"Kill him, Yaweng!"

As the voices of the three fell, the Beast God who had been staring at Bailegang motionlessly, seemed to have received some order.

The wise eyes suddenly opened, and on the thick arms, the muscles bulged like hills.

A fist the size of a real casserole slammed violently at Bailegang in front of him!

And just when Yaweng's fist was about to touch Bailegang, a jet of pitch-black flame enveloped Bailegang's body like a coat of flame.

Faced with the strange flame coat that suddenly appeared, Ya Weng, whose IQ was not online, didn't even know why to back down.

He didn't have the option of "drawing a distance and discussing in the long run" in his mind. Without any pause, the iron fist in his hand, wrapped in a strong wind, hit the rotting skull head of Bailegang directly.


Just the fist wind created by waving his fist seems to tear the air.

The powerful impact made the Yachukas around them stunned.

However, the next second, a strange scene happened.

Just one second before Yaweng's fist was about to land on the skull of Bailegang.

A bone claw that looked as if it would break if broken, which was in stark contrast to Yaweng's thick arm and casserole-like iron fist, actually took his killing blow extremely lightly.

Baile Gang, who was holding the iron fist easily, seemed to have a look of regret on his expressionless face at this moment.

He didn't know whether he was speaking to Yaon in front of him or the three Apaches not far away, he whispered in a complex tone mixed with regret, curiosity, playfulness, and jokes.

"I just don't know if you kill this guy, can you fuse him again and make him exactly the same?"

With the fall of Bailegang's voice, a thin wisp of black smoke, like a prairie fire, spread towards his body along Yawon's casserole-sized iron fist.

And the area where the black smoke passed was completely wiped out in just a split second!

"Ya Weng!?!?!?"

The weird change made the three of Apache couldn't help screaming.

In just one breath, Ya Weng's forearm turned into white bones, and then turned into nothingness.

Perhaps it was finally realizing the power of the thin black smoke, or perhaps it was due to the biological self-protection instinct.

A second before the thin black smoke was about to spread to his forearm, Ya Weng used his other hand to tear off the arm that was entangled in the black smoke up to his shoulder!


The bright red blood sprayed out along the wound on the severed arm, forming a rain of blood all over the sky.

But the beast god who had been hit hard, seemed not to be affected in the slightest. He raised his intact arm, waved his iron fist, and blasted towards Bailegang in front of him again!

"do not want!"

"Yu Weng! Back first!"

"Oops, he's out of control!"

Seeing that Ya Weng was determined to tear the Balegang in front of them into pieces without any care, the three Apaches couldn't help but become anxious.

However, in the face of the call of the "masters".

Ya Weng, who was gradually driven by the animal nature in his heart because of his body trauma, couldn't listen to him at all.

Looking at the beast god who had just suffered a big loss, but still didn't know how to judge the situation, and was dominated by the anger in his chest, there was no appreciation in Bailegang's deep eyes.

"Just relying on instinct to fight, ignorant of reason, ignorant of thinking, such a 'monster' is a defective product."

With a look of disappointment flashing through Bailegang's eyes, the pitch-black battle ax wrapped in black smoke instantly split the iron fist-wielding Yaweng, including his fist and body, into two halves!

"Yu Weng!!!"

A desperate exclamation came from the three of Apache.

As if feeling the despair of the masters, Ya Weng who was split in half did not die immediately.

In his pair of wise eyes, two red and black false flashes condensed in an instant, before the black smoke corroded them completely, and blasted the last blow in his life towards Bailegang!

However, the flame coat wrapped around Bailegang was like an absolute defense.

The virtual flash made of spiritual power was turned into nothingness at a place less than half a meter away from Bailegang!

Looking at Ya Weng who was swallowed up by the black smoke and turned into nothingness.

Look at Bailegang standing proudly in the audience with an invincible attitude.

The three of Apache were desperate.

The gap is too big.

This is simply not an opponent they can handle at this level!

The king of the virtual circle is so terrifying! ?

Looking at the three people who had no intention of fighting, Bailegang seemed to have no interest in continuing to play.

He raised the black battle ax in his hand and prepared to take the lives of the three people before going to settle the score with Hribel.

However, just as he raised the pitch-black battle ax in his hand, a green thunder spear, like a shooting star across the sky, firmly nailed to the position half a step in front of him.

In the next second, a word that sounded calm, as if without any emotion, appeared in everyone's ears.

"Delicate elk, impulsive lioness, venomous white snake."

"It should be the three of you."

...... cut......

PS. It was written and written, it was 4:[-], outrageous...

Chapter 267 A certain Mr. Nagasawa who wishes to remain anonymous

The emerald-green spiriton lightsaber exuded a terrifying coercion, even if it was simply nailed to the ground, it made the Achukas who surrounded the three of Apache feel a very strong sense of threat.

That is the level suppression from the deepest part of the soul when the lower-level Daxu faces the highest-level Daxu.

They all raised their heads and looked towards the direction where the Lingzi lightsaber was coming from, but they found that at some point, a young man with a handsome appearance and a pair of wings like a devil was standing on the bright moon. Underneath, like a demon overlooking the world, watching them quietly.

And with the appearance of that young man, it meant that the Balegang side had completely lost its air supremacy.

The bright red blood seemed to be raining blood from the sky.

The four Yachukas with different shapes, respectively having the appearance of Griffin, Goshawk, Hornet, and Ootengu, seemed to have their souls taken away by the great demon standing in the sky.

All of them who had been cut into two fell weakly from the sky, and then fell to the ground, slowly turning into Mantian Lingzi.

Looking at the flying species of Achukas who was chopped down into the sky, the Achukas present, including the three of Apache, swallowed their saliva in unison.

They didn't find out how the young man made the move at all.

When they looked up, the young man appeared quietly just like when he appeared, and then... silently reaped his life!

For a while, the audience was silent, only Balegon, who was just about to kill Apache and others, raised his neck slightly, watching Ulquiorra who entered in disorder.

On the other hand, Ulquiorra nailed his own eyes firmly to Balegon.

That appearance, as if there are dozens of people present, except for Bailegang, all of them are chickens and dogs.

Seeing this, instead of being angry, Balegon became more and more interested in Ulquiorra, and with interest in his eyes, he immediately said softly.

"I haven't seen you before, strange Vastord, are you here to save them?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed lightly at the three Apaches who each had an arm broken off and looked extremely embarrassed.

Hearing this, Ulquiorra's gaze immediately followed Balegon's finger to the three of Apache.

A mixture of vigilance and hope burst out from the eyes of the three of them.

Whether human or virtual, when faced with despair, there will always be hope for someone to lend a helping hand.

But the only difference from human beings is that the Daxu who have long been accustomed to intrigue and the jungle prey on the weak have never given up the vigilance in their hearts even when facing hope.

However, Ulquiola didn't seem to care about the suspicion and vigilance in the eyes of the Apache three.

Or it should be said that if it wasn't for Nagasawa Ya, he wouldn't have cared about these three Yachukas who had never met before.

He just glanced at the three of them lightly, then his eyes fell on Bailegang again, and he replied in a cold tone.

"If they are Harribel's companions, then I am indeed here to save them."


The familiar name made the faces of the two parties show completely different expressions.

Compared to the gloomy look on Balegon's side, the faces of the three of Apache were simply not too happy.

This is a monster of the Valstord level!

It is a powerful existence on the same level as Harribel!

They once learned from Helibel that when Da Xu evolved to the level of Valstord, he would no longer need to devour Xu to increase his strength.

When Ulquiorra uttered Helibel's name and admitted that he came to rescue them, a brighter light of hope burst out in their eyes.

However, after hearing Ulquiorra's answer, Balegon did not show any surprise, but continued to speak.

"You are very good."

"To be honest, when I got rid of that monster just now, I actually felt a little pity in my heart."

"But after seeing you, that pity disappeared in an instant."

"Although I don't know when you got involved with Harribel, but these are not important."

"Join the old man's command, a guy like you shouldn't be unknown."

"You and I join forces to integrate Hueco Mundo. Even if we can counterattack Soul Society, it won't be difficult."

"As long as you agree, the old man can ignore your behavior just now, and even let these three guys go."

"However, if you refuse..."

"My subordinates don't just kill anyone they want!"

As he said that, Bailegang didn't even look at the spirit sword that was only half a meter away from him. There was a thick skeleton foot, as if he was completely unaware of the spirit sword in front of his feet. Stepped straight up.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, the Lingzi lightsaber that was still exuding a terrifying aura just now, just like the false flash that Yaweng made before he died, could not even touch Bailegang's body , turned into nothingness.

Seeing his spirit sword being turned into nothingness, Ulquiorra didn't show any surprise on his face, as if he had expected it, and just stared at Bailegang so quietly.

Bailegang's words can be described as a combination of soft and hard, showing not only his grand ambitions, but also his powerful strength.

To be honest, if it were Da Xu who was a little weaker, after this operation, he would probably just accept his head and bow down.

Even if he met Helibel or Saar Apollo, the other party would be able to talk to him more or less.

Unfortunately, the person he ran into was Ulquiorra.

First of all, Ulquiorra had no interest in becoming Balegang's subordinate.

Secondly, during a small chat, he learned from someone that there was an old man in the soul world, but he could beat someone up.

As for Mr. Nagasawa, an ordinary god of death who did not want to be named.

If he fights with that old man, it will be [-]-[-] at best.

Well, the one that kills him nine times in one minute is 1 out of [-].

Ulquiola boasted that even he could only have six or four sex with someone at most, no more than seven or three at most.

If there really was an old man of that level, the ambitious plan to counterattack the world of souls that Bailegang talked about would be no different from Fameng.

In the end, his character is just like his cold appearance. Although he doesn't like to kill indiscriminately, when facing the enemy, he basically follows the principle of being able to fight and not forcing too much.

Obviously, Bailegang is not the kind of existence that can persuade him to retreat with a few words.

Therefore, the witty Ulquiorra decisively chose to skip the pre-battle mutual choke link.

In the next second, a long sword of spiritual particles condensed from high-concentration spiritual particles suddenly appeared in his palm.

...... cut......

PS. You can watch Slam Dunk Movie next weekend, yay!

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