"Thief ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Listening to Xiaochun Xiantaro's somewhat smug words, the pupils in the eyes of Shechang and the others couldn't help shrinking slightly.

In my mind, I quickly calculated their known scores.

After the success of "Fighting Generals", only 35 points and 135 points are left for the Broken Bee Team and the Saraki Team respectively.

Coupled with the 375 points in their hands and the 487.5 points in the hands of the Kamikawa team, almost half of the points are already accounted for.

After deducting the points obtained by the teams that have been eliminated, as well as the points lost due to the failure of the "fighter" and the failure to "kill", there are not many points left for them.

If they can't defeat here, or even wipe out the Kamikawa team, the championship trophy will only get farther and farther away from them.

Thinking of this, the eyes of Nanao and others immediately ignited a wave of fighting spirit.

And the other side...

Kotsubaki Sentaro couldn't hear the "irony" in the shooting field's words, how could Kamikawa Momonosuke not hear it.

Seeing that Xiaochun Xiantaro was cheated out of his score so easily, he couldn't help pinching his eyebrows with some headaches, pointing at the three of Nanao, and whispered to his students.

"Don't be dazed, the three are just resurrected, and the battle will be resolved quickly."

After hearing what Kamikawa Momanosuke said, the three of Tsubaki Sentaro couldn't help but look terrified.

I saw Sentaro Kochun put away his previous playful expression and said solemnly to the shooting range.

"Being able to come here is enough to prove your excellence."

"The future...is yours."

"But only this assessment, I will never give it up to you."

"Sorry about the shooting range, this round...I want to win!"

As he said that, he pulled out the little Tsubaki Sentaro who had a shallow punch at his waist, and immediately followed up with the upper section of the slash, and slashed towards the shooting range below.

...... cut......

PS. I suddenly remembered that my mid-level economist exam was on April 4th, and I died young.

There are 11 days left until perfect attendance and 18 days left before the exam. Enter super battle mode! ! ! !

Chapter 211 Kamikawa? Kamikawa!

It has to be said that when a group of students who at least have the appearance of a senior officer fight, they look pretty good.

If you give him a "Beng Lun Kai" here, he will return a "Red Fire Cannon Kai" over there.

Obviously, Xiaochun Xiantaro and others have also come to listen to his "public class", and they are also proficient at playing demons with one hand.

And Nanao and others, as students of Nagasawa Masa, in addition to daily teaching, extracurricular tutoring is also indispensable.

For a moment, the two teams of men and horses were killing each other, and the whole place was in darkness. You came and I went back and forth.

Even at the current level of Masa Nagasawa, he watched it with gusto.

It's just fighting, whether it's Nanao's Nagasawa team or Kotsubaki's Kamikawa team, both sides are aware of a very important issue.

It's all taught by a master, so it's impossible to break the trick!

Even when Che Gu God just raised his hand here, Nanao over there has already predicted the ghost way he will use next, and made preparations in advance.

For a time, the battle between the two teams reached a deadlock.

Looking at the two teams of people coming and going, Kamikawa Momanosuke, who had come to Nagasawa Ya at some point, had a look of admiration on his face and said.

"As expected of the students taught by Mr. Nagasawa, they can compete with the fifth-born Xiaochun and the others after only one reincarnation. The future is really limitless."

Hearing the admiration in his ears, Nagasawa frowned slightly.

He remembered how much he hated him when he and Kamikawa Momanosuke met for the first time.

It has only been three short months, but you are already impressed by his domineering spirit and your face is full of admiration?

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

He didn't believe that a person who was narrow-minded enough to have unreasonable malice against a person he met for the first time would be such a person who could easily change his temper.

Thinking of this, Masa Nagasawa was unwilling to communicate too much with Momanosuke Kamikawa, and he just said casually while watching the battle in the arena.

"Teacher Kamikawa is overly praised..."

However, before the words fell from his mouth, a piercing chill like a steel needle suddenly rose from his spine and rushed straight to his forehead!

The strong sense of crisis made Nagasawa Ya's pupils froze sharply.

Relying on his fighting instinct, he didn't turn his head to look at the crisis coming from behind him. Instead, he tensed his legs for a moment, and with a catapult, he left the original standing position.

Because she was eager to get out of danger, Chang Zeya didn't pay attention to what was in the direction of her running.

When he came back to his senses, he happened to be hugging Ranju and escaped a slash by Araaki Maki.

Staring blankly at the empty sword, Aramaki Maki's face was full of bewilderment.

The next second, when he saw Nagasawa holding Luanju away at least ten meters away in the way of a princess hugging her, he immediately complained of dissatisfaction.

"Mr. Nagasawa, you made a foul, I..."

However, he didn't have time to finish his words.

Whether it was him who interrupted the battle because of Nagasawa Masa's sudden intrusion, or the shy Luanju who was held in Nagasawa Masa's arms, you could tell from Nagasawa Masa's serious expression. strange.

They subconsciously followed Nagasawa Ya's gaze.

I saw the somewhat thin figure of Kamikawa Momanosuke, holding the Zanpakuto in his hand, looking at Nagasawa Masa with a smile on his face.

And on the tip of his already unsheathed Zanpakutō, there was a trace of bright red blood.

"Oh, oh, have you been found?"

"I wanted to make your death a little easier."

There is no doubt that Masa Nagasawa's move just now was not intentional, but interrupted their battle to avoid the attack of Kamikawa Momanosuke.

The strangeness here also attracted the players of the Nagasawa team and the Kamikawa team who were playing against each other.

Especially Sentaro Kotsubaki, who was the talker of the team, asked in surprise with a confused look on his face.

"God...Kagawa-sensei, you...what are you doing!?"

The rule of the year-end assessment is that without signing a "contract", if the team leader takes action against a student or the team leader of another participating team, he will be directly deprived of the qualification to participate and all points will be deducted.

As a member of the Shenchuan team, Shintaro Kotsubaki did not receive a reminder that his team leader had signed a "contract".

When one's own team had a large number of points and was bound by rules, they suddenly launched an attack and even injured Nagasawa Masaru. This was already a serious violation.

However, these are obviously not important anymore.

Judging from Kamikawa Momonosuke's tone, the knife he just struck was intended to kill Nagasawa Masaru.

This made Xiaochun Xiantaro even more confused.

It's just an assessment. What's the grudge?

However, before Kamikawa Momanosuke could answer, Nagasawa Masa, who put down the chakra, took the lead to answer his doubts with a serious face.

"He is not Kamikawa Momonosuke."

Masa Nagasawa's words immediately stunned everyone present, whether it was Nanao and the others, or Xiaochun Xiantaro and the others, the heads of the six people were like a bewildered sea otter, look at it later Masa Nagasawa here, look at Momanosuke Kamikawa over there later.

And after saying this, Nagasawa Masa, whose eyes were fixed on Kamikawa Momanosuke for a moment, continued to speak slowly to the man standing upright with Zanpakuto.

"Am I right?"

"Captain Kamigawa."

Captain Kamikawa! ?

Nagasawa Ya's words were like a slap in the face, and everyone froze in place.

In the whole world of souls and souls, the only one who can be called Captain Kamikawa is the captain of the third squad, Rennosuke Kamikawa.

However, after hearing what Nagasawa said, the man whom he called Captain Kamikawa didn't even have the right to quibble, and directly praised him.

"Oh, have you been seen through? It's really you."

However, although the words in his mouth were words of admiration, judging from Kamikawa Rennosuke's nonchalant tone, Masa Nagasawa couldn't hear the slightest hint of admiration.

On the contrary, it is full of banter.

At the same time, he felt the superficial wound on his back that was only scratched through a layer of skin.

In Nagasawa's heart, she also called it a fluke.

Facing a surprise attack by a captain-level god of death, if he didn't choose to charge forward, but looked back, and then made dodge or block actions.

At this time, his fate is probably the same as that shadow dancer in Kuchiki Jinshi when he was in the deliberation hall of Room 46 in the Central Committee. On the spot.

Just thinking of this, the string in Nagasawa's heart that had just been loosened suddenly tightened again.

Although he escaped the sneak attack of Kamikawa Rennosuke, the current situation has not changed much.

It can even be said that it is becoming more and more dangerous.

...... cut......

PS. I am in a good state today, take a shower and continue writing, and try to add an update before 12 o'clock!

Chapter 212 The Third Choice

What Kamikawa Rennosuke said is equivalent to directly acknowledging Nagasawa Masa's identification.

This immediately shocked the already shocked crowd even more.

Yoshinosuke Kuratani, who hadn't recovered yet, immediately stammered in an unbelievable tone.

"But...but if Captain Kamikawa is here, then who is on Mao's side?"

"The inner court of the Seireitei has been closed for use as an assessment venue. Except for the captain of Sifengin who leads the referee team, all the captains of the Gotei [-]th team will stay in Mao until the assessment is over."

"How did he get here without telling the captains?"

"I can even say with certainty that the four of us spent almost two days eating and living together!"

The "head teacher" who got along day and night turned into a murderous maniac in the blink of an eye, and even threatened to kill Nagasawa Ya, who was equal to his mentor.

The gap between them is somewhat unacceptable to anyone.

Not to mention that because of the appearance of Kamikawa Rennosuke, their team will be disqualified from the competition, and the hard work of the two days will be in vain.

Not to mention Yoshinosuke Kuratani, even the resolute little Tsubaki Sentaro lost his will to fight in an instant and lowered the shallow sword in his hand.

From the corner of her eye, she glanced at the members of the Kamigawa team who had lost all fighting spirit. Nagasawa Masa didn't say anything to comfort them, but expressed her own speculation while being wary of Kamigawa Rennosuke who was not far away. .

"Although I don't know what method he used to hide the truth from Mr. Yamamoto and the others, I'm afraid he and his twin brother had switched identities long before the assessment began."

On the other side, seeing that the sneak attack was unsuccessful, Kamigawa Rennosuke was not in a hurry to continue to attack. He shook off the blood on the Zanpakuto and put it in the scabbard. He was like a caring big brother, With a smile on his face, he answered everyone's doubts.

"My stupid brother and I are both from Liuhun Street. You also know that souls like us with spiritual power can't survive in Liuhun Street without some tricks."

"When I was young, my stupid brother and I often switched identities in order to avoid being hunted down or to forge alibi, and we were very aware of each other's mannerisms."

"Even if we become the god of death, we still use this kind of little trick. As long as there is no battle, most people can't recognize it."

"Twin brothers are much easier to use than shadow dancers."

Listening to Kamikawa Rennosuke's confession, especially when the other party mentioned the word "shadow dancer", Masa Nagasawa suddenly showed a clear look on his face.

Presumably Kuchiki Kantoki used the shadow dancer Jinchan to escape his shell, Kamigawa Rennosuke should have known about it a long time ago, and cooperated intentionally.

Only very quickly, he immediately realized a new problem.

Although most of the villains die because of talking too much, they will not explain here for no reason.

The reason why Kamigawa Rennosuke was still here to answer their questions with an old god after the failed attack was obviously that he had already made plans to keep them all here.

Thinking of this, he immediately said in a deep voice to the people around him.

"Nanao, take them and leave the team building of the third squad immediately."

Listening to Nagasawa Masa's words, Kamikawa Rennosuke's eyes showed a look of admiration again.

Only this time, it was no longer as hypocritical as before.

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