In this weird situation, even a blind man can realize how dangerous it is.

Horrified, Kamigawa Rennosuke suddenly looked back, only to find that Masa Nagasawa, who was still lying on the ground and unable to move, had stood up silently since some time ago.

And that surge of spiritual pressure that was so majestic that it almost condensed into liquid came from Nagasawa Ya who had just pierced through three vital points!

The look of disbelief instantly climbed into the eyes of Rennosuke Kamikawa, and the words were full of incredible.

"Hey, is it true..."

A God of Reaper whose throat had been severed, pierced through the knot and soul sleep, could still burst out such a level of spiritual pressure.

Let alone met, he had never heard of it in his lifetime!

On the contrary, when Nanao and the others saw that the source of the spiritual pressure was the collapsed Nagasawa Masa, their excited expressions could not be described with tears in their eyes. Not too much.

Mr. Nagasawa, sure enough, he won't fall down so easily!

This idea, like a seed, became more and more deeply rooted in their minds.

However, no matter how noisy the outside world is, for Nagasawa Ya at this moment, it seems that time has been stopped.

As mentioned above, during the use of the experience card, he can also rely on the characteristics of the character of the experience card to achieve self-improvement.

However, he was wrong in one point.

In addition to bringing him super learning talent and adaptability to combat, the hungry wolf experience card has another more important feature.

Dying limit breakthrough!

At the moment when his throat was pierced, he studied for a long time, but couldn't figure out how to do it, and the reversal technique that he had been unable to master for a long time seemed to be mastered at that moment.

And at the moment when the knot and soul sleep were penetrated, he even grasped the core of the mantra!

Although at this time, he did not have a systematic blessing, and could not convert spiritual pressure into mantra power.

But after breaking through a certain limit, the energy in his body has achieved everything!

The remnants originally hidden in the body seemed to be seduced from every corner of the body, and the energy fusion and mutual interaction were completed in an instant.

With just a few breaths, his damaged throat, heart, and dantian were repaired.

And these three places correspond to his damaged carotid artery, lock knot, and soul sleep!

However, the pace of Nagasawa's "evolution" is far more than that.

As we all know, it is often easiest to break through when you are on the verge of death.

When the god of death is dying, he often hears a mysterious voice.

【Call my name...】

Without even guessing, Masa Nagasawa understood that this was a precursor to the liberation of his Zanpakutō.

His Zanpakuto that has never actively communicated.

At this moment, I let go of my "reservedness" and took the initiative to communicate with him.

It was at this moment that he finally knew the name of his Zanpakuto.

"The sky and water are of the same color, they are all my realm."


In an instant, the sky was flooded with water.

...... cut......

PS. Hurry up, finally write it out, wash up and sleep, and fight again tomorrow!

Chapter 218 It's useless to listen to the words of the dead

The light and shallow singing is like a soft whisper ringing in the ear.

The water light and the sky are muddy, as if they have merged into one at this moment.

With Nagasawa Ya releasing the Zanpakuto in his hand, the already irrepressible Reiatsu was like a group of horses coming out of the slaughterhouse, and the dazzling golden light seemed to dye everything around them into the same color in just a moment. s color.

Looking at the [-]rd team building, as if a field magic card had been cast, even the environment had changed under its release.

Looking at the Zanpakuto that seemed to be flowing like ripples in Masa Nagasawa's hand, Rennosuke Kamikawa opened his mouth in horror.

That look of astonishment seemed to be able to stuff an ostrich egg in his mouth.

"This... this is the beginning solution!?"

"What are you kidding!?"

"How is it possible to have an initial solution powerful enough to change the climate environment..."

Under the illumination of the golden Reiatsu, Kamigawa Rennosuke felt like he was in a golden ocean.

The dense spirits around him that seemed to have turned into a liquid not only brought him great pressure, but even caused him to have a feeling of extreme difficulty in breathing, and he needed to use his mouth and nose together to barely maintain his breathing.

He subconsciously felt that this was Masa Nagasawa's "卍解".

However, judging from Nagasawa Masa's liberation language, it sounds more like Shijieduo.

He knows Nagasawa Ya's Zanpakuto.

The Zanpakuto is so self-willed that even the user doesn't know what ability will be released next time.

The Death God's Zanpakutō can be simply divided into two types: direct attack type and Kidō type.

Of course, in addition to the simple and crude direct attack system, the ghost system can also be subdivided into different types such as rule type, spirit type, element type, etc., so I won't introduce too much here.

But no matter how subdivided it is, just relying on the power of Sijie is not enough to change the surrounding environment at the same time.

When Kamikawa Rennosuke saw the changes around him, his first reaction was that Masa Nagasawa was lying.

This is the "Swastika solution"!

However, in the next second, he was halfway through the sentence, and suddenly remembered a person.

Yamamoto Yuan Liusai Shigekuni.

Yamamoto's Flowing Blade is known as the strongest and oldest Zanpakuto in the Yan family.

The light is just the heat released at the beginning of solution, which is enough to turn the place it passes into ashes.

At Mao's graduation ceremony, he saw Nagasawa Masa use the blade like fire with his own eyes.

If Nagasawa Masa's Zanpakuto can be used to unleash a flowing blade like fire, then this Zanpakuto called "Nazuki" doesn't seem so incomprehensible?

For a moment, Kamigawa Rennosuke completed his self-understanding of Nagasawa Masa Zanpakuto in his own mind!

On the other side, Nagasawa Masa didn't know what Kamigawa Rennosuke was thinking with a cloudy face.

He heard clearly what Rennosuke Kamikawa said before he used the reversal technique to heal his fatal injuries.

Don't look at Nagasawa Ya at this moment, with a calm face, but ah...

Volcanoes are usually at their calmest just before they erupt.

I saw Masa Nagasawa looking at Rennosuke Kamikawa not far away, and said slowly in a cold tone.

"You just said... what do you want to do to my lovely students?"

Masa Nagasawa's words were very soft, but it seemed that every word hit Kamikawa Rennosuke's heart.

Coupled with the constant pressure from the surrounding area last week, Kamigawa Rennosuke subconsciously clenched the Zanpakuto in his hand, as if this was the only way to bring him a sense of security.

However, although there was already a faint intention to retreat in his heart, the arrogance of being the captain did not allow Kamikawa Rennosuke to weaken his momentum in front of Nagasawa Masa.

I saw his chin raised, the iconic mocking expression hung between his brows again, and he responded softly with a slightly provocative meaning.

"What? Didn't hear you?"

"Need I repeat that?"

The Zanpakutō of the Ghost Dao system can often reflect the mood of the user through Reiatsu.

Feeling the surrounding Reiatsu that seemed to want to squeeze him to pieces, Kamigawa Rennosuke could clearly realize Nagasawa Masa's anger.

He wanted to make Nagasawa more angry.

Because only an angry enemy will lose his mind in battle.

However, in the face of his provocation, the expression on Nagasawa Ya's face was quite indifferent.

Even... can be described as indifference.

Nagasawa just said softly, "No need, it's useless to listen to the words of the dead."

"Dead?" Listening to Masa Nagasawa's words, the pale-faced Rennosuke Kamikawa couldn't help but raise his brows, and then continued, "It's just the beginning of the solution, the still unknown."

Kamikawa Rennosuke admitted that Masa Nagasawa's initial solution did bring him great pressure.

But it's just pressure, not the threat of death.

Even in the face of Xijie, relying on his "absolute death and absolute limit", he thought to himself that he could remain invincible.

However, just after his words fell, Masa Nagasawa, who had been expressionless since releasing Zanpakuto, finally showed a strange look on her face.

"Still unknown?"

"The cause of your failure has long been doomed."

"Just now, you should have chopped off my head."

"Now, you won't have a second chance..."


Nagasawa just finished speaking halfway, but a column of blood protruded from his neck again abruptly, interrupting the next words in his mouth.

Looking at Nagasawa Masa who was bleeding blood on the carotid artery, he laughed wildly, and the face of Kamikawa Rennosuke surfaced again.

"Hahahahahahaha, cough cough cough!!!"

"Where are you pretending to be Nima!?"

"My Absolute Death Boundary can continue to generate connection points in your body, which means that your Lingwei level is far from reaching the point where it surpasses me!"

"As long as I rely on my swastika to kill you, it's just a matter of time..."

The insane and insolent smile directly involved Kamigawa Rennosuke's wound, causing him to cough violently.

But even so, the fact that Xie Jie was able to break through Nagasawa Ya's defense smoothly still made him feel extremely excited.

In his opinion, as long as his swastika can still have an effect on Nagasawa Masa, the situation is still under his control.

However, his wild laughter stopped abruptly when it reached its peak.

I saw that Nagasawa Ya, who was still bleeding profusely just now, stopped the blood that was constantly rushing in just a moment.

Even the sharp-eyed he discovered that the wound on Nagzeya's neck that was still spraying blood just now had returned to its original state.

What an outrageous recovery speed! ?

The "One-eyed Mountain Boy" in Guiyan City doesn't have such resilience! ?

It's just that the astonishment in his heart had just surfaced, and Nagasawa Ya over there slowly raised the Zanpakuto in his hand, and while slashing heavily in front of him, he said softly with a look of disgust on his face.

"You guy, you are really despicable..."

In the next second, a line of blood slowly split from the left shoulder of Kamikawa Rennosuke to the lower abdomen on the right side.

...... cut......

PS. I heard that the company is going to raise wages recently, woo woo woo, look forward to it!

Chapter 219 What kind of medicine is old

Beheaded! ?

when! ?

The same idea, the same idea, appeared in Kamikawa Rennosuke's mind in almost the same way.

He who was evil and mad one second, fell to the ground like a dead dog the next second.

Even until the moment he fell down, he didn't understand how he was cut.

Narcissus, shouldn't this name be Zanpakuto of the flowing water system! ?

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