Chapter 268 Eat me with an Armstrong cyclotron jet Armstrong cannon


As fast as Ulquiola rushed forward, so fast was the speed of flying backwards.

Ulquiorra, who landed on a white sand dune in a panic, first glanced at his right arm with a stern expression.

Immediately, without hesitation, he waved the Moonlight Sword in his hand, chopping off his right arm, which was covered in black smoke and had already begun to rapidly corrode towards his body, at shoulder length.

Looking at the severed arm that fell to the ground and completely turned into nothingness in less than a breath, Ulquiorra's brows furrowed slightly.

To be honest, he watched the whole process no matter when Balegon killed Yaon in an instant, or when the opponent stepped on the Moonlight Sword he shot.

Although he didn't know what kind of ability the other party had that could turn everything it touched, including the spirit attack including the false flash, into nothingness.

But he speculated that it was most likely related to the strange flame coat wrapped around Bailegang.

For this reason, he deliberately gave up the long-distance attack he was good at, and wielding a moonlight sword, he went up to fight with Bailegang in hand-to-hand combat.

After all, as far as the protection range of the flame coat is concerned, there are still many parts of Bailegang's body that are outside the protection range.

As long as he carefully avoids the flame coat and hits Bailegang's head, he can kill with one blow!

However, the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

Although Ulquiola and Balegon are both Vastod, but compared to the veteran tile-level master of Balegon, Ulquiola is as good as Bailegan in terms of ability and melee combat. Le Gon is not in a class.

It was just a simple confrontation, and like a baseball, he was blasted out with a home run by Bailegang, who was holding a giant axe.

Ulquiola, who stood up, patted the white sand stained on his body casually.

In just a short while, his shoulder-length broken right arm returned to its original appearance.

Super-speed regeneration, one of Ulquiola's talents.

As long as the internal organs and brain are not injured, other parts of the body can be regenerated in a very short time after being destroyed.

This is also the reason why he chose the strong man to cut off his wrist without hesitation after being contaminated by the black smoke.

However, it was also because he actually felt the power contained in the black smoke with his own body.

Ulquiola probably guessed what Balegon's ability was.

On the other side, Ulquiorra, whose broken arm was regenerated in just a blink of an eye.

Even if the speed of this regeneration has already surpassed most Daxu, there is no surprise in Bailegang's eyes.

In his long life, he has seen too much of this level of power, and the only thing that can make his emotions fluctuate a little is nothing but regret for Ulquiola.

"It seems that the negotiation has broken down..."

Dragging the pitch-black battle ax in his hand, like the executioner Maquini in Resident Evil, he walked slowly towards Ulquiola step by step towards Balegon, and said in a deep voice as he walked.

"Your super-speed regeneration is indeed remarkable. Even in Valstord, there are very few people who can regenerate faster than you."

"But this ability can only delay your death a little bit."

"The power I have is aging!"

"Everything in this world will grow old and die from my side."

"Time is the strongest, most decisive, and invincible death ability. I don't know how many times your super-speed regeneration can save you in the face of such a power?"

Listening to Balegon's description, the pupils in Ulquiola's eyes could not help but condense slightly, revealing the look of "it really is".

Just now, the moment his arm was stained with the thin black smoke, he could clearly feel that his arm did not turn into nothingness because of some "destructive" force.

Instead, it began to age rapidly at an extraordinary speed that seemed to be ten thousand years in a second.

The power of time has always been one of the most unsolvable abilities.

With this kind of ability, Bailegang can be said to have naturally stood on the undefeated high ground.

What's even more troublesome is that when he was corroded by the power of aging, he could feel that his super-speed regeneration seemed to have completely disappeared, and he was completely powerless against the power of decay.

If he wanted to defeat this kind of power head-on, he really couldn't think of any better way other than possessing an extraordinary, crushing level of spiritual pressure.

However, just as he was thinking about distancing himself first and thinking about how to fight next, Baile Gang over there did not intend to give him much breathing space.

After introducing his abilities in a tone that was almost like a winner's declaration, Bailegang, who was dragging his battle ax slowly forward just a second ago, disappeared from everyone's eyes in an instant.

When he reappeared, the pitch-black battle ax in his hand had already gathered all his strength, and when he swung it round, he slashed at Ulquiola!


The pitch-black battle ax collided fiercely with the emerald green moonlight sword.

However, it was just a cover-up effort, the Moonlight Sword in Ulquiola's hand quickly turned into nothingness like butter cut by a red-hot knife.

Facing the onslaught of Balegon, Ulquiola had no choice but to rely on his flexible figure, while keeping a distance from Balegon, while using the Moonlight Sword as a throwing weapon, he kept throwing it at Balegon. , slowing down the opponent's approaching pace.

However, in the face of the Moonlight Sword that was coming at a rapid pace, Bailegang seemed not to see it at all, and allowed the spirit son lightsaber containing terrifying power to fall on him.

"Whether it's you or Helibel, in the face of my aging power, in addition to keeping a distance and using this painless spiritual attack, I can only rely on the power of super-speed regeneration to abandon the decayed body in time. organ."

"To be honest, I'm already a little tired of your behavior like ants challenging elephants."

"It's time to end this pathetic farce!"

Balegon's speed is very fast, especially the posture of rushing against Ulquiola's output, which brings a sense of "invincible" oppression to people.

Even Apache and the others, who were watching the battle from a distance, felt two wars, and wished that they would teleport away from the terrifying king of the virtual circle immediately.

As the target of Balegon's attack, Ulquiola bears the brunt!

A vicious slash, with just one blow, the moonlight sword that Ulquiorra used to parry was cut off along with his arm.

However, before Ulquiola blocked the black smoke from the severed arm, he chopped off his own wound to prevent the black smoke from corroding his body.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when he raised his broken arm, Bailegang actually turned his wrist. The double-edged battle ax in his hand did not even need to reverse the blade, and he swung an overhead kick from the bottom up. , and cut off Ulquiorra's left arm that he used to come back for help.

In just two breaths, Ulquiorra, who was evenly matched with Balegon just now, lost both arms!

"Long live His Majesty Bailegang!"

"Don't think that being the same as Valstord can be equal to His Majesty Bailegang, you bastard!"

"Smelly brat, where did your arrogance just go!? Hahahahahaha!"

Balegon's seemingly invincible posture immediately attracted the applause of the surrounding Achukas.

Some Yachukas who were not of high quality even breathed out their fragrance at Ulquiola.

Compared to the excitement of Balegon's side, the three Apaches in the distance looked like mourners. The light of hope that had just appeared in their eyes turned into a look of despair in an instant.

After Balegon showed the almost invincible aging power, they couldn't see any hope of a comeback.

In fact, it is exactly so.

Under the corruption of the power of aging, Ulquiola's super-speed regeneration simply cannot compete with it.

He who lost his arms was a bit overwhelmed just to face the decay of the power of aging, let alone Bailegang who was already murderous, and he didn't intend to give him any chance to breathe.

Even at this moment, he was about to condense the dark green flash of Wang Xu in his mouth, trying to gain some space.

Bailegang also put on an aura that he would rather eat his false flash than cut it in half on the spot!


The pitch-black battle ax struck down hard from top to bottom, and a touch of freehand joy flashed across Bailegang's eyes.

However, just when his battle ax pierced Ulquiorla's yet-to-be-condensed Wang Xu flash, and was about to split it into two pieces.

Ulquiorra, who was supposed to be in front of him, actually disappeared before his eyes out of thin air.

The sudden change made Bailegang's deep eyes narrow slightly, and even the carefree smile remained in his eyes at this moment.


The pitch-black battle ax that had lost its target landed on the white sand, setting off a huge cloud of smoke.

And when the smoke cleared, there was no Ulquiorra under his battle axe.

It wasn't until this time that he was really sure that Ulquiorra had truly disappeared before his eyes.

"This is how the same thing?"

The cooked duck just flew away, which immediately made Bailegang feel displeased.

But before he raised his head to look for Ulquiorra, the Yachukas who were watching around shouted in unison.

"Be careful, Your Majesty!!!"

The reminder from his subordinates made Bailegang, who was already in a bad mood, frown.

And just when he raised his head, he looked towards a direction where a high-energy reaction was coming from.

A dark green Wang Xu flash, accompanied by a crisp sound, suddenly appeared in front of his eyes!

"Eat me an Armstrong Cyclotron Jet Armstrong Cannon!"

Armstrong Armstrong cyclotron jet gun?

What kind of weird moves?

...... cut......

PS. I originally wanted to finish writing it earlier, but it turned out that the writing was so stuck that I was stunned until now and it’s really cracking...

Chapter 269 I've Been Underestimated

When Bailegang looked up at the high-energy beam that shot towards him rapidly, he suddenly felt a little numb.

Madhu, isn’t it Wang Xu’s shining light?

What the hell is the Armstrong Cyclotron Jet Armstrong Cannon! ?

Bai Legang is not a person who likes to joke, he can even be said to be an old man without humor.

When he heard the name of this outrageous move, he subconsciously felt that the person calling the move was playing tricks on him.

Coupled with the inexplicable disappearance of Ulquiorra who was about to be chopped under the ax by him, Balegon felt a burst of irritability for no reason.

Facing that bullshit Armstrong cyclotron jet Armstrong cannon, he seemed to regard it as an object of venting his anger.

Seeing that he had no intention of dodging, Balegon, who slowly straightened up, just gently swung the battle ax in his hand towards the hot beam of light that was shooting rapidly.


The battle ax wrapped in the power of aging seems to be transformed into a peerless magic weapon that splits mountains and seas at this moment.

The flash of Wang Xu, which contained powerful power, hit the ax blade without any resistance at the moment, using the ax blade as the origin, forming two bifurcations, one on the left and one on the right.

Wang Xu, who had been forked, flashed, and his castration remained unabated. Yachukas, one of Bailegang's subordinates, had no time to react because of this unexpected line change, and he was hit directly.

The aftermath, which was only weakened by half, actually devoured Yachukas at the moment it hit it, leaving no residue.

Seeing the miserable situation of their companions, the Achukas of the Balegon Army all showed expressions of fear.

Subconsciously, they all took half a step back.

This area can no longer bring them any sense of security.

The aftermath of the battle alone is enough to take their lives. Obviously, this is no longer a battle they can easily watch.

If it wasn't for the fact that the "king" Bailegang was still here, they would even turn their heads and run away without hesitation.

However, just the aftermath was enough to flash Wang Xu, who was directly vaporized by Yachukas, but it couldn't hurt Bailegang at all.

After watching the beam of light dissipate and turn into spirit particles all over the sky, two ravines were plowed out with the blade of Bailegang as the origin.

Following Ulquiola's shoulders, Nagasawa, who casually chopped off Ulquiola's pair of broken arms, couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

"Fuck, Hou Sailei's ax technique!?"

The appearance of Nagazawa was obviously beyond Ulquiorra's expectations.

Even he himself, who was saved by him from Bailegang, didn't know how he was saved.

It's just obvious that he knows now is not the time to dwell on these issues.

After being cut off by Nagasawa Masa to cut off the severed arm stained with the black smoke of the power of aging, his super-speed regeneration returned to normal again, and began to regenerate his arms.

At the same time, a nimble figure appeared beside him at the same time.

Helibel first gave Ulquiorra a grateful look.

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