As he spoke, he slightly lifted the spider Yachukas in his hand, and raised it to a height where he could look at his own eyes. Then he looked at the eyes hidden behind the mask and said with a smile, "You said Right? Spider-Man."

As early as when Sal Apollo appeared in front of him with this spider-shaped Yachukas, he felt that the Yachukas in front of him gave him a somewhat familiar feeling.

To be honest, spider-type Daxu is not uncommon, but the ones that make him feel familiar are probably the only ones that sneaked up on them with Neutra and others during the crusade mission in the real world, but he kicked them before he could make a move. The spider-shaped head that stomped on its head exploded.

At the beginning, Nagasawa was still a little uncertain, and it wasn't until he dug out the Yachukas in front of him from the ruins that he was sure that there was nothing wrong with his feeling.

Spider child?

strange name.

When Yachukas, the spider in the hands of Nagasawa Yati, heard this name, there seemed to be a little bit of emotional fluctuation in her eyes.

Turning his eyes slightly, he looked at Nagasawa Ya in front of him, and murmured softly what Nagasawa called her.

"Send pigs?"

She felt that the man in front of her was familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen him before.

It's just that Nagasawa frowned after hearing her words.

Send pigs?

What are you playing with me?

But soon, he realized something, and his eyes subconsciously fell on the spider's seven broken legs whose blood had dried up and scabbed.

Although the other party has a blank head, there is still a look of unbearable in Nagasawa Ya's eyes.

With such a serious injury, he still hasn't said a word until now, not even a trace of pain appears in his eyes.

Presumably, when Sal Apollo was conducting the "experiment", he probably didn't want the other party to make any screams, so he injected a powerful anesthetic.

Thinking of this, he didn't continue to carry the spider, but lightly placed it on the ground.

Then he sat down cross-legged casually, quietly waiting for the other party to regain consciousness.

...... cut......

PS. Wuhu, I don’t usually pay much attention to the new series, but suddenly found out that Shi Jiyuan’s third season is out, great!

I'm trying to teach me how to make a phone from scratch in anime learning knowledge (funny)


I feel like Shi Jiyuan, probably because I like the joy of farming, I strongly recommend~~~ Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!

Chapter 259 Old man Shan, I was the one who was sorry for you back then

Nagasawa, who was sitting cross-legged, didn't waste time thinking about what to have for dinner.

Instead, he began to continuously improve his own "PlanB".

It's just obvious that Harribel doesn't intend to let him go.

At this time, Harribel had too many questions in her mind that she wanted to ask Nagasawa.

Sal Apollo has tortured her like this, what else do you want to do to her?

What does it mean to have killed her once?

Who is the spider?

Besides me, do you know any other female Daxu?

To be honest, Harribel is not a person with a particularly strong thirst for knowledge.

But for some reason, when she saw that Nagasawa treated a strange female Daxu so "gently" uncharacteristically, a series of questions seemed to be scratching her heart, making her want to explore clearly.

She immediately asked softly in her usual cold tone.

"What does it mean to have killed her?"

Hearing this, Asido also looked at Nagasawa Ya.

Obviously, he was also very curious.

Seeing that her thoughts were interrupted, Nagasawa didn't care, she simply let go of her thoughts and responded straightforwardly.

"It means literally."

"Whether it's a god of death or a ghost, maybe some of them can use some means to hide their spiritual pressure, but in terms of the recognition of the spiritual pressure, it is difficult to fake it."

Saying that, Nagasawa Ya's eyes fell on the spider who was recovering his strength.

Coincidentally, the other party seemed to have finally recalled something. He moved his eyes and looked at Nagasawa with a sudden look, and faced him.

"I once met her in a crusade mission in this world. I'm pretty sure that I should have actually killed her at that time."

"But at this moment, she is complete... um...she has appeared in front of me alive."

"It's not a duplicate, nor is it a twin with similar spiritual pressure. It looks like it's resurrected from the dead."

Having said that, Nagasawa's eyes could not help but fall on Asido, who is also the god of death.

"Herribel may not be very clear, but as the god of death, Asido, you should know how the virtual circle and the world of corpses and souls work?"

However, after hearing his words, Asido, a handsome guy with a stern face, showed a rare expression of embarrassment.

I saw him scratching his head embarrassingly, and said softly with some guilt.

"That... what aspect are you referring to?"

Seeing Masa Nagasawa cast a strange look, Asido hurriedly continued as if he was afraid that Masa Nagasawa would really ask a more detailed question.

"Ahem...Actually, I wasn't very good at cultural classes when I was in Mao, so when I graduated, I chose to join the [-]th Squadron, which only required actual combat ability... ..”

Probably because I remembered the identity of Nagasawa Masao-sensei.

Asido, who exposed his scumbag nature, faced Masa Nagasawa's strange gaze, as if he had returned to the era of college students.

The feeling that the mouse saw the cat made him feel more and more guilty, and at the end, even his voice sounded like a mosquito.

Seeing this, Nagasawa suddenly felt that his blood pressure was a little high.

So, redheads are all dumbasses with nothing but brute force, right?

Old man Shan, I was the one who apologized to you back then.

Suddenly, Nagasawa seemed to understand how old man Shan felt when he saw him back then.

If possible, he still wants to be a licentious young man who loves freedom.

Instead of teaching an older graduate here!

Yaoshou, how did you graduate from Mao with a culture class of this level?

Nagasawa, who forcibly resisted the urge to help her forehead, was very glad that she didn't go to the [-]th team to lead this group of idiots.

Fortunately, Marlon Brando's peak acting skills allowed Nagasawa Masa to hide her shock well.

Full of the aura of a big boss and the majesty of a famous teacher, he didn't criticize Asido for anything, but explained softly with a smile like Aizen.

"Once upon a time, the nobles of the soul world created a unit of measurement called 'Lingwei' in order to measure the concentration of spiritual pressure attached to spirit particles."

"Ordinary soldiers are around [-]th rank, vice captains are fifth to fourth ranks, and third ranks and above are captains."

"Whether it's a Shinigami or ordinary Rukongai residents, their bodies are all made of spirit sons."

"After death, sooner or later, his body will turn into spirit particles, return to the land of the soul world, feed back this world, and maintain the balance and operation of the world."

"And Xu... the same is true."

Masa Nagasawa's explanation was very concise and clear, and Asido, who was reminded of his time as a college student, seemed to be suffering from PTSD, nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

As a virtual Harribel, it was also the first time he had heard of this theory, and while his eyes were full of astonishment, he also listened attentively to Nagasawa Masa's explanation.

However, what Nagasawa did not tell them was that there was a saying that was limited to "rumors", and even as a time traveler, he could not be sure of its authenticity.

Lingzi above the third-class Lingwei cannot return to the land of the Soul Realm and the Void Circle no matter what.

Once a Daxu of Saar Apollo's level dies, the only place where he can live is hell.

It's just because this remark doesn't have much to do with the current situation, and Helibel happens to belong to the third-level and above Lingwei existence.

In order not to cause too much psychological pressure on the other party, Nagasawa Masa "intimately" did not say these things.

That is to say, when he was talking about this, Nagasawa Ya's eyes fell on the spider again, and he continued to speak in a playful tone.

"However, after she was killed by me, she did not return to the land of the virtual circle. Instead, after going around, she returned to the virtual world with the original posture, the original spiritual pressure, and even the original memory. lock up."

"It's not a new life, nor a rebirth, but the original self."

"So, can you satisfy my curiosity for a little bit?"

"Miss Spider."

Listening to Masa Nagasawa's explanation, Helibel and Asido seemed to have finally realized what a remarkable existence the spider is.

Both of them looked at the motionless spider lying on the ground with surprised eyes.

Facing the curious eyes of the three, at the beginning, there was still a little timidity and dodge in Spider's eyes.

Harribel, who is also a female queen, has captured this very keenly.

She came straight in front of Spider, squatted down, looked straight into his eyes, and whispered in a very serious tone.

"Don't worry, we all see what Saar Apollo has done to you, and I won't let this guy hurt you."

Harribel's words were very light, but extremely firm.

That incomparable firmness seemed to have touched the softness in the spider's heart, making the somewhat timid and hesitant spider finally make up his mind and speak softly.

"My name is Roja Palamiya, and I am an experimental product used by Master Sal Apollo to back up his memories."

Luojia's voice was very light and soft, which didn't match her hideous spider-like appearance at all.

But it sounded very pleasant to Nagasawa's ears.

To be honest, the reason why he needs Saar Apollo is not Saar Apollo, but the knowledge and memory of the other party.

Personally, he doesn't like Sal Apollo very much.

Crazy, paranoid, cruel, eating and drinking, playing with life in the applause, there is no humanity at all.

If possible, even if he really convinced him with "reason" in the end, he convinced this guy.

He felt that he probably couldn't tolerate such a guy working under him like Aizen.

So when he saw Saar Apollo leading Luojia in front of him, he was 70% sure that the spider was Luojia's. On the basis of this, "PLANB" was reformulated.

Because it's just like Roja said.

She is the experimental product used by Sal Apollo to back up memories.

With the encouragement of Helibel, Luo Jia was no longer dominated by the fear in her heart, and after she opened the chatterbox, a painful experience came out of her mouth.

She was originally the man-made Yachukas that Saar Apollo condensed countless souls, artificially created in experiments, and forcibly enhanced her strength.

As far as technology in this area is concerned, Masa Nagasawa even feels that Saar Apollo is slightly ahead of Aizen.

It was only because he devoted himself to the research of "perfect life" that he put aside the research and development of this area. In addition, Aizen developed the "Super Wishing Machine" Bengyu, and Aizen, who held an artifact in his hand, realized the curve overtaking.

In the beginning, Luo Jia had no self-awareness, but was created by Saar Apollo as a spare for the death of the breeding mother of "Notification of Conception".

But... for Luo Jia, having consciousness is not a very happy thing, but it has become the beginning of all her pain.

After failing to attack the soul world, she became an experimental animal for a new experiment in the eyes of Sal Apollo, and in the following hundred years, she continued to cut and transform her body with a game-like mentality.

This is also what Nagasawa and the others were doing when they met Saar Apollo.

For them, the bloody and shocking scene, even Helibel, who is a ghost, felt disgusted from the bottom of their hearts.

But for Saar Apollo and Luo Jia, that is nothing more than an ordinary "daily life".

Luojia, who endured both physical and mental torture day after day, almost collapsed.

Fortunately, the master Saar Apollo, I don't know when he started, he probably got tired of hearing her painful wailing.

Whenever the experiment was started, she was injected with a strong anesthetic.

This also became the only point of salvation in her miserable life.

And in the day after day of experiments, she finally obtained a new ability - anti-membrane silk!

...... cut......

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