On the other side, Jio, who was fleeing in another direction, felt the gradual disappearance of Abilama's spiritual pressure, and couldn't help but feel the sadness of a rabbit dying and a fox in his heart.

But even so, he had no intention of turning back to avenge his companions.

The difference in strength was too great, so let the three of them bully Helibel who was seriously injured.

Facing Ulquiorra in his prime, and Masa Nagasawa who could instantly kill Nierg, he couldn't imagine the scene when he won!

Seeing Abirama's head and Geo fleeing away, Harribel, who was still vigilant just now, couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

But in the next second, her two heroic golden eyebrows were slightly wrinkled into a ball.

In her heart, it was as if she had experienced a battle between heaven and man. After hesitating for a moment, she walked behind Nagasawa and said softly.

"Just let him go back like this, is it really okay?"

"Although I don't like killing very much, you saved me after all."

"If you let Bailegang know that two of his subordinates died at your hands, you will also get into trouble."

The meaning of Harribel's words couldn't be clearer.

The three of Jiou came to arrest her under the order of Bailegang.

If all three of them died here, Bailegang would only think that it was her who rebelled violently, and would not suspect anyone else at all.

She, who was already hated by Bailegang, was not short of this bit of hatred.

However, if Gio is allowed to go back alive, Balegon will definitely know the existence of Nagasawa and Ulquiorra.

To be honest, in a one-on-one situation, she thought she was no match for Balegon.

The young man with a pair of demon wings is a little less than she was in her heyday, not to mention that the Reiatsu level in front of her is only Yachukas level.

Although extermination is against the ideals she has always upheld, but compared to this, she does not want to involve her saviors in unnecessary troubles.

Nagasawa naturally understood the meaning of her words, but facing her reminder, the expression on Nagasawa's face did not change at all.

He just raised his arm again, stretched out his finger, and responded softly while pointing in the direction where Jio fled in a hurry.

"Who said I'm going to let him go?"

In the next second, an extremely powerful spiritual force full of destructive aura quickly gathered and condensed at his fingertips, and then released instantly!

That is a nirvana that can only be mastered by a ten-blade level Pomian.

Wang Xu's flash!

...... cut......

PS. I got up in the morning and the fever subsided, and then I went to work very strong.

The result is that my waist and legs are sore from morning to night. When I came back, I took my temperature and it was 37.4 again...

In the past four years, I have basically never had a fever, and in the past four months, I have had a fever at least 4 times, look at the sky!

Chapter 238 He's My Friend

Wang Xu's flashes are worthy of the name "Wang Xu".

Compared with the "Flying Dragon Smite Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon" that needs to be fully chanted to be able to exert its full strength, Wang Xu's flashes can be said to be released as he wants, without any restrictions.

But in contrast, when Nagasawa released Wang Xu's flash, he felt that half of the spiritual power in his body was drained almost instantly.

If it hadn't been for his spiritual power level to be raised to the fifth class, with his previous spiritual pressure of fourteenth spiritual power level, he might not be able to release him even if he was drained.

Destructive energy burst out from his fingertips, the scorching energy almost distorted the space along the path!

The wild instinct made Geo feel the danger coming from behind.

He subconsciously wanted to avoid the attack behind him by "Z-shaking".

However, how can a person's speed be so fast, even if he is a saber-toothed tiger.

Before he could make any evasive movements, the huge beam of light swallowed him up in an instant!

Feeling the spiritual pressure of Jiou's disappearance, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help flashing a look of satisfaction in her eyes.

This is his first battle after completing his evolution.

The spiritual pressure level, the ghost level, and even the hardness have all improved qualitatively.

Originally, he thought that with his current Lingwei level five spiritual pressure, there was a high probability that he was only at the middle and lower level of the vice-captain.

But after this encounter, he had a new understanding of his own strength.

He can say with certainty that among the many vice-captains of the Gotei Thirteenth Team, the monster Aizen was put aside.Apart from Brother Quebu who hides the swastika, his level of strength is absolutely unique.

As for the comparison with the captain...

The solution of the swastika is indeed a hurdle that cannot be avoided.

Based on his current strength, he estimated that if he was in a state of full firepower, he would be at the level of a six-car Quanxi at most, and no more than eight cars at most.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa suddenly felt a little sad for no reason.

So, am I almost at the level of a unit of measurement?

Fortunately, the sad mood only lasted for a short moment before being severely cut off by Nagasawa Ya.

This doesn't fit his personality!

Seeing what happened here, most of the boulder in Harribel's heart was also unloaded.

When she came to Nagasawa Ya, she first glanced at Ulquiola, who was flapping black wings and landed beside Nagasawa Ya, with blood dripping from her arms, and Ulquiola, who was expressionless, expressed her gratitude in her words. , Said softly with two points of vigilance.

"Tiya Herribel, thank you for your help."

Looking at Helibel's gaze, Nagasawa still didn't understand what the other party meant.

Not to mention him, the god of death standing on the opposite side of the virtual.

Between Xu and Xu, evolution is achieved by devouring each other.

How could a Vastod, who was only a point weaker than himself in his heyday, keep Helibel from keeping vigilant?

Seeing this, Masa Nagasawa immediately pulled out the square scarf from her breast pocket.

This is a very practical decoration that Senjumaru thoughtfully prepared for him when he sewed his special death suit for him.

It has the same function as the Siba, it will be automatically cleaned if it is dirty, and it will be automatically repaired if it is damaged.

It can be said to be a must-have artifact when traveling at home and comforting an injured girl.

Only this time, Masa Nagasawa, who was using the scarf for the first time, lifted up Ulquiorla's blood-stained arm, and under Ulquiorra's somewhat unclear gaze, she Seriously wiping the remaining blood on the opponent's arm, he smiled softly at Helibel.

"My name is Nagasawa Ya. As you can see, I am just a god of death passing by by chance."

"His name is Ulquiorra Cifer, um..."

On the way here, Nagasawa had exchanged names with Ulquiorra.

It's just that when he said this, Masa Nagasawa, who was wiping Ulquiola's arm, obviously hesitated briefly.

Only very quickly, he raised his head and smiled softly at Ulquiorra.

"You don't mind if I say you are my friend?"

Hearing this, Ulquiola's face was slightly taken aback for a moment, then he shook his head lightly and said.

"do not mind."

Seeing that Ulquiola didn't refuse, Nagasawa couldn't help showing a look of joy on her face.

Immediately, as if he was extremely proud of this matter, he raised his thumb, compared to Ulquiorra, and said to Harribel.

"Well, this is my friend!"

Masa Nagasawa's actions were really beyond Harribel's expectations.

Shinigami and Xu are sworn enemies.

In her impression, the God of Reaper is a group of thugs who regard extermination as their mission.

However, Nagasawa Ya in front of her not only rescued her from being hunted down, but also carefully wiped off the blood on the arm of Ulquiola, who was also Daxu.

What surprised her even more was that the god of death in front of her actually called Da Xu a "friend"?

Harribel, who was constantly being impacted by the inherent ideas in his mind, was a little dazed for a while, and the questions in his mind were subconsciously blurted out.

"Reaper and Xu...can be friends?"

Hearing Harribel's question, Ulquiola felt somewhat disapproving.

Since he was born, he has been excluded by the ethnic group.

In contrast, he would feel more at ease when he was with Nagasawa Ya, the "God of Death".

Looking at Nagasawa again, he was not in a hurry to answer Harribel's question.

Instead, he casually re-folded the blood-stained square towel in his hand, not caring about the blood stains on the square towel, stuffed it into his coat pocket, and then asked in reply.

"Do you know how the virtual circle is formed?"

Hearing this, Harribel couldn't help being stunned.

She never thought about it.

Even if she would think of it occasionally when she was bored, she would forget it in a very short time.

She only knew that since she was born, the world in front of her was this endless desolation.

She cares more about the life in front of her than thinking about how the world is formed.

Seeing that Harribel had no words, Nagasawa continued to speak without showing off.

"Countless years ago, the world at that time was not yet divided into the present world, the virtual circle, and the soul world."

"In that world, whether humans, gods of death, or even Hollows, they all live on the same land."

"Although that world is a world where there is no life or death, neither progress nor retreat, but in that world, becoming void is only a part of the spiritual cycle."

Humans, Shinigami and Xu can actually live on the same land! ?

Nagasawa Masa's words were very light, but they were no less than a blockbuster when they fell into Helibel's ears.

Even Ulquiola, who has always shown that the matter has nothing to do with him, pricked up his ears curiously, quietly waiting for Masa Nagasawa's next words.

...... cut......

PS. This month is still a month of full attendance of 15 words, and I finally made it through again. It is really difficult...

Chapter 239 Big Dream Parent Zeya

"Xu... can live in the same world as humans and gods of death?"

"Won't they kill each other?"

"Xu... can't you control the desire in your heart?"

Compared to the taciturn Ulquiola, Harribel took on the job of being a fan very well, and directly asked the doubts in her heart.

As a top-ranking Da Xu, she doesn't know when the Xu circle was formed, but she understands how Xu was born.

Human beings become souls after death.

But if at the moment of death, there is resentment in the heart, or if it is affected by some external factors and cannot be "soul burial" by the god of death in time, it will become empty.

The moment the soul becomes void, they lose their heart.

In order to fill the lost heart and eliminate the thirst for soul, they will choose to eat the soul of human beings in order to achieve the purpose of self-satisfaction.

Among these voids, occasionally there will be some beings that are extremely eager to devour, and even desire to obtain the souls of other voids.

These similar ghosts will naturally gather together and start to kill each other, and then evolve into the lowest level big ghost, Killian!

It's hard for her to believe that all Xu Xu can practice the so-called "don't kill" while suppressing the desire in her heart like her.

Hearing this, Nagasawa nodded and said.

"In the beginning, the three parties did live in peace and non-aggression."

"But as you might expect, until one day, one of these fictions opened Pandora's box."

Masa Nagasawa is a person who is very good at telling stories. Teaching in Mao has greatly improved his language art ability and sense of rhythm.

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