This method was commonly used by some media people he knew in his previous life.

In order to cover up the news that Teacher Wang was going to hold a concert, they did everything possible and dared to expose any information.

Sure enough, when Asido heard what he said, he couldn't help being surprised.

"What!? The stinky fish and rotten shrimp of Gui Yancheng can also become Kenpachi?"

Well, it seems that this guy knows not only Tsurugayashiki Kenpachi, but also Gosuke Kenpachi as his vice-captain, and Oniyanjo Kenpachi recruited by Gosuke Kenpachi from Rukon Street.

To Nagasawa Ya, Asido is really an out-and-out senior.


This shouldn't be the point, right?

And in the next second, Acedo, who realized something was wrong, immediately ejected from Nagasawa's side like a frightened wild cat. After being far away, he put his hands on his waist. He asked in a deep voice with a vigilant look on his Zanpakutō.

"Wait a minute, what happened to killing a Kenpachi? Are you a traitor to Seireitei!?"

Murdering the captain of the Guarding Team Thirteen is a felony.

In addition, Masa Nagasawa, as the god of death, appeared alone in the virtual circle.

It's hard not to let Asido think of some bad aspects.

Seeing that the topic was successfully changed, Nagasawa stopped walking, stopped Hribel who looked like he was fighting, and then explained to Asido.

"Kenpachi Oniyanjo and his deputy captain Ichinose Maki defected to the rebels and attacked the No. 31 team building at night, killing [-] on-duty team members on the spot."

"I was just cleaning up the house for Mr. Yamamoto. If I really defected from Soul Society, how could I tell you so openly?"

Nagasawa spoke in such a calm manner that even Asido felt that he had overreacted after hearing it.

Combined with the appearance of Guiyan City in his memory, and thinking about it carefully, it is really possible that he joined the rebel army.

Thinking of this, a dazed look appeared in his eyes.

That's a full 31 team members...

They did not die on the battlefield to defend mankind, but died under the swords of their former "companions".

For his own self-interest, he turned his sword against his former "comrades" and "partners".

He didn't understand such behavior.

This was a huge shock to Asido, who was committed to completely eradicating Xu.

As if seeing the disappointment in Asido's eyes, Nagasawa couldn't help but stepped forward, patted the other person on the shoulder and said.

"It's not that people who walk on the same road must be companions."

"A true friend is one who can share joys and sorrows on different roads and advance towards one goal."

Hearing this, Asido raised his head in a daze, and looked at Nagasawa who had already come to his side.

Nagasawa Ya's words seemed to be a little out of tune at first, but after a careful taste, he felt that it was not simple.

What a philosophical sentence this is!

The man in front of me is worthy of being able to teach at Mao!

In an instant, the way he looked at Nagasawa Ya changed a little.

This kind of gaze, just like when ordinary people meet teachers, lawyers, policemen, firefighters, and doctors, naturally brings a respect and halo.

Thinking of this, he looked at Helibel who was not far behind Nagasawa with complicated eyes, and then said softly to Nagasawa.

"So, is she that 'friend' who's on a different path than you, but heading toward the same goal?"

Hearing this, whether it was Nagasawa or Harribel, both of them couldn't help being stunned.

Looking at Nagasawa's back, I don't know why, after being denied the status of "friend" by Nagasawa last time, Helibel actually had such a little expectation in his heart.

However, Nagasawa shook her head slightly after hearing Asido's question.

He didn't turn his head to look at Helibel behind him, but replied directly.

"Maybe we are indeed walking on different paths, heading towards the same goal."

"As for whether they are's not up to me alone."

Hearing Masa Nagasawa's reply, Harribel felt short of breath for no reason.

As if she noticed something strange about herself, she couldn't help but curse in her heart.

Harribel, Harribel, what are you looking forward to?

He is the god of death, you are Da Xu, how could you become friends......


Even if he became friends with Ulquiorra, who is also a master, it doesn't mean he can agree with you.

It is enough to maintain the current "ally" relationship!

For a moment, Helibel felt as if he had experienced a battle between heaven and man in his heart.

Immediately, her calmness was restored again, and no one could see any clues from her face.

Asido couldn't help but glanced at Helibel who was behind Nagasawa, seeing that the other party didn't seem to have any expression, he couldn't help turning his gaze back to Nagasawa again.

His brain is not stupid, but because he hasn't communicated with people for hundreds of years, he has become less bright.

After digesting Nagazeya's words, he already understood the kindness in Nagazeya's words.

I'm afraid, Kaiyashiki Kenpachi has died...

Asido, who was used to his companions leaving him, did not ask how Kariyashiki Kenpachi died.

He just asked Nagasawa who was in front of him eagerly.

"Can you tell me, how did you come to the virtual circle?"

"A person with great wisdom like you must have an extremely important reason for coming to Xuquan?"

"Although my strength is mediocre, if possible, please let me give you a helping hand!"

Although the time of contact was very short, Nagasawa's words and deeds gained his trust very quickly.

They even use honorifics.

After all, before he came to the virtual circle, he was only a mere nine seats, and he didn't think there was any problem with his title, whether in public or private.

A god of death, went to the virtual circle alone, and formed an alliance with a top-ranking Daxu.

There must be some extremely important task that needs to be completed.

He felt that it was necessary for him to help Nagasawa and complete his task as soon as possible!

However, after hearing Asido's eager words, Nagasawa scratched her nose in embarrassment.

Are all the members of the [-]th team so hot on the outside and on the inside?

How do you say that it ignites when it ignites?

This is completely incompatible with the ruthless, tyrannical, and explosive image shown in your anime. Hey!

Seeing Asido's brain circuit, there has been a tendency to go further and further away.

Although a little embarrassed, Nagasawa was still ready to tell the truth and responded sarcastically.

"Uh... To tell you the truth, I was encircled by his counterattack when he was dying because I killed the captain of the third squad, Kamigawa Rennosuke. I don't have any special missions."

"The me now is just a god of death looking for a way to return to the soul world."

"If you want, we can find the way back together."

Asido: "..."

Listening to Nagasawa Ya's words, Asido choked speechlessly.

You are a third seat, why did you kill Jianpachi and the captain of the third team?

Are the current three seats so powerful?

If I return to Soul Society, can I still keep my position in the ninth seat?

But very quickly, Asido, who came back to his senses, finally returned to his previous appearance, as if he had made a severe cut with the passionate self just now, and responded indifferently.

"Compared to returning to the world of corpses and souls, maybe this place is more suitable for me."

"However, no matter what purpose you have, I will help you."

...... cut......

PS. The exam is coming up on the weekend, and I haven't prepared well enough, so I'm getting anxious...

Chapter 248 I'm Not Aizen, What Plan Do I Want?

"That's it."

With Asido, the local snake leading the way, Nagasawa and his party found a rather strange cave in the Daxu Forest with little effort.

The reason why this place is weird is all because of the wandering Killian around.

Different from the Kylians they met on the road when they came, the Kylians of the Great Void Forest basically acted on instinct and wandered aimlessly.

Only when they meet the same kind will they start to fight and devour each other.

But the Kirian all over this cave gave Nagasawa Ya a feeling of "red famous monster" in online games.

The established "patrol" routes do not interfere with each other, but once outsiders enter their "attack range", it will be like stabbing a hornet's nest, attracting the siege of Kylians.

Not long ago, Nagasawa saw with his own eyes a wandering Kirian, who was blasted to pieces by dozens of false flashes because he stepped into the patrol route of those "red monsters".

Seeing this scene, Nagasawa was almost 80% sure that the owner of the cave was probably the guy who plotted against him and Harribel.

"So, what are your plans?"

"There are at least thirty Kilians here. It is almost impossible to get rid of them without alerting that guy."

"If you want to deal with these dozens of Daxu at the same time, plus that guy in the cave..."

After briefly observing the trajectories of those Kylians, Asido turned his head, looked at Nagasawa and asked softly.

It's just that when he said the last thing, his eyes subconsciously fell on Helibel.

As a member of the eleventh team, his Zanpakuto is a Zanpakuto of the direct attack type.

As we all know, although the members of the [-]th team are proud of the Zanpakuto of the direct attack type, in terms of combat power improvement, the improvement effect brought by the Zanpakuto that changes form in battle is really not as good as The ghost way is Zanpakuto.

Asido, who has been driving Tata for hundreds of years, has a deep understanding of this point.

Leaving aside the inconvenience caused by the sudden change of weapons, it is far worse than the flexibility and convenience brought by Wei Shixie.

In the second year after entering the Daxu Forest, he gave up using Shijie to fight.

It is precisely because of this that he, who has been fighting in the Great Void Forest for hundreds of years, has not mastered a deeper understanding of swastika except for his stronger body.

At this time, they had to deal with thirty Kili'an at the same time, even if it was him, they would score and break them down one by one.

If you add the superior Daxu who is hiding behind Killian, I am afraid that he and Nagasawa Masa alone will not be able to do it. You must add Helibel, Varstord, to have the power. The odds are tough on the front.

Although he had already accepted the fact that Helibel was Nagasawa's ally, but he couldn't open his mouth to ask Helibel, who is a great master, to seek cooperation.

However, after hearing his words, a look of disapproval flashed across Nagasawa's face.

He's not Aizen, what kind of plan do you want?

It is impossible to have plans, not in this life.

One step at a time is the kingly way! (Vibration!)

However, although it is true to say so, in general, Nagasawa Masa is relatively confident.

The imaginary circle is very large, but there are very few large imaginary circles at the Valstord level.

During the time when Aizen ruled Hueco Mundo, he had almost collected all the famous and powerful people in Hueco Mundo.

And at the time when Yuhabach's invisible empire was sweeping the virtual circle, there was no such thing as a hermit who suddenly appeared somewhere.

Ulquiorra and Harribel are their own people, Balegon sits in the Palace of the Void, and Stark is so lonely that he will never live together.

Nagasawa didn't believe it, how could he give him a Vastord who surpassed them?

If it were just an ordinary Yachukas, it wouldn't be worth his while to think about any plans.

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