Looking at the huge mammoth in front of her, the smile on Nagasawa Ya's face seemed to have hardly changed since saving Helibel.

Steady, deep, unhurried, and captivating.

If Brother Sparrow Minister Jiro was here, he would definitely applaud and shout "elegance"!

Even Geo and Abirama, who are opponents, have to admit that they were wrong before.

There is a strong temperament in Nagasawa Ya.

However, what they didn't know was that in the bottom of Nagasawa's heart at this moment, he was already smiling.

Thanks to his frail body in the place of birth, he was tempered repeatedly between the destruction of the pure spirit and the restoration of the reverse spell.

It is supplemented by the steel skin inherited from Ulquiorra, the highest rank.

His physical fitness has long since changed from what it used to be.

Even compared to his fifth-level Lingwei, his physical strength far exceeds his realm.

This is also the reason why he was able to take Nierge's blow so easily.

Adhering to the mentality of not making waves in the wind and not intimidating in the wind, Masa Nagasawa will not play fancy things with her enemies.

"It is indeed a very gratifying thing to see a mammoth that can only be seen in books on weekdays."

"But since you are facing me with swords, you have to make a corresponding awareness."

"Breaking the Way - 88. Flying Dragon Striking Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon."

With the fall of his voice, the most adept No. 88 breaks into full fire in an instant!

The huge beam of light released from the palm seemed to evaporate the surrounding air, including the enemies in front of him.


The earth roared, and the gravel trembled.

Nerge's body, which was as huge as a hill, seemed to have had its soul taken away in an instant, and fell straight in front of Nagazeya, causing a gust of sand.


Looking at their comrades who were instantly killed by one blow, Abirama and Giorgio swallowed their saliva.

Geo, the saber-toothed tiger, subconsciously paved his front hooves.

The big strange bird Abirama almost forgot to flap his wings because of his extreme shock.

At this moment, even they, who were accustomed to being lawless under Bailegang, were persuaded.

The imbalance of his body brought Abirama back from his brief surprise. He flapped his wings hurriedly a few times and stabilized his body. He couldn't help but scolded Nagazawa in a deep voice with some sternness. .

"We are the subordinates of His Majesty Balegon, the king of the virtual circle!"

"If you kill Nerg, His Majesty Balegang will never let you go!"

As he spoke, he didn't know if it was because of the existence of Bailegang that he mustered up a little bit of courage in his timid heart after saying these words.

He even said quickly to the surviving companion on the ground.

"Don't be fooled by him!"

"It's just a Yachukas-level god of death!"

"The blow just now must have consumed almost all of his strength."

"The current him must be just an empty paper tiger!"

"In a two-on-two situation, the advantage lies with us..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, there was a sound of flapping wings, and a cold voice appeared behind him very abruptly.

"Two against two?"

"What if you add me?"

...... cut......

PS. At present, there are no other symptoms except for elevated body temperature, diarrhea, slight chills, and a little soreness in the body.

I just took a measurement, and my body temperature is 37.8, which feels okay, so I will add more to ensure full attendance first.

Although it's only a few hundred yuan, if you add the bonus for the first half of the year, it will be very, very important to a street writer like me. Woooooooooooooooooooooooo...

Chapter 237 Wang Xu’s Flash 3k

The cold voice suddenly sounded behind him, directly frightening the whole bird of Abirama into a panic.

He boasted that he was not weak, and he had always been one of the strongest contenders for the Chief Subordinate Officer under Bailegang's command.

However, before the cold voice sounded from behind, he was completely unaware of when the other party was approaching him.

The strong sense of crisis made him flap his wings instantly, as if the ejection had started, and he shot tens of meters away in an instant.

Fortunately for him, the owner of that cold voice didn't seem to have any intention of pursuing him.

It wasn't until the distance between them was opened that he breathed a sigh of relief.

It was also until this time that he had the opportunity to look at the owner of that voice.

However, it was just a glance.

Abirama's entire bird seemed to be under petrification magic, standing there blankly.

It was a boy who looked almost human.

However, no matter it was the black wings that looked like a demon, or the mask with two horns on the top of his head, they all declared his identity to him.

It's a Varstord!

The moment Abirama saw Ulquiorra, he went numb.

I really saw a ghost. First, I met a powerful Reaper who could physically resist the strength-type Yachukas and killed him in seconds.

Then another Vastod who was at the same level as Harribel appeared.

When did Xuquan have so many powerful guys?

Is this a game he can play as a mere Yachukas? ? ?

Three to two.

The current situation is no longer the time to be brave.

He who believes in the law of the jungle has already begun to think about the escape route.

Thinking of this, he lowered his head subconsciously, and glanced at his companion who was not far from Nagasawa and Helibel.

If Jio can attract the attention of those two guys, with my mobility, the possibility of escape is very high!

Thinking of this, a stern look flashed across his falcons.

Don't blame me, Geo!

However, just when he was thinking about which direction to escape from.

Ulquiola, who just watched him pull away, lowered his head, looked at Nagasawa on the ground, then pointed at him, and asked softly without any emotion.

"Want to kill?"

Ulquiola's words were like the starting gun for a sprint race.

The moment Abirama and Geo heard what he said, they seemed to have heard the order to start, and they completed the transition from static to dynamic in an instant.

Abilama, who was galloping in the air, slashed across his chest with his claws.

Accompanied by a stream of bright red blood slowly flowing from his chest, on his chest, as if something was trying to break out of the cocoon, it squirmed strangely.

In the next second, a pair of bloody red wings grew out of the cut wound!

The crimson wings infested with blood spread out against the wind, not only did not interfere with the original wings, but on the contrary, with the cooperation of the two, the effect of one plus one greater than three was exerted.

Abiramar, who was already flying extremely fast, has abruptly improved a lot on the basis of the original!

And Geo, who was running away on the ground, was no less willing to give in.

When he sprang out like a cheetah, a violent Reiatsu instantly flowed through every nerve and every muscle in his body.

Just in the blink of an eye, the muscles all over his body were strengthened to about three times their original size.

The sudden increase in strength did not make him lose his original agility, and even because of the rapid filling of muscle tissue, his limbs had stronger foot strength!

This is his strongest move - Huya Swift Wind.

When he uses this form, his strength, speed, and agility will all increase exponentially.

Of course, compared with the powerful increase, there are also disadvantages.

Once he transforms into this form, it will take him at least two months to recover, and he doesn't really like to use this form unless it is a last resort.

Obviously, now is the time of last resort.

In order to be able to escape from the hands of Nagasawa Ya and others, both of them took out their unique skills at the bottom of the box.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the two shot away like arrows leaving the string, and fled in opposite directions in a tacit understanding.

They understand that it is meaningless for two people to get together in the face of Nagasawa and Ulquiorra.

Rather than being wiped out, it's better to abandon the car to protect the handsome, and cut off the tail to survive.

As for who was that abandoned car and tail...

Then resign to fate!

Seeing that Abirama and Jiou decisively chose to run away, they completely lost their previous arrogance and domineering appearance.

Although Nagasawa was very surprised by Ulquiorra's initiative, since the other party didn't care about it, he was obviously not the kind of person to be hypocritical.

Looking at the two fleeing at an extremely fast speed, Nagasawa replied softly with the same smile on her face.

"Kill it."

In an instant, the black wings behind Ulquiorra suddenly opened.

With just a light slap, he shot out like a rocket, and in the blink of an eye, he completed the overtake of the last comer!

Looking at Ulquiorra who suddenly appeared in front of him, Abirama who was speeding, his eyes were full of horror.

impossible!Absolutely impossible!

As the king of the sky, he has great confidence in his flying speed. He can't believe that someone can catch up with him who has reached the extreme speed in an instant when he started later than him.

He wouldn't have been so surprised if Ulquiorra had been so deadlocked with him in the air.

However, Ulquiorra, who appeared in front of him instantly, did not intend to give him too much time to think.

When the idea of ​​"need to change the direction of escape" appeared in Abirama's mind, he suddenly felt as if something was slowly draining from his body.

The next second, he, who was still galloping in the air just now, suddenly realized that he did not know when he started, he had completed the transition from movement to stillness again in a very short period of time, and even his wings had already subconsciously moved. stopped beating.

However, the strange thing is that after he stopped flapping his wings, he did not fall from the sky.

He lowered his head in disbelief and looked towards his chest.

But he found an arm with a pale complexion that had penetrated his chest!

A look of unwillingness instantly filled his eyes.

Feeling the rapid loss of power in his body, Abirama knew that he was finished.

It's just that the strong unwillingness and the glory in his heart did not allow him to die in vain like this.

He wanted to give Ulquiorra a hard time when he was about to die.

However, just as the red-black flash of light condensed in his mouth, a green spiritual particle took shape in Ulquiorra's empty left hand at an even faster speed.


Before Abirama could condense the "last virtual flash" that he had gathered all his strength into, Ulquiorra, who was holding the spirit sword in his hand, cut off his head very cleanly.

It's just that the Lingzi lightsaber condensed with Lingzi has the sharpness no less than Zanpakuto.

When Abirama was decapitated, he looked at the body falling to the ground along with his head.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that he was already the leader!

At this moment, the Black Wing Demon showed overwhelming strength.

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