I was originally a part-time job and handicapped, but now I have to save manuscripts on the basis of full-time attendance of 15 words per month...put on the pain mask!

Chapter 235 A mere god of death?


The expected attack, not only did not come, but Jio, who was sneaking up on him, flew out in an instant.

The ensuing changes made Helibel a little confused about what happened.

All she knew was that when she put down the giant shark-patterned sword she was holding in front of her chest and regained her sight, a tall and straight figure stood in front of her without knowing when.

In the last second, he was still dreaming, thinking of using his refusal as an excuse to kill Harribel, thereby devouring her, and the saber-toothed tiger Jio, who was evolving towards a higher level, was hit hard suddenly, and his whole body...

Ah no, the whole tiger flew upside down like a shooting star.

Tofu waist with copper head and iron tail.

This is true for most canines and cats.

When Geo, who was kicked on the weak side between his waist and abdomen, was still flying in the air, blood spilled out of his mouth uncontrollably, and he opened his mouth only when he fell on a sand dune not far away. Closing his eyes, he revealed a distressed expression.

Looking at the companion who was kicked away, and then watching the red sword feather that he shot out was blocked by a translucent barrier.

Taking advantage of the high altitude, the big monster bird Abirama who witnessed the whole process of the development could not help showing a look of surprise on his face.

They are the subordinates of Balegang, the king of the virtual circle. In the huge virtual circle, except for a lone ranger like Helibel, few people dare to meddle in their business.

However, when the smoke and dust caused by the red sword feather dissipated, and when Abirama could clearly see the figure standing in front of Heliber, the look of astonishment in his eyes became stronger.

"grim Reaper?"

Although the death tyrant outfit on Nagasawa Ya was different from the usual Death God outfit, but Abirama recognized Nagasawa Ya's identity at a glance.

However, even though he recognized Nagasawa Ya's identity, there was no fear on Abilama's face, and even faintly, there was extremely excited joy.

As a high-density spiritual body, Death is also one of Xu's favorite "foods".

It's just because the virtual circle is located in a desolate place, and it's the base camp of Xu, so few gods of death enter the virtual circle.

Even as a subordinate officer of Bailegang, he had only heard rumors about the god of death from the mouths of other Daxu.

At this time, I suddenly saw Nagasawa Ya, and after sensing the strong spiritual power on the other party, his pair of eagle-like falcons... well, in his pair of eagle eyes, not only did he not reveal it because of his companion's injury. The look of worry at all was instantly filled with a desire called "greed".

Gio pulled his head out of the gravel and shook the fine sand on his body like a big wild cat, with an annoyed look on his face.

He didn't even wipe off the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and he yelled at Nagasawa Ya in the direction he flew from.

"You bastard! Who the hell are you!?"

"Do you know who we are!?"

However, in the face of Geo's roar, Nagasawa Masa was unmoved.

He just experienced a blue dye-style pretense, and he felt great.

The only shortcoming is probably because it was the first time to use the No. 81 Binding Road that abandoned chanting. I was worried that I would not be able to completely block the enemy's attack, so I did not turn my back. I used the posture of a real man who never looks back at the explosion. , let’s face Harribel.

Fortunately, I have already mastered how to release it, but I have been unable to use the "duankong" because of insufficient spiritual pressure.

After his spirit power level was raised to the fifth level, relying on his super high affinity for spirit sons, he finally used it smoothly and blocked Abirama's attack.

Turning around, looking at Harribel, who had just lifted his defensive posture with slightly bent knees, Nagasawa immediately asked softly with his signature kind smile.

"Are you okay?"

However, in the face of his concern, Helibel, who had just been rescued by him, had a vigilant look on his face.

Abirama can tell that Nagasawa is the God of Death. As Varstord, she naturally has no reason not to recognize it.

Although she doesn't have much hostility towards Reaper, she is the natural opposite.

Being brought to such a close distance by a god of death, even if the other party helped her just now, she had to play up her spirits to 120 points.

Seeing Helibel's gaze, he first glanced at the Zanpakuto on Nagasawa Ya's waist, and then did not answer Nagasawa Ya's question, but asked back.

"Reaper...why help me?"

Hearing the question ringing in his ears, the smile on Nagasawa's face grew even wider.

"One person may need a motive to kill another person, but saving a person does not require any reason."

"I just wanted to help you, so I did, that's all."

After the words fell, looking at Nagasawa Yana's face full of sincerity, Herribel's expression was obviously momentarily stunned.

She didn't expect that Nagasawa Ya's reason for saving her was so pure.

Then, a wave of emotions called "guilt" climbed into her heart in an instant.

She suddenly regretted her rude behavior just now.

However, before she could say anything, the mammoth Nierg, who had arrived late and had not made any achievements, was already impatient.

In his opinion, the god of death in front of him is only about the same level as them.

Even with the heavily injured Helibel, they are definitely not their opponents.

Now they not only have the opportunity to devour Vastod Helibel, but also have a Yachukas-level god of death attached to them.

Just don't be too lucky!

Excited, he immediately said to Nagasawa Ya in a deep voice.

"I don't care if you are a god of death or a ghost, if you dare to disobey His Majesty Balegon's will, you will die!"

"It's nothing more than a god of death. I will take off your head with my own hands and dedicate it to my king as a trophy!"

As he said that, that huge body, which was as huge as a mammoth giant in ancient times, rushed towards Nagasawa Ya at a speed completely inversely proportional to that size, like a heavy tank.

Seeing the mammoth rushing towards him and the pair of huge tusks shining with cold light, Helibel's instinctive figure retreated.

It's just that when she distanced herself from the rushing Neilgra, she was out of the opponent's attack range for the time being.

She was about to continue to evacuate, subconsciously turned around and looked.

But when he saw the young Reaper who had just rescued her, he didn't dodge or dodge, and stood there dumbfounded as if he had been frightened.

Seeing this situation, Helibel couldn't help being startled, and subconsciously shouted loudly.

"Get out of the way!"

Even in her heyday, she was unwilling to take over the pig's sudden advance with all her strength, let alone Nagasawa Ya, who was slightly inferior to her in her opinion.

However, in the face of her reminder, Nagasawa, who was standing there, raised her arms unhurriedly, and whispered to Nierge who was rushing towards him.

"You'd better not say too arrogant words, it will only make you look weak."

In the next second, the ivory that shone with a sharp cold light suddenly hit Nagasawa Ya's palm!

...... cut......

PS. I'm really afraid of what will happen.

Recently, colleagues in the company have started to have a fever and a cold.

At first I didn't pay much attention to it, but when I was just typing, I felt uncomfortable all over while writing, my waist was sore, my stomach was diarrhea, and I was chilled.

Suddenly realized something was wrong.

As a result, the body temperature was measured, good guy, it was 37.6.

After 20 minutes, I measured it again, and it was 38...

Ma De, this month is 8000 words short of full attendance, and only the last day is left, this is really terrible...

Chapter 236 Paper Tiger Nagasawa Ya?

A pair of fleshy palms or a pair of sharp fangs, which one is stronger?

In most people's minds, probably the moment they hear the question, they have the answer.

In fact, so did everyone present.

When Jio and Abirama saw Nagasawa trying to stop Nierg's fangs with a palm, a playful smile appeared on their faces instantly.

Although they belonged to the subordinate officials of Balegang, they did not deal with each other.

In order to compete for the so-called chief subordinate officer, they often fought openly and secretly with each other.

But even so, they agree with Nierge's strength.

The stronger the strength of Xu, the smaller its body will be, and the closer it is to humans, this is almost the consensus of all Yachukas.

And Nierge was able to stand firm under Bailegang's command with another even bigger subordinate officer by virtue of his huge size, which naturally had his advantages.

In their view, Nagasawa Masa's bare-handed blade operation is just a way to kill!

Those who have the same idea also include Harribel.

The moment she withdrew from Nigel's attack range, she regretted it.

She regretted not taking Nagasawa with her to retreat.

Judging by Nagasawa Ya's spiritual pressure, the translucent barrier must have been his limit when he just rescued her.

But compared to the red sword feathers shot out by Abirama, that pair of ivory is much stronger.

She didn't think Nagasawa Ya could block that level of attack.

Thinking of this, Harribel couldn't help biting his silver teeth hidden under the white mask.

As if she had made up her mind, she gave up the chance to take advantage of the chaos to evacuate.

Turning his feet, he turned back and rushed in the direction he was just now.

Through Reiatsu, she could feel that Nagasawa was still alive.

She wants to snatch Nagasawa out!

However, just as the steps under her feet turned around, before she had time to exert her strength.

The scene in front of her shocked the eyes of everyone including her.

Nierge's huge figure set off a huge cloud of smoke as he ran.

And this cloud of smoke and dust reached its peak the moment he bumped into Nagasawa Ya.

When the smoke and dust cleared, the law of smoke without injury reappeared.

I saw Nagasawa Ya, who was "slim in stature", turned slightly sideways.

The right arm raised flat is like the white-bearded Edward Newgate who was praised by the world as "the strongest man in the world" during the war. It is more than ten times his size, and he has already mounted a fifth-grade mammoth giant , abruptly stopped in front of him.

The unimaginable interception method, not to mention Jio and Abirama who are also subordinates of Balegon, even Helibel who is Valstord, can't help opening his mouth slightly because of surprise. The mouth hidden under the mask.

As the embarrassing object this time, Nierge was more shocked than everyone present.

Among the subordinate officials of Bailegang, his strength can only be ranked in the lower reaches.

In terms of speed, he is not as good as the saber-toothed tiger Geo.

In terms of mobility, he is inferior to Badoramon Abirama.

In terms of strength, he is not as good as Qinon, the giant brachial whale.

But the reason why he was able to gain a firm foothold under Bailegang's men.

The reason lies in his super explosive power that is extremely inconsistent with his figure, and that pair of extremely sharp and hard ivory.

Under his pair of ivory, countless Killian and Yachukas had to drink their hatred on the spot.

He can even say without exaggeration that in the entire virtual circle, except for Bailegang, even Qinon, who is more terrifying than him, dare not take his "two-tooth lore" head-on.

However, at this moment, the trick he relied on to survive was so lightly taken by someone empty-handed.

He couldn't accept this reality.

For a while, his eyes gradually turned red.

That thick elephant trunk slashed at Nagasawa Ya with the momentum of sweeping away thousands of troops.

However, just when the ivory was just lifted.

Everything in the world seemed to stop at this moment.

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