So, when Sal Apollo tried to order the clones to attack Nagazeya, what he had to face was thirty pairs of eyes with fierce eyes.

This time, even Saar Apollo, who has always been crazy, is a little stunned.

Especially not long ago, he deliberately released dummy bullets and multiplied the clones with his own hands.

Although the clone may not be able to exert 100% of the power of Masa Nagasawa, even if it is only 50%, it will directly produce a qualitative leap in terms of quantity compensation.

for example......

"Breaking the Way - 88. Flying dragons attacking thieves and shaking the sky!"*30!

Under the control of Nagasawa Masa with a wicked look on his face, thirty flying dragons and thunder cannons blasted towards Saar Apollo without any hesitation.

Seeing the beam cannon approaching so fast, Saar Apollo really peed.

No one knows better than him how terrible the superiority of troops is.

In the case of having a commander in chief, a team of 30 Killian is enough to hunt down the mid-to-lower Yachukas.

Killian in the 100-head team, even the top Yachukas, had to take a detour.

Nagasawa Masa's strength is not weak at all, 30 clones launched high-level breakthroughs as high as No. 88 at him at the same time, even as Valstord, he dare not underestimate him.

He hurriedly waved his arm, trying to use his "authority" to eliminate these duplicates.

However, what surprised him happened again.

He discovered that not only had he lost control over these clones, but he had also been deprived of the "cancel" authority!

The brief astonishment caused him to lose the best time to dodge.

Facing the almost 360-degree carpet bombing with no dead angle coverage, Saar Apollo, who knew it was too late to dodge, immediately gritted his teeth and wrapped all the four insect wings behind him around his body.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

This is not the first time that Sal Apollo has eaten Nagazawa's high-level breakthrough.

But when he ate [-] rounds of Feilong Smash Thieves Shocking Thunder Cannon in a row, he had a new experience.

The successive roaring sounds shook his head and buzzed.

A strong burning sensation continued to burn his skin.

The power of thirty rounds of flying dragon-striking sky-shaking thunder cannons is really great, and it is not something that can be endured just for a moment.

When the smoke clears.

This time, the law of smoking without harm is no longer valid.

I saw burn marks all over Saar Apollo's body, and the three insect wings on his back disappeared, leaving only one hanging on his back alone, like a broken bone. above.

Facing Saar Apollo who was covered in bruises, Masa Nagasawa did not intend to give him a chance to breathe.

In the original plot, this mad scientist's pursuit of immortality is almost outrageous.

On this basis, he attaches great importance to protecting his body.

Always keep an artificial fake by your side that can be used to swallow and heal your own injuries when you are seriously injured.

Under such circumstances, Masa Nagasawa did not intend to give him a chance to repair his injury.

However, just as he raised the Zanpakuto in his hand and tried to give the opponent a fatal blow, Saar Apollo, who was seriously injured, suddenly stopped him.

"Wait... please wait!"

Seeing that Nagasawa slashed with a knife, without the slightest intention of negotiating, Saar Apollo, who had just endured [-] rounds of flying dragons and thieves shaking the sky, didn't even have time to catch his breath, so he hurriedly stopped.

One thing to say, he was really aggrieved.

As a Varstord and a scientist who is good at research, his fighting method is far more than just copying the enemy.

But in the face of the weird Nagasawa Ya, he didn't even have time to show his other abilities, and he was instantly defeated by the abilities he was proud of.

This made him feel extremely embarrassed.

Fortunately, although he is a top-ranking Daxu, he has never regarded any bullshit glory as a "shackle" that binds his hands and feet.

What he pursues is the ultimate "perfection" of life!

Therefore, when facing the strong, he is extremely sensible.

He doesn't mind at all surrendering to beings stronger than him.

In his view, just give him enough time to research.

After he became the most perfect "creature", those so-called strong men were just a stumbling block in his life.

Even if they stumbled only briefly, who would remember which stone they stumbled over?

So, when Nagasawa was about to kill him, he panicked.

His research has not yet entered the final stage, even if he has kept a lot of backers, he doesn't want to die in this way at this time.

On the originally crazy face, there was a little flattering look.

As long as he recovers, not to mention Nagasawa, even Bailegang, the king of the virtual circle, will prostrate at his feet sooner or later!


If Nagasawa knew what Sal Apollo was thinking at the moment, he would probably feel that this guy in front of him would have a lot of common topics with Katz.

He doesn't care at all about perfection or imperfection.

In his opinion, there is only one purpose for him to become stronger.

It's not to be able to do something freely, but to give yourself the power to choose what not to do.

He doesn't like Sal Apollo, even if the opponent has enough use value.

So, when Sal Apollo showed begging to please, and an extremely obvious look of surrender, he chose to say "NO"!

Without any hesitation, the Zanpakuto in his hand slashed at Saar Apollo.

This time, he aimed at the neck.

When he has the upper hand, he won't give the opponent any chance to come back!

...... cut......

PS. It’s really depressing to miss the professional title exam for no reason.

This exam was originally taken in November last year, but it was canceled directly due to the outbreak of the epidemic.

To be honest, at that time, because of being a volunteer, there was basically no chance to study, and it was canceled when it was cancelled, and I didn't care much.

As a result, when it was suddenly announced that there would be a make-up exam opportunity in April, I was quite happy to say that.

Then, in the case of part-time codewords and insisting on full attendance of 15 words per month, I reviewed for a full three months, but I missed the opportunity to take the exam because I misread the time.

I was so depressed that I couldn’t even eat dinner...

Chapter 256 All-round Restraint

Begging and fawning, mixed with disbelief and unwillingness.

The extremely complicated look instantly filled Saar Apollo's eyes.

Is Thasar Apollo worthless?

Or is it because of the nature of being a god of death?

He didn't understand what kind of person it was that could kill so decisively.

Unfortunately, no one told him the answer.

A thin line of blood slowly emerged on Saar Apollo's neck.

The smooth wound didn't seem to have any protrusions or depressions, and then his head and body, as if they had lost friction, gradually moved apart with this blood line as the dividing line.


A dull sound suddenly sounded, which was the sound made when Sal Apollo's head fell to the ground.

However, the moment Saar Apollo's head was cut off, Nagasawa's attack did not stop because of it.

When Saar Apollo was dying, he felt a powerful spiritual pressure condensing on Nagasawa Ya.

What a familiar energy that was. As Varstord, he recognized it almost immediately.

It's Wang Xu's flash!

However, the next second, a question suddenly appeared in his mind.

How can a god of death master the flash of Wangxu, which can only be used by Daxu at the level of Vastod?

It has to be said that as a scientist, Saar Apollo's thirst for knowledge is really strong.

Unfortunately, no one has told him the answer.

With a scorching beam of light covering his position, his lifeless head and broken body were almost instantly blasted into fly ash!

The rapid disappearance of Saar Apollo's spiritual pressure made the replicas around Nagasawa Ya seem to lose their origin, and quickly melted and decomposed, turning into a pool of black juice again.

Looking at the black ink scattered around, Nagasawa understood clearly.

Although he deprived Saar Apollo of the control and use rights of these replicas, the origin of the replicas came from Saar Apollo.

When Saar Apollo's life came to an end, these replicas turned into a puddle of mud again as if they had lost the fire of life.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa couldn't help but feel full of pity.

If these thirty clones can always exist for him to drive and have the ability to proliferate, even with only half his power, it is not impossible to push the virtual circle.

What a pity! ! !

However, even though he said this, Nagasawa didn't have the slightest regret in his heart.

He was able to defeat Sal Apollo so "easily", to be honest, there was a lot of luck in it.

He is well aware of Sal Apollo's abilities.

Among its abilities, there are a total of three abilities that stand out the most.

First, notification of conception.

By laying eggs in the opponent's body, absorbing everything from the opponent as nutrients, and finally producing a brand new body from the opponent's body, it can be called the "reincarnation" skill of the combination of Orochimaru and the face hugger.

This skill is the "end" of Sal's Apollo's pursuit of "perfect life". In order to master this skill, he will not hesitate to split his soul in the future. He would rather degenerate into Yachukas than lose what originally belonged to him. My brother's soul split apart.

It's a pity that at this time, he hasn't learned it yet.

The second is the copy clone that was just used.

Use black ink to create a copy of the enemy, and use the human sea tactic to grind the enemy to death.

Coincidentally, this ability was completely overcome by Nagasawa's Narcissus.

The third ability is the ability that Saar Apollo was most frustrated with, and had no chance to use until his neck was cut off-dominate dolls.

It can reproduce a small palm-sized doll while the black ink is staining the enemy.

Through the puppet, the damage is conveyed to the enemy.

When he destroys the puppet, his enemies will be injured as well, and he can even deliver a fatal blow to the enemy by destroying the puppet's internal organs.

This ability is regarded by Saar Apollo as a means of lore. In his opinion, no one can survive his move.

It was precisely because he failed to perform this ultimate attack that his head was cut off by Nagazeya, and Sal Apollo showed such a strong expression of unwillingness when he was about to die.

What he didn't know was that even if he used the ability of "dominate the doll", he couldn't cause any harm to Nagasawa Masa.

During the days floating in the isolated space, the reversal technique has almost been trained by Nagasawa Masa into the "automatic trigger" mode.

There is no need to deliberate operation at all. Once injured, the reversal technique will repair the physical damage in the shortest time.

Facing Nagasawa Ya, his Saar Apollo ability can be said to be restrained in all directions.

The only person who can be stronger than Nagasawa is the spiritual power level that is infinitely close to the second level.

It's a pity that he, who was trapped in a cocoon and died under his own trick, will never know this.

After simply tidying up her emotions, Nagasawa Masa was not complacent because she solved the powerful enemy.

What you need to know is that from the time he took Saar Apollo to the time he got rid of the other party, although it seemed long, it actually took less than 3 minutes.

The duel between masters is often only in an instant.

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