It can be seen from the state of the Apache three.

The three of them have exhausted all their means and are at the end of their rope.

If Ulquiorra hadn't helped, the three of them would have been no match for Balegang.

Immediately, she quickly shifted her gaze to Bailegang, and asked softly while being wary of the other's movements.

"Are you all right, Ulquiorra."

Facing Helibel's question, Ulquiola shook his head lightly, and then spoke quickly to Nagasawa and Helibel in a somewhat eager tone without waiting for his arm to return to its original shape.

"Be careful, his ability is aging. Once he touches the ax or the flame coat on his body, the power of aging will stick to his body like a gangrene. It can only be effective after the part that has been contaminated is discarded."

Ulquiola succinctly recounted his fight with Balegon just now.

Hearing this, Nagasawa nodded slightly involuntarily.

When he and Harribel were rushing towards the meeting point, they saw many traces of fighting along the way.

Coupled with the sudden burst of high-intensity spiritual pressure in the distance, he and Harribel, who realized something was wrong, immediately let go of the slower Luo Jia, and rushed towards the direction of the battle at the fastest speed.

Fortunately, his luck has always been good.

Although he failed to find Ulquiorra immediately after leaving the Great Void Forest.

But he was able to save him in time when Bailegang was about to cut off the opponent's head.

Nagasawa already felt that she was lucky enough.

Immediately, he who supported Ulquiola to stand up also looked at the King of the Void Circle in the distance.

For this future No.20 blade, to be honest, he is very afraid.

Judging from the power shown in the original plot of "BLEACH", the power of aging is simply not too BUG.

Zhanquan Zougui, whether it is a physical blow or a spiritual attack, the opponent can easily rot with the power of aging.

His flash of Wang Xu just now is the best example.

The only flaw is probably the transfer of the opponent's power of corruption to the inside of his body, and defeating the opponent by internally conquering it, as the former Ogre's deputy priest Ariakita Bogen did in the original plot.

It's a pity that he doesn't know that level of high-level ghost magic at all.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel even more headache when he looked at Bailegang.

However, in the face of his gaze, Balegon simply glanced at him, and then set his eyes on Helibel with a look of contempt.

Obviously, the other party has just saved Ulquiorra and rewarded him with Wang Xu's flash, and recorded it on Helibel's head.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help showing a weird look on her face.

Is he... being looked down upon?

Really underestimated...

When he realized this, he immediately showed an incredible look.

You're a fucking skull, you don't even have a piece of meat on your face, why can you have such rich expressions on your face! ?

For a moment, he didn't even know whether to complain or not.

While he was in a daze for a while, Bailegang, who casually put the battle ax in his hand on his shoulder, looked at Helibel with a look of disdain and said in a deep voice.

"We meet again, Harribel."

"This time, I won't let you escape so easily."

"Whether it's you or that Varstord, let's leave your life here."

Listening to Balegon's almost death-announcing words, Helibel frowned slightly.

However, before she could say anything, Nagasawa took the lead and stood in front of her, speaking softly in an undeniable tone.

"Leave this unlucky item of the COS Bone King to me."

...... cut......

PS. I went to see a movie this afternoon and found a massager installed on the seat of the theater.

I thought about it, watching a movie, it’s good to be comfortable, it’s only 20 yuan an hour, and I just scanned the QR code for an hour.

When I was watching a movie, I was more engrossed, but I didn't think there was anything wrong. After I came out, I found that my whole back was numb...

You're so stupid, you still can't take advantage of it!

Chapter 2 Seventy: I am Qin Shihuang




Looking at Nagasawa who came out more and more, a question mark popped up in the minds of Balegon, Helibel, and Ulquiola.

It's not disrespect for Nagasawa.

It's just that Ulquiola felt that even he had no power to resist when facing Balegon.

If he goes to Nagasawa, who is just as good as him and even slightly inferior, he will probably die faster.

He even began to wonder if there was something wrong with his expression, and whether he should explain Balegang's ability again.

As for Harribel, he had a headache and helped his forehead.

Indeed, the fact that Nagasawa was able to kill Apollo Vastodessar without any injuries was somewhat beyond her expectations.

But Saar Apollo is not at the same level as Balegon at all.

Not to mention a one-on-one fight, she even suspected that even if the three of them joined forces, they might not be able to kill Bailegang.

The only thing that makes her more gratified is that with the help of Nagasawa and Ulquiola, there should be no problem in getting out.

After all, facing the encirclement and suppression of Bailegang, although she almost survived every time, it is not the first time she has successfully broken through.

She believes that this time, she can still do it.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help wanting to remind Nagasawa Ya, hoping that the other party could restrain herself a little and cooperate with the team.

However, before she had time to say what was in her mouth, Bailegang, who was on the opposite side, opened her mouth first.

If it is said that Helibel and Ulquiola were very surprised after hearing Nagasawa's declaration of war, then as the target of the declaration of war, Balegon saw naked contempt in his eyes.

I saw that the king of the virtual circle didn't even look at Nagasawa Ya, but just raised his chin proudly, and said in a low voice to Helibel in an arrogant tone.

"I thought those three chicks were already ignorant enough, but I didn't expect there to be a more short-sighted frog here."

"Oh, it's still a god of death?"

As he said that, Bailegang seemed to think of something, but he couldn't help laughing out loud.


"Halibel, you didn't want to save your life from me, so you took refuge in Soul Soul Realm?"

"If that's the case, you have to choose at least the five nobles, or someone at the level of the captain of the Thirteenth Guarding Team."

"Your taste is really poor, whether it's choosing subordinates, opponents, or allies."

"Honestly, I'm really disappointed in you."

Bailegang's words immediately attracted the astonishment of all Achukas, including the three Apaches.

It happened so suddenly that they didn't have time to see who rescued Ulquiorra.

Harribel's appearance attracted most of their attention.

It wasn't until Bailegang exposed Nagasawa's identity that they suddenly realized that there was actually a god of death here! ?

In addition to being stationed in the real world, Shinigami usually do not act alone in Hueco Mundo.

A god of death appeared in the virtual circle very abruptly, and even got together with Harribel...

For a while, they all speculated about Nagasawa Ya's purpose.

However, in the face of Bailegang's ridicule, Chang Zeya looked indifferent.

"Have you always had so many words?"

"The king of the virtual circle?"

There is a limit to human patience.

After being provoked by Nagasawa two times in a row, Balegon, who was still jokingly teasing Helibel, finally turned his eyes to Nagasawa who was standing in front of Helibel.

"Are you in such a hurry to die? Death."

As he said that, a glint of killing intent and disgust flashed in his deep eyes.

However, facing his threat, Nagasawa asked with a dazed expression as if she suddenly remembered something.

"Speaking of allies, your allies are the Kuchiki family, right?"

"Oh no, it should be said that they were former allies."

"After I killed that old guy Kuchiki Jinshi, the Kuchiki branch didn't have the guts to collude with the virtual circle."

"Besides, I don't think a mere head of the Kuchiki family can reach a cooperative alliance with you."

"After all, you don't even like me, do you?"

"Presumably, your ally should be an even more remarkable existence?"

As she said that, a strange self-deprecating smile appeared on Nagasawa Ya's face.

However, after hearing her words, Bailegang looked at him with an increasingly dangerous gaze.

Bailegang suddenly realized that he seemed to have underestimated the god of death in front of him, so he couldn't help asking quietly.

"Who exactly are you?"

"What's the purpose of coming to Hueco Mundo?"

However, in the face of his question, Nagasawa showed no intention of answering and continued speaking as if talking to himself.

"Let me think about it, let me think about it, you just mentioned the five nobles and the captain of the Gotei [-], right?"

"With Mr. Yamamoto here, even if someone in the Gotei [-] has different intentions, it will be difficult to cause any trouble."

"So, is it the five nobles?"

"The Kuchiki family, the Sifengin family, and the Shiba family are our own people. First of all, we can rule it out. The other family even withdrew early from the center of the storm, Seireitei, and lived a life of indifference to the world."

"Then... only the Tsunayashiro family is left."

"I didn't expect that the famous King of Hueco Mundo would actually be a lackey of the Tsunayashiro family?"

Listening to Nagasawa's analysis, the chill in Bailegang's deep eyes became even colder.

Although he didn't know how Masa Nagasawa ruled out the Kuchiki family, the Sifengin family, and the Shiba family, the final deduction made by the other party pointed to the vital point.

It is a huge scandal for the four nobles to cooperate with the nominal ruler of the virtual circle.

Once exposed, the Tsunayashiro family will definitely dispose of his former collaborator at all costs.

Although he has always been confident in his own strength, he has not reached the point of conceit.

Otherwise, he would have led the Void Group to counterattack the Soul Soul Realm just like Sal Apollo did back then.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but asked Nagasawa Yayou.

"Little devil, who are you?"

Hearing this, a mocking smile appeared on Nagasawa's face.

"Me? I'm just a god of death who doesn't know the heights of the world, isn't it?"

"you said."

It seemed that he could hear the dissatisfaction in Nagasawa's words, and he was not annoyed, but continued to ask.

"Little ghost, if I say that as long as you are willing to join my subordinates, I can ignore your behavior just now, do you believe it?"

Hearing this, the mocking look on Nagasawa's face couldn't help but become stronger.

"Do you believe what you say, or do you believe that I am Qin Shihuang?"

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