PS. Subscriptions have fallen sharply because I have to complete the 15 words per month and at the same time, save manuscripts for the militia training period next month.

In the future, when there is relatively sufficient time, try to change it to 3000 words per chapter, so as to save the average subscription that continues to decline.

Chapter 2: Harribel: No, it's our dream

Luo Jia's ability is very simple.

She can connect with various substances through anti-membrane threads, and share spiritual power and information.

This newly acquired ability is one of Saar Apollo's greatest guarantees for the research topic of "perfect creatures".

Through Luojia, he can scatter and save the memories in various substances such as rocks and quartz trees in the virtual circle.

Let it be able to achieve "resurrection" in disguise in this way when something unexpected happens.

At the same time, in order to ensure the safety of Luojia as the "backup file", Saar Apollo implanted another technology developed by him into Luojia's body.

It is an ability called "external memory device", which records Luojia's soul and memory, and can be pulled out at any time in case of any accident, so that she can be revived in the virtual circle.

This is also the reason why Luo Jia was able to appear here alive and well after being "headshot" by Nagasawa Ya.

Speaking of which, this was originally a technology prepared by Sal Apollo for himself.

It's a pity that for him as Vastord, this technology is far from reaching maturity, and at best it can only achieve the resurrection of Yachukas level.

Pursuing "perfection", he naturally would not implant this immature technology into his body.

As a result, Luo Jia became the most suitable "backup" existence.

Luo Jia's voice was very soft, her story-telling skills were average, and her tone couldn't be said to be very lifelike.

But after everyone present listened to Luo Jia's words, they couldn't help but fall into silence.

Since its birth, it has survived as a "tool" and endured day after day of torture.

Put yourself in the shoes and think about it, if it was him, he wouldn't dare to pat his chest and say that he would be able to carry it.

But what I have to say is that as a scientific researcher, Sal Apollo has an extremely keen sense of smell.

As a time traveler, Nagasawa knew very well that Luo Jia's anti-membrane silk really couldn't make Saar Apollo realize the real "resurrection".

The individuals it gave birth to were just collections of spirit sons possessing the knowledge and memories of Thrall Apollo.

He has independent thoughts and personality, but he is not "Sal Apollo".

This situation, in his previous life, was generally called "cloning".

And Masa Nagasawa's "PLANB" is to create a brand new "Saar Apollo".

Hearing this, Harribel finally understood why Nagazeya was so decisive in taking action against the Sal Apollo he had been looking for.

She glanced at Nagasawa beside her in a complicated manner, and then said softly.

"If she can create you a collection with the memory of Sal Apollo, can you let her go?"

"Of course, in exchange, I will not ask you to accompany me to find companions. Once we leave the Great Void Forest, our cooperative relationship will come to an end."

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but reveal a surprised look in his eyes.

The meaning of Hribel's words couldn't be clearer.

She is dealing with herself.

Although he said that he no longer needed to accompany him to find companions, the deeper meaning was telling him.

She didn't want to be his enemy.

She bore the lives of Abhirama and three others.

She carried Bailegang's revenge by herself.

As long as he can let Lorgar go.

To be honest, from a rational point of view, this is the best choice for Nagasawa Masaru.

He didn't need to face Bailegang, who was at least second-class in Lingwei, and at the same time he got the collection of Sal Apollo's memory and knowledge, which can be described as a blood profit.

What he paid was just a dispensable Luo Jia.

However, in the face of Heliber's trade request, Nagasawa chose to refuse.

He didn't try to explain something.

Some things will only become paler the more you explain them.

Facing Harribel's request, he didn't reply immediately, but said out loud on his own.

"I have to admit that although Sal Apollo is a very bad guy, but in terms of technology, he is indeed an out-and-out genius."

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if he put this genius into the research and development of 'Evolution can be achieved without going through devouring'?"

Masa Nagasawa's words were very light, but when they fell into Helibel's ears, they were no less than a major earthquake.

Nagasawa Yana's deafening words earlier came to her mind instantly.

This guy, for real? ? ?

In Xuquan, a desert-like place where justice has disappeared and the law of the jungle preys on the strong, can it really reproduce freedom and justice and become an oasis of life?

Xu, can he really get rid of the drive of desire and no longer achieve his own evolution by hurting others?

Even she had to admit that with Apollo's genius, if he did not obsess over the study of so-called "perfect creatures" and devoted all his energy to this subject, it might actually be possible to achieve it!

After all, in the past, she would never have dared to think about resurrection from the dead!

While she was still in shock, Nagasawa Ya's voice did not stop at all, and continued.

"Also, you don't have to 'trade' to get something from me."

"When you turned around and rushed towards Asido who was surrounded by Killians, you were already our partner."

"Even if your identity is false!"

"I think Asido thinks so too, right?"

Saying that, Nagasawa gave Asido a look of "If you dare to refute me, I'll kick you back to Mao and remake it".

Fortunately, Asido is not such a blind person.

Moreover, when Harribel tried his best to rescue him, he was also impressed by the other party's heroic appearance.

Grace is grace, hatred is hatred, Asido, who is as upright as his straight eyebrows, nodded directly and echoed.

"Although the time we have been together is very short, I can feel that you are different from other Daxu."

"If it's you, I'd love to accept you as my partner!"

Hearing this, Harribel was shocked.

Originally, when Nagasawa said that Ulquiorra was his friend, she was already surprised enough.

However, when all this happened to her, she seemed to be in a dream.

Can Xu and the God of Death really become friends?

However, before she could say anything, Nagasawa continued.

"So, don't say those outlandish words anymore, whether it's Bailegang or your dream, we will give you the greatest support!"

Listening to the words in my ears, I looked at Nagasawa Ya's extremely serious face.

Harribel felt a little dizzy and didn't know what to say.

But, after all, she is not an indecisive person.

After the initial shock, Harribel, who quickly came back to her senses, said softly in her usual cold tone.

"No, it's our dream."

[Ding, greatly changed the fate of the third "Ten Blades" Tiya Herribel in the future, and gained 600 fate points. 】

...... cut......

PS. Originally, I wanted to write this chapter to 3000 words, but it ended at 01:30.

After thinking about it, I still don’t continue to endure it, and continue to work hard tomorrow!

Chapter 261 Masa Nagasawa: There is absolutely no problem with my body!

The moment Helibel's voice fell, the system's prompt sounded in Nagasawa's mind.

600 points of fate reward?

Listening to the notification sound in his mind, Nagasawa raised his brows undetectably.

Immediately, he checked the progress of gaining fate points.

The upgraded system also printed the information he wanted to view into his mind like printing.

He doesn't need to spend any effort to understand and think, just like a super computer, he can process and understand the information in an instant.

[Herribel was born in the circle of the weak and the strong, and has witnessed too many deaths since she was born. She does not want to increase her strength by killing and devouring other big bodies, and she will not actively attack herself. The void of man kills and devours. 】

[Herribel feels that she must pay the price of sacrifice if she pursues sacrifice. If she kills to increase her strength, one day she will be swallowed up by other Daxu who seek to kill to gain strength. In this way, her life will only be Under the endless killing! 】

[Harribel, who realized this, has been committed to finding a fundamental solution to the problem until she met you. 】

[Your thoughts, your dreams, have deeply influenced Harribel. Although she didn't say it explicitly, in her heart, she regards you as a like-minded comrade, an intimate comrade-in-arms, and a mentor who illuminates the direction of life, and you He affectionately called her Davari. 】

[Herribel, who had a dream, seemed to be a different person. With your help, she overthrew the rule of Bailegang and became the queen who ruled the virtual circle. 】

[In order to better develop the virtual circle and turn it into a solid base, you understand it with reason and move it with emotion, and under your hard work, you borrowed Bengyu from Kisuke Urahara, Helped Harribel, Luo Jia and others to realize the virtual Arrancar transformation. 】

[After experiencing the "Masked Military Force Incident", Urahara Kisuke no longer has an inherent impression of the relationship between Hollow and Shinigami]

[And because of Ise Nanao’s lectures, Urahara Kisuke, who often risked his life to go to Rukongai to listen to lectures, has long been attracted to you and has always regarded you as a life mentor. After being deeply exposed to your thoughts and ideas , he decided to join your camp and cooperate with you to make Hueco Mundo impregnable. 】

[With the technical support of Urahara Kisuke and Luo Jia, the "child" of you and Harribel was born. To be precise, it is based on your spirit son, inheriting your will, and at the same time having both the spirit of death and emptiness. A new life of talent was born. 】

[Your "children" have excellent talents. Asido, who is upright and upright, Kisuke Urahara, who can solve all problems and difficulties neatly with endless unknown means, has become his best teacher. 】

[With the help of Luojia's "anti-membrane silk", your "child" abandoned the memory of Thrall Apollo and quickly absorbed the knowledge of Thrall Apollo. In just one year, he grew into a virtual The most outstanding scholars and scientists in the world. 】

[After confirming the conclusion that "Killian is the wrong way to evolve", Harribel's thinking has changed. 】

[Herribel, who holds the belief that "I don't want the power gained by killing others to make myself stronger", abandoned her naive thoughts, and she said to you very seriously: If you sacrifice, you can If you create a world where the void can evolve and become stronger without devouring each other, I am willing to be the sharpest weapon in your hand and clear away all obstacles in front of you. 】

[The opening of a new era often means the overthrow of the old era. 】

[Hribel, started the massacre of Killian. In addition to making his spiritual son return to the void circle and push it back to the most primitive state, it is also strictly forbidden for any void to obtain evolution by devouring the same kind. , not even allowed to bring up the topic. 】

[For a time, the wind in Hueco Mundo was trembling, and people were panicked. Harribel's evil name also resounded throughout Hueco Mundo, and even as far away as the Soul Society. Her reputation could also have the effect of stopping children from crying. 】

Seeing this, Nagasawa's face couldn't help showing an old father's smile... What a ghost!

If it weren't for Marlon Brando's peak acting skills, he would have almost died in Bengbu after absorbing the information in his mind.

But even so, he couldn't help but look weird when he looked at Harribel.

Why can I have a "child" with Harribel with the technical support of Kisuke Urahara and Roka? ? ?

Is there something wrong here? ? ?

Also, do we have a relationship line? ? ?

Obviously, Nagasawa's focus is a bit different.

A series of questions kept appearing in his mind.

He felt that this was even more outrageous than Kuchiki Byakuya being constantly squeezed dry.

False circle Wu Zetian, so terrifying!

Probably sensing Nagasawa Masa's weird gaze, Harribel asked softly with some doubts.

"what happened to you?"

"Did I say something wrong?"


I don't know if it's because of the fact that I just "watched" the progress of the destiny value acquisition, but Herribel's tone of voice is the same as usual, and it is so cold.

However, under the blessing of some kind of "filter", Nagasawa seemed to hear a trace of girlish tension in the words of Heribel, a high-cold Yujie?

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