He remembered that before Aizen conquered the virtual circle, Saar Apollo was only summoned by Bailegang, and then he joined Bailegang and became the other party's researcher.

Fundamentally speaking, the "crazy" shown by Saar Apollo is just to satisfy the "rational" needs in his heart.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa suddenly stopped worrying.

Even a little proud.

I am a certain person, and what I am best at is convincing people with reason.

Judging from the current situation, compared to dealing with Thrall Apollo, how to deal with the revenge of Balegang may be more urgent.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa couldn't help but whispered to Helibel beside her.

"If this is the case, then the most urgent task now is to find your companions first."

"If Bailegang wants to seek revenge from you, they who are slightly weaker than you will be even more dangerous..."

However, before Nagasawa could finish what he said, he suddenly felt that the soles of his feet were weak.

The desert-like land in the virtual circle is originally made of countless fine sands.

Although the desolation is a bit desolate, but in terms of sand quality, Nagasawa dared to say that 95% of the beaches in his previous life were exhausted.

Delicate and pure, even if it doesn't fall on the body, it will slide off the body very silky.

With the blessing of this characteristic, it is very difficult to walk on the ground under your feet.

However, when Nagasawa Miyabi, who had just come back to his senses, was halfway through his words, he felt a feeling of "stepping on the air" on the soles of his feet.

The already soft fine sand began to collapse continuously the moment his sole stepped on it. In less than 0.1 second, it actually formed a huge pile like when a toilet is flushed. Vortex!

The sudden change caught Nagasawa and the others by surprise.

Realizing that something was wrong, the three people immediately activated their spiritual pressure and prepared to force themselves out of trouble.

However, just when the bodies of the three of them burst out three powerful spiritual pressures like a super Saiyan rage.

Nagasawa suddenly noticed dozens of high-energy reactions approaching him.

In the next second, dozens of black and red false flashes burst out from bottom to top in an extremely abrupt way!

Although the power and speed of these dozens of false flashes are not so powerful and fast, even Nagasawa Ya, who is the weakest of the three, can easily flash past them one by one.

But under the condition of restricted movement, those dozens of false flashes hit the three people who had just erupted the spiritual pressure without exception.

Nagasawa, who was bathed in the black and red flashes, could clearly feel the intense burning sensation.

At the same time, he almost had a rough estimate of the virtual strength of these false flashes.

It's a Kili'an-level false flash!

Fortunately, no matter whether it's his steel skin or his tempered body, it's not something that a mere Kilian-level false flash can break through.

Even the volley of dozens of Kili'an only left some burns on his skin.

However, compared to the damage, these false flashes delayed the best time for Nagasawa Ya and others to get out of trouble.

Except for Ulquiola, who was full of blood and full of health, with dozens of false flashes, fluttering his wings and flying high, he forcibly broke free from the shackles of the desert vortex, and came out of midair.

The weaker Nagasawa and Harribel, who was still seriously injured, were swallowed up by the desert vortex in just a few seconds!

After just a few seconds, it was back to normal again, like a white desert where nothing had happened.

Ulquiorra hovered in the air, lost in thought.

...... cut......

PS. In the past few days, I will watch Dark Glory for a while when I am resting. I feel that Bangzi's cursing is really too brainwashing.

"Axi" "Axiba" "Axi" "Axiba" echoes in my mind every day

It feels like the villain doesn't speak a few words of "TMD", as if he can't speak, happy.

Chapter 243 The Great Void Forest

Nagasawa Ya, who was involved in the desert vortex, felt dizzy for a moment.

That feeling is like a kitten being thrown into a front-loading washing machine. It's already very good if it doesn't spit out, let alone stop your body.

He subconsciously wanted to grab something to stop his body turning, so as to get rid of this endless rotation.

However, the delicate white sand in the virtual circle often flows through his fingertips, which cannot bring him any sense of substance.

Finally, after many hard attempts, Nagasawa felt as if his palm had finally caught something.

The moment he fixed his body, without any hesitation, he concentrated the spiritual pressure of his whole body on the soles of his feet, and instantly burst out a strong propulsion force.

Then, like a sailfish swimming rapidly in the sand sea, he shot out!


Accompanied by a roar, Nagasawa finally got rid of the shackles of the desert vortex and saw the sun again.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

As soon as he landed, Nagasawa didn't even have time to look at the surrounding environment. He, who had already been choked by the desert vortex, coughed crazily.

It was at this time that he realized that he was not the only one who was coughing non-stop.

I don’t know since when, Harribel actually appeared next to him.

But his hand has been holding onto the great shark-patterned sword in Helibel's hand.

For a moment, Nagasawa suddenly understood.

It turned out that the object he grabbed to fix his body in the desert vortex just now was Helibel who was also trying his best to control his body and seek a chance to escape.

It's just that compared to the other party, because I fixed my body first, I started it first.

Even because of the urgency of the situation, when he used Lingzi's explosive power to get out of trouble, he hadn't had time to let go of the fixture in his hand that was used to fix his body.

It was at this time that Helibel, who had recovered his breath, looked at Nagasawa Ya, and said softly in a somewhat complicated tone.

"It seems that I was saved by you again."

Hearing this, Nagasawa shrugged and said.

"With your ability, it's not difficult to get out, but saving lives is a bit serious."

Said, Nagasawa could not help but look at the surrounding environment.

The hole on the top of his head was caused when he escaped from Helibel, and it has been firmly filled under the squeeze of the white sand.

Surrounded by towering trees that look like quartz, they continue to extend upward until they break through the rock wall above the head, and they never stop "growth".

Looking at the completely different picture around her from before falling into the desert vortex, Masa Nagasawa asked with a strange expression.

"Speaking of which..."

"I didn't pay much attention when I just landed. Is this... the forest of Daxu?"

Probably because of the crazy rotation in the desert vortex, people involved in it couldn't tell the reason of up, down, left, and right.

Nagasawa, who was eager to get out of trouble, could only rush in one direction as much as possible to get out of the predicament.

Unexpectedly, the direction he shot out was not the surface of the virtual circle, but the forest of Daxu buried deep under the white sand.

Now it's a little difficult.

The virtual circle is a world divided into "above ground" and "underground" by that layer of fine white desert.

In the strictly hierarchical virtual circle, Kylian and the virtual below can only live under the white sand, like raising Gu, going through a long fight, devouring, and fusion.

It wasn't until they evolved to a higher Yachukas level that they were qualified to break through the thick layer of white sand and come to the surface of the virtual circle to seek life.

In his memory, Grimmjow, who had just broken through to the Yachukas level, got out of the white desert and came to the surface of the virtual circle.

This also created a strange scene where the virtual circle is vast and sparsely populated on the surface, and the Daxu Forest is overcrowded.

It's okay to say that Kirian has one head and two ends, and ordinary deputy captains and even high-ranking officers can handle it.

But if it is blocked by hundreds of Kili'an.

Even the captain rank has to retreat temporarily.

However, it's not that Nagasawa is afraid of Daxu Zhisen.

Mainly, he and Ulquiola got separated!

Not to mention that I still have a task for him.

As one of the few friends in his virtual circle, this is always a bit depressing news.

After hearing his question, Helibel also nodded in response.

"Although it's my first time here, this place is indeed the Forest of Great Void."

Listening to Helibel's words, Nagasawa immediately knew that she couldn't count on the other party.

Harribel is a natural-born Vastod. She has not experienced the first two stages, so naturally she does not know how to leave.

He raised it subconsciously, and glanced at the hole they broke through just now when they got out of trouble.

Then he shook his head again, giving up the idea of ​​returning the same way.

It was all too easy to get lost in that desert whirlpool overhead.

And there is...

At the moment when their group was sucked into the desert vortex, those dozens of false flashes came too timely.

In the Great Void Forest, there is no idea of ​​working together.

The only ones who can release false flashes are Daxu above the level of Killian.

And Killian is notorious for his chaotic thinking and low IQ.

It was able to make dozens of Kili'ans shoot false flashes in one direction at the same time, and hit the three of them so accurately.

It is definitely under the command of Daxu who is above the level of Yachukas.

Thinking of this, a stern look flashed in Nagasawa's eyes.

He was being plotted against!

Judging from the quiet atmosphere around him, he was able to escape quickly after being sucked into the desert vortex, which must have exceeded the other party's expectations.

Otherwise, if it was a premeditated attempt to pull them into the Daxu Forest, an ambush must have been arranged at their landing point.

It's a pity that the other party's calculation is still half successful.

Because he lost his way in the desert vortex, he still fell into the Great Void Forest after all.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa couldn't help showing a curious look on her face.

It's his first time in virtual circle.

This kind of targeted ambush was obviously premeditated. He didn't remember that he had offended anyone other than Bailegang.

If so, could it be a "hunt" for randomness?

In this way, to capture Yachukas on the ground?

For a while, Nagasawa fell into deep thought.

It's just that before he had time to think for too long, Herribel's voice interrupted his thinking.

I saw the other party raised the shark-patterned sword in his hand, pointed to the direction where the spiritual pressure fluctuations were faintly coming from not far away, and said softly.

"There, it seems that someone is fighting."

Hearing this, Nagasawa Ya, who came back to her senses, subconsciously probed her spiritual pressure perception.

In the next second, a strange look appeared on his face.

...... cut......

PS. I had fever repeatedly in the past few days, but today I finally couldn’t stand it anymore and I was so exhausted.

As soon as I got home, after eating, I fell asleep at 7 o'clock, and woke up at 3 o'clock to code words...

Continue to code words, try to make up before the deadline!

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