Fortunately, because he was fast enough on his side, Helibel and Asido on the other side were in a hard fight, but there were no casualties.

It's just that a lineup of hundreds of Killian is not so easy to deal with. In addition, Harribel's serious injury has not recovered, and Nagasawa didn't dare to waste too much time.

Almost at the moment when Saar Apollo's body was blasted into flying ash, he stepped down and ran towards Helibel and Asido at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing Nagasawa go back and forth in a very short period of time, Helibel and Asido, who were fighting with Killian, had expressions of surprise on their faces.

Through the perception of spiritual pressure, they clearly sensed the disappearance of Saar Apollo's spiritual pressure.

Especially Helibel who was Varstord, apart from the surprise on his face, his eyes were full of shock.

She didn't understand how Nagazawa, who only had Achiukas-level spiritual pressure, could deal with Sal Apollo.

However, the current battle situation is obviously not suitable for explaining these.

Seeing that Helibel and Asido were struggling under the siege of hundreds of Killian, Nagasawa Ya did not rush to join the battlefield, but searched around as if looking for something.

Finally, when he found a small, funny-looking hair in a hidden corner, which looked like an ordinary hair that couldn't be more ordinary, a smile finally rose from the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 257 Vastord, So Scary!

Killian, a soul combination with chaotic thinking and low intelligence, cannot rely on his own will to act purposefully.

If you want to drive hundreds of Kirian to attack the same target at the same time, you must have a command center.

Harribel and Asido, who were strangled, obviously didn't have the energy to find the commander behind them.

And after Saar Apollo's spiritual pressure disappeared, as Saar Apollo's subordinate officer, the commander in charge of commanding the Void Group, no matter from the perspective of escape or revenge, would definitely give in. He tried his best to destroy Harribel and Asido in front of him even more crazily.

When he focused on the two of them, he gave Nagasawa the opportunity to cut in.

Nagasawa, who was hiding in the dark, found the man-made fabric hidden in the corner almost effortlessly.


Cut it off!

Compared with Saar Apollo, Vastod, the artificial fiction he created is as fragile as quick tofu.


And after Nagasawa solved the remote command virtual group's simulation virtual, the Kirian who lost the unified management, immediately started to go berserk as if they had lost the shackles that bound their hands and feet.

Combat power soared by 50%!

However, although the Kilians' combat effectiveness has improved, in the eyes of Nagasawa and the others, they are actually easier to deal with.

The howling Kilians seemed to have come back to their senses, following their own instincts and frantically destroying everything they could see around them, including their former "comrades".

Harribel, who kept dodging Killian's attacks, immediately reduced her pressure by 100%!

"Don't worry about these Kirian, they don't have time to talk to us now, let's leave here first."

Witnessing the frenzied fighting among the Killians, and deliberately avoiding himself, who is the highest ranking Daxu.

Realizing that these Kylians kept away from her instinctively because of the coercion on her body, Heribel immediately said to Nagasawa and Asido in a cold tone.

However, unlike her who was relaxed and carefree, Nagasawa and Asido did not get away so easily.

Killian will follow his instinct and devour high-density spiritual bodies of the same level to promote his own evolution, which naturally includes the god of death.

If Killian's "former comrades" are these guys' favorite food, then Nagasawa Masaru and Asido, who are the gods of death, are simply super supplements.

While fighting frantically, the Kylians surrounding Nagasawaya and Asido were like death squads who were not afraid of death, launching a death charge towards the two of them one after another!

"Not alone!"

The swift and violent hurricane hit the two big xues in front of him like covering the sky and covering the earth, beheading them into spirits all over the sky.

This was the tenth Kilian killed by Nagazawa Masaru after joining the battle.

However, what made him speechless was that the group of Kilians surrounding him seemed to have never decreased at all. Once one was killed, the next one would immediately fill the previous hole.

Kilian, who was over 60 meters tall and taller than Ultraman, became an airtight wall of sighs around him.

Even if he heard Helibel's call, he didn't have the energy and space to escape.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Another round of chaotic virtual flash bombing sounded around him.

The good thing is that the Kilians who have lost their command are like headless chickens, fighting with wild instincts, unable to achieve the same firepower coverage as before.

This also gave Nagasawa a great deal of room for manipulation.

Z-shaped shaking, shadow-shading step, floating four consecutive stabs, cross-side step, dragon raising its head! ! !

At this moment, Masa Nagasawa seems to have transformed into a certain online game textbook. A set of gorgeous combos is as dizzying as a hundred flowers blooming.

But soon, Nagasawa realized that this could not go on like this.

Although he was showing off his hype here and his scalp was numb, Asido on the other side was still being beaten!

Asido swore that he had never faced such a large number of Jilianxu groups at the same time in his life.

If it hadn't been for hundreds of years of combat experience that allowed him to dodge attacks again and again, he would have already received his lunch.

Nagasawa Ya, who judged that Asido would definitely be the first to be unable to support such inefficient killings, immediately flashed a cold light in his eyes.

He wants to end this battle in one breath!




However, just as he was about to liberate the Narcissus again, he tried to consume most of the spiritual liquid stored in the Zanpakudao, and he also wanted to use the advantage of field magic to kill these virtual groups in one go as quickly as possible.

Three dull sounds resounded through the sky like the high-pressure water cannon of a water arrow turtle!

Three high-density water cannons struck from far to near at an extremely fast speed, and in just an instant, they penetrated the heads of the three-headed Kili'an!

You don't need to look to know that this must be written by Heliber.

Zai Jilian is like slaughtering chickens and dogs!

Wastod, so terrifying!

Looking at Harribel standing in the sky with a heroic posture, just like a Valkyrie galloping on the battlefield.

If it wasn't for the inappropriate occasion, Nagasawa would have wanted to applaud her.

Elegant, so elegant!

On the other hand, Helibel, who was standing in the air, looked at Nagasawa Ya below, but frowned slightly.

"If you continue to stand there in a daze, your companion may not be able to hold on."

As he said that, Helibel didn't wait for Chang Zeya to reply, and actually took the lead in killing in the direction where Asido was.

Looking at Helibel who was leading the horse, as if entering the land of no one, a look of surprise flashed across Nagasawa's face.

It's all about supporting yourself, after all, there is still a nominal "ally" relationship between the two.

But Harribel was willing to take the initiative to rescue Asido who was in trouble, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

To some extent, this should be regarded as a kind of recognition?

Nagasawa raised her eyebrows in a subtle way, but did not continue to delve into this issue.

Instead, step down a little, follow Helibel's pace, and kill in the direction of Asido.

Although it was the first time for the two to cooperate and Harribel was still injured, her joining made up for Nagasawa's lack of medium and long-range attack methods in an instant.

With the cooperation of the two, the effect of one plus one greater than three was actually exerted.

In just the blink of an eye, he was killed on the wall of sighs formed by Killian!

...... cut......

PS. Thank you "Tianxia Royal Free" for sending soap, thank you very much!

Chapter 258 The Spider

"Just now...thank you very much."

Asido, who had a deep scar visible on his arm, seemed to have not noticed his injury at all. He stretched out his hand towards Harribel and said in a deep voice with a sincere look on his face.

It was probably the first time he received a thank you from the God of Death, and there was a rare unnatural look on Harribel's cold face.

She just raised her hand and gestured casually, then ignored Asido.

Seeing this, Asido didn't show any displeasure on his face.

To be honest, when he was fighting hard in the siege of Killian, he was actually ready to die in battle.

However, what surprised him was that not only Masa Nagasawa who was also the God of Death came to support him, but also Helibel who was the ghost.

This made him, who had always regarded "only a dead head is a good head" as his life creed, a little shaken.

He is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to repay his kindness. His character is as upright as his straight eyebrows.

It is precisely because of this that he would thank Helibel who is a virtual person, and it is precisely because of this that he does not mind Helibel's indifference towards him at all.

At this moment, a small seed, without Asido noticing, took root in his heart.

It turns out that not all virtual beings are beasts that only know how to kill and devour.

After declining Asido's thanks, Harribel, who had just experienced a battle and was sitting in the ruins, silently recovering his strength, turned his attention to Nagazawa.

Looking at Nagasawa who seemed to be constantly searching for something, she couldn't help but asked softly with some curiosity.

"What are you looking for?"

However, in the face of her inquiry, Nagasawa did not answer, but just buried herself in the collapsed ruins of Saar Apollo and continued to search.


Finally, after about half a cup of tea, a joyful expression appeared on Nagazeya's face. He half-crouched down and then thrust his arm into the ruins.

Accompanied by the sound of rolling sand and gravel, an "object" about the size of an adult hippopotamus, like a radish pulled out of the mud, was pulled out by Nagasawa Ya.

"I finally found you. There is no spiritual pressure fluctuation at all. It took me a long time to find you."

Looking at the thing "pulled out" by Nagazeya, Harribel frowned slightly subconsciously, and asked softly with a mixture of confusion and displeasure on his face, "What...are you going to do? What does she do?"


After hearing Helibel's words, Asido looked at Nagasawa who was carrying a spider-shaped Yachukas with only one spider leg upside down, with a somewhat surprised expression.

Yes, what Nagasawa has been looking for is the spider-shaped Yachukas that Saar Apollo kept holding in his hand when he first appeared on the stage.

The situation at that time was obviously that Sal Apollo was experimenting with the spider Yachukas. In the middle of the experiment, he was interrupted by Nagazawa and others.

After seeing the tip of the iceberg in Saar Apollo's laboratory, Hribel instinctively rejected everything about Saar Apollo.

When she saw that what Nagasawa had been looking for was actually the "experiment" that Apollo Sal had thrown aside, a feeling of displeasure subconsciously emerged in her heart.

Especially looking at the hollow eyes of the spider Yachukas, she felt as if her soul had been touched.

What kind of eyes are those?

The empty eyes have no expression, not even the instinct and desire to be virtual.

If it weren't for the slightly undulating chest, it could be seen that the other party was still alive, the spider Yachukas in front of him seemed like a stone without any emotion.

Harribel, who has always been committed to protecting women, couldn't help it on the spot.

She stood up suddenly, with a solemn look in her eyes.

Seemingly aware of Helibel's anger, Asido, who had just apologized to him, hurriedly stood between Helibel and Nagasawa, acting as a peacemaker.

"Hey, don't get excited. The reason Nagasawa is looking for that Yachukas must have his intentions. You should know that he is not that kind of cruel person."

But what Asido didn't realize was that, with a slight change in his thinking, when there was a possible conflict between Nagasawa and Harribel, he was not just standing on the opposite side of Harribel, who was a virtual person. .

Instead, it judges right from wrong from a fair perspective.

Obviously, Nagasawa realized his change.

He first glanced at Asido who was standing between him and Harribel with some surprise, then his eyes passed past Asido and fell on Harribel, and responded softly with an extremely affirmative tone.

"Because I'm pretty sure I killed her."

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