It is precisely because she knows what she knows, so Masa Nagasawa really does not panic at all.

I didn't see him saying anything more, he raised his hand and sent a "meeting salute" to the cave.

"Breaking the Way - 88. Flying Dragon Striking Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon!"

A hot beam of light burst out from Nagasawa Masa's hand like a Sprayum beam.

The violent fluctuations raised the three people's hairs of different colors, and they danced wildly in the surging pressure.

Those rushing air waves blew the three of them... ah, no, they blew the sleeves of Nagazeya and Asido.

After all, strictly speaking, the armor wrapped around Harribel's body like a shark is not considered clothes, ahem...


Looking at the six-headed Kilian who instantly evaporated under the bombardment of the flying dragon striker's sky-shattering thunder cannon, as well as the collapsed cave.

Asido, one of the representatives of the Mangfu style, stared his eyes round, and muttered to himself in an unbelievable tone.

"Abandon...abandon the No. 88 broken road that was chanted!?"

"Is this something that a fifth-class Lingwei can do!?"

"Even a god of death at the vice-captain level may not be able to do it, right?"

"You guy, what kind of monster are you?"

Hearing Asido's bewilderment, Nagasawa casually shook her palm that was still smoking, and said softly nonchalantly.

"Don't take it too seriously. I'm not familiar with many advanced ghost ways, and there are only a few who can give up chanting."

Hearing Nagasawa Ya's perfunctory tone, the corners of Asido's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

I believe you a ghost!

The one who can give up the chant and release the No. 88 broken way, even claims to be inexperienced in high-level ghost ways?

Although I, Asido, belong to the [-]th team, it doesn't mean I'm easy to fool!

However, there is no waiting for Asido to say anything.

I don't know if the dozens of Kilians over there realized the death of their companions, or if they sensed the intruders like Nagazeya, they actually let out bursts of piercing roars.

At the same time, a powerful spiritual pressure of pink and gold erupted instantly in the collapsed cave.

Feeling the soaring coercion, Nagasawa Ya's eyes narrowed into thin lines.


Should I say it or not, it's really a coincidence.

He was still calculating who he might encounter with his front feet, when a big head of Valstord level appeared on his back feet.

And in the next second, I saw a man with long pink hair mixed with a little golden hair, wearing a pair of white glasses, who looked almost indistinguishable from ordinary humans from top to bottom, dragging a The white spider-shaped Daxu with three spider legs jumped out from the ruins of the collapsed cave.

Looking at the familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar figure in front of him, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Nagasawa's mouth in an instant.

Sal Apollo, so you are hiding here!

...... cut......

PS. I watched "My Story" today, and I feel pretty good, with pure love and enviable friendship.

It reminds me unconsciously of the protagonist I wanted to portray when I wrote the first book hehe.

Recommend it!

Chapter 249 What the hell do you... take your life for!?

Looking at the figure who jumped up and stood on top of the ruins, not only Nagasawa Ya, but also Helibel who was beside him recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

No way, who made Sal Apollo look so "scary" at the moment.

He was holding the big white spider-shaped figure in his left hand, with a stern look on his face, and in his right hand, he was holding a long spirit sword.

Coupled with the little blood stains on his body, needless to say, he chopped off [-]% of the five broken legs of the white spider-shaped Daxu.

Feeling the weakness of the big spider, Harribel's face was extremely gloomy.

In the virtual circle, probably because of the physiological structure, the strength of the female Daxu is generally weaker than that of the male Daxu.

Therefore, on the cruel white sand, in order to achieve evolution more easily, female Yachukas often become the target of other Daxu's attacks.

What Helibel hates the most in his life, apart from "killing others and strengthening himself", is the persecution of women.

When she saw the dying appearance of the spider Daxu in the hands of Saar Apollo, a wave of anger rushed to the top of her head immediately.

Seemingly aware of the obvious anger on Helibel's face, Sal Apollo first glanced at the spider in his hand, and threw it aside as if throwing away some garbage.

Looking at this beautiful shark, he asked pretendingly puzzled.

"You seem to be very displeased with me, is it because of the experiments I performed on my experimental subjects?"

"Oh, don't worry, I gave her an anesthetic very kindly, so she won't feel the pain."

"After all, when I'm concentrating on the experiment, it's annoying that the experimental subject is always yelling."

Saar Apollo's words were very soft, but each word was like a sharp iron nail, piercing Harribel's heart fiercely.

Looking at the spider Daxu lying on the ground unable to move, but still conscious, her wheat-colored face was already gloomy as if it was about to drip water.

"Experimental item?"

"You call her an experiment!?"

"What the hell do you... take your life for!?"

As the most senior Daxu, Helibel knows that even though she doesn't like to strengthen herself by killing others, the law of survival of Xuquan is like this.

She has no power to change anything, but she can only help some "companions" who also have the same idea as much as possible within the scope of her "reach".

However, what Saar Apollo did was as if Asido didn't understand why the gods of death wanted to fight each other. Heliber also didn't understand why Saar Apollo, who is Vastod, tortured him so much. Useless Yachucas.

An angry roar, almost blurted out.

Saar Apollo's behavior has obviously touched her bottom line.

However, after hearing her words.

As if he heard something of great interest, Sal Apollo, who was pretending to be puzzled just now with a playful look on his face, seemed to have instantly transformed into a fanatical scientist.

I saw his right hand suddenly grabbing his chest, as if he wanted to use his palm to penetrate the white breastplate on his chest and pinch his heart, and hissed with a look of fanaticism on his face.


"That's a great topic!"

"I did these experiments just to pursue the final form of life and create the most perfect life form."

"These experimental products can contribute their own strength in this great cause. Isn't this their supreme honor!?"

Speaking of which, Saar Apollo gently pushed the mask-like mask on his face, and his originally agitated expression turned gloomy in an instant, and he continued in a cold voice.

"And speaking of it, it should be me who should be dissatisfied?"

"I didn't provoke you, I just stayed in my laboratory and did experiments."

"But the attack just now directly destroyed half of my laboratory. Who am I going to settle for this account!?"

Sal Apollo's voice ranged from small to loud, and when he said the last sentence, there was even a roar called "crazy" in his words.

And at the moment the words fell, a strong spiritual pressure gushed out from his body instantly, and the violent air wave even blew away all the broken walls and ruins under his feet, revealing the wreckage hidden under it.

However, when Nagasawa and Ya three saw the wreckage, even Asido, who had been slaughtering in the Great Void Forest for hundreds of years, couldn't help but shrink his pupils, and the pupils in his eyes were even more crazy. up.

What a horrific scene that was.

There is still some unknown liquid left in the damaged culture chamber.

But the "things" that should have been lying quietly in the cultivation warehouse were scattered all over the floor.

It was the wreckage of the void.

Broken limbs, the pale mask completely peeled off from the face, the chest without bone protection, and the completely exposed heart.

These are just the tip of the iceberg among Thrall's Apollo experiments.

But it seemed so shocking.

Harribel's face hidden behind the white mask was already extremely gloomy, and his pair of silver teeth were almost crushed.

She even saw, in a relatively intact training chamber, an... no, it should be said that there was only one head left, and all kinds of cannulae were connected below the neck. Chukas, "living" in great pain.

Compared with Masa Nagasawa and Asido who are gods of death, she, as a ghost, can empathize more.

She felt that she could no longer bear the prehistoric power in her heart!

Holding the shark-patterned sword, she was about to go up and cut off Saar Apollo's dog's head, lest he continue to harm more "compatriots".

However, just a little below her feet, when she was about to rush forward, a figure stood in her way.

Looking at Nagasawa standing in front of him, Helibel seemed to have remembered something, and a cold light flashed in his eyes immediately.

She clearly remembered that the reason why Nagasawa reached a cooperation agreement with her was to find Saar Apollo.

Combined with what Saar Apollo did, it was hard for her not to associate with the bad side.

If Nagasawa hadn't saved her twice before, she might have swung the shark-patterned sword in her hand the moment Nagasawa stood in front of her.

However, even so, facing Nagasawa who was standing in front of her, she still didn't have a good face, as if her face was covered with frost, she asked in a deep voice.

"Are you... trying to stop me?"

"grim Reaper!"

...... cut......

PS. It's two o'clock in the day again, why is the hedgehog cat's deadline at 6 o'clock... It's difficult!

2 Chapter Fifty Sure enough, planning or something doesn't suit me at all

"Are you... trying to stop me?"

"grim Reaper!"

Harribel's voice sounded very cold.

She didn't even call Nagasawa Ya's name, but directly called Nagasawa Ya with the word "Death", as if she wanted to draw a clear line between them.

However, Nagasawa just shook her head slightly after hearing Heribel's words.

He didn't answer the other party's question, but turned his head, pointed at the wreckage on the ground, and asked Saar Apollo in a flat tone.

"These Yachukas were all captured by you from the white sand for experiments?"

Listening to Nagasawa's question, Saar Apollo seemed very calm, and he didn't even intend to hide it at all. He only responded softly after he glanced at the Jilians around him with disgust.

"Yes, as an experimental sample, Killian is too simple, and his intelligence is not high, so it is impossible to form effective data."

"But as a soldier, he is quite competent."

"Thanks to these mindless things, I got a lot of valuable data."

Sal Apollo's tone is very light, just like those Kirian who was driven by him, and those Yachukas who were dismembered and dissected by him, and then soaked in the training chamber, are just a series of cold data .

To be honest, looking at the Achucas soaked in the training warehouse, Nagasawa couldn't be more angry.

He is not the kind of sympathetic Madonna, and he has no sympathy for Xu.

He just simply has a slight sense of disgust towards Saar Apollo.

Seeing that the other party did not object to answering her own question, Nagasawa continued to ask.

"So, you were the one who manipulated Killian to bring us down from the surface not long ago?"

Hearing this, a look of interest immediately appeared in Sal Apollo's eyes.

To be honest, although he has been in the lair during this period of time, concentrating on his own research, but he can say that he has heard a little about what happened in the Daxu Forest, even if he is not familiar with it. .

The task of capturing the experimental product has always been the responsibility of the artificial fiction he created.

According to his request, the man-made virtual will use the instrument he invented to capture the high-energy reaction passing through the surface, and use dozens of times the force advantage to kill and maim those Achukas, and finally send them to his laboratory .

Not long ago, he had just received the news that the capture had failed.

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