Chapter 244 This is the protagonist template

The perception of spiritual pressure cannot lie.


When Nagasawa's spiritual pressure sensed the person fighting not far away, he instantly determined the identity of the other party.

is the god of death.

In the Great Void Forest full of Void, besides him, there is also the existence of Death God?

In the next second, he remembered the identity of the other party.


In order to protect the present world and abide by the agreement of his companions, the lonely god of death has fought alone in the Great Hollow Forest for hundreds of years.

To be honest, Nagasawa has the highest respect for Asido.

This is the first batch of gods of death who took the initiative to pursue Xu and entered the Xu circle in the hundreds of years since the establishment of the Thirteenth Guarding Team, intending to wipe out its roots.

However, due to misjudgment, they rushed into the Hollow's lair, and in the Great Hollow Forest, they died on the battlefield one by one without supplies or backup.

Asido was the last survivor among those gods of death.

However, even though I was left alone, even though I already knew the way to leave the Great Void Forest because of years of fighting.

Asido never thought of leaving here.

Not only because of the responsibility of the god of death, but also because of the agreement between him and his companions.

In his opinion, nine out of ten of the emptiness in this world come from the forest of great emptiness.

As long as the emptiness here is reduced, the harm to the present world will be reduced accordingly.

For this reason, he has been fighting for life and death day after day for hundreds of years without any rest.

Although Nagasawa Masaru didn't know whether the other party's efforts were in vain.

But it was hard for him not to have a good impression of this person who was carrying the burden silently.

Thought of this, no matter what the reason.

Nagasawa Masato felt that it was necessary for him to meet Asido, the legendary god of death.

After a brief communication with Harribel, seeing that the other party had no intention of objecting, the two quietly moved towards the direction where Asido was fighting.


Both Nagasawa and Helibel were not slow, and they arrived at the battlefield where Asido was with almost no effort.

It was a very handsome young Reaper with short reddish-brown hair and almost straight eyebrows.

At the first sight of the other party, Masa Nagasawa confirmed that the other party was exactly the Asido he had expected.

At this time, Asido was holding a Zanpakutō in one hand and a huge skull in the other hand to use as a shield. He was like an elf on the battlefield, shuttling among the virtual groups, constantly harvesting the lives of the virtual ones.

He didn't use any Kidou auxiliary. In his hands, no matter whether it was Kilian or an ordinary Hollow, he was no match for his sword.

Even in the face of Killian's level of false flashes, he just counteracted it with the shield in his hand lightly, and then continued his own killing.


It's so cruel!

Seeing Asido who kept harvesting Xuqun, Nagasawa couldn't help expressing emotion.

Strong strength, indomitable will, and handsome appearance, this is simply the template of the protagonist.

It has to be said that even Asido, who is in peak form, has to avoid the edge temporarily. (dog head)

"What a sharp cutting technique."

"Reiatsu aside, this Reaper's physical strength, cutting skills, and footwork are almost the strongest among all Reapers I have ever seen."

Harribel, who was quietly hiding aside, after observing for a while, couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion, which attracted Masa Nagasawa's eyes.

He had heard about it from Harribel.

Before this guy met himself, he only had a concept of the god of death, and he had never seen other gods of death at all.

The strongest god of death I have ever seen.

Just say that Asido's physical strength, cutting skills, and footwork are better than those of me, Ya?


However, although he was somewhat dissatisfied with Helibel's statement, even Nagasawa had to admit it.

Without the initial solution, Asido was able to survive the siege of dozens of Kilians, and was still slaughtering the surrounding virtual groups.

This level of strength, in the current thirteenth team of the court, even the vice-captain, may not be able to achieve this level by everyone.

Sure enough, the era of peace has made the Gotei [-] weaker.

Through Acedo's figure, Nagasawa could even imagine how brutal the original Gotei Thirteen were.

Asido's efficiency was very high, and it didn't take long for him to slaughter all the empty groups around him.

However, just when Nagasawa thought this battle was over, Asido in front of him disappeared out of thin air.

No, it shouldn't be said that it disappeared out of thin air.

It should be due to the visual illusion caused by the excessive speed.


When Asido's figure appeared again, Nagasawa Ya's Narcissus had already collided with the opponent's Zanpakuto.

It's just that the target Asido originally wanted to chop was not Nagasawa Ya who was confronting him at this time.

Helibel, who was still vigilantly raising the shark-patterned sword in his hand just now, was about to block Asido's attack, and looked at Nagasawa Ya standing in front of him in surprise.

Asido, who was blocked, frowned and asked in a deep voice with some uncertainty.

"grim Reaper?"

The reason why he used an uncertain tone was because when he sensed Nagasawa Ya and Helibel, just like Nagasawa Ya, he immediately recognized Nagasawa Ya's body that belonged to the god of death. Reiatsu.

However, the spiritual pressure fluctuations from Helibel brought him a great sense of oppression.

That was a coercion that was different from Achukas' level.

It made him feel the pressure he never had before.

In an instant, he made his own judgment.

That God of Death was held hostage by that Da Xu.

With judgment, all his actions have a purpose.

After confirming that someone was watching in the dark, he first kept his composure and pretended not to know how to get rid of those Xu and Killian who were in the way around him, and then...

When the opponent thinks that he will end the battle and show his relaxation, take down the opponent in one fell swoop!

However, to his surprise, when he made a surprise attack, it was the "hijacked" god of death who stopped him.

The brief astonishment made his movements subconsciously slow down by half a beat, and he did not pursue the follow-up attack.

Using his hands quickly, Asido, who used the interaction force generated during the confrontation between the two sides to re-open the distance, looked at Nagasawa Ya warily, and asked in a deep voice.

"Reaper...why is he with Xu?"

Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't help but feel a headache.

He knew Asido's past.

Facing Asido, who has devoted his whole life to eradicating Xu, Masa Nagasawa didn't know how to explain the relationship between herself and Helibel for a while.

...... cut......

PS. I started writing at 3 o'clock and finally finished coding before the deadline at 6 o'clock.

Repeated fever for five days in a row, and constant diarrhea, it is really tormenting, it is really a diarrhea strain...

Chapter 245 Don't be impulsive, watch me talk to him

Asido devoted almost all of his life to the magnificent work of "completely eradicating Xu".

Coupled with the profession of Death, he naturally stands on the opposite side of Xu. Regarding the matter of Nagasawa Miyabi and Xu walking together, his face is full of incomprehension and disbelief.

However, in the face of Asido's questioning, Nagasawa did not intend to deceive the other party.

A lie often requires more lies to make up for it, not to mention that as the subject of questioning, Harribel was staring at the two of them with a vigilant expression at the moment.

Even Nagasawa Masaru, who had "rescued" her twice, was included in the target of her vigilance.

If he gives a bad answer, not only will he not be able to gain Asido's trust, but he will also arouse Haribel's resentment, which is not worth the gain.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa tidied up her language a bit, and began to quibble...ah no, she responded sincerely.

"Although it may sound outrageous, she is now my ally for the time being."

Regarding Harribel, Nagasawa did not call Ulquiorra his "friend" as he did when introducing him.

Although he had rescued the other party twice and reached a certain level of cooperation, to some extent, the other party's trust in him had not yet reached the level of dispelling his vigilance.

If this can be regarded as a friend, then Nagasawa Ya's "friend" is too cheap.

He just gave Helibel a look of "don't be impulsive, just look at him", and then put his attention on Asido again.

But after hearing his introduction, Harribel felt relieved for no reason.

If Masa Nagasawa calls her a "friend" who has only met her for a day, then she will have to reevaluate the previous touch.

I just don't know why, but her rationality is telling her that what Nagasawa said is the answer she most wants to hear.

But in her heart, she longed for Masa Nagasawa to call her...friend.

On the other hand, Asido, he didn't think so much about what he had.


When he heard the word "ally", his straight eyebrows almost twisted into the word "Chuan".

He and his comrades have been fighting for hundreds of years to protect mankind until now.

His comrades-in-arms around him, as time passed, he was the only one left.

The reason why he was able to support him all the way, apart from the sense of mission in his heart, he just wanted to give an explanation to his dead companion.

However, the first god of death to appear in front of him in hundreds of years was not the reinforcements sent by the soul world, let alone Da Xu, who was far more powerful than Yachukas, as an "ally"?

For a moment, the belief in his heart almost collapsed.

If it weren't for the fact that Nagasawa didn't show any hostility, he could hardly bear to chop it.

Asido, who suppressed the anger in his heart, said in a cold voice immediately.

"The God of Death and the Hollow are allies?"

"Have you forgotten the duty of God of Death?"

This is the last chance he gave Nagasawa Ya.

If Nagasawa Ya's next answer does not satisfy him, the Zanpakuto in his hand will slash at this "colleague" without hesitation.

Obviously, Nagasawa also heard the determination in Asido's words.

After taking a deep breath, he no longer had any laughter on his face, and said to Asido in a very sincere tone.

"Of course I haven't forgotten."

"Reaper's duty is to protect human beings, guide and purify the "void", so that they can return to the world of corpses and souls, and maintain the balance between the two worlds, so as to prevent the world from becoming unstable and going to perish."

"But she wasn't born from an ordinary 'whole' void."

"As a natural Vastord, she has her own memory and thinking since she was born. She has been staying in the virtual circle, and she has never harmed any human beings."

"Even when facing Hollows, she always adheres to the belief that she does not want to gain power by killing others. Even if she is forced to fight back, she has never swallowed any Hollows."

"Reiatsu, you won't lie."

As for whether Helibel has ever encountered a human being, and whether she has devoured Xu, Nagasawa Ya once asked insincerely out of curiosity on the way to find her companion.

After all, a Valstord is already very remarkable if he doesn't actively attack other Daxu. If he hasn't devoured any Daxu, he can grow to his current strength.

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