He desperately raised his head that was buried on the ground, and stared at Nagasawa Ya who had just swung his sharp blade bitterly.

If eyes can kill, at this time, Rennosuke Kamigawa would like to use his eyes to penetrate Masa Nagasawa's body!

On the other hand, Nagasawa Masaru, who had just struck a fatal blow, looked at the figure of Kamikawa Rennosuke slowly falling to the ground with an indifferent expression, and his eyes full of hatred.

Yes, his Zanpakuto is indeed a flowing water type Zanpakuto.

He already knew this the moment he learned the Zanpakuto's name.

But unlike the water element in the conventional sense, what his Zanpakutō manipulates is not the moisture in the atmosphere.

Instead, it is formed by the condensation of spiritual seeds, which has turned into a liquid and solidified to an almost viscous spiritual liquid.

And the reason why he was able to release such a huge amount of spiritual power at once was really thanks to his special physique.

The ancients said.

Heaven is about to send a great mission to the people of Sri Lanka, and they must first work hard on their hearts and minds, and work hard on their muscles and bones.

Although the talent of [Super Speed ​​Absorption] brought him an abnormal state that relied on defense.

But when he comprehended the inversion technique and learned the original interpretation, everything was worth it.

To use an analogy, the human body is like a container.

Ordinary people want to fill this container, they have to go to the water source again and again to fetch water, and use this clumsy method to fill it up.

And his [Super Speed ​​Absorption] is like someone directly inserting a water pump into the sea, and then using a high-pressure water gun to crazily shoot it into the container.

The too fast and too fast filling speed allowed him to fill the container at an extremely fast speed.

But in contrast, his body will not stop the pace of filling just because the container is filled.

The high-pressure water guns constantly blasting into the container made his container, which was not much stronger than others, be on the verge of collapse because it could not carry too much spiritual power.

Once he opened the water valve on the container, the spiritual power that had already filled the entire container would be like a flood, hitting the container that bound them at an extremely turbulent speed.

This is also the reason why every time he uses spiritual pressure, the injury rate will continue to accumulate.

And his water fairy came into being because of his special physique.

Ask questions!

When a container is full, how do people choose to store excess items?

The answer is, look for a larger container.

His Narcissus is the bigger container.

The reason why his body was able to maintain a certain balance all the time was so that when he was not using spiritual pressure, he would not continue to accumulate injuries due to the reason that the container was about to explode.

It was precisely because after his container was full, his Zanpakuto carried the excess spiritual power for him.

Although he has never communicated with him, he has never practiced Sword Zen even once.

But the Narcissus, who was all prosperous and all damaged, still took the initiative to carry the escaped spiritual power for him.

And it is continuously compressed, compressed, and compressed again, making it condense into a nearly liquid appearance.

When Nagasawa first knew the ability of Narcissus.

His first reaction was, what kind of Yao Lao is this?

Second reaction is...

Made, am I invincible?

When he frees his Zanpakutō, the spiritual power stored in the Zanpakutō will be released in one breath according to his needs.

And that rich and almost viscous spirit liquid has become his most advantageous weapon!

Because that spiritual liquid is the water fairy.

Narcissus is the spirit liquid.

The moment he swung the Zanpakuto in his hand, Kamikawa Rennosuke, who was within the coverage of the spiritual liquid, was inevitable!

However, Nagasawa Ya did not show any relaxation because of the successful attack.

His narcissus can indeed form some kind of effect similar to [field expansion].

But there is also a disadvantage.

His Narcissus can't block its internal space like [Field Expansion].

Kamikawa Rennosuke's Boundary Destruction can rely on the blade to cut through the space and perform space jumps.

Once he was slowed down and determined to escape, Nagasawa really couldn't keep him.

Therefore, after breaking through Kangawa Rennosuke's Reiatsu defense wall and almost cutting it in two, he must make up for that fatal knife as soon as possible!

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and there was no hesitation in his heart.

Raising the Zanpakuto in his hand, Nagasawa Masahiro aimed at Kamigawa Rennosuke, about to strike that fatal blow.

However, just when he raised the Zanpakuto in his hand and tried to cut it off, a wave of Reiatsu that was not too powerful but full of absolute malice suddenly erupted from the body of Kamikawa Rennosuke out.

Seeing this, the pupils in Nagasawa Ya's eyes could not help but froze slightly.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

With the current state of Kamikawa Rennosuke, it is absolutely impossible to burst out such a level of spiritual pressure.

Realizing that something was wrong, Nagasawa couldn't help but speed up the speed of swinging the sword in her hand.

It is different from the first knife used to break through the defense.

With this knife, he will cut off the head of Kamikawa Rennosuke!

However, the captain-level strongman's dying counterattack determined that he was extraordinary.

In just a split second, the incomparably gorgeous Zanpakuto in Kamigawa Renzhi's assistant suddenly exploded.

The bright and crystal fragments reflected brilliant brilliance under the sunlight.

It's just that in contrast to the brilliance, a black hole the size of a grain of rice expanded rapidly with its handle as the base point at the moment after the Zanpakuto exploded.

In just an instant, a black hole with a diameter of 14 meters, like a bloody mouth, unfolded.

The black hole looks a lot like the black chambers used by the Facets.

But the difference is that the black hole that suddenly appeared is like a big mouth that swallows everything.

At the moment it was born, Masa Nagasawa could clearly feel that there was an infinitely strong suction that was constantly absorbing everything around it.

Houses, rubble, ruined walls, and the black hole that opened swallowed everything as if it would never reject anyone. Even the spiritual liquid released by his Narcissus was swallowed into the black hole.

Faced with the sudden change, Nanao and the others either thrust their hands into the ground, or used the Benglun to grab the boulder beside them, and hurriedly grabbed all the objects that could fix their bodies.

At this time, Nagasawa Ya, let alone swung the Zanpakuto in his hand.

He felt that his body was almost uncontrollably flying towards the black hole.

He had to give up the slash in his hand, and plunged the Zanpakuto into the ground under his feet in order to stabilize his body.

And at this moment, the voice of Kamigawa Rennosuke, like an evil ghost from the endless hell, faintly rang in everyone's ears.

"You know my Zanpakuto...why is it called Breaking Realm?"

...... cut......

PS. Before leaving get off work, I heard the good news about the salary increase, so I couldn't wait to share it with you.

Then after returning home, I heard an extremely speechless news.

Leaders raise their salaries and make up the difference. Although employees also raise their salaries, their year-end bonuses will decrease...


Why give the monkey four dates in the morning and three dates in the evening?

What about playing monkeys? ? ?

I hope it's not true...

2 Chapter [-] Glory of Darkness

The cold and hoarse voice of Kamikawa Rennosuke resounded faintly, coupled with the bleeding from all seven orifices, pale face, and broken body, the whole person seemed to have turned into a horrible ghost from Jiuyou Hell. Creepy.

And his words made Nagasawa Ya's eyes narrow slightly.

Nagasawa Masaru was aware of this problem when he liberated the Zanpakutō.

The so-called broken boundary refers to the gap between the three worlds of the corpse soul world, the virtual circle, and the present world.

It is a strange space surrounded by the torrent of time, which is composed of several layers of cut-off spaces overlapping each other.

Compared with the outside world, the time density inside is overwhelmingly high.

Converted into numbers, it is about 2000 times.

In other words, 2000 years have been spent in the boundary, and the outside world is only the past year.

It is precisely because of this particularity that the broken world is not only a passage to the present world, but also a place of exile in the world of corpses and souls, so there are restraints and restraints.

Let's not delve too deeply into the peculiar composition of the boundary.

In the world of "BLEACH", Zanpakuto's name and ability stand out in a way that is worthy of the name.

It is definitely not a coincidence that the name of a Zanpakutō has the same name as Duanjie.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of a person.

Yuxi Ouxu, the boss of the invasion chapter of "BLEACH".

His Zanpakuto Moyue Halo can create a space gate and trap the enemy into the boundary.

However, when Nagasawa understood the ability to break the boundary, she understood it.

Kamigawa Rennosuke's Boundary Destruction is even more violent than Yuxi Ouxu's Mo Yuehao.

Seeing Kamikawa Rennosuke, who had a free breath, he first glared at Nagasawa Masa with resentment in his eyes.

Immediately, as if recalling something, those venomous eyes gradually regained their composure, even flickering with the light of reminiscence, and said each word in a slow voice.

"The reason why my Zanpakuto can jump space is because it can connect to many faults in the broken boundary, and use the broken boundary as a springboard to realize the space jump."

"Including when I myself use this ability to move, for a moment, my whole body will be in the broken world, and then through it, I will return to the soul world."

"It is like a key that can take me to any place I want to go within its ability..."

Different from the despicable appearance before, the Kamigawa Rennosuke at this time was very frank about his abilities.

Memories of the past flashed through my mind like a revolving lantern.

Kamikawa Rennosuke's past is very similar to Kuchiki Byakuya's future wife Kuchiki Hima.

It's just different from Kuchiki Hima, who abandoned his sister in order to survive until he joined the Kuchiki family, and after solving all worries, went to find his long-lost sister for atonement.

Kamikawa Rennosuke chose to take on the responsibility of being the elder brother.

He no longer remembers how he came to Soul Soul Realm.

I just remember that when he first came to this world as a child, there was only his twin brother who was by his side.

Compared with Masa Nagasawa from West 64 District, Kaimen, Ichimaru Gin and Matsumoto Rangiku from East 62 District, Hanako, and Saraki Kenpachi from West 80 District, Saraki.

His luck is not bad. As the top 37 districts in Liuhun Street East, Liuyan is much better than the districts other than [-] in terms of living environment, public security, and wealth.

However, the good ones are also quite limited.

As a person who was born with spiritual power, he had no family to take care of him, plus he had to take care of his cowardly and naive younger brother, if he wanted to survive on Liuhun Street, he had to do everything he could.

Stealing, gambling, fighting, and even killing people for money.

In the days of Liuhun Street, he tried every means he could think of, just to be able to carry that oil bottle and survive.

Fortunately, his strong belief in surviving by any means was appreciated by a nobleman passing through Liuyan District.

Since then, the two brothers have become pawns that the great nobleman buried in the thirteenth team of the guarding court.

Train in secret, then enter the Mao Spiritual Arts Academy, join the Gotei Thirteenth Division, and finally become the captain of the Third Division!

He doesn't regret his choice.

Because if he hadn't met that great nobleman, perhaps he and his younger brother would have died in a certain battle long ago.

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