Even Aizen, who has always used Pomen as a pawn, can't fault Ulquiola.

However, Aizen has never trusted the Ten Blades he summoned and cultivated by himself.

The weak seek the strong, and then the pursued seek the stronger, and finally the only one standing at the apex is born.

Aizan's royal way is lonely.

Nagasawa didn't think there was anything wrong with Aizen's idea.

But for him, he also has his own way.

Sincerity is nirvana.

Facing the simple-minded Ulquiola, instead of trying to deceive him, he thought that a simple straight ball would be more effective.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, Ulquiola was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then muttered to himself what Nagasawa had just said.

"It's the opposite, but it's not an enemy..."

In Ulquiorra's view, compatriots are compatriots, enemies are enemies, and there is no choice between the two.

Nagasawaya's words made him fall into a brief silence, but soon he came back to his senses.

"An interesting statement."

"I have a hunch that maybe with you, I can find what I'm looking for."

As he said that, Ulquiola didn't say anything, but instead walked in a certain direction first.

Seeing this, Nagasawa let go of her anxiety.

To be honest, he wasn't sure how Ulquiola would react after his showdown with Ulquiola.

In his mind, the worst outcome would probably be a big fight, and then wait a month later to refresh this mission.

However, he does not regret his choice.

Just like when he was in Mao's year-end assessment, he would rather waste all his hard work and agree to Saraki Kenpachi's challenge.

Although he has a flexible moral bottom line, to a certain extent, he is also a paranoid man who pursues his true heart.

Fortunately, his sincerity was not in vain.

After walking a few steps, it seemed that Nagasawa hadn't followed, Ulquiola couldn't help but turned around curiously, and asked suspiciously.

"Aren't you looking for that guy who is as powerful as me?"

"If you don't move faster, I can't guarantee that that guy is still there."

Hearing this, a slight smile appeared on Nagasawa's face.

Then followed Ulquiorra's footsteps.

Only the dark bush was left, as if absorbing the lost nutrients, continuing to absorb the spiritual particles in the air.


The place where the Vastord that Ulquiola said is located is not close to the birthplace.

In the virtual circle, a world where there is no reference to judge the passage of time, Masa Nagasawa can only confirm the time they have spent through a systematic countdown.

Even with the footsteps of the two of them, it took nearly two days and two nights of rapid running before he saw Ulquiola, the leader, slowing down his pace.

Seeing this, Nagasawa immediately became extremely vigilant.

He didn't think Sal Apollo would be as easy-talking as Ulquiorra.

However, just when he was still thinking about how to convince people with reasoning, four powerful spiritual pressures, one big, three small, and four, erupted first on the sand dunes not far away.


Seeing this situation, a strange look flashed in Nagasawa Ya's eyes.

Because within the scope of his spiritual pressure perception, after the initial collision, the spiritual pressure that was obviously stronger than the other three actually declined to the same level as the three in a very short period of time, and with one In an extremely embarrassing way, he fled towards the direction where he and Ulquiorra were.

...... cut......

PS. It’s too late, it’s 2 o’clock, and I can’t add it anymore. I will definitely do it tomorrow!

Chapter 234 What Digimon

Sensing the fierce battle not far away, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help showing a strange look on her face.

Although the battle took place in a very short time, he could easily tell from the amount and quality of the Reiatsu that it was a story of three Achukas chasing a Valstord.

However, as the observation deepened, the expression on Nagasawa Ya's face became more and more strange.

Although Yachukas is powerful, it is not wrong to be close to Vastord in combat power.

But if the situation in front of you is converted to the god of death in the thirteenth team of the court, it is equivalent to three vice-captains chasing a captain to slash.

In "BLEACH", which emphasizes soldiers against soldiers, king against king, it shouldn't be too disobedient.

He turned his head subconsciously, and asked softly to Ulquiola beside him.

"That Valstord over there, is that the guy you mentioned?"

Hearing this, Ulquiorra nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

He had never met Alsapolo, so he couldn't judge the other party's identity from the spiritual pressure.

But if the Vastod who was hunted down was Saar Apollo, the encounter in front of him would be a good opportunity.

It's just that those four Daxu who were at least Yachukas level didn't give him much chance to think at all.

The four fought while walking, and in a very short period of time, they pushed the battle line all the way to not far from him and Ulquiorra.

It was not until this time that Nagasawa could clearly see the two sides in the war.

Unfortunately, the Vastord who was being chased was not the Alsaboro he was looking for.

It is not difficult to see from the outline of the figure that it is a female Varstord.

It's just different from Ulquiorra who is already almost human, except for a pair of pitch-black demon wings, who is no different from a normal human.

Although the female Vastod has a humanoid outline, the white armor around her body is like a knight's armor, covering most of her skin.

It's just that even so, it still can't cover up its exaggerated upper circumference.

Immediately, Nagasawa Ya's gaze gradually moved upwards.

When his eyes fell on Navastrode's face, even the white armor was like a full-body armor with a mask, covering most of his face below the bridge of the nose, only showing With a pair of tired eyes, he still recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

Because of the embarrassment of fleeing, the long golden hair was scattered in a messy way.

Under the healthy wheat-colored skin, there is a pair of emerald green eyes.

The identity of the visitor is self-evident.

The No.30 blade of the future, Tiya Harribel.

But before he could think about it, the three Yachukas who were chasing Heribel all the way suddenly crossed the sand dunes and appeared in front of his eyes.

Good guy, when Nagasawa saw the three Yachukas, he almost thought he had crossed again.

A mammoth, a saber-toothed tiger, and a red and white strange bird that looks a bit like a Badora.

Masa Nagasawa was a little confused for a while whether this was the Ice Age or Digimon.

When the big monster bird with crimson wings spread its wings and flew high, it took the lead to leap over the mountain, and shot feathers that were as sharp as blades at Heribel, forcing the other party to dodge hastily.

As Yachukas, he looked at Harribel, who was the superior Daxu, but could only flee in embarrassment under his hands, and he was greatly satisfied. He couldn't help but let out a burst of joy, and then laughed wildly.

"Harribel, stop resisting!"

"It is your great honor that His Majesty Bailegang has taken a fancy to you!"

"Now you have only two choices."

"Or, worship under His Majesty Balegon."

"Either... die!"

As he said that, the crimson feathers on his body seemed to never be exhausted, and once again shot a red sword feather at Heribel who was fleeing.

Looking at the red sword feathers attacking again, Heribel's eyes flashed a look of aggrieved and helpless.

As the highest-ranking Daxu, Vastord, let alone three Yachukas on weekdays, even if there are three more, they are not her opponents.

However, that refers to her in her prime.

Holding the idea of ​​"doing not want the power gained by killing others to make herself stronger", after every battle, she has to recuperate for a period of time, and recover her injuries and spirit by absorbing the spiritual particles in the air. force.

In other words, although her combat strength is at the level of Valstord, her endurance is far inferior to that of the same level because of her different concepts.

And just now, Bailegang, who is the ruler of the virtual circle at this time, led his subordinates to raid her residence.

Even though they are both Valstord-level masters, Heribel had no choice but to flee in defeat against Balegon, who could almost be called the oldest master in the circle.

Yachukas, who was chasing after the three heads in front of him, was the third most powerful subordinate of Balegon.

Looking at the bursting red sword feathers, a helpless expression appeared in Helibel's eyes again.

Now she just wants to take advantage of the gap of escape to recover some spiritual power as much as possible, and then get rid of these three annoying guys in one go.

However, just when she was about to rely on her nimble body skills again to avoid the swiftly shooting sword feathers as before, a nimble figure suddenly jumped out of the gravel under her feet!

The sudden change caused Harribel's eyes to shrink suddenly.

It was a saber-toothed tiger with black and white fur and a pair of sharp canine teeth.

The saber-toothed tiger, which attracted most of her attention through the air attack of its companions, quietly sneaked up from the ground to her feet.

Taking advantage of her powerlessness and trying to dodge, he jumped out and bit her calf fiercely.


The unexpected attack caused Harribel's dodge to suddenly stall.

Her already exhausted body made her steel skin hard to parry even Yachukas's bite.

It was already too late to turn around and deal with the saber-toothed tiger under her feet, and she missed the best time to dodge, facing the imminent red sword feather, she had no time to dodge.

In order to reduce the damage as much as possible, she could only try her best to raise the giant shark-patterned sword on her hands, and staggered it in front of her chest, trying to use its thick sword body to block the bombardment of the wave of red sword feathers.

Looking at Helibel who was waiting to die, whether it was the saber-toothed tiger biting her, or the big strange bird shooting red sword feathers in the sky.

Even the mammoth, who came late because of his slow speed, had a glow of excitement in his eyes.

They all had the same idea in their hearts.

This is a monster of the Valstord level!

If I can devour her, I will definitely be able to evolve to a higher level!

Harribel, danger!

However, just when Harribel was ready to withstand the impact, the expected attack did not fall on her.

A crisp voice suddenly rang in her ears.

"Bindao 81: Breaking the Void."

Immediately, she only felt her feet loosen.

The saber-toothed tiger that was still biting her calf just now restricted her movement.

At this moment, like a defeated dog, with a dull groan, it opened its mouth and closed its eyes, and flew away backwards.

...... cut......

PS. I received a notice from the group unit today, and it is expected to participate in militia training in May...

Difficult, do not know how many days to go.

Colleagues who have been there before, some said to go for two or three days, divided into two or three times.

Some say to go for ten days at a time...

I feel that two or three days is okay, and I can persist even if I grit my teeth. If it is ten days...

I feel that I will start saving manuscripts in April, otherwise the perfect attendance award will be in jeopardy.

Pujie is just pointing at the perfect attendance bonus of several hundred yuan per month to live. Before, even if it was sunny, I only dared to ask for one day off. Without the perfect attendance bonus, the manuscript fee would be nearly half less...

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