I saw him gently clapping his hands, still speaking slowly with a playful look on his face.

"I have to admit, your sense of smell is really sensitive."

"However, it was too late to realize."

"Look at the map in your hands. If there is no accident, it should have been arranged."

Hearing this, everyone present frowned, subconsciously looking at the wrist-worn computer on their arms.

At first, everyone didn't notice anything unusual, but soon, the attentive Qi Xu noticed the abnormality, and she immediately let out a soft breath.

"How did the [-]rd team building become a forbidden 'gray area'!?"

For a moment, everyone seemed to realize something, and after looking at Nanao in shock, they hurriedly turned their eyes back to the map.

Sure enough, as Nanao said, the third team's building, which originally symbolized the assessment activity area, suddenly turned into a "grey area" that symbolized no entry.

This discovery instantly made everyone present realize the seriousness of the matter, and their already gloomy expressions suddenly became even more ugly.

However, Kamigawa Rennosuke seemed to like the feeling of being in control of everything. When he saw the gloomy faces of everyone, a morbid flush appeared on his face, and he continued talking happily.

"Before the assessment started, I had already arranged a group of people to stay in the team under the pretext of guarding the prison and secrets of the third team."

"I have to say that the equipment invented by Captain Yizhou is really not easy to deal with. It took me a lot of thought to arrange the barrier without disturbing her."

"After all, you also have captain-level combat strength. If you fail to kill you immediately, and if it turns into a frontal battle in the hinterland of Seireitei, the collision of two captain-level death gods will soon attract you. Come to the attention of others."

"I don't want to be besieged by those guys."

Saying that, Rennosuke Kamikawa raised two fingers and continued in a joking tone.

"Now, you have two options."

"Or, throw away the Zanpakuto and be slaughtered, maybe I will show mercy and let these little guys go."

"Or, you just watch me kill them one by one, and finally cut off your head."

After finishing speaking, Kamigawa Rennosuke stopped talking, and just looked at Nagasawa Masa with a playful face, as if he was really waiting for his choice.

However, after hearing his words, Nagasawa Ya's complexion did not change at all.

Although Kangawa Rennosuke's morbid look almost engraved the word "villain" on his face, Nagasawa Masa also had to admit that the current situation is indeed a bit tricky.

However, the situation is by no means as urgent as Kamikawa Rennosuke said.

It is an indisputable fact that the team building of the third team is still in the assessment area for the time being.

Such a large area is suddenly divided into a "gray area" that is forbidden to enter, and it may not be easy to be discovered for a while.

But as time goes by, whether it is Yoruichi on the referee team or Kiryu Hikifune who makes the wrist-worn computer, they will definitely notice something strange.

Don't look at Yeyi and Hikishu Tongsheng's sloppy and extremely unreliable appearance on weekdays.

However, as the commanders of the covert mobile force and the reserve members of the Zero Squadron, the two of them were by no means just idle bastards.

The Kamikawa Rennosuke in front of him is not sure of winning.


Thinking of this, Masa Nagasawa immediately took three steps forward, and after hiding everyone behind her, she responded softly to Kangawa Rennosuke in a flat tone.

"No, I have a third option."

"Kill you, and then take all of them and leave here alive."

I, Ya, are not so easy to handle!

...... cut......

PS. Although it's over twelve o'clock, it's been added anyway. Sleep, sleep, dog's life is important!

Chapter 213

Listening to Masa Nagasawa's words, Kamigawa Rennosuke couldn't help but flash a cold light in his eyes.

He didn't think Nagasawa would obediently lead her neck to be slaughtered. What she said just now was just to plant the seeds of jealousy in Nagasawa's heart.

After all, the name of a person is the shadow of a tree.

Nagasawa Masaru, who was able to kill the former captain of the [-]th Division, Kenpachi Kiugashiro, and the former Dai Oni Priest Ikkyu in a one-on-one situation, was by no means an easy person to deal with.

It would take some effort for him to kill the other party.

However, it would be hard to say if there were six oil bottles around him.

Thinking of this, the corner of Kamikawa Rennosuke's mouth immediately curled into a smile, and he smiled softly at Nagasawa Masa.

"Don't be so nervous, you and I don't necessarily have to divide between you and me..."

However, the words in his mouth were not finished yet.

In the next second, his figure flickered, and Kamigawa Rennosuke, who was still talking just now, disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant.


The cold light flickered, and with the sound of a tachi, Kamigawa Rennosuke's Zanpakuto slashed fiercely on Nagasawa Masahiro's shallow strike.

And the position where his figure reappeared was impressively behind Qi Xu.

When Nanao, who was belatedly realizing that she had been attacked by a sneak attack, turned her head in shock, she saw Nagasawa Masaru standing behind her at some point, blocking Rennosuke Kamikawa's fatal blow for her. one strike.

After blocking the attack for Nanao, looking at Rennosuke Kamikawa who was close at hand, Masa Nagasawa said in a deep voice with contempt.

"You really like this kind of villain's behavior."

Unexpectedly, after hearing his words, Kamikawa Rennosuke not only was not ashamed of it, but actually grinned.

"As long as you can kill your opponent, the means are not important."

As he said that, he exerted force on his feet and distanced himself from Nagasawa again.

In Kamikawa Rennosuke's view, sneak attack is the best way to find out the opponent's strength.

Because when the gap in strength is not particularly huge, people will often act with the instincts honed through years of fighting when they are in an emergency.

A sneak attack on Nagasawa Masaru, and a sneak attack on Nanao.

Kamikawa Rennosuke boasted that the strength gap between him and Nagasawa Masaru was not so big that Nagasawa Masaru could easily deal with his sneak attack.

After the two sneak attacks, he has almost figured out the reality of Nagasawa Ya.

Without any hesitation, Kamikawa Rennosuke, who was holding the sharp blade horizontally, released his Zanpakutō directly.

"Tear apart the space! Break the boundary!"

Accompanied by the chanting of the liberation language, a huge spiritual pressure gushed out, setting off waves of white air.

And the Zanpakuto in Shenchuan Lianzhi's assistant also changed its appearance.

The smooth blade turned into a diamond-like brilliance, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the blade, immediately bursting into a blurred brilliance.

Kamigawa Rennosuke's Zanpakuto turned into a diamond sword.

However, this is not what worries Nagazawa the most.

After all, you can't dismantle it and sell it for money.

Zanpakuto's shape changes, states, and abilities after it is released are all based on the soul of Shinigami himself.

Similarly, each knife has its own name, and has its own soul, thought, and character, not just a weapon for killing.

The name of the Zanpakutō can also reflect the ability of the Zanpakutō.

If the name of his Zanpakuto was not shouted by Kamikawa Rennosuke, then the name "Boundary"...

It's very interesting.

Obviously, Rennosuke Kamigawa, who is not ashamed of sneak attacks, naturally wouldn't introduce his Zanpakuto to Nagasawa Masa so openly.

As soon as he was released, he raised his hand and pulled it back, making a thrusting motion.

Immediately, under Nagasawa Ya's watchful gaze, he suddenly thrust towards the air in front of him.

The movement of Kamikawa Rennosuke made Nagasawa Masa's expression slightly stagnant.

The opponent's movements looked like a kendo master practicing stabbing on the spot, standard and fast.

However... such a long distance, what's the use of stabbing in place?

But just at the moment when he had this idea, he suddenly found that the gorgeous Zanpakuto in Kangawa Renzhi's assistant, the tip of the knife seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

This weird change naturally caught Nagasawa Ya's attention, and he subconsciously raised his vigilance.

In the next second, the dangerous instinct came to my heart again. Facing Kamigawa Rennosuke, Nagasawa Masahiro pushed Nanao behind him without any warning, and came back with a look...

Ah no, it's turning around and looking at the moon!


The sound of the sword's blade meeting sounded again, sparking a little spark.

Nagasawa Masaru, who blocked the attack, subconsciously glanced at Rennosuke Kamikawa not far away from the corner of his eye.

He saw that the other party was still standing there, looking at him with a smile on his face, but the Zanpakutō in his hand seemed to be connected to another dimension.

Half of it is in his hands.

But the other half appeared behind Nagasawa Ya.

The sharp-looking Zanpakuto blade tip of Kamigawa Rennosuke actually crossed the space, and launched an attack from behind him without warning!

Can a Zanpakutō connect to space?

The sixth child, Rennosuke Kamikawa, has really added his sneak attack skills to the full level!

Seeing that Masa Nagasawa blocked his sneak attack again, Rennosuke Kamikawa didn't show any disappointment, and he didn't even stop what he was doing.

Just like a kendo trainee practicing stabbing, he retracted the stabbing blade again, and then... towards the air in front of him, stabbing continuously at an extremely fast speed!

Looking at the movements of Kamikawa Rennosuke, Masa Nagasawa's pupils couldn't help but condense into the size of pinpoints.

As we all know, abilities involving space and time are relatively difficult to deal with.

Like this kind of trick that can connect to space nodes at will and launch a surprise attack, once Kamikawa Rennosuke repeats his old tricks and sneaks up on other people like he just attacked Nanao.

Even if he has three heads and six arms, it is too late to support everyone.

Fortunately, the situation did not develop to the worst side as he expected.

Accompanied by a strange distortion in the surrounding space, one after another lightning-like stabs, like meteors, quickly hit Nagasawa Ya.

However, looking at the thorns that seemed to want to stab himself into a hornet's nest, Nagasawa not only did not show any dignified, or worried expression, but the corner of his mouth hung a touch of "so it is" arc .

With Kamikawa Rennosuke's unlimited fighting style, if he can rely on sneak attacks to force Nagasawa Masa to be exhausted and exhausted, he will definitely not be merciful.

The reason why all the attacks were concentrated on him alone was that the most likely reason was that the space nodes that Kamigawa Rennosuke could connect to were limited in scope.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa smiled even more in her heart.

In this way, it is easy to deal with...

...... cut......

PS. When you are free during the day, you should review your homework as much as possible. You can only compress the codeword time to night. The latest update may be late, sorry.

Chapter 214 Double Bones!

The distance... is about 100 meters.

The range... is about ten to fifteen meters in radius.

Nagasawa Masa, who was moving quickly, used the shallow strike in her hand to resist the slashes that appeared out of nowhere, while estimating the range of Kamikawa Rennosuke's ability.

Sure enough, the stronger the power, the more restrictions there will be.

After several fights, Masa Nagasawa has roughly estimated the attack range of Kamikawa Rennosuke.

Afterwards, he immediately shouted to Qi Xu and the others not far away.

"Retreat 200 meters away, don't disperse, and don't approach us!"

The reason for retreating to 200 meters is to stay as far away from Kamikawa Rennosuke's attack range as possible.

Don't disperse, because you are worried that Kamikawa Rennosuke's sixth attribute will attack and launch a sneak attack on any of them, which will cause Nagasawa Masa to be unable to rescue him in time.

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