...... cut......

PS. I’m too sleepy. I have to go to work tomorrow. I can’t hold on any longer. I’ll just do 4K today and keep working hard tomorrow!

Chapter 271 It's time to show the real technology

Balegang: "..."

Although I don't know who Qin Shihuang is.

But even he himself would rather believe that Nagasawa is Qin Shihuang than his own lies.

After being silent for four and one-third seconds, Bailegang seemed to have completed a severe cut with the innocent self just now.

He completely forgot what he said just now, as if nothing had happened, he said quietly to Nagasawa Ya and others.

"You guys, don't even think about leaving this place alive today..."

However, before he could finish his words, Masa Nagasawa directly pulled out the Zanpakuto hanging from his waist.

"The sky and water are of the same color, they are all my realm."


The golden psychic liquid field spread out suddenly, and in just a split second, all of the Balegon army was included in it.

What only made Nagazeya feel a little solemn was that his invincible power that had never failed unexpectedly encountered Waterloo on Bailegang.

The high-concentration spiritual particles that were solidified to a near-liquid state, about 30 centimeters away from Balegon, seemed to have touched a black hole that could swallow everything. The moment all the spiritual liquid touched that area, it turned into a A piece of nothingness.

This also means that his almost 100% hit and unavoidable means cannot break through the "aging" coat wrapped around Bailegang at all.

Thinking of this, his heart sank slightly.

However, despite the incomparable fear of Bailegang in his heart, the movements in Nagasawa Ya's hands were not slow.

The reason why he skipped the stage of probing directly and released the Zanpakuto so quickly.

Although there is a feeling that "in case I am the chosen one, Zanpakuto is all-pervasive, punching Yamamoto, stepping on Aizen, even Yuhabach is no more than a chicken and a dog, and the mere Bailegang is not worth mentioning" The idea is in.

But, Nagasawa has always felt that she is a down-to-earth person, and this kind of unrealistic and fake thinking is unacceptable.

Therefore, after liberating the Narcissus, he spoke quickly to Luojia, who arrived a step behind him and Harribel.

"The decision is yours, Luojia!"



Obviously, Luo Jia, who just arrived, doesn't know what "PLANA" Nagasawa is talking about.

And what made him even more confused was that he always felt that Nagasawa's tone of voice was a bit strange.

Confused, she immediately showed a look of embarrassment.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but sigh softly.

"Sorry, I overlooked our tacit understanding."

Nagasawa always felt that he was a generous person and dared to admit his mistakes.

He did not criticize Luo Jia for anything, and then continued.

"Luojia, use the copying slime on the three of us!"

Although Nagasawa Masa's tone still sounded a bit strange, this time, Luo Jia understood the meaning of his words.

Then, the anti-membrane silk spinning wheel in her body started running at full speed as if it had received some instructions.

The next second, she hit her belly and suddenly spurted out a stream of black juice towards Nagasawa and others, just like what Sal Apollo did when he faced Nagasawa.

Facing the unknown black juice, Ulquiola instinctively wanted to dodge.

However, just when he was about to dodge, he found a big hand, who did not know when it started, but suddenly grabbed his wrist.

Some astonished gazes fell on Nagasawa Ya, but what met him was Nagasawa Ya's smirk.

If it wasn't for the decent trust in Nagasawa Yana, he would have wanted to throw the Moonlight Sword at this handsome face.

It was this brief moment of astonishment that made Ulquiola miss the best time to dodge.

To be honest, Bailegang was a little surprised at first when he saw the sudden appearance of the spider-type Yachukas "attacking" Nagasawa Ya and others.

He thought it was the "infighting" between Nagasawa and Ya's group.

This also caused him to miss the opportunity to explode when he saw Nagasawa Ya release Zanpakuto.

Immediately, under his surprised gaze, the black juice splashed on the bodies of Nagazeya and the others like splashing ink.

However, in the next second, something that surprised him happened.

One after another, Nagasawa Ya was born from the black ink, and it was not until ten copies of Nagasawa Ya that looked exactly like Nagasawa Ya appeared that they stopped breeding.

The same goes for Helibel and Ulquiola at the side.

Eleven Nagasawa, eleven Ulquiorra, and eleven Harribel!

In less than three breaths, the original team of only four people instantly expanded into an "army" of 34 people!

Looking at the changes in front of them, Bailegang's subordinates screamed directly.

"Hey, are you kidding me? Eleven Harribel!?"

"There is also that unknown Vastord, his strength is not weaker than Helibel's!"

"There are more than [-] Varstords... This power, let alone His Majesty Bailegang, is not a problem even if it is a flat push..."

"Idiot! What are you talking about!?"

"It should only be a copy with partial strength. If you can separate ten of you with 100% strength, there is no need for this war to continue."

"It is true to say so, but even if it is only one-tenth of the power of the deity, the accumulation of quantity is enough to cause a qualitative change."

For Heliber's strength, no one knew better than the Balegon Army who had been besieging her.

When they saw Helibel whose number exceeded double digits, and Ulquiorra whose number also exceeded double digits, the intense fear directly devoured the little rationality in their hearts.

If there weren't some people with extraordinary knowledge in the Balegang army, I'm afraid that even if their "king" was still standing on the front line, these "soldiers" would have mutinied and fled.

Listening to the noise coming from far away, this time, Nagasawa didn't pay attention to the other party's contempt.

Indeed, in terms of spiritual pressure, he only has fifth-level spiritual power, but in terms of deterrence, he is indeed not as intuitive as Ulquiola and Harribel.

But he has an advantage that neither of them has.

After Luo Jia saw the army of clones he had summoned, she couldn't help showing a smug look on her face.

Obviously, the power of anti-membrane silk surprised her.

Although she has no way to replicate a replica with nearly 50% of the combat power of the deity like Saar Apollo, and there is no way to increase the number of replicas by splitting.

However, the clone she created can still replicate nearly 20% of the original's power, and has a limit of ten single clones.

And more importantly, if Nagasawa and Harribel in the future can really develop a way to continue to become stronger without devouring their own kind.

As an artificial person, once her strength reaches or surpasses the original ability user Saar Apollo, the clones she can create will also become stronger.

Even copying 100% of the original's combat power may not be impossible.

However, what surprised Luo Jia was that this complacency did not last for too long.

In just one or two breaths, the pride on her face slowly turned into confusion, and then into panic.

The army of clones that had surprised her at first seemed to have turned into fright at this moment.

She found she couldn't control the duplicates.

It was as if the moment she created these duplicates, her control over the duplicates was cut off directly.

In panic, she hurriedly retreated, and then shouted loudly with a panicked look on her face.

"Ma'am! Sir! Run! I can't control these replicas!"

Hearing Luo Jia's words, Helibel, who was almost surrounded by the army of clones, immediately raised the great shark pattern sword in his hand vigilantly.

However, before she could attack, Nagasawa Ya's voice entered her cochlea.

"Don't worry, I have taken over the control of these replicas."

Hearing this, Luojia and Harribel couldn't help but look slightly stunned.

In the next second, their astonished expressions immediately turned into a sudden daze.

At this moment, they seemed to understand how Nagazeya defeated Sal Apollo.

Nagasawa, who felt the pleasure of N opening an account again, showed a satisfied look on her face.

Although the account controlled is still not a full-level account, in terms of spiritual pressure and combat power, the 20% combat power of Harribel and Ulquiorra clones is no closer than those cloned by Sal Apollo. The clone with [-]% combat power is too weak.

Hearing that the control of the clone was taken away by Nagazawa, Luojia and Harribel couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

What they just don't understand is that they are also controlling the replicas. Obviously Luo Jia, who has the ability, can control the replicas army very well. Why does Nagasawa go to the extra trouble to snatch the control?

However, what Nagasawa didn't tell them was that there were two considerations in the reason why he would seize control.

He had previously seized control of Saar Apollo, and he discovered it when manipulating the replica.

These replicas are not intelligent.

They only have a very simple attack mode, which Nagasawa calls "automatic attack mode".

Even a capable person like Saar Apollo, at most, gave an order for a general attack.

But after these replicas were controlled by his Narcissus, he discovered that there was an extra attack mode that could be controlled out of thin air.

For this mode, Masa Nagasawa called it "manual attack mode"!

After Narcissus established a close connection with these replicas, he found that his consciousness seemed to be divided into thirty equal parts, and it seemed that there was only one part.

As an old guy who has come all the way from StarCraft and experienced WAR3, 3C, DOTA, DOTA2, Masa Nagasawa reacted immediately.

Isn’t this thing just about fucking too much?

When Nagasawa realized this.

The dead memories seemed to come back suddenly.

It's time to show the real technology!

...... cut......

PS. Today I suddenly found that I have an extra superpower, which can be sensed through the body. From tomorrow, there is a high probability that it will start to rain on my side.

Sure enough, after checking the weather forecast, the perception was correct!

Chapter 272 Tactics, You Don’t Understand Even I Tell You

As an Internet-addicted teenager who once fantasized about playing in professional leagues, Masa Nagasawa's multi-playing skills are extremely strong.

He believed that these clones could exert a more powerful effect than Luojia in his hands.

As for the second level of consideration...

To be honest, although these clones are not as powerful as the real ones, even the 20% Ulquiola and Helibel are not underestimated by anyone.

Especially with the blessing of numbers, it is not too easy to slaughter those Yachukas under Bailegang.

This will cause the biggest problem.

That is the safety of capable users.

When faced with abilities that are difficult to deal with, the most common solution is to deal with the ability person.

This is basic common sense.

Once Luojia becomes the target of Bailegang, she can almost say that she has no ability to resist.

However, if the ability user is distinguished from the operator, the result will be different.

Once the ability user who is heavily protected cannot be killed in a short period of time, then Masa Nagasawa, who is coquettish, will become the next target of fire.

In order to save Luojia's life, he has gone to great lengths.

As for why he didn't choose to copy Bailegang...

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