Harribel's potential is not scary.

But beyond his expectation, Harribel seemed very calm about this point.

Not only did she say that she had never seen a human being, but she also generously admitted that she had killed a large number of Yachukas-level Da Xu.

After all, it is common for women to be attacked, even if she is the highest ranking Varstord.

But after killing those big Xus who plotted against her, she never took the initiative to devour those big Xus.

On this point, Nagasawa Masa believed her.

Because judging from Harribel's spiritual pressure, although her spiritual pressure is not as pure as Ulquiorra's, it is not mixed with chaotic energy like the three Yachukas under Balegon before. Feel.

That kind of Reiatsu with clear self-awareness in the chaos feels like lawful evil. A subjective consciousness was born in countless messy aggregates.

After hearing Nagasawa Ya's words, Asido was stunned for a moment, and then carefully sensed Helibel's spiritual pressure.

A few seconds later, he, who was frowning tightly, loosened his frown slightly.

As Masa Nagasawa said, he didn't feel that sense of chaos in Helibel.

Having fought in the Daxu Forest for more than a hundred years, he is too familiar with the chaotic atmosphere of Killian and Yachukas.

But even so, he still didn't feel relieved of the hostility in his heart, and continued to question.

"Although she has not harmed humans now, can you guarantee that she will never attack humans and will not harm humans?"

"Xu...does it really deserve your trust?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa's expression softened a little, and then she responded softly to Asido with a sincere face.

"I can't guarantee you whether she will do anything to harm human beings in the future."

"But it would be too unfair for her to make the conclusion that she will harm human beings just because she is Xu?"

"If we generalize everything and don't think about it, then what is the difference between us and those who act on desire?"

To be honest, Nagasawa is not a Madonna attack.

If it were any other big falsehood, he wouldn't have said those words above, and he would have been polite if he didn't draw his sword and slash with Asido.

But for Harribel's character, he is familiar with the plot, but he still knows it well.

She has carried out her own beliefs from beginning to end, and her willpower is very firm.

...... cut......

PS. I went to the toilet at least six times today, and I feel a little exhausted.

I really can't stand it anymore. I take half a day off today. There is only one update. I will make it up tomorrow. Sorry.

2Chapter 16 Four Unsolvable Moves!

Nagasawa Ya's words made Asido's solemn expression slightly paused.

Although he is a member of the [-]th team, he is like a killing machine, killing Xu for hundreds of years.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to think.

If Nagasawa just told him some high-sounding promises, or some poisonous chicken soup, he promised to cut it off immediately.

But Nagasawa Ya's statement involving the time paradox made him fall into deep thought involuntarily.

Asido is an upright person, and he also has his own moral bottom line.

When he faced a guy like Harribel who had never devoured Xu and never harmed human beings, even if the opponent was Da Xu, he could not force himself to use the excuse of "the other party will harm human beings in the future" to tell him Wield the blade.

Unless, the opponent is the first to attack him.

Thinking of this, Asido's Zanpakuto, which had been tightly held in his hand, subconsciously relaxed slightly, and the expression on his face also slowed down.

Seeing that the look in Asido's eyes was no longer as hostile as before, the hanging stone in Nagasawa's heart finally receded a little, and a shallow arc hung at the corner of his mouth.

I don't know if it was because he had drawn the Uzumaki Naruto experience card when he was floating in the cut-off space.

Although what was drawn at the time was an experience card from the "Uzumaki Naruto VS Six Paths Payne" period.

In terms of combat power index, it is far from Naruto of the Six Paths in the finale of Shippuden.

But he can clearly feel that his recent success rate of mouth escape seems to be much higher?

Could it be that the remnant brought to him by the Uzumaki Naruto experience card is the "Bie Tian Zui", which is also known as one of the "Four Unsolvable Moves in the Anime World" along with Flowers in the Mirror and Water Moon?

Thinking of this, Nagasawa was suddenly full of confidence in her future.

Invincible and the most handsome appearance.

Invincible at the same level, leapfrog fighting strength.

Brain enough to compete wits with Aizen and Kisuke Urahara.

Coupled with the upside-down black... cough cough, it's the mouth that turns the world upside down.

Compared to Asido, no matter how you look at me, Yamou looks more like the protagonist.

As if after a struggle in his heart, Asido silently retracted the Zanpakuto in his hand into its sheath.

It's just that there is still a hint of vigilance in the eyes looking at Helibel.

Seeing that Asido put away his hostility for the time being, Helibel is not the kind of belligerent person, and with Nagasawa's face, she also put down the shark-patterned sword in her hand, just like Asido, maintaining mutual respect In a state of mutual vigilance, a delicate balance has been formed.

The tense state just now has been relieved at this moment.

Nagasawa also took advantage of this opportunity to hit a snake with a stick and ask Asido.

"To tell you the truth, we originally acted on the surface of the virtual circle, but fell into the forest of the Great Void because we entered the quicksand by mistake. If you know, can you tell us how to leave?"

Hearing this, Asido's face showed a strange expression for an instant.

"It's okay to take you out, but..."

"A Grim Reaper, a Daxu beyond the level of Yachukas, will be swept into the Daxu Forest by quicksand?"

Seeing the "you're fucking kidding me" expression on Asido's face, Nagasawa shrugged involuntarily.

"If it's just quicksand, it can't help us. It's just that when we were about to get out of trouble, dozens of Kili'an-level false flashes hit us with great precision, and that's why we were caught in it."

"To be honest, I smell a conspiracy in it. As far as Killian's IQ is concerned, it is impossible to cooperate with one another, let alone hit dozens of false flashes in one place."

There is one thing to say, Nagasawa expressed her inference, and did not intend to get any answer from Asido.

However, when Asido heard his words, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After he pondered for a moment, he opened his mouth to answer.

"Indeed, in recent years, these Killian contacts have become noticeably more frequent."

"At first, I thought it was a coincidence."

"After all, for Yachukas, devouring the Daxu of the Killian level can no longer help them continue to evolve. Generally speaking, after they evolve to the Yachukas level, they often choose to go to the ground above the white sand, Look for Yachukas of the same level to fight."

"If it is really like what you said, if you are attacked by dozens of Killians at the same time, then in this forest of the Great Void, there must be a monster that can manipulate Killians, at least Yaqiu Cass-level Daxu."

"If that's the case, maybe... I probably know where that guy's lair is."

Listening to Asido's analysis, Nagasawa couldn't help but look at the other side in surprise.

From the analysis of the first half, the other party and him are almost peeing in the same pot, the key is not to be too consistent.

But Asido's last words made a cold light flash in his eyes.

He is not a saint, and he does not claim to be the kind of villain who cares about every penny.


Just like what he said in the battle with Abilama and the others, if someone draws a knife against him, he must be prepared accordingly.

He likes someone, but he doesn't suffer from everything.

Thinking of this, a bright smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

Looking at Nagasawa who suddenly showed a bright smile, Helibel couldn't help showing a puzzled look on his face.

Hearing that he was attacked by someone and that's why he fell into the Great Void Forest, shouldn't he be displeased?

Why are you laughing so hard?

But if Yeyi, or Nanao and Ranju were here at this time, and they saw the smile on Nagasawa Masa's face, they would probably be able to understand the meaning of his smile in an instant.

Some people are going to be unlucky.

Sure enough, in the next second, Nagasawa asked softly with a concerned expression.

"If it's convenient, before taking us out, can you take us to the lair of the 'that guy' you mentioned?"

Seeing the smile on Nagasawa's face, Asido was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly realized what Nagasawa wanted to do. His stern face could not help showing a look of interest. look.

"I didn't see it, you are quite belligerent."

"Just now, seeing your eloquent appearance, I thought you were a civilian in the intelligence team."

Listening to Asido's teasing, Nagasawa smiled indifferently.

"Don't get me wrong, it's just out of courtesy, I want to send a gift in return."

As he spoke, the raised arc on the corner of his mouth involuntarily became higher.


PS. It feels so comfortable to have a day off in the middle of the week without making up shifts.

Thinking about the five-day holiday on May [-] this year, and then having to work six days in the two weeks before and after, it's really disgusting...

2Chapter 17 Harribel, what are you expecting? 3k

"What team do you belong to? Do you have a seat?"

"Although I was teaching in Mao before I came to the virtual circle, but before that, I was the third seat of the sixth team."

As the same god of death, the topics between Masa Nagasawa and Asido are obviously much more than the topics between Helibel.

And what surprised Masa Nagasawa was that it was different from the indifference she faced Kuchiki Rukia in the animation.

During the communication process, he felt that Asido was actually a very talkative person.

It is worth mentioning that Helibel does not object to Nagasawa's "return gift".

Although she doesn't like to satisfy her desire to become stronger by killing others, it doesn't mean that she is an object that can be slaughtered.

Not fighting back is not her style.

Moreover, compared to participating in the discussion, with Harribel's personality, she actually enjoyed watching the "companions" discussing.

Of course, there is still a question mark regarding the “companion” here.

When Asido heard that Masa Nagasawa was not only Mao's teacher, but also the third seat of the sixth team, he immediately showed a look of surprise.

"Three seats? That's quite a feat!"

"Before, I thought you were the clerical staff responsible for intelligence collection in the Eighth Division, so do you know Kenpachi Takuyashiki?"

"It's so nostalgic...is he okay now?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa's face sank in a subtle way.

Katsuya Shiki Kenpachi, this is an existence longer than the tenth generation Kenpachi.

It is the seventh Kenpachi.

Unlike the parallel importer Kiyan Cheng Kenpachi, Ren actually inherited the title of "Kenpachi" by defeating the previous generation Kenpachi.

Not only was he able to single out and kill Daxu at the Valstord level, but he was also recruited by Team Zero.

Even the official, also called him, Yamamoto, and Team Zero's strength as "one horse is worth a thousand".

Judging from Asido's tone, Kenpachi Tokiyashiki should be someone he is familiar with. Coupled with his identity as a member of the opponent's [-]th team, he is somewhat reluctant to talk about Kenpachi Tokiyashiki's past.

After all, regardless of Uno Hanaretsu who voluntarily gave up the name of "Kenpachi", it is impossible for two Kenpachi to exist in an era.

Thinking of this, Chang Zeya couldn't help but slow down, and responded softly in a very casual tone.

"I don't know, but I have slaughtered a Kenpachi, Gui Yancheng Kenpachi."

His answer was not only an answer to Asido's question, but also a fact that sounded even more shocking to cover up the news that Kenpachi Takuyashiki had died.

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