr. Kamikawa!?"

The person who came was Momonosuke Kamikawa, who is also the favorite team to win the championship together with the Broken Hornets and the Saragi Team.

To be honest, before Masa Nagasawa came to Mao, although she was transferred from the third team for some reason, Momonosuke Kamikawa, who came to Mao, can be said to have a second spring in her life.

He was transferred to Mao as the former fifth member of the third team, and he was not transferred due to injury. This brought a halo to Kamikawa Momonosuke, not to mention that he also has a twin who is the captain of the Gotei [-]th team. Twin brother.

Because he was teaching in Mao, Rennosuke Kamikawa, the captain of the third team, often came to Mao to give lectures.

It was not until Masa Nagasawa was transferred to Mao that the frequency of coming to give lectures was reduced.

Seeing Kamikawa Momanosuke suddenly at this time, the three of them who hadn't finished setting up the trap were shocked.

Then, he looked at the three students from Class [-], the fifth generation, who were following him with vigilance.

Shintaro Kotsubaki, Yoshinosuke Kuratani, made of real wood in Aramaki.

It has to be said that the gods of death have their circle of gods of death, and Mao's students also have their circle of Mao's students.

In the eyes of students like Nanxu and the others, the most difficult thing in this year-end assessment is not the sixth-generation students who are about to graduate.

It was the elites of the three fifth-generation students in the special class in front of them.

...... cut......

PS. I probably lost my stomach because of eating today, I feel a little over-eating, and I always feel a little uncomfortable.

Then, because of some Kawen, I have been grinding and chirping until now to finish writing. I can’t add it today. I’m really sorry.

2 Chapter [-] One of the Five Great True Special Combat Forces

Looking at the Kamikawa team standing on the eaves, Nanao and the others suddenly showed the look of facing the enemy.

Among them, the shooting range is the worst.

As the son of the vice-captain of the third division, Sheba Chitetsu, he naturally knew Shintaro Kotsubaki, who was also the vice-captain of the seventh division and the son of Kotsubaki Basemon.

I don't want to say how deep the friendship between the two has been since they were young, but as teenagers of similar age, they still have a competitive heart.

Naturally, he also understood how strong his strength was.

Although in the future, no matter whether he becomes the vice captain or the captain, Shintaro Tsubaki will be one step slower than the younger shooter.

But being able to assume the post of vice-captain of the [-]th Division after Rukia Kuchiki took over as the captain of the [-]th Division is enough to show his talent and strength.

And the real wood made by Araaki is even more remarkable.

Although he is only the tenth seat in the eleventh team in the future, his name can often be seen in the list of candidates among the "Top Five True Special Combat Forces" voted by netizens.

Its enormous potential, and the terrifying power that lies beneath its comical surface, is unfathomable. (manual dog head)

However, if the two names of Kotsubaki Sentaro and Aramaki Makizo are basically not worthy of pictures except for the "BLEACH" fans, ordinary readers can't match their faces and names at all.

So the name of Kurutani Zennosuke, who wears an afro, is familiar to basically every fan of "BLEACH".

Yoshinosuke Kuratani, in the future battle of Karakura Town, used a move that seemed to have no effect, but in fact he used the skill of beating cattle across mountains, compressing the power enough to destroy the world in an instant, with the help of the earth and rocks. Cover, input all of them into the collapsed jade in Lan Ran's body, causing its defense to collapse.

Using such ingenious and seemingly clumsy tricks played a decisive role in the final activation of Urahara Kisuke's seal. The Kuratani God, who represents wisdom, and Omaeda Nozomi, who represents means, and Tang Guanyin, who represents Reiatsu Together with the temple, the soul representing combat power, and Yamada Hanataro representing potential, they are terrifying existences that are affectionately called "Five Great True Special Combat Power" by friends. (manual funny)


Although the three of Nanao at this time don't quite know what achievements the three of the Kamigawa team will have in the future, but this does not prevent them from facing the enemy.

And when Xiaochun Xiantaro saw the old acquaintance in the shooting field, he immediately showed a villain's face and greeted him loudly with a resonant voice.

"Yo! The shooting range! I didn't expect you to be able to persist until now."

"I have to say, at the level of a freshman, you are already proud enough!"

Hearing Xiaotsubaki Sentaro's tone of a senior, the cheeks of the shooting field twitched indiscernibly.

He and Kotsubaki Sentaro grew up together.

Among the contemporaries, except for Byakuya Kuchiki, the eldest son of the Kuchiki family, the children of the captains and vice-captains of several companies are all on good terms.

Among them, he, Sentaro Kotsubaki, and Nozomi Omaeda of the Omaeda family are the most famous and the most talented.

When they were young, a few wild boys got together, but they often fought.

If it wasn't for the big sister Yushiba Kuzuru who suppressed them, I'm afraid they would have to fight for a child king when they were young.

At this time, when the two meet together, it can be said that "enemies meet, and they are extremely jealous". Even if it is a bickering that they are not very good at, the shooting field is not willing to lose the wind.

With sharp eyes, he immediately spotted the bandage on Xiaochun Xiantaro's arm, which was still faintly showing a bright red, and said "anxiously" in a concerned tone.

"Ah, Brother Chun, are you injured?"

"What a careless thing!"

"Brother Chun, you must have encountered some fierce battle, right?"

"Such a fierce battle must have scored a lot of points, right?"

Kill it!

Naked flattery!

When Nagasawa heard that the shooting range, who had always called himself a "tough guy", said that he was at least level [-] in Yin language, and that he could advance or retreat.

Rao, as a teacher, Nagasawa Ya, also looked sideways frequently.

It's a pity that the simple-minded Xiaochun Xiantaro didn't understand the mystery in the shooting field's words. On the contrary, after hearing the concerns of his childhood playmates, a look of relief appeared on his face.

Feelings such as "The shooting field has finally grown up", "He is still caring as a childhood companion", "It is not in vain to teach him" and other emotions popped up in his heart, while slowing down the arrogance on his face, he responded without thinking .

"It's not a big injury, it's just a little skin scratch, it doesn't matter."

"However, you are right about one thing. So far, our Kamikawa team has scored 487.5 points!"

"Nearly [-]% of the points are in our hands. This year's championship, our Kamikawa team is sure!"

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