Strange girlish feeling...


Quickly get rid of some messy things in your mind.

Although Nagasawa feels that there is absolutely no problem with her body (emphasis!).

But what I have to admit is that if it really develops according to this trajectory, the virtual circle may really emerge from a thriving scene.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly, and responded softly.

"It's nothing, I'm just happy that we have taken a step towards our common dream."

Hearing this, he didn't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt a slight blush appeared on Heribel's wheat-colored skin hidden under the white mask.

He decided to wait and see what happened, not to prove that there was absolutely nothing wrong with his body (emphasis added!!!).


Just speaking of this, his eyes couldn't help falling on Luo Jia again.

The miserable experience of the other party in the past makes it hard for him not to feel compassion. At the same time, as far as the future he "sees" is concerned, Luojia is also an indispensable existence.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to Luo Jia who was lying on the ground and said softly.

"I don't want to force you to do something that would make me feel as sick as Sal Apollo."

"But as you can hear, we hope to create a world where the virtual can live under the 'sunlight', and no longer need to devour the same kind, but can continue to survive and become stronger."

"Could you please help us, if possible?"

Hearing Nagasawa Ya's invitation, Luo Jia stayed where she was, with a look of bewilderment in her eyes.

To be honest, for Nagasawa Ya, who once "killed" her, she actually has deep fear in her heart.

But after hearing the world described by Ya Nagasawa and Heribel, a look of longing appeared in her eyes.

Since her birth, she has been an experiment of Apollo Thrall and has survived to this day.

He even felt a little joy because of his ability to help the "master" Saar Apollo.

However, when Nagasawa invited her, she suddenly realized that what she was pursuing was not the joy of "being needed" at all, nor was she wanting to get something.

What she really wanted was the right to choose.

She wants to live on her own will.

Thinking of this, Luo Jia's eyes, which were still a little overwhelmed and even empty, suddenly burst out with a fiery light.

She first glanced timidly at Nagasawa in front of her, then looked at Heribel beside her, and said softly in an extremely firm tone.

"I am willing!"

Hearing Luo Jia's response, Nagasawa couldn't help raising her eyebrows a little depressed.

My invitation to you, what did you say "I do" to Harribel?

What about someone who looks down on me?

Seeing that Luo Jia deliberately avoided Nagasawa's gaze and instead spoke to Harribel, the corners of her mouth hidden under the white mask involuntarily curved slightly.

Seeing this, Nagasawa didn't care much.

He didn't know if it was because of the filter, but he had subconsciously regarded Harribel's as his own.

Without too much entanglement with Luo Jia's "object of allegiance", he skipped the topic directly, and asked softly to Luo Jia who only had one leg left.

“Since you can achieve self-resurrection, can these severed limbs also be restored?”

"Such as super-speed regeneration?"

It seemed that she had gradually become accustomed to this kind of relationship. Facing Nagasawa's question, Luo Jia took courage and answered softly in an extremely quiet voice.

"Strictly speaking, I will not regenerate at a super speed. I will just spin the organs I need through the anti-membrane spinning wheel in my body."

Listening to Luo Jia's description, Nagasawa nodded noncommittally, and then continued to ask.

"Then how long will it take you to recover?"

Hearing this, a look of panic flashed in Luo Jia's eyes.

To be honest, although it was Nagasawa Ya who took the initiative to invite her, she was still full of inferiority in her bones.

She had just chosen the life she wanted and was afraid of being abandoned, so she quickly spoke in a somewhat anxious tone.

"I'm sorry, Lord... the anesthetic injected by Sal Apollo hasn't receded yet."

"That kind of anesthetic will greatly suppress my spiritual pressure and senses. If the effect of the medicine disappears, it only takes a few seconds for me to return to my original state."

", please don't leave me..."

However, before Luo Jia could finish the word "I" in her mouth, she suddenly found herself feeling light.

The next second, I saw Nagasawa, who was carrying it on his body, speaking softly with the same tone.

"If there is nothing here worthy of your nostalgia, then come with us."

...... cut......

PS. This chapter is 3000 words, and I will try to continue to 3000 tonight!

At the same time as the update is released, we can't get rid of the uniform subscription, please continue to support, thank you!

Chapter 262 Madam, sir, has he always been so irritable?

"Aren't you going with us, Asido?"

"Although I want to devote myself to changing the status quo of the virtual circle, I will go back to the world of corpses and souls after all."

In front of the passage from the Daxu Forest to the surface, Nagasawa looked at Asido and said softly.

Hearing this, Asido couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

He didn't answer Nagasawa Ya's question directly, but said in a deep voice to himself.

"The Gotei [-] has no withdrawal system."

"A player has to leave the team due to personal reasons, and if he is still unable to return to the team after a long period of time, he will be expelled."

"I am a Shinigami from Rukongai. I don't have any relatives in Soul Society. It has been hundreds of years since I came to Hueco Mundo. I'm afraid that after the death of Kariya Shiki, Gosuke, and even Kiiganjo, they will still remember me. There are very few people left."

When he said this, Asido's words were full of loneliness.

Whether it's former friends or comrades-in-arms, even the hated people are gone.

Such a place, whether to go back or not, what difference does it make?

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help sighing slightly in her heart.

"Has it been found?"

Hearing this, Asido couldn't help but put on a soft smile on his stern face.

He raised his arm, lightly tapped Nagasawa on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

"Of course. Although my grades are not very good, I am not stupid."

"I am a remnant of the old era. There is no squad that can accommodate me in the new era."

"Besides, if it is true as you said, 'Killian is the wrong way of evolution' is true, then I should stay here and continue my work."

"I... will never let any Kilian go to this world easily."

"Until you find a way to change the world, here, leave it to me."

Hearing this, Nagasawa didn't say anything more, just stared into Asido's eyes, speechless for a long time.

And Harribel, who was standing not far away, and Luo Jia, who had recovered her severed limb, just watched the two of them quietly.

After a long time, Nagasawa turned around and walked towards the exit of the passage very simply, without any hesitation.

Didn't even say "take care" to Asido.

After Asido saw Nagasawa's "rude" behavior, instead of showing any displeasure, a big smile broke out on his stern face.

Nagasawa knows that there are some things that don't need to be explained too clearly.

A man usually does not make a promise easily.

But once he makes up his mind, it means that he is ready to do everything for it.

He... respects Asido's choice.

When he came to Harribel and Luojia, he didn't look back, but said softly to the two daughters.

"Let's go, we... also have things to do."

After all, he kept walking and walked forward first.


The passage from the Daxu Forest to the surface of the virtual circle is very narrow and long, but when Nagasawa and Masa walked out of the passage, they didn't have the feeling of seeing the sun again.

The surface of Hueco Mundo still looks so desolate, and the bright moon hanging high in the sky seems to never set, quietly telling the cruelty between dreams and reality.

Looking at the endless Hueco Mundo, filled with white sand, Nagasawa couldn't help but let out a sigh.

After all, he and Ulquiorra got separated...

Although he only held on to the slightest hope, he had imagined that the moment he walked out of the passage, Ulquiorra's iceberg face that had not changed for thousands of years would appear in front of him in great surprise.

Fortunately, he is not the kind of indecisive person.

In such a huge imaginary circle, if there is no reference object, it is really difficult to grasp the position of oneself.

In addition, after they fell into the Daxu Forest, in order to "seek revenge", they not only followed Asido for a long distance to find Sal Apollo's lair.

When leaving the Great Void Forest, the nine-curve and eighteen-bend corridor led them to an unknown direction.

Now, let alone Nagasawa, even Harribel and Luojia, who are aborigines, couldn't tell where they were for a while.

Fortunately, because the virtual circle is in a state of eternal night all year round, the bright moon hanging high in the sky is the best guide.

Even if you can't recognize where you are, you can always tell the difference between south, south and north.

If you are destined...

However, just as his thoughts reached this point, a rapid sound piercing the air suddenly sounded in the ears of the three of them.

The sudden sound of breaking through the air aroused Helibel's vigilance.

As an aborigine in the virtual circle, she is too familiar with this kind of "raid".

Dang Ji raised the shark pattern sword in his hand and prepared to attack.

It's just that, compared to the vigilant Helibel, Nagasawa's face showed a look of surprise.

Is it really such a coincidence that this will make me meet Ulquiorra?

However, when he raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound of piercing the sky, he saw Yachukas with sharp teeth and flapping wings, who looked like a pterosaur. At an extremely fast speed, it attacked Luo Jia, who was the weakest among the three.

For a moment, the expression on Nagasawa's face was so surprised just now, and now it was so gloomy.

Sure enough, it's not an online novel, how could such a coincidence happen.

Nagasawa, who secretly laughed at herself, felt a little irritable for no reason.

Seeing the pterosaur Yachukas swooping in, he immediately raised his hand and quickly chanted to it.

"The muddy coat of arms reveals faintly, the unruly and arrogant talent; the tide · negation · paralysis · momentary, hinders the eternal sleep. The crawling steel princess, the clay doll that keeps self-mutilation, combines · bounces · extends to the ground, knows Your own powerlessness!"

"The Ninety of the Broken Dao: Black Coffin!"

The terrifying spiritual pressure rushed out like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

The black shadow wall instantly enveloped the swooping pterosaur-type Yachukas even before Harribel took action.

No. 90 Ghost Dao, or No. 90 Ghost Dao in full singing state, did not give the pterosaur type Achukas any chance to resist.

The rolling torrent of gravity, combined with the countless shadow blades spreading out from the shadow wall, tore Nayachukas into pieces that filled the sky almost in an instant.

After finishing all this, Nagasawa seemed to be okay, and under the twitching gazes of Helibel and Luojia, she found a direction and walked on her own.

It wasn't until after walking a few steps that Fang seemed to remember something, turned his head, and asked Helibel softly.

"The location of your companion should be in this direction, right?"

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