At the beginning, he didn't take it seriously, and occasionally Yachukas, who was not strong but had first-class escape ability, was able to escape his ambush.

However, when Nagasawa Ya and his party stood in front of him alive, a burst of excitement floated into his heart instantly.

Two Achucas-level Shinigami, and one Vastod who was obviously injured.

What an experimental product with research value!

Hundreds of years ago, the reason why he led the Hollows to invade Soul Society was to get enough Shinigami to conduct his "immortality experiment."

Now two living gods of death were standing in front of him, and there was also a Vastod who he had never studied in depth...

For Sal Apollo, today is simply his lucky day.

This is the reason why he is willing to be patient and keep arguing with Nagasawa and others.

He needs to delay as long as possible so that he can mobilize his "forces" and keep the three of them here!

Therefore, for the questions of Nagasawa Ya and others, he almost answered every question.

"I did it."

"Those Yachukas who evolved from Killian, after leaving the Great Void Forest, put their short-sightedness on the surface, completely ignoring the threat from the ground."

"I don't know, those Kylians who are usually looked down upon by them, once they gather enough numbers, they will be enough to turn them into experimental products in my training barn."

"Including you."

As he said that, he looked at Nagasawa Ya and the others, and his eyes became more and more enthusiastic.

Listening to Sal Apollo's answer, Nagasawa finally understood where the subtle nausea came from.

He didn't like the way Sal Apollo looked at him.

That kind of look, doesn't seem to be looking at a person, but it seems to turn the eyes into an invisible scalpel, constantly cutting on him, as if the self standing in front of him at this moment is a body that has yet to be dissected. General experiment.

Seeing this situation, a look of disgust flashed in Nagasawa Ya's eyes.

The reason why he stopped Helibel also had his own reasons.

Previously, he had considered seeking cooperation with Thrall Apollo because of his own virtualization and the problem of how to leave Hueco Mundo.

Whether it’s by convincing people with reason, or by convincing people with reason.

But the moment he confirmed Saar Apollo's nature, he directly overturned all the plans he had prepared before.

Sure enough, I'd rather be on a leash than working with a nasty guy.

Planning and such are really not suitable for me...

However, although all previous plans were completely rejected,...

Masa Nagasawa, who considers herself to be the only "smart general" who can match Aizen's wisdom in the world of corpses and souls, formulated PLANB in ​​just a split second!

Looking at Saar Apollo not far away, his eyes seemed to be looking at a corpse, and he said softly, full of indifference.

"I...don't like the way you look at me."

Hearing this, Saar Apollo couldn't help but twitched his brows slightly, and not only did he not restrain himself, but he responded with a frivolous look on his face, laughing maniacally.

"so what?"

"Look around you!"

Saar Apollo's words made Asido and Helibel who were standing beside Nagasawa Ya slightly taken aback.

The sharp eyes of the two quickly scanned the surroundings.

In the next second, the solemn look climbed onto the faces of the two of them almost instantly.

It seemed that he was extremely satisfied with the performance of the two of them, and the excitement on Sal Apollo's face became more and more obvious.

I don't know if it is to maintain his image of an "elegant scientist", he even covered his face with his hands, just like Yagami, covering his face and laughing wildly.

"During the time you were asking questions, I have already mobilized hundreds of Kilians!"

"This level of force is even stronger than when I attacked the Soul Realm hundreds of years ago!"

"If you hadn't stopped that shark just now, and the three of you attacked together, you might still have a chance of winning."


"You have only two choices."

Said, Sal Apollo raised two fingers.

"Or you can lie down in my cultivation chamber yourself."

"Or, after I beat you to death and maimed you, I will throw you into the training warehouse."

"Come on, tell me what your choice is!"

...... cut......

PS. I really want to see Dungeons and Dragons...there are too few movies scheduled!

Chapter 251 Aizen-level treatment

One, two, three!

In the dark Daxu Forest, pairs of red lights like red lanterns gradually flickered, hanging in the sky.

In the next second, Killian, who was wearing a witch-like black cloak and a white mask with a long nose like a clown, appeared in front of Nagasawa Masa and the others with slow steps.

There is no need to deliberately count, just through the spiritual pressure, Nagasawa Masa can be sure.

There were at least a hundred Kilians around here, surrounding them with Thrall Apollo's lair as the center.

Compared to the huge Killian, at this moment they seemed like dwarfs who had strayed into the kingdom of giants.

If you only rely on a pair of naked eyes to see, you can't even penetrate your sight through the iron wall made up of Kili'an.

Glancing around the surrounding Kylians who had already formed a circle, Nagasawa Ya's gaze finally fell on Saar Apollo, and said indifferently.

"So, are these Kili'an your reliance?"

To be honest, when Nagasawa heard Sal Apollo's extremely confident words, he really wanted to tell the other party.

The grass on the grave of the last person who asked him to choose between the two was already three feet high.

It's just obvious that Saar Apollo doesn't seem to have such awareness.

Looking at Nagasawa Ya and others surrounded by many Killian, he couldn't wait to start thinking about how to deal with the three after taking them down.

"What are you waiting for!?"

"As long as you can't beat me to death, beat me to death!"

"Just keep the whole body!"

Following Saar Apollo's order, the surrounding Kylians seemed to have received some instructions.

In just a moment, countless high-energy reactions condensed in front of their clown-like masks.

The highly concentrated spiritual particles shining with red and black light are exactly Da Xu's signature skill, Void Flash!

When Nagasawa Ya and others were lying in wait, dozens of Kilian's false flash volleys were enough to interrupt the "skill casting" of several people, and even caused damage to Nagasawa Ya's terrifying and tempered physique. Intense burning.

At this moment, facing the false flash volleys of hundreds of Kilians, once hit by the concentrated fire, even if he is not dead, he will probably shed his skin.

However, in the face of the hundreds of false flashes that were condensing, there was no panic on Nagasawa Ya's face.

He didn't even pay attention to Helibel's complaining gaze, he just stared at Sal Apollo not far away, and asked her and Asido softly without looking back.

"Can I leave this place to you?"

When Nagasawa said this, she didn't want to run away, or to shirk responsibility in order to save her life.

Before his brother's soul was split, Sal Apollo's strength definitely belonged to the top group of Vastod.

Among the three on his own side, although Asido has a combat power that is infinitely close to the captain's level, he has not yet mastered the Swastika, and he is definitely not Saar Apollo's opponent.

Not to mention the [-]-round battle with Balegon just now, and Helibel, who has not recovered from his injuries.

At this moment, among the three, the one who is most suitable to deal with Saar Apollo is only himself.

If he doesn't take the initiative to assume the responsibility of the main DPS and drag the enemy general away.

Facing hundreds of Kilians at the same time, as well as the eye-catching Saar Apollo, the three of them can only be tortured to death.

Hearing this, Herribel couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

To be honest, although she complained that Nagasawa just stopped her, but for the sake of "saving her life", she still didn't want to see Nagasawa die in vain.

She has seen Nagazawa take action, and he is indeed very strong, and can even be said to be the invincible existence among Yachukas.

But if she said that she could defeat Saar Apollo, who was also Vastord, she absolutely did not believe it.

She wanted to persuade Nagasawa Ya not to die.

As long as she can hold Saar Apollo, Nagasawa and Ya still have a chance to get out of trouble.


To be honest, although she is still injured, if possible, she really wants to kill Sal Apollo on the spot!

However, the moment she was about to speak, Nagasawa spoke one step ahead as if she had seen through her mind.

"Don't worry, I won't let that guy go."

Nagasawa Ya's words were very light, but when Heliber heard that this was not a promise, but it was better than a promise.

I don't know why, the dissatisfaction that was still in my heart disappeared in an instant.

"I see, leave it to me here."

"Don't worry, if you die, I will avenge you."

With that said, Helibel jumped up immediately without waiting for Nagasawa's reply.

Immediately, a strong golden spiritual pressure suddenly burst out from her body, and then in a very short period of time, it gathered on the shark pattern sword on her right arm.

It seemed that he sensed Harribel's movements, and also seemed to sense the pressure coming from the bloodline level.

The Kylians, who were flickering together, let out a series of restless roars.

However, before they could shoot out the virtual flash that was about to condense into shape in their mouths, Helibel, who leaped high, was the first to complete the energy accumulation.

In the next second, this blow that gathered golden spiritual power, like a crescent sky rushing, slashed fiercely at Kylian and the others!

The golden Lingzi instantly transformed into a golden sword pressure.

But if you look carefully, you will find that the golden sword pressure is actually a water waterfall condensed by a high-pressure water gun!


Water, the source of all things, breeds countless lives.

But when the water is pressurized to a certain level, it will transform into a sharp weapon.

When Helibel swung this water waterfall, the high-pressure condensed water knife seemed to sway a beautiful arc of death in the air.

If you touch it... you will die!

With just one move, the heads of five Kirian were cut off!

Seeing Helibel rushing out at the lead, Asido didn't want to lag behind.

He took a deep look at Nagasawa Ya.

"Be careful, that not easy!"

After finishing speaking, he held the Zanpakuto and slashed in the opposite direction of Helibel.

Seeing that the two companions agreed to their request without hesitation.

Nagasawa's eyes finally fell on Saar Apollo.

"Change the fight to another place."

However, after hearing what Nagasawa said, Saar Apollo showed a look of astonishment on his face.

Immediately, he pretended to be puzzled in an unbelievable tone.


"Did I hear it wrong?"

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